Between The Lakes
It's been a week at this school, and overall, it's been pretty good. No one has asked me why I squint all the time, or why I always rest my head on my desk, or why I always have to do a double-take on just about everything I look at. No one has noticed that I am different. I decide to take it easy this weekend, and just read some novels. I can't really play video games, cause the bright screen and flashing images make my eyes hurt. Jazzy and I were supposed to go to the mall today, but we ditched the idea because Jazzy had last-minute plans. Soon, the daytime starts to fade away, resulting in a nice, peaceful evening. My phone pings, and I realize I had just gotten a text from Elijah.
Elijah: hey
Kyra: hi, what's up?
Elijah: nothing much. I was wondering if you were free tonight.
My eyes flutter wide open. Is it possible? Is he asking me out on a date? No, it can't be.
Elijah: No, wait, not like, a date or anything.
Elijah: cause that would be weird
Elijah: and we just met each other 5 days ago.
Elijah: unless u want it to be a date
Elijah: but u probably don't.
Elijah: but like, it would be pretty cool if it was a date.
Elijah: am I spamming u?
I roll my eyes.
Kyra: Elijah. Stop rambling. What is it going to be? A date or no?
Elijah: um, in between?
I roll my eyes again.
Kyra: Fine. I'll meet you at the neighborhood park.
Elijah: ok.
Wow, he's an idiot. I get ready and walk to the park. It was about a block away from my house. I soon see Elijah walking towards the park, hugging himself to block out the cold. Once he sees me, his face lights up.
"Hey!" He says.
"Hi," I say back.
More silence.
I break the awkward silence.
"So, where are you taking me?" I question.
"Sssshhh. I can't tell you. It's a surprise." He responds. I roll my eyes.
"Whatever. Let's get a move-on. I'm cold." I say. Elijah and I start walking towards his secret place. We rarely talk, which I guess was predictable. After what seemed like forever, he stops himself and I in front of a bunch of trees.
"You dragged me out in the cold... JUST TO LOOK AT TREES?" I yell at him.
"What? No! We need to walk on the trail to get to the location." He says, as he points to a dirt trail. I am a little hesitant to walk into the woods, because I'm terrified of the dark. I guess Elijah could tell.
"Hey, you ok?" He asks.
"Who, me? Yes of course! Never been better! Why do you ask?" I decide to play it off. He gives me a weird look.
"I was just curious," He says slowly. After a few minutes of walking on the trail, a major headache starts to form. I stop walking and close my eyes, but only for a second. I didn't want Elijah to notice. Luckily, he didn't, so I quickly caught up to him.
Soon enough, we reach the end of the trail.
"Ok! We're here," Elijah says.
"Um, you sure?" I question, "cause all I'm seeing are rocks and plants."
"Move them aside," Elijah says. I obey his instructions, and push the rocks aside. Behind the rocks is a gorgeous sunset. Reds, purples, oranges, blues, and greens filled the night sky. The sunset was rested on top of a beautiful, clear blue lake, reflecting the sunset onto the surface of the water. I'm astonished.
"This," Elijah says with a smile, "is what me and Ethan call, Between The Lakes." (True Sketch Fans will know what this place is.)
"Wow Elijah! This is amazing! But, why did you bring me here?" I ask him.
"Just to give you a little taste of Massachusetts," He says, and then faces me. He pauses, looking like he was unsure about something, and then finally says, "and a little taste of me."
My heart starts beating faster, and my palms get all sweaty.
No, no! This isn't happening!
His hazel eyes look right into mine, and he grabs my hand.
What are you doing? You aren't even into him!
He leans closer...
It's happening, isn't it.
And he kisses me.
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