Chapter 25
Blinking a couple of times, I let my eyes adjust to the dark room. The moonlight shining through the window illuminated the room, allowing me to realize it was mine. Suddenly I was aware of the arms wrapped around me, but I wasn't afraid. I instantly knew it was him.
His scent was so much stronger than it had ever been, and calmed me as I breathed it in. I carefully turned myself around to face him. I looked over his face. His dark hair was messy, and spilled over his eyes. I noticed things I'd never seen, like how he had a few barely noticeable freckles dotting his face, and how his eyelashes were as dark as midnight, and probably just as long as mine. His lips were barely parted, and he looked so peaceful, but I couldn't help myself as I leaned in, and kissed him softly.
His eyes opened slowly, and he smiled sleepily at me.
"Finally awake?" He mumbled. "You slept all day, I've missed you." He whispered, snuggling closer.
"Why have I been asleep so long?" I asked him, confused.
"The mark. When I marked you, you became Luna. Becoming Luna means creating new links with the minds of every member in the pack. That means over a thousand voices in your head, voices that I'm sure got very loud when they felt your presence and realized I'd marked you." He chuckled. "You'll be formally introduced as Luna tomorrow. You're probably going to be pretty exhausted for a while. I'm not sure you've noticed yet, but your senses will be heightened. You'll also be stronger and faster, and your wolf will probably grow a little. Lunas have to be able to protect themselves and their pack, so when you become Luna, you get a few advantages normal wolves don't have." He told me.
"Wow, thats awesome." I said. Looking at him again, I realized he was shirtless, meaning all of his scars were visible.
I looked at him sadly, carefully tracing a deep one on the side of his neck, that went halfway down his chest. They were hard to look at, knowing they must have been incredibly painful to get.
"Will you tell me about them?" I whispered, my eyes meeting his. "I want to know you. Past and all."
He sighed, taking my hand from the scar, and holding it tightly in his.
"That one was from the day he killed my mom. I tried to fight him, so he shifted half way, pinned me against a tree, and slowly drug his claw all the way down." He said, using his hand to show me what had happened. "He put me in one of the cells we keep rogues in, and I'd lost so much blood I couldn't even try to get out." He said, shutting his eyes tightly. I could tell the memories were playing out in his head, and I gave his hand a squeeze.
He then went on to point at various scars, explaining me how his father had put them there, and why, but for most of them, there was no 'why', they had been put there just for the fun of causing him pain. The longer he talked the more I realized what a monster Calvin truly was, and how lucky Luca was to survive growing up in his presence. He'd been starved, beaten, tortured, and locked up for months on end, and by his own father.
He told me about how Nick would sneak him food, or stitch up his cuts whenever Calvin wasn't around. If it weren't for Nick, Luca probably would have died. Listening to his stories was one of the most heartbreaking things I'd ever done. I couldn't help but feel shocked that even after living that way for so long, he still had a heart capable of love and compassion.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you." I told him sincerely. It didn't feel like much, but I didn't know what else to say.
"Its over though, its in the past. My life is good now, I have you." He reassured me as he held me close. I closed my eyes, breathing in his scent again, and let myself drift off to sleep.
When I awoke in the morning, Luca was gone. I stretched before getting out of bed and heading to the shower. When I finished my shower I looked in the mirror at my mark. Marks appeared as tattoos, regular wolves marks were symbol of what family they were in, passed down through generations, but an alpha's mark held a crescent moon and the pack symbol.
My mark was a dark crescent moon and in the middle sat a paw with silver claws, the symbol for the Silver Claw pack.
Now anyone who met me would know.
I'm a Luna.
I smiled proudly at my reflection. I thought maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, but I swear I looked a little taller. My eyes were brighter, and I could hear the sound of voices from across the house.
I stood there, listening and taking it all in. When I finally left the bathroom I found a box on my bed, with a note on top.
" My dear Cecelia,
I heard the shower running so I thought I'd leave this here. Its for tonight, when you'll be introduced as Luna. I hope you love it. It was my mother's from when she was introduced as Luna, its been in the family for many years. It will be a black tie event, and although you're already perfect, Alice suggested I have Marie come over and do your makeup, nails, hair, you know, all that girly stuff. I'll probably be gone all day getting everything ready. We have some neighboring packs attending the event tonight, and I think you may know some of them.
I love you. See you tonight. -L"
I smiled at the note, before lifting the lid from the box.
I gasped as my eyes met the most beautiful gown I'd ever seen. It was so beautiful. A beautiful silver color made of material that flowed through my hands like water. The sleeves were long and attached to the dress in a way that made it seem like they were floating. It was gorgeous.
Alice suddenly came rushing into my room, making me jump.
"Oh my gosh I'm so excited you're going to-" She stopped suddenly noticing the dress in my hands.
"Whoa.." She whispered. "I've seen this dress before. It was Annabelle's." She said sadly. "Theres a picture of her from the night she was introduced as Luna, she was wearing this. She looked so beautiful." She smiled. "I wish she could have been here to see you wear it. I was just a baby when she died, but everyone has always talked so kindly of her. When Calvin killed her, only a few people knew it was him. They were all told it was a rogue attack, I'm sure if everyone had known they would have turned against him. She used to talk to Luca and Nick about finding their mates, and treating them well. They were only about 9 though. They probably weren't listening." She laughed.
I laughed with her, tears rimming my eyes. I would have loved the chance to meet her.
"Well, lets get you ready. I mind-linked Marie, and she'll be over soon." She told me. "Speaking of mind-linking.."
Luca marked you yesterday? Her voice spoke in my head.
I laughed out loud. "Yeah, look." I said, pulling my hair to the side.
Alice gasped. "Wow! A Luna mark. Its beautiful, Ce."
"Thanks! We thought it was a good time. With the threat were up against, why not have all the advantages you can? Do I look taller?" I asked.
"Yeah, you actually do. Only a couple inches, but still." She laughed.
"I thought it was just my imagination." I replied.
"Nope. You're a full Luna now, girl." She said.
Alice helped me pick out how I wanted my nails, hair, makeup, all that. We decided to do an up-do with my hair, and do my makeup in a natural but very angelic way.
I loved how it all looked together with the dress.
"You look like a Luna." Alice said smiling at me.
"Gosh I don't feel like one." I laughed.
"You will." Alice told me putting her arm around my shoulder. "Are you ready?"
"Is it time already? I feel like I just got up."
"Beauty takes time, sweetie." Alice joked. "I'm kidding. Its your hair that took time, its crazy hard to tame." She laughed.
"Oh I know." I replied.
We began making our way to the backyard, where I could see the soft glow of light. Luca met us at the door, a huge smile plastered to his face. "You look so amazing." He said before kissing me.
"Hey, watch the lip gloss." Alice scolded.
He pulled away laughing, before taking my hand. "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be." I smiled.
The voices that filled the night came to a stop as we made our way towards the stage. I couldn't believe what they'd done with the yard in only a day. Tables covered in white tablecloths were everywhere, and lights hung from the trees, illuminating the entire yard.
My heart was racing as we walked up the steps to the stage. I was beginning to feel as though I couldn't breath, so instead of focusing on the people, I focused on Luca. His scent, the sound of his heart beating calmly, and the feeling of his hand in mine. My heartbeat slowed, and my breath returned to normal. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.
We stopped when we reached the top of the stage, Luca put my hand down an approached the mic at the front.
"And now introducing, Cecelia Rain, my lovely mate, and your new Luna. You must swear as you have to all Luna's before her, to protect, respect, and honor her as you do me. Do you swear?"
The crowd answered with a cheer.
"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled.
Taking my hand he brought me to the front. "To Luna Celia!" He shouted.
The cheers were deafening and warmed my heart. I looked through the crowd of smiling faces, ignoring the glare I got when I spotted Bree. The nervousness I'd been feeling about tonight faded away as I saw all the people who were cheering for me. They looked sincerely happy. I grinned as my eyes landed on my dad, Leah, and some other members of the pack. They stood smiling at me as they clapped.
I stepped up to the mic, the nerves returning a bit.
"Um.." I started.
You're a Luna
You're a Luna
You're a Luna, I repeated in my head, telling myself it was time to start acting like one. I am strong, I am a Luna. I can do this. I took a deep breath.
"Thank you all for being here tonight. I can't explain to you how proud I am to not only be a member of your pack, but to be your Luna." I smiled. "Before coming here, I had heard rumors of this pack. I'd heard it was a pack of heartless monsters, a pack of wolves worse than rogues. Standing here today, I can't believe I ever listened to such rumors. I've been shown so much kindness during my time here, and I'm sure I will be shown much more in the rest. I'm looking forward to spending a life among you, and seeing this pack grow larger and stronger. I hope I can be half the leader Luca is to you all. Thank you." I grinned.
The crowd cheered again.
I rushed off the stage, running to my dad, who swooped me up into a hug.
"I missed you so much." He told me.
"I missed you too, dad." I replied.
"I'm so proud of you Celia. I know your mother would be too. I wish she was here to see this, but I know she is in spirit. You look so much like her. She always told me you would be a leader some day, and here you are, a Luna." He smiled.
"Thanks dad." I smiled back. "Leah!" I yelled.
She ran to me, nearly knocking me over as she hugged me tight. "The pack is so boring without you." She complained.
"Well obviously, I'm the life of the party." I joked. "Come on, you have to meet someone!" I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her through the crowd.
I found Luca, Alice, Nick and Belle all at one table, where they were saving me a seat. "I'll be back to eat in a minute, but I have someone I want you to meet first." I told them after they congratulated me.
"This is Leah. Leah, this is my mate Luca, Luca's sister Belle, Belle's mate Nick, and Nick's sister Alice." I said laughing.
"Wow, thats not confusing at all." Leah laughed.
"Here, Leah can sit with us!" Alice said, grabbing a chair from another table and bringing it to ours.
"Thanks." Leah smiled. "Its nice to meet you all."
"You too." Replied everyone.
"So. Whats on the menu?" Nick asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Of course thats all you care about." Alice spoke, rolling her eyes.
"I'm starving Al. Luca's had me running around all day preparing for this. He didn't even give me a chance to eat." He pouted, crossing his arms, causing us to all laughed at his childish behavior
"Luca, thats mean." I pointed out.
"I just wanted everything to be perfect for you." He grinned, kissing my cheek.
The moment was interrupted when a scream, followed by another and another began to break through the quiet crowd.
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