Welcome To The Playground Pt 2
The doors open and five children walk in. As the group of five walks into and through the bar. Vi makes eye contact with Vander. She turns away and walks faster to avoid him. Vander excuses himself from the table he was at and follows after the children.
Below the bar, Violet sits on the main couch exhausted and exhaled from the bad day, Claggor grunts from the beating hours ago and threw his glasses on the table, Mylo also grunts from the pain and settled in as he left his feet on the table, Hiccup sighs and lays backward onto the bed, and Powder hugs her own leg out of anguish to be in a fetal position.
"Vander learns none of this." Vi said
"No worries there. Powder took care of the evidence." Mylo said
"Will you shut up already?!" Hiccup growled
"I tried, okay? You don't get it. You're older, you're bigger. It-it isn't fair." Powder said trying to defend herself
"So, Hiccup is a year younger than Vi and he sticks with us! Take a punch or two." Mylo said
Mylo and Powder's argument was interrupted by Vander opening the door and walking down the stairs. Everyone looks down at the floor. Avoiding eye contact with Vander.
"Everyone all right?" Vander asked
"Never better." Mylo said
"Good." Vander said as he put his hands behind his back walking over to the group.
"Good. I don't suppose you can explain why it is that I'm hearing about an explosion and a foot chase across the bridge? Five children fleeing the scene." Vander walks around the room with his hands behind his back.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Vander asked, now fully facing Vi and Hiccup.
"That we can handle a real job." Vi said
"A real job?" Vander retorted back
"We got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw us, dad." Hiccup said
"You blew up a building." Vander retorted as he threw his hand up in the air.
"That wasn't..." Vi was cut off
"Did you even stop to think about what could have happened to you? Eh? To them?" Vander pressed the girl as he pointed to her little group. Vi just looked away as Vander let out a sigh.
Violet reflects on that day's actions and may have caused an unintended consequence of her actions.
Vander sighs with an expression of desperation before continuing what he was saying, "Where did you even get this tip?"
"We just heard it at Benzo's Benzo's shop." Hiccup said
Powder looked at Vander sheepishly, "Little Man."
Vi stands up from her chair, "I took us there. If you wanna be mad, be mad at me. But you're the one who always says we have to earn our place in this world."
"I also told you time and time again, the Northside's off-limits. We stay out of Piltover's business." Vander said getting angry
Hiccup interrupts this time, "Why? They've got plenty, while we're down here scraping together coins. It's not fair, dad!"
"When did you get so comfortable living in someone else's shadow?" Violet asked
Everyone including Hiccup looked at Vi in shock.
"Everyone out." Vander ordered
"You and I will have a talk later." Vander spoke, turning to Hiccup, "Now everyone out."
The boys obeyed and started to get up to leave the room. Powder is the last to leave to close the door.
"Sit down." Vander said
"I'm fine." Vi said
"Sit. down." Vander said this time emphasizing each word. This caused Vi to sigh in defeat as she sat down in her chair. While Vander grabbed a bottle and a rag before sitting down on the table in front of her.
"Those kids look uo to you. Especially Hiccup." Vander spoke
"Yeah I know." She spoke back, looking away leaning her cheek on her fist.
"You know but you don't know. When people look up to you, you don't get to be selfish. " Vander spoke, cutting her off as she tried to talk back.
"I'm not–"
"You say run, they run. You say swim, they dive in. You say light a fire, they show up with oil. But whatever happens, it's on you." Vander spoke.
Vi looked down taking in his words while letting out a little sigh.
"Just like it's on me what happens to us down here. We make ourselves a problem for Piltover, and they will send the enforcers." Vander spoke
"So? Why answer to them? These are our streets. Someone should remind them of that." Vi said
"You're not hearing me. That path?" Vander reaches up to grab Violet's fists which are stained with blood from Deckard's thugs.
"This? It's not gonna solve your problems. Just makes more of them. We clear." Vander spoke as he let go of her hand. Vander then took the cork out of the bottle he had grabbed from earlier with his teeth before he spat it aside. He then poured some on the rag he had before dabbing it on Vi's face causing the girl to let out a hiss.
"How'd you get this?" Vander asked and Violet scoffs
"Some idiot was following us." Vi answered
"On our side? Who?" Vander asked
"I don't know. He was after the stuff." Vi said
"Where is it now?" Vander asked, cleaning her little cut on her face as she let out a scoff.
"We lost it." Vi said
"All of it?" He asked and Vi nodded her head 'yes'.
"Good." Vander said and he put the bottle on the table next to him, "Nothing can tie you to what happened up there. You're gonna have to lay low for a bit, understand?"
"Okay." Vi said and then she looked at Vander, "We're gonna be fine, right?"
"I'll take care of it." Vander responded. He then grabbed a spare bag as he began filling it up with junk from around the room.
"Oh, you did put that idiot on his ass, though, right?" Vander asked with a smirk
"You should've seen Hiccup, he punched the guy until he was unconscious." Vi answered
Vander chuckles, "That's my boy. It looks like those training sessions with Sevika have taught him well." He said
From outside the door on the steps were Hiccup and Claggor as Mylo was eavesdropping on Vander and Vi's conversation. Mylo quickly made himself look busy as Vander opened the door.
"Get up, Claggor. We're going out." Vander said with no room for an argument which caused the boy to sigh as Claggor bumped his shoulder.
Vander threw the bag at Claggor. Claggor grunts from the weight of the bag.
"Hey, that's mine." Mylo said
"Then you should know better than to come back from a job empty-handed." Vander said and he heads up the stairs nearby that Claggor and Hiccup were sitting on.
Powder is outside digging around in the trash looking for scrap metal that she can use for her creations.
"All right, give me the details of exactly what happened up there." Vander says to Claggor and Hiccup as he opens the door behind Powder and walks down the streets.
Powder grunts as she pulls out a sharp metal piece and puts it in her back pocket, feeling another object in her back pocket she pulls it out. It's the glowing blue stone from the penthouse. Powder's eyes widened and closed her fist around the stone. Heading inside to show her sister and Hiccup.
Closing the door that Vander had left open behind her.
Going down a flight of stairs she reaches the room where Vi and Hiccup were in. Hearing voices talking she waits to enter listening in on the conversation.
"She's a problem." Mylo said
"Mylo, I'm really not..." Vi sits in a chair resting his fist on his hand.
"Do you remember what was in that bag? The biggest payout we've ever seen and she just lost it." Mylo interrupts Violet as he bounces a ball against the wall laying down on a beaten-up old couch.
"She made a mistake." Hiccup countered back
"Name one time she hasn't."
"She's young." Vi said
"Don't bullshit me. You were twice the person at half her age." Mylo said
"You know what, Mylo? You're right. There's a bunch of things Powder just can't do." Vi said getting tired of Mylo's comments
"You don't have to tell me twice." Mylo said
Powder backs up after hearing the words falling from her sister's mouth. Clutching the stone to her chest and turning away leaving.
"Like, complain about everything." Vi said
"What?" Mylo said as he stopped banging the ball
"And brag nonstop." Hiccup said walking towards Mylo
"Okay, okay, I see where this is going."
Mylo goes back to throwing the ball but Vi catches it standing up and walking towards Mylo.
"Pick fights with the group when we need to focus." Vi said
"Vi, I..."
"And tell strangers on the street that we got a nice haul?" Hiccup said
"I, I didn't mean to..."
"Powder's our problem, okay? Your problem is never knowing when to shut up." Hiccup points his finger in Mylo's face, "But we're gonna help you with that. Ready?"
Vi then points to her own face, "You see this look on my face? This will always mean it's time to shut up." Vi's face was covered in anger.
"But . . . I . . ." Mylo tries to counter but Vi just waves her hands directed to her face.
Mylo groans, giving up. Slumping back in his spot once Vi and Hiccup leave the room.
Outside a shop called Benzo's was Vander and Claggor.
"Nobody comes in." Vander tells Claggor while taking the bag and walking through the door.
"We're closed." Benzo said
"Well open up." Vander said
"For good. You can take your worthless junk elsewhere."
The shop owner and Vander stare at each other before bursting out into laughter.
"Ekko. What's going on with that thing?" Benzo asks a little boy with dark skin and white hair.
"Give me a few seconds. The cannon pinion's still busted." Ekko said
"Finish it later. Vander and I need a word." Benzo said
"Uh-uh. Off you go."
Ekko throws the wrench he was holding on the ground, picks up a couple of boxes and heads out the door. Vander opened the door for him and closed it when he left.
"You're a little early." Benzo said from behind the counter
"My guys are still roundin' up this month's collections. Won't have numbers until next, um. . ." Benzo stops talking as Vander walks over on dumps the bag out onto the counter, the metal clanking as they hit each other.
"Whoo. Why are you muckin' about with this?"
"I assume you've heard." Vander said
"Yeah, me and half the Underground."
"How could they be so stupid?" Vander asked
"The young folk think it's the right thing to do." Benzo said
"Yeah, and Vi and Hiccup are one of them. Throws themselves in trouble wherever they can find some."
"Eh, they're growing up, Vander. Looking to write their own stories. You can't protect them forever."
"Someone was following them." Vander sighs.
"Whole lot of someones, from what I heard." Benzo said
"Not enforcers. Someone on our side." Vander said
"Who?" Benzo asked
"There's worse things than enforcers out there. We both know that." Vander said
"Yeah, I was hopin' you'd be working today." Claggor says to Ekko.
"Did you guys go?" Ekko asked excitedly
"Sure did. Hey, listen, how did you find that place? I just-" Claggor takes off his goggles showing his black eye.
"I just... Whoa, did you fight the enforcers?" Ekko asked
"What? Oh, no. Eh, just some bums." Claggor said
"Oh, did Vi and Hiccup kick their asses?" Ekko asked
"Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't be here otherwise." Claggor said
"Oh, they showed me a couple moves to practice. Look." Ekko handed Claggor the boxes and began to clumsily punch the air.
"Yeah, it's... it's coming along."
"Ya! Hey, so, how'd you find that place, anyway?" Claggor asked
"Uh, this weirdo came into the shop. Bought a whole bunch of stuff Benzo only keeps there for display. He paid in gold and didn't even haggle. I charged him double price. Sucker." Ekko said
"But how did you know where he lived?" Claggor asked
"Uh, followed him. How else?" Ekko answered
"Oh. Right." Claggor puts back on his goggles.
Ekko looks up and sees two enforcers walking down the street.
"Oh, crap." Claggor said
"Uh. . ." Claggor says nervously.
"They'll be fine. Go." Ekko usher's Claggor away.
Claggor flees, leaving the scene and heading to safety. Ekko leans against the wall of the shop trying to act cool.
"Well, hello." he greets the two.
The officers ignore him as they walk into the shop.
Benzo pours himself and Vander a drink while they talk. Vander takes a sip as the doors to the shop open. In walks two officers, one a woman and the other a man, closing the door behind them. The woman bearing a sigil or a sheriff on her left breast.
"Evening, friends." Benzo said
Outside the shop Ekko was watching the adults talk through the window.
"Shit." Ekko sighed
The male enforcer walks over and leans over the counter next to Vander.
"Something I can help you with?" Benzo asks.
"Some trencher trash attacked one of the buildings on the other side of the bridge, but you already knew that." the male got up in Vander's face.
"We're looking for the culprits." The woman said
"Got a description?" Vander asks, taking a sip of his drink.
"Yeah, it's exactly who you're picturing in that thick head of yours." said the male.
"Mm. You think my head is thick?" Vander asks Benzo.
"Uh, just past the average." Benzo said
"Listen, you shady son of a. . ." the male enforcer stands up and points to Vander's face.
"How about you go for a little walk, Marcus? Cool off a bit. Go." said the female officer, cutting off the male's sentence.
Vander takes another sip as Marcus walks out of the shop.
Ekko watches the man walk towards the door and flees to a hiding place. Markus walks out slamming the door behind him. And stands guard outside the shop.
Ekko is walking on the roof of the building, sneaking through a hole outside and listening in to the adults talk from above them inside the shop.
"Lovely chap, you've brought." Benzo said
"Don't mind the kid. Doesn't know when to pipe down." the woman says.
"Somethings are the same topside and bottom." Vander hands the woman a drink.
The woman takes a sip from her cup and sits it on the counter.
"You know this crossed a line upstairs."
"Was anyone hurt?" Vander asked
"A building was blown to bits. What do you think?"
"Those who did this will be dealt with." Vander sighs.
"That workshop belonged to the Kiramman's. You know what kind of stuff they had in there? Makes this place look like a candy shop. The Council needs someone to make an example of. People need to feel safe." The female officer said
"Yeah, topside people." Vander said
"We had a deal, Vander. You keep your people off my streets, and I stay out of your business. Give me a name. We'll do things quiet. No one will know you were involved." The female officer said
"I can't do that."
"You don't seem to grasp how serious this is. If I don't put someone behind bars tonight, the next time I come down here, I'll have an army of enforcers with me. We both know how that'll go." the woman said
"I'm sorry, Grayson, but I can't offer up my own people." Vander said
Benzo stays quiet watching the two converse. Vander takes another drink while Grayson sighs getting up from the table.
"If you change your mind, this will reach me. And only me." She places a burner phone on the counter and walks towards the door.
Her footsteps receded. Vander picks up the phone and looks at it and sighs as Sheriff Grayson leaves the shop.
Ekko looks up and thinks about what he just witnessed.
Rock music can be heard as Powder is laying on her and Vi's bed. Hiccup enters the room.
"Hey Pow Pow." Hiccup greeted her with a tired smile.
Powder looked up and smiled at the boy before going back to her work as he sat on the couch finally able to rest for a moment. Vi then entered the room ruffling Hiccups' hair as she passed him, which made the boy let out an annoyed grunt.
"Come one man, you're messing up my hair." Hiccup groaned
"What are you calling this one?" Vi asked
Powder looks up to find her sister looking over her from the top bunk, "Whisker."
Powder continues drawing as Vi moves down to the bottom bunk sitting next to Powder's laying figure.
"You want to talk about today?" Vi asked trying to break the tension
"What's the point?" Powder stops drawing sitting up and pulling her knees to her chest "I ruined everything. I always do."
"Come on Pow-Pow you know that's not true." Hiccup said
"Yeah, nobody said that." Vi said trying to back up her sister
"No. Just that you were "twice the person" at half my age." You heard him. I'm not a fighter." Powder said dejectedly.
"Y'know," Hiccup sits up from where he was sitting, "I wasn't much of a fighter either."
Powder and Vi look at Hiccup annoyed and roll their eyes, "Yeah, yeah, we know. You were scrawny—"
"Hey–" Hiccup yelled offended
"You used to be an blacksmith at Benzo's ––" Powder said
"Until Sevika started training you –—" Vi said
"We know the story. You've told us the story a million times." Powder said
"The point I'm trying to make is that you don't have to be a fighter. You just need to be you." Hiccup said
"Hiccup has a point, we've got these and you've got those." Vi motions to her and Hiccup's hands and then to other grenades hanging from the side of the top bunk.
"They never work." Powder buries her head in her knees.
"They will. Come with me." Vi gets up walking out of the room.
"What?" Powder asked
"Come on. You too, Hic." Vi said
Hiccup shrugs at Powder and then follows Vi.
Powder gets off the bed leaving the grenade, turning off the light, and following her sister and Hiccup.
Vi leads Powder and Hiccup to the roof where they look over the view of the Undercity.
Background chatter can be heard from the citizens all around them. Sitting down on the ledge Powder joins her sister and Hiccup.
"What are we doing here?" Powder asked
"See that gutter running along the canal?" Vi asked pointing out the direction
Pulling a metal pipe out of the fence next to her handed it to Powder to use as a telescope.
Moving it to where she pointed, "That's where Claggor got his foot stuck running from the police. They thought it was funny, so they left him there."
Powder puts her arm down looking over to her sister.
"I remember. Those bastards left him there all night until we found him." Hiccup said
Vi points to a new area moving the pipe to look where she pointed again, "That sign? You see it?"
"Uh-huh." Powder nodded
"Mylo tripped over his own paint bucket and nearly fell off trying to draw a giant middle finger. His ass made that splotch." Powder laughs at what Vi told her.
"He should've fallen if you ask me." Hiccup muttered
"And that." She sighs, her head motioning to a stuffed rabbit toy stuck between two metal pipes that run between two buildings.
"One day some guy took my favorite toy and threw it up there. I used to come out here and stare at it, hoping maybe the wind or a bird might knock it down."
"We've all had bad days, pow-pow. But we learn. And we stick together." Hiccup said
Violet, Hiccup, and Powder look at each other smiling lightly. Powder's eyes trailed back to the toy.
"Oh, I forgot." reaching into her back pocket she pulls out the stone she had found.
"I found this while at the penthouse. I thought it was cool and wanted to show you guys." Powder said
"What are they?" Hiccup and Vi asked
"I don't know. Should we show Vander?" Powder asked her older sister.
"No." Hiccup said, confusing both Powder and Vi as they looked at him.
"Let's keep this our little secret." Hiccup said
"Mylo's wrong, Powder and Hiccup. You're both stronger than you think and one day this city's gonna respect us." Vi spoke as she stood up.
Hiccup smiles, "How many times have you practiced that in the mirror?" He asked
Vi smiles at him.
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