im causing some trouble tonight [14]
Izuku POV
I slowly open my eyes to see a hospital room. Again.
"Damn. I've got to stop waking up here." I groan out while grabbing my head and sitting up. I hear soft voices in the background but choose to ignore it. I look around and groan on the inside when I see the same three pro heroes from earlier.
"Why. Do. You. Hate. Me. So. Much!" I say while clapping my hands together dramatically between each word. "Two can play that game." Mic said.
"Because. We. Care. About. You. You Tiny. Child. That. Deserves. Our. Love. And. Affection!" he says while clapping between every word. "No. I. Don't." I argued back with the clapping.
"Yes. You. Do." Ingenium joins in.
"STOP. MOTHERFUCKING. CLAPPING!!" Eraserhead said while smacking the wall. "You don't have to be rude about it." the blonde said quietly.
I lost it. I started laughing my ass off. Mainly by the look that he received but still.
time skip brought to you by one lazy son of a... female dog
"Eraserhead. Present Mic. Question." I spoke up softly, kind of interrupting the heroes' conversation. "Yes Problem Child?" Eraserhead said. "Problem Child? But how is Toshi doing?" I said.
"Hitoshi is doing fine. Although he does miss you. And Sho calls Toshi that too." Mic answered. "What happens when I'm discharged?" I ask. "You can either go back to those people that you were talking about, or come with us again. Of course I'm not letting you go back with those people soooo use the process of elimination." Eraser said while drinking his coffee that I didn't even realise was there.
"I'd rather bug you two then go back with those bitches." I said while looking out the window. "Sounds good to us!" Mic chirps. "I hate hospitals. They make me feel so stuffed." I complained while flopping down on the bed.
The adults just laugh and agree with me. "They are pretty weird." Ingenium agreed. "Can I leave now?" I asked. "Not yet." the blue haired male said. "Can I leave now?" I asked again. "No." Eraser said.
"Can I leave now?" I said again. "Nope!" Mic said, grinning slightly at my childish behaviour. "How about now?" I said again. "No." Aizawa said, clearly starting to grown more and more annoyed. "Now?" I asked. "No!" he shouted. Mix started laughing and Ingenium was suppressing a laugh himself.
"Fine." I pout while crossing my arms. "Look. Sho, you made the kid mad." Mic teased. "So? He's being a brat." he huffed out.
"Says the depressed looking ass emo." I argued while glaring him down. He looked shocked but started glaring at me back.
After a good couple of minutes, Hizashi started to shake his husband to snap him out of our glaring contest. Ingenium is still just laughing while watching the whole thing go down.
Still glaring, I pick up an ice cube from my water on the bedside table and threw it at him. He blinked and moved out of the way. The ice cube kept going and ended up hitting Ingenium. He just stared with this fake hurt expression while Aizawa just smiled softly. "Hah! You blinked mother fu-" I started but was cut off by Hizashi putting. his hand over my mouth.
"Shush child. That's a no-no word." he whispered. I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand away. "I don't give a shit." I said which in return I received a soft smack to the back of my head. "No!" he screeched.
"Can I leave now?" I asked.
"No!" Hizashi screeched again before standing up and plopping onto the floor dramatically. "This kid!"
Word count: 611
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