No one POV.
Izuku spend the night in the infirmary of UA together with Kurt, even so Kurt wasn't hurt he just wanted to stay with Izuku. Izuku slowly opened his eyes as he felt something nuzzling into his side, he looked to his left and saw Kurt cuddeld into Izuku lightly snoring while he slept, Izuku smiled as he leaned down and kissed Kurt on the top of his head as he smiled at his boyfriend, just then Izuku could hear a squeal coming from the door, Izuku shused the person so that they wouldn't wake up Kurt, Izuku then looked towards the door and saw most of his friends standing there.
Izuku in a whispering voice :,,Hey guys what's up?"
Kitty :,,We came here to see how you are and if you two are up, but we didn't expected to walk into something as cute as this."
Izuku blushed embarrassed :,,Stop it."
Rogue :,,It's true so."
The team started to talk with each other but in a volume that wouldn't wake up Kurt.
We can see the UA staff sitting in the meeting room of UA looking over the video footage of the USJ.
Nezu :,,How did they manage to cut our communication ?"
Snipe :,,No idea Sir."
Just then they saw Izuku's wood ball crashing through the roof, they see how the ball opens and reveals Izuku who then charges through the villians with his Naginata towards Silver Samurai.
Cementoss :,,He is strong he runs through them like they are nothing."
Aizawa :,,The Green Samurai is on a complete other strength level then those villians, they probably were just hired to slow us down so that the creature they called Nomu could take down All Might."
Nezu :,,That is possible but even when All Might would have won that fight they also had Silver Samurai there so All Might wouldn't have stood a chance."
Just then a purple ball hit the center of the villians sending them flying as another figure jumped down and started to charge through the villians.
All Might :,,Who is that?"
Nezu :,,That is Arthur Maxson also known as the Military hero: Prydwen he is the number 32 hero of america."
All Might :,,Wasn't that beast designed to fight me how could he defeat it?"
Aizawa :,,Simple Maxson's quirk is called brawler and it's actually is a combination of 4 quirks, his quirk is considerd one of the strongest quirks in the world he also is one of the most active heroes in the world even so he is a teacher and husband."
All Might :,,4 quirks?!"
Aizawa :,,He got a combination of his parents and grandparents quirks so don't get any ideas."
All Might sat down but he didn't believed it, nobody can be born with 4 quirks right? They continued to watch the fight as All Might saw a white haired person.
All Might :,,Who is that, she kind of looks familiar?"
Nezu looks into a file he pulled out of nowhere :,,That is....... Akira Togata."
Present Mic :,,Wait you mean Togata like Mirio Togata one of the big threes?"
Nezu :,,Yes she is the younger brother of Mr. Togata."
Inko :,,What is her quirk it looks extremely powerful."
Nezu looked through the file.
Nezu :,,It looks like she doesn't have one."
Midnight :,,What?"
Nezu :,,Here is stated that Mr. Togata is quirkless."
Inko :,,But how is she doing that then?"
Aizawa :,,Are we just gonna ignore that you say she even so she is a he?"
Midnight looked with a deadpanned face at Aizawa.
Aizawa :,,What?"
Midnight :,,She is obviously transgender or else she wouldn't be looking like that."
Aizawa just sighted as he hit the table with his head.
Nezu :,,Anyways, we could ask Mirio Togata maybe he has an answer."
Everyone nodded as Nezu called for Mirio, ten minutes later the leader of the big three came walking through the door.
Mirio :,,You called for me Sir?"
Nezu :,,Yes we did, we would like to ask you about youre younger brother Akira."
Mirio :,,Oh ok, I will try to answer them but.... it has been a while since I last talked with Akira so don't expect many answers."
All Might :,,The questions aren't hard, you know that youre brother was t the USJ?"
Mirio :,,Yes."
All Might :,,We know that youre brother is quirkless but on the camera footage we can see that he uses one do you have explanation?"
Mirio :,,Ouh that isn't a quirk."
Inko :,,What do you mean by that the video footage shows that she is using some kind of energy quirk."
Mirio :,,It's not a quirk but Akira has mutant powers."
Midnight :,,You mean like the X-Men?"
Mirio :,,Yes but Akira isn't a part of them."
All Might :,,What can she do with her powers?"
Mirio :,,It's called energy manipulation she can see the energy from quirks and mutant powers of others and shape it so that she can use it."
Inko :,,So she steals their powers?"
Mirio :,,No, as much as I know it is more like she copies it and shapes it so she can use it."
Nezu :,,Ok thank you Mr. Togata you may leave now."
Mirio left the room, as soon as he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.
Akira :,,What did you tell them?"
Mirio :,,What the....!"
Akira :,,Don't be so loud."
Mirio :,,Sorry, I just told them what I know about youre powers they didn't asked for anything else."
Akira :,,Good."
Akira turned around and started to walk away.
Mirio :,,Akira wait......."
Akira just vanished infront of him even before he could finish his sentence.
Mirio :,,...... I am sorry
All Might POV.
She must have something to do with All for One, her powers are just to similar to his. I must find out but how, maybe a fight but I can't fight her it would be to obvious. Maybe Endeavor he is strong enough, yes that is how we do it.
Izuku, Kurt and his team were walking through the streets of Musutafu.
Izuku :,,I am having a deja vu."
Kurt :,,Can we go to japanese castle I always wanted to see one."
Izuku :,,The next castle is a few hours away from here, maybe another time."
Kurt pouted a little but didn't said anything.
Henry :,,Can we go to a sweet store I am interested what kind of taste the japanese in sweets have."
Izuku :,,Oh yeah I know a good one is just around that corner follow me."
Izuku leaded the way to the store, but as he walked around the corner.
Akira :,,Yo!"
Izuku :,,WAAAAAAHH!"
Izuku fell on his butt as his friends came around the corner.
Rogue :,,What is going on?"
Izuku :,,What the hell Akira you scared the living shit out of me!"
Akira :,,Hehehe Sorry about that."
Henry :,,What do you need Akira?"
Akira :,,I need Izuku."
Kurt :,,Why?"
Akira :,,I just need to teach him something."
Akira all of a sudden was behind Izuku and lifted him over her shoulder.
Akira :,,Let's go!"
Izuku :,,Wai.....t"
Izuku looked around to see that he wasn't with his friends anymore but instat he was in some kind of battle arena and on the other side of the arena stood.
Izuku :,,Endeavor!"
Enji :,,Izuku!"
Akira :,,You know each other good, sorry but I had to bring him here so that he can learn how to improve his powers anyways........"
She pulled down her sunglasses a little bit so that Endeavor could see her eyes.
Akira :,,Shall we continue?"
Endeavor :,,Graaaah!"
*Just imagine Itadori as Izuku, Gojo as Akira and Jogo as Endeavor, also she doesn't rip his head off just knocks him out. Also I know I could have wrote this fight but I was to lazy, please forgive me*
Izuku just sat there in awe as Akira defeated his uncle like it was nothing.
Akira :,,You are not weak Izuku but if you learn how to control youre powers to the fullest then you can do shit like this."
Izuku :,,That was awesome Akira!"
Then All Might jumped into the arena followed by the UA staff as they helped Endeavor up.
All Might :,,Young Togata do you mind telling me how you did that?"
Izuku put one hand on the ground as he got up slowly.
Akira :,,My energy manipulation allowed me to see the energy of his quirk I reshaped it and used it so it was easier to fight against him."
All Might :,,So you basically kind off took his quirk?"
Akira :,,Well I more like copied it and shaped it to something else."
All Might slowly walked closer.
All Might :,,Tell me do you ever heard of All for One?"
Akira thought for a few seconds.
Akira :,,Nope not that I could remember."
All Might continued to walk towards Akira.
All Might :,,All for One is a villian that is able to steal quirks and combine it similar to youre powers."
While Akira tilted her head in confusion, Izuku caught on the fact that All Might tried to accuse one of his friends of working together with such a villian started to make him angry.
Then all of a sudden All Might jumped towards Akira fist ready to punch, Akira didn't reacted fast enough but before the punch could connect a wooden wall came out of the ground shielding Akira. All Might punched the wall only to see that he didn't broke through.
All Might :,,Where did that wall came from and why didn't it brake."
Izuku :,,This wall is made out of diamantnut and oak wood two extremely hard wood specieses."
Izuku walked towards All Might as his armer started to cover him as he then jumped at All Might.
One day later X-Men mansion:
Xavier :,,So mind explaining to me why All Might had to go too the hospital Izuku?"
Izuku :,,In my defense, I was left unsupervised."
Maxson :,,Wasn't Akira with you?"
Akira :,,In my defense, I was also left unsupervised."
Rest of the X-Men:
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