Knowing Both Sides
Brylee's POV
I really like Jax but I think Tristyn likes him, too. I see the way she looks at him and it makes me jealous because she's practically perfect and I'm... me. I don't have a chance with him if she's interested in him as well... maybe I could guilt trip her into letting me have a guy that doesn't like her for once...
I think Jax is really cute but I know Brylee really likes him. I see the jealousy in her eyes when we talk. I don't know what she's planning but I know there's a plan behind her calm façade. I like him but I want Brylee to finally see that I'm not perfect. I'm a batshit crazy bitch that just acts like nothing phases her... I'm just a normal insecure teen that's scared to admit it.
Jax isn't the only guy in school that I think is cute... his name is Garret... I only have math and science with him but he has that... feel that draws me to him... I don't know, I'm probably just hormonal but I couldn't care less because yolo...
I decide to text Brylee and Ash 'cuz why not.
Sup bishes!!!!
What the hell Tris...
Why... how much sugar did you eat in the past 24 hrs?
Idk... like... 2 boxs uf cereal & then some kookies dat I bought wif mah brudder's moneh...
Do you need help?
When DOESN'T she need help...
Sooooooooo I'm gon go... if I don't txt bck das cuz JJ said he lost hiz moneh...
See ya l8r
K send us the vid of u dyin 😘 love ya lots (like a sis)
Brylee's POV
God why is TJ so random... *chuckles* oh well... she's my best friend so I guess I can't really do much. Not that I would anyway... one time I went to Iowa for a family emergency and all of my friends said that she was sulking the whole time I was gone and when I came back, I saw the brightest smile from her in a while... sometimes I think she needs more friends but I know she has friends, she just chooses me over them. I'm glad though because she's one of the few people that actually pay attention to me. She can make me laugh even when I don't want to smile.. cheesy, yea but it's true. She has that special trait where she can turn something unbearable into something not so bad to handle. She's like a disobedient dog, really annoying but knows when you're feeling down and tries to help... sometimes I think she's an actual dog because she's sooo protective and she's just... all over the place when she's happy. It's makes me smile even though I would never admit that to her face. I look at the clock on my nightstand and it read 8:47 am. Thank god it's Saturday... I really don't feel like getting out of bed. I'm still weak from that fever but I'm just lazy in general... I'm so tired... I haven't thought that hard since before I went to the hospital...
Sometimes I think I'm annoying my friends so I try to act normal but they tell me that it makes me who I am... whatever that means... I stare at the ceiling, waiting for something to happen but nothing does so I stay there until my eyes get droopy. I have no desire to sleep so I stare at my clock which read 8:56 am until the 6 quickly shifted to a 7. It made me smile since I was always fascinated how fast time went by when you think it's going by so slow... I would get crazy philosophical about time and life and shit but I'm too tired to do that. I roll onto my right side, towards my wall and slowly let sleep take over me.
*le time skip into le brain of T-Dawg*
No... NO! I run, scream at my best friend as she shuns me for liking her "boyfriend". She looks away from me with disgust as they walk farther and farther away from me. I'm stuck to the cement, unable to move. I wipe away my tears, only to find blood on my hands. The blood drops down my face and burns holes into the cement until there's just a small area where I was standing...
I quickly sat up, pooled in my own sweat and tears. I wipe my eyes so I can look at the clock clearly. It read 4:24 pm. I look at my phone in panic as it vibrates.
Brylee and I r gonna go out to eat, wanna come?
Umm I'll pass dis time... I don't feel very good
Omg! I'll tell her. We'll see u l8r
Nononono it's fine u don't have to
But we want to. See ya
*sigh* fine
I sigh loudly as my two closest friends walked into my dark room after they greeted my parents... I guess I should tell them...
A/N: sorry for such a long wait. I don't really have an excuse except that I was too lazy but here it is. It's not much but whatever
868 words
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