"What the hell are you doing to me?"
Word Count: 606
Warning: purely fluffy Fraxus chapter ahead
Freed stood with crossed arms, keeping his distance from the taller male across from him. The lightning dragon slayer wore a scowl, not unlike his usual expression though it conveyed a different mix of emotions. "Laxus, we truly must have a conversation." The blond grumbled, mirroring Freed's action.
"Go ahead."
The reassuring growl to Laxus's voice gave Freed the courage to speak, but the words refused to form the sentences he sought. "What was- What you did-"
"I know what I did. Don't ask why, 'cuz I don't have an answer for ya," the lightning dragon admitted, turning his head away from Freed's startled gaze. The rune mage honestly didn't know how to continue the conversation, unsure if he even wanted to. Laxus's eyes strayed from Freed's, settling on the cravat that always rested around the shorter male's throat.
"How's your neck?" Laxus inquired somewhat caringly, recalling the aftermath of his loss of control. He had been fighting the urge to bite Freed for some time, but something in him had just snapped. Sure he hadn't meant to attack the mage, but he didn't regret it. The lighting dragon now wondered if the captain of the Thunder Legion shared his sentiment.
"H-healed," Freed stuttered out nervously, his pale hand unconsciously reaching to cover the area of the bite. The blond growled, his fangs making an appearance past his lips.
"What am I gonna do with you?" the scarred mage teased, itching to touch the male before him. "You seem to know all the right buttons to push without even trying."
"I a-assure you, I am doing no such thing."
"I would have to disagree," Laxus purred back, his voice rumbling yet smooth to Freed's ears. "And I think I have an idea..."
The emerald-haired rune mage raised his hands defensively, much like how he had at dinner the night before. He had intended to avoid Laxus for a time, but the male was his Thunder God after all. Here Freed was again, backing away from a lusty-eyed lightning dragon. This seemed to be happening more often than not when the rune mage was in his company, which confused Freed to no end. Why would his Thunder God gaze at him in such a way? That half-lidded smirking expression should be reserved for only a special someone, which Freed was certain he did not meet the description of.
Laxus shook his head, raising a hand to cover his eyes in exasperation. "What the hell are you doing to me?" the dragon gritted out, angered more at himself than at the green-haired male.
"L-Laxus, are you alright?"
The taller mage's response was a slight growl. He turned and walked away from Freed, very obviously not wanting to retreat. The enchantment maker knew better than to follow Laxus when he was in such a state, and yet he still felt conflicted. Whatever was bothering the slayer was evidently his fault, but he didn't know how to rectify the situation when Laxus obviously desired space from him.
Laxus growled lowly to himself, grinding his teeth. He was barely able to hold himself back, but the memory of Freed's fearful look was enough to snap him out of it. Something about that expression made him feel the urge to protect, though he didn't quite understand what that meant. As difficult as it was going to be, Laxus felt he needed to keep his distance from the rune mage. His instincts told him to return to Freed as soon as possible, but he wanted to protect the smaller male even if the danger was himself.
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