06|| Masked Hero
"Link!" Mira exclaimed, scurrying over to the depleted boy. The Bokoblin guards paid no heed to the two, simply securing the prisoner and leaving as quickly as they had came.
"Don't worry.." He huffed, "..I didn't tell that hag anything."
"Of course not," She quickly reassured him. "I didn't either."
He nodded slightly in response, easing himself slowly against the wall with a slight wince.
"Are you okay?" She asked hurriedly, placing a hand gently on his shoulder.
He nodded again. "It was that damn lightning." He chuckled slightly, until it slowly turned into a dry cough.
She gave him a weak smile, brushing his blonde hair off his sweaty forehead. "We're going to find a way out of this, somehow."
He nodded again, then slowly leaned against her. After a few seconds his weight rested solely on her and the stone wall behind them, his head resting heavily against her shoulder.
It didn't take her long to realize that the poor boy had fallen asleep. She found herself mindlessly stroking his sweaty hair and wondering where Conan could be.
She also wasn't sure just how they were going to get themselves out of this mess. In all honesty, she didn't see how they could. They were chained to the wall, the door was locked, and at least one giant Moblin was standing guard just outside.
The only time she could see them even having a chance at escape is if they somehow took out the two Bokoblin escorts when they left the cell.
Even then, one of them would still be in the cell. She had no idea where their weapons were and they'd definitely need those to fight the Moblin.
Her stressful thoughts soon led her into a dreamless sleep.
She was awakened by the loud sound of metal being slid across the concrete floor. Mira opened her eyes to reveal a Bokoblin sliding a metal tray under a small flap in the door.
Another tray had already been slid in. She examined the substance on the tray. Was this supposed to be edible? It looked like porridge, yet it had an odd consistency, gray color, and smelled like rubber. It probably was rubber for all Mira knew.
A very dull fork had been included with each tray. At least they expected them to eat humanely, not that the food was humane in the least.
She noticed that Link was awake and staring at the food with the same look of disgust and slight confusion as she had.
"Are we supposed to eat this?" He asked the question she had been thinking as well.
"Based on the fork, I'm assuming so?" Mira replied, though she was still questioning it herself.
"As disgusting as this looks, I'm starving. Plus, if we're gonna get out of here at some point, we're probably going to need lots of energy." Link said, pulling one of the trays toward him.
"As unfortunate as it is, you're right. We probably need to eat this. For our own good." She agreed, jabbing the glob on the tray with the fork. A shudder ran up her spine as the thing jiggled like jello.
"Here it goes." She said, gulping nervously. Plugging her nose with one hand, she forced a forkful of the stuff into her mouth. She didn't waste time chewing, but instead swallowed it whole.
Which may have been a bad decision, as the glop somewhat stuck halfway down her throat. She swallowed repeatedly until it finally made it's way down.
No matter what people say, plugging your nose doesn't mask the full flavor of whatever goes in your mouth. Mira knew that now.
"What's the point of forcing myself to eat this if it's just going to find it's way back up, if you know what I mean." Link complained, clutching his throat as if he'd just swallowed a knife.
Come to think of it, Mira probably would rather swallow a knife than suffer through eating this muck.
"Oh, I definitely know what you mean." Mira replied, mirroring the same look of disgust that Link held on his face.
The two forced themselves to eat a few more bites until they couldn't bear it any longer.
"On the bright side, my appetite is definitely gone." Mira commented, pushing her tray towards the flap in the door.
"Agreed." Link said, pushing his tray near hers. "The least they could do is provide some water to wash it down."
As if an answer to their wishes, the trays were pulled out of the cell via the flap, and two murky cups were pushed through.
Mira eagerly grabbed them, handing one to Link. The cups were grubby, and didn't look very sanitary. Still, Mira gulped it down gratefully. She drank it so fast she barely even noticed the warmth of the water, or the strange after taste.
Link seemed just as eager as her as he finished the entire glass as well. They placed the cups by the door and watched as they were taken away.
"Now what?" Link randomly asked into the silence.
"Nothing." Mira replied. "Now nothing because there is nothing we can do."
Link looked at her and saw the sadness in her eyes. "Don't worry, we'll find a way out of here."
Mira nodded, though she looked down at her hands. She really didn't see how they could. Perhaps they'd never leave here, or maybe eventually they would give in and answer all of Laila's questions. Then what? They'd probably be killed anyway. Which might be the better option compared to being stuck in here.
"What are you thinking about?" Link asked. Mira hadn't even noticed his curious gaze until he spoke up.
"Just that it'd probably be better to die than to be stuck in here." She answered truthfully.
Link cracked a small smile. "Probably true, but it won't come to that."
"How do you know?" Mira asked. Link shrugged his shoulders, seemingly having no worthy response.
It had been three days, or so Mira guessed because they had been interrogated two more times since the first time.
Each day they got three bathroom breaks, two meals of the strange goop, and four glasses of stale water.
It was a living hell. All throughout those days Conan never returned to their cell. Mira and Link had a few theories. One was that he got released as he didn't contain a piece of triforce or anything like that. They hoped that one was true and that he was seeking help for them right away.
Another was that perhaps he'd just been moved cells, this was a very likely one. When Mira was brought out of their cell, she tried to peer into the cells that had guards by them, but could never get a good look inside.
One of the theories even thought that Conan was killed. Mira hoped it wasn't true. She didn't like Conan much, but he didn't deserve to die.
It was on this day, the third day, that everything changed. It was just after their fourth cup of water, meaning it was time to settle down and try to get some sleep on the hard stone floors when there was a series of strange noises.
There were sounds of grunting and some movement. Then suddenly the lock clicked in the heavy door and it was thrown open, flooding the cell with light.
Mira blinked at the figure in the doorway. It took her eyes a minute to adjust, but when they did she was completely surprised.
It was someone she'd never seen before, about Mira's height, dressed in strange clothing, including cloth that wrapped all around the stranger's mouth and head. Leaving only large Crimson eyes to peer out at them.
Immediately Mira thought of the Dark Queen Laila, but then she saw the dead Moblin laying outside the door way. This just didn't make sense.
"Who are you?" Link asked as the strange person came into the cell. He or she quickly unlocked both of their shackles.
"I'll explain everything later, for now you must come with me." A feminine voice answered from beneath her wrappings. So it was a woman?
Link looked to Mira, who shrugged, but also nodded that they could hopefully trust this woman. I mean, she had killed a Moblin and freed them from their chains.
The masked hero stealthily crept from the cell, looking both ways along the corridor, then gestured for them to follow her.
They made their way down the dungeon corridor, where there was a long line of slaughtered moblins and bokoblins.
Just before they reached the stone stair case, their rescuer turned right into a room where the door was opened ajar.
The room was full of cubbies, a few of them full of objects. The stranger walked to two in particular and began to hand them the contents. It was their belongings, before it was confiscated.
Mira never felt so grateful to have her sword in her possession as she did now. Link seemed to be having similar thoughts as he beamed down at his own sword.
"Are you two ready? There will be a few obstacles to face on the way out. We must be as agile as possible." The stranger told them.
"Ready as we'll ever be." Mira said, Link nodded at her side in agreement. The stranger gave them a stern nod, and led them back into the corridor.
They all crept up the stairs, keeping close to the wall and trying to remain in any shadows. Their first challenge was waiting for them at the top of the stairs; two bokoblins.
Mira and Link shared a nod. Then at the same time, they ran up the stairs and killed the monsters before they even had time to scream. Mira tried desperately to ignore the burning pain in her wounded back.
The journey continued along this hall, so far it was easy work. They took down a few bokoblins on the way and even one or two moblins which was surprisingly easy with three of them.
They passed the interrogation room that had no guards. They headed left down a corridor and up two flights of stairs.
At the end of the corridor at the top was an open window waiting for them. "This way. Hurry." Their rescuer said.
Mira climbed through the window, balancing on the ledge outside. They were only about a story up, but the fall still looked painful.
Link was just about to climb through when a voice spoke. It was so loud and out of place in the silence that overtook the area before.
"Just where might you be off to?" Mira looked through the windows and spotted the queen's evil henchman. He flipped his silver hair and glared at them with red eyes.
"I'm sorry, we were just leaving." Link said as he jumped through the window. At the same time their third member threw down some sort of device that exploded, filling the air thickly with black smog.
Quickly she clambered out alongside Link and Mira, then led them quickly along the edge. Luckily for them, the smoke had filled up the whole corridor, blocking all sight through the many windows.
At the end of the ledge, they used a pipe to slide down to the ground. Unfortunately, that's when the horns began to sound.
Spotlights in the watch towers were turned on and began to search the ground. Bokoblins raised their horns, recruiting more and more.
"Well, things have just gotten ten times more difficult." Link commented, with a grimace.
"Just stay out of the light and follow me." She told Mira and Link calmly. The two agreed and followed her along the wall.
They had to crawl under two of the wooden watch towers, before being able to walk out of the gate and into Castle Town.
The town was quiet, everyone seemed to be inside their houses. Only a few stray cats raced by.
Sticking to the shadows, the masked hero headed through an alley way just off the Main Street.
Thankfully, they met no more trouble until the reached the gate to get outside of Castle Town, which was shut.
"Wait here, I'll take care of it." Their ally said, disappearing into a door in the column left of the gate.
Mira was thankful for this, and quickly plopped down against the wall. Her back was fiery with unbearable pain.
Meanwhile, the still unnamed rescuer climbed up a ladder on the inside, emerging through a trap door at the top. She quickly killed the bokoblin at the top and pulled down the wooden lever.
She then headed down the lever, out the door and to the other side where she repeated the same process, pulling the lever down at the top.
With both levers pulled, the gate finally rose. She headed down quickly, ushering her companions behind her. Hopefully nobody would notice the risen gate anytime soon.
Mira struggled up, but kept pace with them as they ran out of the castle and into the shadows that lay beyond. Finally they stopped running and were able to walk for a bit.
"We actually made it. I can't believe it." Link said with a large grin. Mira gave a weak smile back. "What's your name?" He asked the stranger.
"My name is Sheik." The woman replied. "I am one of the last surviving members of the Sheikah. When I heard of your capture I planned to rescue you two immediately. Now we must go to Kakariko Village, there is someone I'd like you to meet."
"Well thank you. I'm Link and that's Mira."
"Yes, I know who you are." Sheik said with a nod. "There is a ranch a little ways south from here. We must get horses then head to Kakariko. I want to be there before dawn."
"That sounds like a good idea." Link agreed. He looked over to Mira and noticed her pale face. "Mira, are you alright?"
She tried to answer, but instead fell to the ground. "Mira?" He asked again.
Then everything went black, just as it had before they got captured in the woods.
[Media- Sheik
So I know that Sheik is a boy in Ocarina of Time, but in this case she's going to be a girl. Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. (:
Xo, Zelda]
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