Moving maybe?
Jess Pov:
It had turned nightfall as we finished our dinner. I grabbed the dishes and walked to the river and washed them. As I entered the camp again I quickly checked to see if laruence was still their and sensed he wasn't. ," Okay guys He is gone." I say. They give a sigh of relif. ," Well lets get going." I hear Max Say. I nod and go down the tree.
Sky Pov:
I threw some supplies down to Red Of a branch. *Crack* My Branch broke ," Ahhhhhhhhh, Ooofff." Someone caught me. I open my eyes after regaining strength and wits I open my eyes to see Jess's. ," Well, Akward." We looked at each for like 2 minuetes. ,"Uhhhhh." Jess starts blushing and I see why. We had moved closer without me noticing until we were inches from echothers faces I could Just...... ," HEY GUYS COME ON!" We jumped. Suprised at the sudden Speach. She let me go which resulted in me landing on the ground with a thump. ," Ow." I say, getting up and rubbing my butt. , " Sorry I was startled." I nodded ," YOU GUYS COMING OR WHAT?" I could tell it was ross. " Were coming." I replay I motion Jess to follow me ( of course). ," Can we talk about this later..., When we have time?" I asked, Unsure of her answer. She luckily nodded her head yes. I smiled as we left the tree House thing. ," Okays Guys Lets go." barney states we nod and follow Jess's lead. She is like your leader, I mean she is assertive and direct, but also sweet, and caring, and beautiful I mean those carmel eyes and soft sweet lookin-g." Hey yous alright?" I hear barney say. I jump slightly ," Yeah yeah, Just daydreaming." He smirks at me , " Sos you like Jess do you?" I blush a light pink and look away, speeding my step to get away from barney.
Third Pov:
After a few hours off straight runing we find Okasis. We knew it was not the safest place to live, But it would keep the people form phenoix drop away. Hopefully. After searching some we found a nice canopy to build houses in. We decided on each of us sharing with someone. The final decision was:
Sky & Jess ( Of course )
Red & Barney ( Cause Redney )
Ross & Max ( MITHROSS )
Everyone liked the Idea and began to build the canopy houses. The way they were placed looked like this:
Once every house was built and furniture was added. It looked like this:
," Well I am going to bed." Red yawned. Everyone nodded and jumped into the tree houses because they were on the ground. and went to sleep.
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