Chapter 23
"What are you doing?"
A voice comes from behind me. I jump, hitting my head on the top of the window.
"Ouch. What are you doing in my room?" I ask.
I turn around and see Derrin shakes his head.
"I was sent up to tell you that we're going to leave here in a couple minutes. But really Eadu? You shouldn't be up here." He says, stepping closer to me, and putting my good arm around his shoulders.
He helps me up and back into my bed. That's a good thing-my legs feel like they've gone into hibernation.
"You still didn't answer my question." He smiles. I roll my eyes.
"So now I'm not allowed to sit down somewhere other then my bed?" I ask sarcastically.
"This must be a pretty deep answer if your being sarcastic." He teases.
I sigh.
"Just thinking. Do you know what that is?" I bug him back. Derrin laughs and lightly hits my good arm.
"I hope so." He responds. I smile.
"Hey-I have a favour to ask you. I need a new Captain of Guard. Somebody I can trust. What do you say?" I ask.
Derrin's green eyes widen.
"Your asking me? But-" He starts, but I cut him off.
"Just answer me please." I say.
Derrin smiles.
"Of course. Thank you." He tells me. I smile again
"No-thank you." I murmur before he leaves the room.
Fifteen minutes later, I'm dressed and sitting in a carriage. Pillows are packed tightly around my bad arm.
"Where are we going?" I ask. Mufar turns around to me.
"Asenhouse. Jaosh and Briss are meeting us there." Mufar tells me.
Jaosh. It's only been a couple days, but it feels like years since I've seen him. For some reason, I feel nervous. What will he think of me? I sliced off all my hair, am basically a walking bruise, and have a nasty scar on my arm. Don't get me wrong-I'm not trying to impress anyone. But I want respect from my people. And if I can't get respect from my future husband then I'm not sure of anything.
I yawn. My little excursion from my room to the carriage has taken my energy away. I lean my head against the window and watch the countryside fly by.
I don't exactly remember falling asleep, but I must have at one point because when I wake up again it's dusk, and Mufar is gently tapping my good shoulder.
"We're here. Let's get you inside." He says. I yawn again and sit up straight. Mufar opens the door, and I practically fall out into his arms.
"Sorry." I mutter once my feet are on solid ground once more. I begin to walk towards the grand mansion in front of me. The front door swings open and two people run out.
Briss reaches me first.
"Eadu! What happened to you?" She yells. I wince at her loud voice.
"Briss don't yell! Are you ok?" Jaosh reaches me.
"I'm fine." I say half convincingly. I see Jaosh roll his eyes and I laugh.
"Why do people never believe me? I'm alive aren't I?" I ask. Derrin steps out behind me.
"Maybe we're not sure because you were literally about to die less then three days ago." He tells me. Laura climbs out after.
"Or because you just got shot?" She says innocently.
"Let's just go inside." I grumble. Derrin and Laura laugh at me as we shuffle away.
I feel better once I'm cleaned up. Jaosh and I have to have dinner together to 'discuss some things' as it was put. I could care less, but I guess Jaosh deserves to know what happened. It's going to be his country too soon enough. I am helped downstairs by Kaone and Briss. Once I am settled Jaosh comes in.
Jaosh and I sit silently for a while. I'm not sure what to say to him. A servant brings in food. Steaming hot soup and bread. It's nothing super fancy, but I'm so hungry I can barely think. I eat a piece of warm bread, savouring the flavour.
"So how did it go?" Jaosh asks me politely. I tell him the story, playing down the dangerous bits and highlighting the funny parts. After I'm done, Jaosh leans back in his chair.
"Wow. That's intense. I can't believe you survived that." He tells me.
I laugh.
"It's a good habit of mine. Anyway how was life here?" I ask.
Jaosh tells me about the past two weeks-how Briss went back to the castle for me, and about him trying (and failing) to be dignified around the castle. He tells me a funny story involving the castle tailor and a cat. We both laugh hard and for a moment-it seems like we're just two friends eating together.
But it's much more complicated then that.
My laughter dies away, and we fall into a awkward silence. I should talk. I know I should. But at this moment-I want to sit here in silence.
I sigh loudly.
"Where are we Jaosh?" I sigh. He looks confused.
"Umm...were at Asenhouse?" He tells
"No not that-I mean like where do I stand with you? What are we going to do?" I interrupt him.
Jaosh looks down at his hands and I look away. Neither of us meet the others eyes.
What was I thinking? Asking that? I should have talked to him about this later. We were having a good conversation too.
"I think we don't really have a say in what's going to happen." He says slowly. I start to protest, but he holds up a hand, silencing me.
"Let me finish! We have to get married. We don't really have a choice. But I don't love you like that. I think you're amazing-brave, funny, smart, and beautiful. Most people would kill to marry you, but I believe in love. But there's different types of love. Romantic love, family love, and friendly love. I love you like a good friend. And I'd rather marry somebody a friend then a complete stranger. So I guess, to answer your question, we can't really do anything. But we can be friends. I can live with that." He finishes.
I look at him.
"Thank you. That's a good perspective. And like you said, I'd rather marry somebody I like rather then I can't stand. I can stand you." I finish. Jaosh smiles.
Actually I got lucky. Jaosh is such a kind person. He will always treat me with respect, and will be great for my country. I could live a million lives and not deserve somebody like him.
"Let me escort you to your room." He says. I nod, and we stand.
I lean heavily on him as we walk. I feel exhausted. When we reach the door he gives me a gentle hug.
"Thanks." I murmur before slipping inside.
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