*Carly's POV*
My eyes widened in surprise as I processed Xavier's words.
She's my mate
That was not what I was expecting. I mean when I had asked Melinda about it earlier she seemed so sad. I hadn't expected Xavier to tell me that the perfectly healthy girl in that picture was indeed his mate. I had expected him to tell me that he hasn't found his mate yet or something along those lines.
"Oh." Came my stupid reply. I silently cursed myself for answering in that way but Xavier seemed to find it entertaining because a small smile came to his face but it was quick to disappear. I could tell that there was more to the story.
"If she's your mate then why isn't she here?" I questioned curiously. Xavier's blue eyes darkened and I could tell that I had hit a sore spot. I gulped and silently waited for his reply. It took him awhile but he eventually sighed and looked down at his clasped hands.
"I will tell you why but first I need to tell you the story." Xavier finally spoke. I nodded my head and waited for him to continue. He opened his mouth to speak and I couldn't help but to notice how he looked like he was in pain.
"Her name is Sophie, Sophie Williams. She's twenty now but she was nineteen when it happened. She was with her friends and they were coming home from a party, she wasn't driving but she was in the passengers seat. I was also driving home but from the grocery store, I saw it all. The light was red but the driver of the car was drunk and she didn't stop, she just continued to drive.
The other car tried to stop but he was going to fast and he slammed into the car Sophie was in, right into the passenger side. I was so shocked, I didn't know then that my mate was in the car, but I still got out and ran to help. There was nothing that I could really do because the car had rolled and they were trapped inside but I waited until the ambulance arrived and I watched as they pulled each girl out of the car. There was four of them and Sophie was the last to be pulled out since her side took the worst of the hit.
I knew as soon as I saw her that she was my mate. Even though she was completely covered in blood and her heart was barely beating I knew. I freaked out and luckily for me the paramedics were wolves and they understood what was happening. They let me ride with them to the hospital but I had to wait in the waiting room. Sophie's parents arrived but I didn't speak to them much. The doctor eventually came out and he told us the damage." Xavier's voice broke off at the last word and I watched as he fell back onto his bed.
I didn't do anything but simply wait for him to continue, because I knew that he needed to finish the story. His hands were covering his face but he continued to speak.
"He said that there was excessive damage to her brain and that she was in a coma. He said that it was unlikely that she would ever wake up, he said that Sophie was most probably going to be in a coma for the rest of her life. And there's nothing I can do about it, my wolf can't heal hers because...because she's human."
By the time Xavier finished his story there was tears running down his face and silent sobs shook his body. I knew that it was hard for him to be so vulnerable with me because its against everything a alpha is but I also knew that it meant he trusted me.
I slowly crawled to him on the bed and laid a hand on his shoulder. He didn't react so I ever so slowly lowered myself until I was lying next to him. I then reached my hand across him and grasped his other shoulder, pulling him towards me. He didn't move much at first but after a few seconds Xavier slowly began to slide towards me. When he was close enough I wrapped both of my arms around his large body and hugged him tightly to me.
His arms wrapped around me in return and he burried his head in my neck. His warm tears were dropping down onto my neck but I couldn't bring myself to care because the only thing I cared about at the moment was helping him through this. I knew that Xavier needed somebody to lean on and I was going to be that person for him.
"How do you think this happened?"
"I wonder what's going on between them."
"They both have mates."
Muffled voices filled my ears but instead of opening my eyes I simply groaned and hugged my pillow tighter to my body. I sighed in comfort when my pillow hugged me back. But then I realized that pillows don't have arms.
My eyes popped open and the first thing I saw was Xavier's handsome face. My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat. Then everything came back to me. The story of Xavier's mate and them comforting him. We must have fallen asleep together. Though I remember Xavier lying on me not the outer way around like it is now.
My head was rested on Xavier's chest with one of my arms thrown across his broad chest and the other was curled up in his shirt. Xavier's arms were both securely wrapped around me, hugging my body to his, while his head was rested against my own. Our legs were also tangled together, which was surprisingly comfortable.
I held in the groan that wanted to escape when I realized that there was other people in the room. They had all stopped talking when I opened my eyes but I could tell that they were there, all of them. I lifted my head a few inches off of Xavier's chest to try and get a look at the people in the room but my back was to them which made it nearly impossible.
I bit my lip before slowly starting to pull away from Xavier. I had only gotten a few inches away from him when he let out a groan of his own and pulled my body back to his, tightening his grip, before sighing. I frowned when I heard laughter from the people behind me. I was about to break down and ask for a little bit of help when a young voice filled the room.
"Mommy?" Aiden called out loudly. I sighed before trying to turn around again.
"She's up there buddy." Noah's voice was filled with humor. Aiden didn't answer but I felt him trying to climb up the bed a few seconds later. He huffed when he couldn't get up but I assumed that somebody helped him up because a few moments later Aidens little body was on top of Xavier's and mine.
"Mommy! Wake up!" Aiden yelled. I laughed and watched as Xavier's eyes slowly fluttered open. He looked down at me and I watched as a tender smile came to his face. He lifted his arm off of my waist before looking up at Aiden, who was laying on top of him.
Xavier's smile widened before he moved slightly to the right, causing Aiden to fall in between us. The toddler laughed as he fell off of us and onto the bed which caused me to laugh. Aiden rose onto his knees before launching himself onto Xavier. I rolled my eyes playfully before slowly getting up from the bed. A yawn escaped my mouth and I began to stretch until I realized that the group of people were still in the room.
Gracie, Faith, Collin, Seth and Noah were all standing by the door looking at me with raised eyebrows. I suddenly realized how this looked and I couldn't stop the blush that came to my cheeks. Seth and Noah wore matching smirks on there faces while Collin looked simply confused. Faith had a small smile on her face but Gracie looked like she understood. Her eyes darted to the picture of Sophie on the nightstand and then back to me. I gave her a nod in reply.
Gracie sighed and a sad look overtook her face before she crossed the room to me. She pulled me into a hug and whispered into my ear low enough for only me to hear.
"How bad was it?" She questioned. I sighed.
"Bad." Was my simple reply. Gracie pulled away from me and looked towards her older brother, who was still occupied with my son. before shaking her head. She looked so defeated, like she wanted to help him but didn't know how, and it broke my heart.
I bit my lip before walking towards the bed. I reached forward and snatched Aiden off of the bed. His head tilted back and as he looked at me he pouted.
"Mommy! I was playing!" Aiden whined. I smiled and rested him on my hip.
"Sorry baby but I think that it's about time that you had a bath." I said. As soon as the word 'bath' left my lips Aidens eyes widened and he began to wiggle around in my arms.
"No! No bath!" Aiden cried as I began walking towards the door. Aiden looked over my shoulder at Xavier and reached his arms out to him.
"Help! Help! No bath." Aiden yelled to Xavier. Xavier chuckled before shaking his head.
"Sorry little man but I can't help you there." Xavier answered. Aiden pouted but settled down in my arms. I continued to walk out of the room but I didn't miss the grateful look that Xavier gave me.
Hey guys! So you found out what happened to Sophie, what do you think? Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:
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