*Carly's POV*
Two weeks have passed since the phone call and I was still a bit shaky. Loud noises caused me to jump and whenever the doorbell rang I would get the urge to hide. I knew that it was all somewhat ridicules, being so afraid of everything, but I couldn't help it really.
The good thing though is Xavier. He has been practically glued to my side for the last few days, always making sure that I felt as safe as possible. I found it strange that my new alpha had become so protective over me but I didn't question it because I honestly needed the company, and not to mention the fact that Aiden has taken an extreme liking to Xavier.
Aiden has asked about his father a few more times since the first but for the most part he is having fun where he is at. Gracie along with Faith and I have become a good set of friends since I arrived. Whenever I need to get away from Xavier and his watchful eyes I go to the girls and we always do something fun, I still haven't told them much about my past but they don't mind.
My past. I have been sharing a lot of that with Xavier. He now knows pretty much everything there is to about where I came from, who was there and how I was treated. Honestly I would have expected him to run away from me with his tale stuck between his legs because my past is anything but a happy story but he simply listens to what I have to say and provides comfort when it is needed.
Collin on the other hand is still a bit weary of me. He's polite but he just hasn't warmed up to me like everybody else has, I don't know why either. Gracie says that its because he takes a while to warm up to strangers. I have gotten slightly familiar with a handful of the other pack members, seeing as how I do live in the pack house.
I have also managed to become good friends with Seth and Noah. I was a bit shy around them at first but once they got me to open up it was all smooth riding from then on. I'm almost as good of friends with the two of them as I am with Gracie and Faith. I haven't received anymore phone calls from Mason but I know that he is looking for us and that he is probably getting closer everyday.
I was currently sat in the large kitchen of the pack house watching Melinda make lunch. Melinda is Xavier and Gracie's mother. She is a very kind women in her early forties and we have been getting quite close also. She has been teaching me new things in the kitchen and when Aiden becomes to much for me to handle she is always more then happy to watch him for a little while.
I watched as Melinda darts around the large kitchen, gathering the ingredients necessary to finish the meal. I heard a small squeal come from my right and turned my head just in time to see Aiden come stumbling into the room with a large smile on his face. I was about to ask him what he was doing when suddenly Xavier comes rushing in after him, arms outstretched, ready to snatch the little one up.
"Help mommy!" Aiden was able to call before Xavier came forward and scooped him up into his arms. He lifted Aidens small body above his head before lowering him down again. Aiden was laughing gleefully and I couldn't help but to smile at the sight. As I said Aiden had taken a liking to Xavier.
Xavier finally lowered Aiden and placed him on his hip before walking over to us. He smiled at me and his mother before taking a seat on the chair next to mine.
"Hey ladies." Xavier greeted as Aiden wiggled around, arms outstretched toward me. I chuckled before reaching out and plucking him off of Xavier's lap. Aiden immediately relaxed into my arms and laid his head on my chest, a obvious sign that he was rather worn out from his day of playing with Xavier.
Xavier must have noticed this because he stood up and reached his hands out for Aiden.
"I'll take him up to bed if you want?" Xavier questioned. I smiled while nodding my head before carefully handing over the tired toddler. I watched as Xavier and Aiden disappeared from the room. Turning back the Melinda I saw that she was also looking at the spot which her son had just disappeared.
When she turned her eyes back to me she smiled before going back to cutting up the vegetables. After a few seconds of silence she sighed and looked back up to me with a wishful look on her face.
"I wish that he would have some kids of his own." Melinda admitted. I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. She also smiled.
"I just want some grand babies and its about time that one of my kids gave me one." Melinda continued. I could hear the playfulness in her voice but I could also tell that she was serious about wanting grand babies. You see in the werewolf society it's not uncommon for mates to have their children really young because people are soul mates and they are supposed to be together forever.
"Has Xavier even found his mate yet?" I questioned after I finished laughing. All the playfulness left Melinda's eyes and she quickly glanced down at the food. She sighed and wiped her hands on her apron before she looked up at me and I could see the sadness she was feeling.
"Why don't you ask him about that sometime?" She suggested. A frown had appeared on my face but I quickly got rid of it and nodded my head, not wanting to upset her further. I left the kitchen with one thought on my mind; maybe I'm not the only one with mate problems.
Later on that night I sat in the bedroom that was given to me, watching Aiden sleep. Aiden had been given his own bedroom but I haven't gotten the opportunity to go shopping for furniture yet so until I could he was staying with me in my room.
I was still thinking about what Melinda had told me, to ask Xavier about his mate, and about how sad she looked when I brought it up. I had tried to bring myself to ask Xavier all day but it never seemed like the right time. I sighed and ran a hand through my long hair, trying to decide what to do. I finally got sick of the curiosity eating away at me so with a huff I stood and exited the room.
Xavier's bedroom was a couple doors down from my own and when I finally reached the dark brown door I hesitated with my fist raised, ready to knock but I didn't need to because the door flew open and there stood Xavier himself. I had just opened my mouth to speak but the words got caught in my throat when I took in the sight before me.
There stood Xavier in only a towel. His body was dripping wet and his midnight black hand was sticking to his forehead. His bare chest and arms were on display and his blue eyes bore into my own. I could feel my cheeks rapidly changing color, to an unpleasant scarlet red I'm sure. My mouth was hanging open but I quickly managed to snap my jaw shut and look at the floor, stringing my hands together.
"U-um if this is a bad time then I'll go. Yeah I'll go." I stuttered as I turned to leave.
"Wait!" Xavier called as he reached out and clasped his hand around my wrist. I gulped and slightly turned back to him, keeping my eyes on only his face. He was watching me curiously with a small smile.
"Just let me get dressed, then we can talk." Xavier ordered. I slowly nodded my head and willingly let him pull me into the room. I watched as he walked to his dresser, grabbed some clothes and entered the bathroom.
His bedroom was large and well kept. Everything was in order, perfectly neat. His walls were a dark blue color with black bordering it. His furniture was also black along with his blue bedspread. His room was very manly all in all. I was awkwardly hovering by the foot of his bed when I spotted a picture on his nightstand. Curiosity got the best of me and I slowly walked over to it.
I gently picked up the picture and ran my eyes over it. The picture was of a young woman, maybe nineteen years old, she had a large smile on her beautiful face and her dark eyes twinkled. The picture was in a nice silver picture frame and I could only guess as to who this woman is.
The bathroom door suddenly opened which caused my head to snap towards it. Xavier was now fully clothed, thankfully, in sweatpants and a t-shirt. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he was watching me emotionlessly. My eyes widened and I swiftly set the picture down, taking a few steps away from it.
"Sorry." I muttered quietly, my eyes on the ground. Xavier was quiet for a few moments before he sighed. I watched as his feet walked over to the bed and sat down. The tension in the air was about to kill me when I heard Xavier clear his throat. I slowly looked up and nearly sighed in relief when I saw that he was smiling at me and motioning for me to take a seat next to him.
I walked over to him and took a seat on his soft bed. We sat in silence for a moment before Xavier spoke up.
"That's Sophie." He spoke quietly. He didn't need to elaborate because I knew who he was talking about.
"Who is she?" I questioned carefully because this is obviously a touchy subject for Xavier.
"She's my mate."
Hey guys! I'm terribly sorry that it took me so long to update. There really is no excuse but I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:
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