Chapter : 33
"Carly! Carly wake up!" A voice broke me from my sleep and I was disoriented as I was violently shaken.
My eyes shot open and I wildly glanced around. Xavier was hovering over me, a worried expression on his face, his hands on my shoulders.
"Xavier what's wrong." I croaked, my voice tight from sleep. Xavier frowned and pulled me to my feet. I stumbled slightly but managed to catch myself before I fell.
Xavier began to throw clothes at me and I struggled to catch them.
"Put those on." He ordered. My eyes widened but I did as I was told and quickly changed into the jeans, long sleeved shirt and hoodie he had thrown to me.
Xavier grasped my hand in his and pulled me out of the room and down the hall, to Aidens room.
"Xavier what's going on?" I questioned angrily just before we entered the room. I had pulled us to a stop and I wasn't planning on continuing until I got some answers.
Xavier sighed and cursed under his breath, his hand tightening around mine.
"We're under attack."
Three simple words that made my heart stop in my chest. My breathing became labored and my vision blurred.
Xavier was in front of me in seconds, his hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes.
"Carly I know your scared love but we don't have time for this, you need to get Aiden dressed into something warm and we need to get you guys to the safe house." Xavier's firm voice broke me out of my fear induced coma.
I weakly nodded my head before pushing past him into the room. Aiden was peacefully sleeping in his bed and I gently lifted him out and placed him onto his dresser.
"Mommy?" Aiden questioned, his voice sleep ridden, as he pealed his eyes open.
"I'm right here baby." I reassured him as I began to undress him. I threw his pajamas into the hamper and grabbed warmer clothes, practically the same outfit as I had on.
Once he was dressed I picked him up and secured him on my hip. Xavier took my free hand and ushered us down the stairs and outside.
The night air was chilly and nipped at my exposed skin. If I didn't know any better I would say that it was a normal night, but I did.
I knew that the battle was taking place miles from here and soon enough, if Mason had his way, it would be here.
Xavier pulled me along with him, to a small house only five minutes from the pack house. He rushed us through the door and led us into a back bedroom, into the closet.
I frowned in confusion and watched as he pulled open a hidden latch on the floor. My eyes widened in surprise and I could hear multiple voices below.
"All the women and children are down there. It's our safety room, made for attacks like this. You and Aiden are going to go down there, lock the door and keep it locked until I come back for you, understood?" Xavier's voice was harsh but I knew it was because he was worried.
I nodded my head quickly and watched as he slightly relaxed.
"Good, now go." He ordered. I was only half way down when he stopped me. "And don't ever forget that I love you more then anything." Xavier's soft voice filled my ears as he lightly kissed me.
"I love to too." I answered right before he closed the hatch. I immediately spotted the large lock and bolted it shut.
The last remaining steps were easy and soon enough I was met with about a hundred pairs of eyes.
My own eyes widened in surprise as I took in my surroundings. The bunker was much larger then I anticipated and was nicely kept.
Beds were spread out all over the place and I spotted a door, which led to a bathroom I'm assuming.
"Carly! Im so glad you two are alright!" Melinda cried as she ran up to me, taking Aiden and I in her arms.
I breathed in her comforting scent and nodded.
"So am I. Where is Gracie?" I asked, worried about my fried.
"Right here." Gracie's voice called from behind Melinda. I smiled in relief when I saw her and Faith sitting on a bed.
I walked to them and sat down, placing Aiden on my lap. I noticed that his eyes were beginning to droop and I assumed that he would be going back to sleep shortly.
As the worried voices of the women and children flowed into my ears, I was unhappy to admit that all we could do now was wait. Wait and hope.
I snarled as a large, grey wolf jumped at me, aiming for my neck. I side jumped him and waited until he skidded to a stop.
I immediately jumped and ripped his throat out, watching in satisfaction as the life drained out of him.
The battle had been going on for about two hours and I was unhappy to admit that we were currently on the loosing side.
Jones' wolves had been better trained then I had anticipated and though we outnumbered them they still had the upper hand.
I growled in anger and began trying to catch one of the two scents I had come here for. All I managed to pick up was the scent of blood though, it overpowered everything else.
I ground my teeth together before lurching forward, deciding to try to locate their safe house.
I managed to dodge all of the attacks that were thrown my way and continued running in a straight line, towards where I assumed the pack house was.
After about five minutes of running the large house appeared in front of me. Due to the lack of guards on the outside I assumed that they weren't in the house.
Even though I knew I was correct I still stealthily entered the house through the wide open patio door. Many different scents assaulted my nose but I picked out two that had my wolf and I going crazy.
I sprinted up the large stairs, ignoring all of the rooms I passed I made my way to the top floor and stopped at a room.
The door was wide open and when I walked in my sons scent surrounded me. I took in the blue walls and frowned when I saw the handprints that littered them.
I growled softly when I saw the largest set, assuming that they were Jones'. I took in the large room and felt a wave of sadness hit me.
I spent a few more moments in Aidens bedroom before I was able to pull myself away. Only three doors down did I find the bedroom that strongly smelt of Carly.
The room was nice and when I took in her scent I concluded that she had been here not to long ago. The room also stunk of Jones' and that made me growl in anger.
I turned and sprinted out of the house. If I had been paying more attention I would have seen the attack coming but I hadn't been so when a large wolf threw them self onto me I stumbled and fell to the ground.
I growled loudly and managed to shake the wolf. When I jumped to my feet I was met with a large, brown wolf circling me. I recognized his scent immediately and snarled.
Xavier snarled right back and we circled each other for a good two minutes, assessing the other.
I was the first to make a move as I jumped forward and snapped at his neck. Xavier jumped away from me and rounded to take a bite from my shoulder.
I yelled quietly before shaking him off. I didn't waist a minute before I charged at him, taking him by surprise I slammed him into the ground.
His claws dug into my shoulder and stomach as he pushed me away but I managed to get a good nip at his shoulder before he had me flying into a tree.
I got up and growled, knowing that this was going to be a long fight, I charged again.
Listening to the pained cries of the women around me was proving to be practically unbearable.
Watching many of them break down, due to the death of their mates, was devastating. Though I was feeling pain from Xavier it was bearable and I tried to ignore it.
It has been about three hours since Xavier had left us and though Aiden was peacefully sleeping I was restless and worried.
For the last hour I had been getting nothing but anger from Xavier. His anger was so intense that it was beginning to get to me and I was utterly curious as to what he was doing.
I was broken out of my thoughts by an intense pain that began to radiate in my neck.
I cried out and grasped the spot, hissing through my teeth. This was the worst that I had felt so far and before I could grasp the pain yet another one erupted in my stomach.
I was biting my lip to keep in y cries but as I felt Melinda's hand on my shoulder I knew that I must look like hell.
I began to pant as the pain intensified and suddenly images began to fill my mind. I watched as they flashed by. The pack house was what I saw, mostly, and then I saw something that made my blood run cold.
Masons wolf was hovering above Xavier, blood dripping from his snout, snarling.
I gasped loudly and bolted upright. The pain was still present but I had pushed it to the side at the moment.
"Xavier." I muttered quietly.
"Carly what's going on?" Gracie questioned as her and Melinda stood in front of me.
I violently shook my head and pushed past them, heading towards the door.
"Carly!" Gracie called as she gripped my wrist gently. I turned to her with wild eyes and shook my head.
"I need to get to him!" I explained, the need to go to Xavier so intense that I felt a if I would crumble if I didn't.
"Carly you can't leave, its to dangerous." Melinda explained gently. I was beginning to grow angry and I pulled my wrist from Gracie's grip.
"I have to go! He'll kill him if I don't go!" I tried to explain, urging them to realize.
I could see in their faces that they weren't going to let me go willingly so I had to pull out the big guns.
"As your Luna I order you to stop interfering with this. You both will stay here and protect the women and children." I hate to have to use my alpha voice on them but I had no choice.
Melinda and Gracie both bowed their heads and my guilt increased.
"Yes Luna." They chorused. I walked to the stairs and they quietly followed behind me.
I undid the bolt and turned back.
"Do the lock after me." I said. They nodded." And I'm sorry."
I listened to the lock bolt after me but I didn't waist time in running out of the house. I ran as fast as my legs would go and within minutes the pack house was within sight.
My eyes frantically darted around and when I finally found what I was looking for my heart stopped in my chest.
Xavier and Mason were circling each other in their wolf forms. Though they were both obviously injured it was obvious that Xavier was seriously injured.
I watched as Mason jumped forward and clamped his jaw around Xavier's neck, going for the kill shot.
"Xavier!" I screamed so loudly that it felt as if my ear drums were going to burst.
My scream had momentarily stunned both men and I watched as they both turned to look at me. Masons jaw loosened around Xavier once he saw me.
Xavier on the other hand began to freak out. He snarled loudly and struggled against Mason. This broke Mason from his trance and he growled lowly before swinging his jaw, and Xavier.
I watched as Xavier flew into the side of the house, the sound of his bones breaking made me wince. I watched with wet eyes as Xavier struggled to get back up.
Mason was stalking towards me how and it was as if a burning hot anger suddenly entered my body. I began to shake and in seconds my wolf had bursted to the surface.
My clothes shredded as I leapt into the air, landing on four paws. I didn't hesitate as I ran towards Mason.
I watched his eyes widen in surprise and before he had the chance to react I was on him. My jaw clamped around his throat and my claws dug into his skin.
I began to violently shake him back and forth, ripping out a chunk of his neck and throwing him a good twenty feet.
I didn't give him time to get back up as I ran towards him. He was a bit faster this time and rolled out of my way.
Mason jumped back to his feet and spun around. His teeth sunk into my shoulder and I yelped as he tightened his hold.
I twisted around and raked my claws down his face. Mason released me and jumped back. I pounced on him and used my weight to my advantage. I had him pinned down, my claws embedded in his skin.
Mason began to try to buck me off of him and just as my claws came unhooked he got up. He lunged at me and I let my instincts take over as I met him head on.
We fought for a few moments before I saw it, an opening. I lunged forward and clasped my jaws around his throat, I didn't even think as I violently shook him and ripped my teeth away.
I watched as Mason fell to the ground. He was panting for breath and blood was pouring from his wound.
As I watched this my senses returned to me and I realized what I had done. A heavy weight seemed to settle over my body as I watched Mason pant for breath, the life slowly draining out of him.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around to see Xavier standing in front of me, in human form.
He had a t shirt and a pair of shorts in his hands. I took them from him and quickly ran behind a tree.
I dressed and was back in seconds. Mason had shifted back to his human form and I watched as his bare chest slowly rose, up and down.
His eyes were closed but once I was near enough they slowly opened. Our eyes met and that was when the tears began to fall. I cried out and fell to my knees besides him.
Xavier was standing a few feet away, watching silently as I reached for Masons hand. I gripped it tightly and watched as a small smile tilted his lips.
"Carly-" Mason began, so quietly that I almost didn't hear it, but was cut off when he coughed, blood slipping from his mouth.
I cried once again and tears blurred my vision.
"I'm sorry! Im so sorry! I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." I cried out.
Though I didn't know why I was apologizing. Mason had been a horrible mate, be had put his hands on me, abused me and in all eyes that made him a terrible mate.
But watching this, watching him go, was unbearable for some reason. I in no way loved him or even cared about him anymore but knowing that I had caused this, I had killed him, nearly killed me.
"Don't apologize." Mason managed to get out, though his words were very quiet.
I shook my head and held his hand tighter. I could see that the life was leaving him and I knew that it was only a matter of time.
"You don't have to apologize. I do. I'm sorry Carly, for everything." Masons words barely reached my ears and it looked as if he had wanted to say more but his breath got caught and I watched as he struggled to breath, as he took his last breath, then he was gone.
I was sobbing by this point as I fell back onto my butt, pulling my knees to my chest.
"I killed him." I cried out. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and the comfort that came with my mate surrounded me.
"Shh. Its okay love, you didn't mean to, you we're defending yourself." Xavier soothed me. His words didn't process very well because all I could think about was the fact that I had just killed a person.
I looked at Mason and saw that a small smile seemed to have stayed put on his lips. His eyes, eyes that belonged to my son, were lifeless and staring straight ahead.
I pulled myself away from Xavier and crawled to Mason. My hand hovered above his face before I slowly, gently, reached down and closed his eyes.
"Goodbye Mason." I said for the final time.
Hey guys (:
So a lot happened in this chapter. What do you think? I know that a lot of people aren't going to be happy about this but its what I had planned from the beginning. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading (:
- Katelynn (:
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