Chapter : 27
I nervously paced the large living room in the pack house, my insides a jumbled mess of nerves. I continuously ran my hands through my hair, tugging at it every so often in frustration.
Xavier and the rescue team had left about a day ago and nobody back her has heard anything from anybody. I know the moment the battle happened because I felt Xaviers adrenaline, I also felt every wound that he obtained. That was about five hours ago.
I had been sitting with Gracie, who was also extremely nervous, when suddenly the bubbly girl began to scream, clutching at different parts of her body. We all knew that it was Collins pain that she was feeling but there was nothing we could do for her.
I glanced over at Gracie, who had passed out on the couch shortly after Collin was injured, and sighed. I sat down next to her on the plush sofa, letting my head drop onto the sofa behind me.
I was so anxious to make sure that Xavier was okay but more so, I wanted to see my baby. Being separated from my son for so long has had me and my wolf constantly on edge. I was so worried that we wouldn't be able to get him back because I know how ruthless Mason is.
I sighed and placed my hands over my eyes, rubbing gently.
"They are going to be okay, dear." A soft voice spoke out. I glanced to the left and saw Melinda standing in the doorway, staring at me with loving eyes.
"I hope so." I replied and just as I did so I smelt it. My two most favorite scents in the world, just outside the house. I jumped up and frantically ran to the door, throwing it open I scanned my surroundings and my heart nearly stopped when I saw them.
Xavier was walking toward me, head held high, my son in his arms, and our pack behind him. I gave a cry of relief and ran towards them, top speed.
"Mommy!" Aiden cried as soon as he spotted me, seconds before I reached them, snatching him out of Xaviers arms. I hugged my baby to my chest, so tightly that I thought I might suffocate him.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I did so. My wolf was howling in my head, equally as happy to be reunited with her pup. I pulled slightly away, just enough to get a good look at him.
Aiden didn't look much different. His hair was a bit longer and his face slightly less chubby but otherwise he was my same baby.
"Aiden." I cried out as I smothered his face in kisses. "I missed you so much my baby."
"I missed you to mommy." His sweet voice filled my ears. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me, arms that caused tingles to travel up my spine. I turned and looked up into Xaviers face.
My heart began to pound faster, feeling as if it was going a mile a minute.
"Thank you." I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. Xavier stared at me with tender, loving eyes.
"You don't need to thank me my love." He whispered back before leaning down and capturing my lips. The kiss was short, sweet and just enough to satisfy me.
"I love you." I told him.
"I love you as well, more then you will ever know." Xavier whispered back, kissing my forehead, before Aiden pushed his way up.
"Mommy I love you." Aiden told me firmly, having heard mine and Xaviers conversation. I laughed, the most genuine one that had left my lips in a long time.
"I love you too Aiden, so, so much." I spoke, kissing his small face.
I hovered over Aidens crib later that night, watching him as he slept. I couldn't bring myself to leave his side and I have been glued to him all day.
I smiled as I watched him turn, reaching down to brush some of the hair out of his face.
"He's not going anywhere." Xavier's voice called out from behind me.
"I know but I can't bring myself to leave him." I answered as he walked to me, wrapping an arm around my side.
Xavier sighed and rested his chin on my shoulder. We both stood and simply watched my son sleep for a few minutes, enjoying each others company.
"What happened down there Xavier?" I whispered, turning to look up at him.
As soon as they had come back the pack doctor had rushed Collin into the office and last I heard he was recovering well. Xavier's injuries were minor but I worried no less.
"It was a mess. As soon as we entered the territory his pack was all over us. It took me some time to catch Aidens scent but once I did I followed it to a little cottage in the woods, turned out to be Masons parents." Xavier paused to let me process.
"I shifted before entering and when I did they looked somewhat happy to see me, surprisingly enough. The pair didn't even fight me as I took Aiden from them. I had to knock them out though, I couldn't risk them alerting Mason." Xavier explained.
I leaned against him as I listened to his soothing voice.
"That's not surprising. Masons parents have been against the way he treated us since the start." I got out. Xavier huffed and held me tighter before continuing.
"After that it was a smooth go until we got near the border. Mason showed up and tried to get me to give Aiden back and when I refused he attacked me, Aiden still in my arms." Xavier growled.
I growled as well before carefully reaching down and scooping Aiden up, holding him tightly to me. Xavier reached to stroke his head, placing a kiss on his forehead.
I smiled and relaxed slightly.
"Did you .. kill him?" I questioned. Xavier stiffened and I felt him holding in a growl.
"No. I couldn't have done that with Aiden present." Xavier sounded so angry that I had to turn and nuzzle his chest to get him to calm.
"Okay, enough of that, lets go to bed." I whispered. Xavier nodded and followed me to our bedroom. I had decided that Aiden was sleeping with us tonight.
I laid Aiden in the middle of our bed before quickly changing into pajamas and joining my two favorite boys.
Aiden laid between us but I was still close enough to Xavier for me to reach and place a small, loving kiss on his lips.
"I love you." I whispered, to them both really.
"And I love you." Xavier whispered back, his voice thick with sleep.
I smiled.
Hey guys (:
Sorry it took so long but here it is. I'm so happy that Aiden is finally back! *fangirl squeal.* (:
Anyways hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!
- Katelynn (:
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