Chapter : 26
I was in my office, doing the mountain of paper work, when I heard it. Loud, vicious, growls filled my ears, causing me to frown. I had just stood up when Zach burst into my office.
"Alpha the perimeter has been breached! It's an attack!" Zach rushed out. I immediately went into alpha mode.
"Are the women and children in the safe houses?" I barked out as we ran through the pack house. Zach nodded and gave me answers to the series of questions I proceeded to ask him.
"Where is Aiden being held at?" I questioned. When I didn't get an answer straight away I snapped my head to Zach, growling loudly.
"I - I don't know. The last time I saw him he was with your mother but I don't know where they are." Zach stuttered. I growled viciously before bursting through the pack house door, immediately shifting into my large wolf.
Chaos surrounded me as I ran. Warriors from Jones pack fought my own but as I circled the fight I couldn't find Jones. I growled, knowing that he was most probably looking for Aiden at this very moment.
I lifted my nose into the air, trying to catch Aidens scent but was unable to due to all of the different scents. I had just gone to run away when a large body landed on top of my own, biting into the flesh of my neck.
I growled and kicked out my back legs, throwing the wolf off, before spinning around. By the scent I was guessing that the wolf in front of me was a beta wolf. I could also tell that he was powerful, but no match for me.
I lunged at the wolf, biting into his shoulder and flinging him a good twenty feet from me. He growled and got back to his feet, charging me. I jumped to the side and swung back around as he came, nipping his leg.
He snapped back around, jumping forward and racking his claws down my face. This angered me. I growled loudly before lunging forward and clamping my jaws around his neck, ripping a large piece of flesh as I pulled away.
The Wolf fell to the ground, whimpering quietly. I growled at him once more before turning around and running away. I through my head up into the air, desperately trying to catch Aidens scent and huffed proudly when I caught it.
I ran in the direction of the scent for about twenty minutes before I came to a stop in front of my parents little wooden cabin. I huffed. Figures he would be bere. I quickly shifted back, pulling on the shorts that were sitting on the porch.
I strode into the house and began to look around, frowning when I didn't spot Aiden. I walked into the kitchen and growled at what I saw. My mother and father were out cold on the floor.
I realized that Aidens scent wasn't very old, meaning that he was only recently taken. I ran out the back door, following the scent on foot. I was nearing the boundary line and though I hated to admit it, that made me nervous. As soon as Jones crosses the line he's practically untouchable.
I pushed myself harder, running faster then I ever have in human form. As I was running multiple members of my pack joined me, Zach right on my flank.
' They have started to pull back. They are traveling towards the border as we speak. '
Zach told me through the pack link.
' It's because they have what they came for. Aiden.'
I spoke back. Zach was silent after that because just then we reached them. We were ahout a hundred feet from the border and before they could get any closer I growled loudly, causing the group to stop and growl back.
The fifty or so wolf's were making a circle, surrounding something. As I looked around I saw a blonde, very injured man hanging off the back of a warrior and when I took his scent I realized that it was the beta I had fought.
My pack flanked me and a sikent stand off took place for a few moments before the circle cautiously parted, allowing a man to come out. This wasnt the first time that I had met Xavier Jones but it was tbe first time that I wanted to kil him.
Jones stood, his pack surrounding him, with my son in his arms. I glared at him, clenching my jaw. It was when I caught his scent that I saw red. Jones scent was perfectly mixed with Carlys, meaning that they had finished the mating bond.
A loud, furious, growl came from deep within my chest and I watched as Aiden cowered against Jones, holding him tightly.
"Give me back my son." I growled out, taking a threatening step forward. The opposing pack growled.
"I cant do that Mason." Xavier answered. I narrowed my eyes.
"Actually, I think you can. You have no right to come here, attack my pack and take my son." I spoke confidently, trying not to show how angered I was.
"Well if you want to get technical, I have every right to take Aiden back. Carly and I are now a fully mated pair, meaning that Aiden is now legally my child and as of right now the only heir to my pack." Xavier spit the facts at me.
I was absolutely furious, simply because I knew that everything that he was saying was true. I couldn't seem to control myself as I began to shake and in seconds my wolf burst to the surface.
I lunged forward, claws out, trying to get my paws on Jones. I watched in what felt like slow motion as Xavier quickly passed Aiden to a member before shifting and jumping to meet me head on.
We clashed in the middle of the clearing, jaws snapping, paws swiping. Growling, I tried to bite into Jones but he was quicker then I anticipated, jumping out of the way and looping back around to swipe at me.
It was obvious that Jones was better trained then his beta, this irritated me. I swung around and jumped at him, landing on his back I dug my class into his flesh, shifting his weight so that I could knock him to the ground.
Jones growled and kicked out his back feet, knocking me off, before jumping at me, managing to take a bite out of my shoulder. I bared my teeth as we had a stand off, circling each other. I couldn't spot any obvious weaknesses in his stance and as I was distracted, watching, he came at me.
Jones bit into my skin, flinging me to the right before jumping on me as soon as I was down. He had his teeth clamped around my neck, growling, trying to force me to admit. I growled back though I didn't have much energy left, the wound on my shoulder quickly draining it.
I refused to submit to Jones and once he realized this he began to violently shake his head back and forth, my neck still clamped in his jaws. Though I tried to fight it, I felt myself begin to slowly fall into unconsciousness. The last things I saw was Jones walking away from me, head held high.
Hey guys (:
So this isn't my best chapter because I'm really not good with fight scenes but I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!
- Katelynn (:
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