*Carly's POV*
Hours. That's how long I have been driving for. When we left the pack house it was still pitch dark outside but the sun was currently beginning to rise. It was a beautiful sight really, the sun rising over the mountains, and I might have actually been able to enjoy it if I wasn't afraid that Mason would find me any second now. I doubt that he was even sober enough to realize that we were gone but I was still deathly afraid that he would pull up next to me and take us back.
Surprisingly Aiden has slept for the entire ride, not even making a peep. I would probably think that he was dead if I couldn't hear his even breathing. I sighed and tightened my grip on the steering wheel. I don't know exactly where we are because I haven't been paying attention to any of the signs but I do know that we have to be at least a state or two over.
With that thought on my mind I pulled into a small motel that was up ahead. We had just entered a town a few minutes back so I assumed that it would be okay to rest for a little while because I was about to pass out. I shut the car off and slowly got out of it. My body was numb from the long ride and to make it worse my ribs were still in pain. I made my way back to Aidens door, opening it I smiled at the sight of my beautiful baby boy. He always looks so precious when he sleeps. I gently picked him up out of the car seat and into my arms, he slightly stirred but rested his little head on my shoulder.
I grabbed our two large bags before making my way into the small but cozy looking motel. At the front desk sat a older man, about late forties, reading a magazine. A bell chimed when we entered the room causing the man to snap his head up towards us. His eyes shifted between Aiden and I before they rested on my own.
"How can I help you?" The man, Tim according to his name tag, asked. I gave him a small smile before walking up to the desk.
"I need a room." I sated quietly. Tim slowly nodded his head and looked away but not before I saw him stare intently at my bruised face.
"Two beds or one?" He asked glancing at my little boy. I tightened my grip on Aiden and shifted my weight to my other foot.
"One will be fine." I answered. Tim nodded his head before reaching behind him and grabbing a small key off of a hook. He turned around and handed it to me.
"Okay, that key is to room twenty which is on the second floor, and it'll be thirty dollars for the night." Tim said with a kind smile. I nodded my head before digging around in my bag, pulling out a fifty dollar bill. I handed it to Tim and he gave me the change back.
"Have a nice day." He said as I walked away from him. Tim looked friendly but I couldn't help but to notice a glint of something in his eyes and before I left the room I took a deep breath, the scent alarmed me, it was the scent of a werewolf. After my little discovery I quickly made my way to the room, unlocking it and rushing in. I was slightly freaking out because if Tim's a werewolf then that means he belongs to a pack, a pack that shouldn't be to far away, and now that I'm technically a rogue I'm trespassing on their land.
I let out a shaky breath and laid Aiden down on the bed, he should be waking up here soon and I really hope that his stomach ache doesn't come back because I don't want to have to deal with that. I ran a hand through my hair and cringed when I felt how greasy it was, shower time it is.
I glanced at Aiden before making my way into the small bathroom that was to the right. I stopped in front of the mirror and sighed at my appearance. The bruising on my face had just gotten worse, an uglier shade of black and purple, and my eye was still slightly swollen. My waist length curly pale blonde hair was in knots and my usually bright blue eyes looked dull.
I shook my head before stripping out of my clothes and stepping into the shower, turning the water on hot I just stood there for who knows how long before washing my hair and body with the cheap items that were already in the shower. After another five minutes of standing there I shut the water off and stepped out into the cold air, shivering I snatched a towel off of the wrack and wrapped it around my small body. I stepped out into the room to see that Aiden was wide awake. When he saw me his green eyes lit up.
"Mommy! Mommy!" He screamed as he giggled excitedly and bounced on the bed. I chuckled at his silly behavior before walking over to him. I tighten the towel around me and scooped him up off of the bed.
"Hey little man, how's mamas baby boy doing?" I asked him as I bounced him in my arms. Aiden giggled again before clapping his hands.
"Me's good mommy!" He exclaimed. I smiled before setting him back on the bed and getting dressed. I through on my undergarments with a pair of black sweatpants and an oversized sweater. Looking down at the sweater I noticed that it was one that Mason had given me when I was pregnant. My wolf let out a quiet whine at the thought of our mate and my heart slightly fluttered. No matter how badly Mason treated me he is still my mate and I do slightly miss him, but its not like its going to pain me to be away from him because Mason never marked me, he refused to.
I was brought out of my depressing thoughts by someone tugging at my pants. I looked down to see Aiden with a fistful of my sweats and a pouty look on his face.
"Me's hungry mommy." He whined as he tugged some more. I smiled down at him before picking him up and walking over to the suitcase.
"Well we have to get you changed then we can go eat, okay?" I asked Aiden as I laid him down on the bed. He was still in his fishy sleeper from the day before and I figured that he probably didn't want to continue wearing it. He nodded his head, his dark brown hair flopping as he did so. I undid the zipper on the pajamas and slipped them off of him before walking over to his bag and grabbing a new set of clothes along with a diaper.
Walking back over to Aiden I took his old diaper off and replaced it with the new one. I then took the dark black jeans that I had picked out and slid them on him, along with a plain white shirt that had a collar. I picked him up and carried him into the bathroom, setting him on the counter I brushed out his dark brown hair so it was laying flat on his head. Aiden looked up at me with his sparkling green eyes, green eyes that belonged to his father, and smiled.
"Ready?" He asked. I shook my head before helping him put on his white sneakers.
"Not yet baby, mommy still has to brush her hair and stuff." I answered his question. Aiden nodded his little head and ran back into the bedroom. I sighed and started to gently brush through my waist length hair, before throwing it into a messy bun on the top of my head. Next I slipped on my black boots and helped Aiden into his black hoodie. I grabbed Aidens diaper bag out of the suit case and filled it up with diapers, wipes, a change of clothes and a sippy cup. Then we were out the door.
Aiden started to run ahead of me so I gently grabbed his hand and kept him at my side.
"Stay with me baby." I told him quietly. He pouted but stayed by my side until we got down the stairs. Like earlier Tim was siting behind his desk and when he saw me a worried look crossed his face.
"Hi Tim, do you happen to know of any diners that are close?" I asked him kindly. Tim nodded his head before giving me directions to a diner that was just down the street.
"Alright thank you." I thanked him when he was done telling me. He nodded his head and looked down to Aiden.
"He sure is a cutie." He commented. I smiled largely before scooping up a hyper Aiden in my arms.
"That he is." I answered with a laugh. Tim smiled again before going back to his work. I carried Aiden outside and shivered when the cold air hit my skin. We walked down the street and after about five minutes we reached the little diner Tim had told me about.
"Food!" Aiden exclaimed excitedly. I chucked and nodded my head before entering the small building. The diner was buzzing with people but as soon as we entered it became deadly quiet. My eyes widened slightly but then I figured out why, the whole place was filled with werewolves.
"Mommy, whys so quiet?" Aiden tried to whisper but it ended up coming out very loud. I looked down at him to see that he was peeking at all the people through his black lashes. I slightly gulped before taking a seat at an open booth. A few seconds later a girl around my age bounced up to our booth, looking excited and bubbly.
"Hi there! My names Gracie and I'll be your server today!" The girl exclaimed. Like I said she looked to be about my age, 17, with pin straight black hair and bright blue eyes, she was very pretty.
"Hi, um.." I trailed off looking down at the menu.
"Mommy! Me's wants pwancakes." Aiden stated, struggling over the word 'pancakes'. I smiled and looked back to Gracie.
"Okay we'll have a small order of pancakes with apple juice and the egg, sausage, hash brown combo with orange juice." I said kindly with a smile. Gracie nodded her head, writing it down on her little pad.
"Okay! Coming right up!" She said happily then bounced away. I hadn't noticed but thankfully the conversations had started up again when I was ordering but people were still staring at me. It makes sense though, Aiden and I are rogues. Less then five minutes later Gracie came back with our order, she set the food and drinks down on the table and stared adoringly at Aiden who was trying to use the huge fork to eat his pancakes.
"He's cute! How old is he?" She cooed. Aiden looked up at her curiously and smiled.
"He turned two last week." I said proudly. Gracie nodded her head and giggled when Aiden shrieked happily because he got a piece of pancake into his mouth.
"I'm Gracie Jones by the way." She said, turning her attention back to me.
"Carly Faye, and this is Aiden Grey." I answered with a smile. I was surprised that Gracie was actually able to look at me without staring at the bruises on my face, but everybody else in the diner openly stared at me.
"Is Grey his dads last name or..?" Gracie asked trailing off. The smile fell from my face and I gulped.
"Yeah it's his fathers last name." I said quietly. Gracie must have noticed that she hit a sensitive subject because she immediately apologized.
"Oh I'm sorry if I upset you, I tend to be really nosy sometimes or so I'm told. But really I'm sorry and I understand if-" Gracie rushed out but I cut her off before she could continue.
"It's fine Gracie, you didn't upset me." I told her with a laugh. Gracie let out a large sigh and giggled.
"Okay good, I just met you and I was afraid that I ruined any chance that we had at being friends." She said with another giggle. I slightly smiled and thought about that, friend, I like that word.
"Well you have nothing to worry about, I still think we have a great chance at being friends." I said with a wink. Gracie smiled largely but it was wiped off of her face when a loud, possessive and powerful growl was heard through the diner. I shrank back in fear because the growl sounded extremely similar to one that I had heard before. Gracie rolled her eyes and looked back to me but they widened when she saw the terrified look on my face.
"Oh my are you okay? Stupid Collin! He scared you." She said angrily. I took a deep breath before putting on a fake smile
"It's okay. I'm fine, but you should probably go see your..mate?" I ended with a question. I had a feeling that Gracie saw right through my lie but she nodded her head and walked over to a table across the room.
Three very good looking guys sat at the table and one, that had light sandy blonde hair and brown eyes, grabbed Gracie and pulled her down onto his lap. He looked at her angrily but worriedly and started talking to her fast but quietly. I could only make out a few words like 'rogue' and 'dangerous'. The last one made me roll my eyes because I am anything but dangerous.
I shook my head and looked back over to Aiden, I let out a groan followed by a giggle.
"Aiden your all messy." I stated looking at my little boy. Aiden had syrup all over his face and his hands and he had small pieces of pancake stuck to him. I sighed and grabbed a napkin, dipping it in the pitcher of water that was on the table, before wiping the sticky mess off of him.
"Thirsty." He said as he pointed to his apple juice. I smiled and reached down into the diaper bag, pulling out his sippy cup I poured the apple juice into the cup and handed it to him. Aiden greedily drank the juice and let out a burp when he was done. I chuckle before getting to work on eating my own food.
After quickly scarfing down my food and drinking my orange juice I looked at the bill and put the money due down on the table along with a gracious tip for Gracie. I grabbed the diaper bag and slung it over my shoulder then helped Aiden out of the booth. He giggled happily and ran ahead of me towards the door.
"Aiden!" I yelled after him. I slightly jogged so that I could catch up with him before I took his small hand in mine.
"Stay with mommy." I ordered. Aiden stuck his tongue out at me and I raised an eyebrow.
"Don't you stick your tongue out at me little man because you know what will happen if you do." I warned jokingly. He knew exactly what I was talking about so he stuck his tongue out at me again. I fake gasped and looked at him shocked.
"Oh no! You did it again, the tickle monster is going to get you now!" I exclaimed. Aidens eyes widened and he shrieked happily running towards the door. I started slowly chasing after him and once he made it out of the door I grabbed him by his sides and started tickling him crazily. Aiden was laughing hysterically and the sound itself was like music to my ears. But our fun and games was abruptly ended when I heard the diner door open and close quickly. I glanced behind me and saw that the three guys who were in the booth earlier, one being Gracie's mate, were stalking towards me.
My eyes widened and I swiftly scooped Aiden up and rested him on my hip before turning around and as quickly as I could, without running, made my way back to the motel. I had just walked up to the motel door when I noticed that Tim had locked it. I shook my head and sighed before searching for somewhere else to hide. The entire town, it being a very small one, was surround by trees. So I quickly bolted into the nearby trees.
Aiden was holding onto me tightly with his tiny hands and my heart was pounding. I could hear the three boys right on my tale so I sped up slightly until I came to a large stream, one I couldn't cross with Aiden on my hip. I gulped harshly before turning around to face the boys.
Collin, I think, Gracie's mate looked angry and his blonde hair was tousled from the wind. Like I had noticed earlier all of the boys were good looking, the boy to Collins right was nearly as tall as him with dirty blonde hair and dull blue eyes. The boy to the left of Collin looked just as tall and well built as the other two, he had medium brown shaggy hair and green eyes.
To say they were intimidating would be an understatement. I took a shaky breath but straightened up my stance nonetheless. The three boys took a step towards us and I let out a quiet growl. It was when I heard Aiden's small cry that my momma wolf instincts kicked in. I turned my body sideways so that Aiden was as far away from them as possible and I started to growl viciously at them. I had to fight my wolf to keep control of my body, she wanted out because our pup was in danger.
The three boys looked startled at first before they started growling back just as viciously.
"Stand down rogue!" Collin called, pissing me off even more. They took another step closer to me and I was just about ready to set Aiden down and attack them when a powerful voice rang through the clearing.
"Enough of this!" He yelled. His voice was so powerful that it almost brought me to my knees, I didn't but I did shrink back in fear. Alpha voices do that to me. I kept my eyes on the ground, hugging Aiden closer to me, that is until the alpha spoke to me.
"What are you doing on my land rogue? And you better have a good answer because I don't like rogues." He stated, causing me to gulp. Oh great, I trespass on a packs land and to make matters worse the alpha hates rogues, great.
Hey guys! So here's chapter two! I hope you enjoyed it and please comment, tell me what you think? Next chapter will be in Masons POV so ya. Thanks for reading!(:
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