[Charlie's POV]
Honestly, it was really nice being home these passed couple weeks. I was really going to miss it when I had to go back to LA. I've tried to keep to myself for the most part, but as always, my mother had other plans.
Every time we were out and about, either at the grocery store or at the mall one town over, she would always boast to people about the record deal I had gotten. She was way too excited about the whole thing and I couldn't break it to her that I wasn't happy with the way I had gone about getting it. Really, I just felt like a total fake.
I've literally been attached to my mother's hip since I've been home and even though it's been really nice spending so much time with her, I was very happy this morning when I came downstairs to find my mother grabbing her keys from the kitchen counter.
"Oh! I was just about to write you a note," She seemed to be in a good mood today. "Your father and I are going out and won't be back until later tonight."
I smiled to myself as I poured coffee into a clean mug. Most kids would think that their parent's lovey dovey attitude was repulsive, but to me it was just another reminder of what I hoped to have someday.
"We're taking your father's car," She laughed to herself as she placed her keys back on the counter. "Which means I don't need these!"
I leaned back against the counter and took a small sip from my mug. "Have fun mom, you two deserve it."
"Thank you, honey!" She came toward me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before she turned and left the room. I heard the sound of the front door as it closed tightly behind her.
My body was tense for moment as I listen to the silence of the empty house before I let out a long breath. Finally I had a day to do whatever I wanted.
Evidently, the first thing, or should I say the first person, that popped into my head was Ashton. It had only been a day since I went into the music store to say hi and met his cute, but loud friend Michael. Those two were definitely a pair. Ashton was much more reserved than Michael, but maybe Michael's overly confidant attitude and Ashton's maturity would balance each other out.
So after I made a quick breakfast and lounged around in front of the tv for a while, I scrounged around the cabinets until I found all the ingredients needed to make chocolate chip cookies. My family has always been the type to make everything from scratch, priding ourselves on the fact that we could cook a dinner without using a microwave. So baking a batch of cookies was somewhat easy for me.
Almost 45 minutes and a slight mishap later, the cookies were done and cooling on a rack as I raced upstairs to put on better looking clothes.
It's been a little over a week since the thing with Ashton's grandmother and I still wasn't quite sure as to what had happened. I assumed that it was because she was getting old, but really in my eyes, she didn't seem as old as she might have been.
I pulled a plain navy blue t-shirt on, letting the thin fabric drape over the light washed jean shorts I had put on moments before. Slipping into an old pair of checkered vans, I headed out of my room and back downstairs. I let the cookies cool for another moment before I stacked them up on a few flimsy paper plates and covered them with plastic wrap.
Locking the front door behind me, I headed down to my mother's car, cookies and keys in hand. The drive to Ashton's house took longer than expected. I had gotten lost once or twice, since I was going by memory. Plus it had been dark when we had driven here that night.
I still noted how he lived in the not so nice part of town. I tried not to pay mind as I made my way up the front steps of the building, pushing the heavy door open. I climbed the stairs slowly, already second guessing myself for coming here. Maybe I should have called before coming over. But it was too late now. I was already standing outside his apartment door. I reached my hand up and knocked three times.
There was shuffling and a loud grunt from the other side of the door and then loud cackling before the door flung open so unexpectedly, I had to take a step back. There stood a very flushed Ashton, wearing only a pair of athletic shorts. My eyes turned up quickly from his bare chest to his face. Needless to say, he looked surprised to see me.
"C-charlie?" He stuttered in a cute way. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm really sorry for coming over unannounced," I fumbled with my words. "I should have called you first, are you busy?"
He chuckled lightly, gesturing toward his attire, or lack there of. "Very busy. These are my work clothes."
I laughed awkwardly, yet again letting my eyes wander down for a brief second before his voice caught my attention again. "Would you like to come in?"
"Yeah," I smiled. "Thanks."
There in the kitchen sat a tiny old lady, who was still chuckling under her breath about what might have happened before Ashton had opened the door.
"Gran, really?" Ashton led me across the tiled floor. "Me hurting myself shouldn't be that funny to you."
"Oh, sorry, dear," She held back another laugh. "I can't help myself sometimes!"
Before Ashton could come up with a witty comeback, his grandmother's attention had turned to me. "Whose this pretty young lady?"
I turned my eyes toward Ashton to see his cheeks tinted a new shade of pink. "This is Charlie, gran. I've told you about her."
His grandmother just nodded her head in realization and I stood there slightly stunned. He had told his grandmother about me? What could he have said?
My thoughts were answered when his grandmother spoke up. "He's only ever said nice things, hun, don't you worry."
Without knowing what else to say, I held up the plate of cookies. "I made these for you. I just wanted to bring them over while they are still fresh."
"Well that was thoughtful of you," Ashton's grandmother gave him a look before she stood and shuffled over to me.
She took the plate of cookies from my outstretched hands, thanking me, before she moved back over to the table and took the plastic wrap off to eat one.
"These are delicious!" His grandmother chewed happily as she went for another one. "Ash, try one of these."
It was cute to watch the two of them interact. It was obvious how much Ashton cared about his grandmother and vise versa. You'd think that the two would butt heads on certain things, which they probably did, but I watched them now, I could see how easily they got along. They must be very close.
"Mmm," Ashton bounced happily on his toes as he took a bit out of what was probably his third cookie in two minutes. "These really are amazing."
"Thanks," I smiled sweetly as I watched his grandmother as she moved into the living room and turned on the tv.
"No, thank you, Charlie," He gave me a serious look. "You really didn't need to make these, much less bring them over."
"I wanted to," I spoke quietly. "I wanted to make sure that your grandmother was okay after last week. I just wasn't sure if I should ask or make an excuse like baking cookies and bringing them over."
He nodded his head in understanding. "The cookies were a great touch. Gran sure does love her baked goods, isn't that right gran?"
She only just waved him off with her hand, already too engrossed in the tv to even listen to what he had said. A very cute giggle escaped his lips as he motioned for me to follow after him. We moved passed the living room and down a tiny hallway. Ashton opened the only door on the left side and I quickly followed him into what I assumed was his room.
It wasn't too messy, like I thought most guys' rooms were. He picked up the few articles of clothing off the floor, throwing them in the hamper before pulling a fresh shirt on over his head.
"Come on," He yet again motioned for me to follow him.
To my surprise, he jumped up onto his desk, pushing open his window and climbing out of it. I stood there with wide eyes for moment before his head poked back in through the window.
"You coming?" He tilted his head to the side slightly in thought.
"Yeah," I nodded, mirroring his same movements.
Steading me as I clumsily made my way out of the window, Ashton then turned and headed up the metal fire escape. I trailed after him, taking a second to look out over the town the higher we went.
"Wow," I breathed out as I stared at the view in front of me.
"It might be a shit place to live, but at least it's got a good view," Ashton spoke as he shrugged his shoulders.
I just nodded my head. Curiosity got the best of me as I wondered why he had brought me up here. But as I took the time to think back, the only other time we were together he had driven us out into the middle of nowhere. I guessed he liked being alone. But being alone does get lonely.
"You probably want an explanation as to what happened last week," Ashton's voice broke me from my thoughts.
I shook my head. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"I want to," He spoke with confidence.
We then both took a seat on the beat up old couch a few feet away. I smiled to myself and wondered if Ashton had somehow gotten this up here.
"I guess, well..." Ashton thought over what to say for another moment.
"It's really hard," He rung his hands together out of nervousness. "Having someone as great as my gran is, to be apart of your life for so long and then find out that their sick."
"Oh god, Ash!" I put my hand over his, hoping it would calm him somewhat. "I'm so sorry."
He just shook his head. "She has Leukemia. I'm not really sure how well she's doing. She doesn't really like to talk about it."
I watched him closely. It was obvious how concerned he was about it, I mean who wouldn't be, but for some reason it seemed as though he wanted to hide his emotions. He was trying to be mature about it all, but with a case like this and being as close as I knew they were, I really wished he would just let go and break down a little. Keeping things in like that never ends well.
"You can be upset, you know," I voiced my thoughts.
It took him a moment to finally respond. "I am upset. I'm more than upset. I'm furious!"
He shook his head, pulling his hands from mine. I could see his eyes had turned glassy and he sniffled a little before he spoke in a low tone. "She's my best friend."
My heart broke in that moment. It was obvious in the way he stared up at me with those big eyes of his, that he had no idea what he was doing or how to handle the situation he had been put in. He was only 21 after all. He shouldn't have to be taking care of his grandmother the way he was. But I wasn't sure if he minded. Actually, I knew he didn't mind. Like he said, she was his best friend. And people do whatever they can to help their best friends.
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