Chapter 24
It was so confusing talking to the lady at the entrance. I was so incompetent. After a while we figured it out and I accidentally gave her too many of the papers. I gave her a pile since it was tied together. She untied it, took two papers and gave us change as she called it.
Now we have a purple dollar with a fifty on it. How many more colors are there? Finding the room wasn't easy either. Sylvian couldn't help since he can't understand anything. He also refuses to drink the magic liquid and said it's his life goal to live longer than me.
The room is cute. It has a... sorta big bed? If humans are so tall and round, shouldn't the beds be bigger? It can fit two people, I guess. There's a black square on the wall across from the bed. It's huge and shiny. There's a door that leads to a weird looking bathroom and a big, wide window on the wall opposite from the entrance door.
"I always wanted to see a human city. That's what I was trying to do when I was kidnapped that tragic night, all those years ago. It was pouring rain and there were many horses running at me. I won many of the fights but lost from the sheer incompetence of my arms, for they got tired.
He hums and sets the bag on the bed. I tell the best story of my life about my tragic downfall and all he does is hum. Not very proper of him. I sit on the edge of the bed and observe him do his thing.
"Why did you run away?"
"To get unicorns."
"What's the real reason?"
"I was bored."
He hands me all the bottles I stole that the old pants and dress are wrapped around. They did their service well.
"No one runs away from a whole kingdom for fun."
"You did."
He puts a book on the bed before putting the bag beside it. He takes off his boots and lays on the bed, flipping through the pages before reading one.
"That was different. The curiosity has been eating away at me for years. My heart yearned for all the answers my mind came with. I was getting rid of the eternal darkness my brain trapped me in."
My goodness. I'm being very poetic right now. It's hunger, it's changing me.
"What are you reading?"
"A book."
"That's ludicrous."
He nods.
"Who wrote it?"
"Did a human write it? They write... interesting things."
He really is bad at responding.
"What's it about?"
This man.
"Why don't you tell me anything?"
"I have to stay mysterious."
"Fine. I'll be mysterious too."
He side-eyes me. I get up and walk to the weird bathroom. Everything in it is different. I look at myself in the plain mirror. Someone else is watching me in it. There's no color in her skin, her face is duller. There are dark bags under her eyes and her hair is a mess. It isn't shiny or soft anymore. It feels like hay as I run my fingers through it as best I can. There are too many knots. My poor hair. I walk back to the foot of the bed.
"Are you good with hair?"
"The hair."
"What about my hair?"
He sighs before closing the mystery book and sitting up. He pats the spot beside him. I walk over to sit beside him. He leans back and messes with my hair. He then digs through the bag, pulls out a comb and sits behind me.
"This is a mess."
"Tell me about it."
"There's quite a few knots, dirt-"
"Not literally."
He flicks my shoulder. Ow. He then runs the comb through my hair or whatever it is that needs to be done. All I know is that this is painful and not fun.
"Have you never brushed your hair before?" He asks.
"A few times. A maid usually does my hair. She's so nice about it, you're ripping it out and keep combing my ears."
It feels so weird. My poor hair is breaking. I'll be bald soon. I can't be bald, that will be horrible. I'll just steal his hair and glue it onto me.
He doesn't need to keep all that beauty to himself. Sharing is caring.
He gets off the bed on the other side of me and unrolls the dress. If I was in a horror play, I would definitely wear it. He looks through the bottles before grabbing one.
I get up and follow him to the weird bathroom. He looks at the shower.
"How does it work?"
I observe the weird contraption before turning the weird handle to the side. There's a noise in the wall that gets louder. It goes through the weird metal, rope thingy before freezing cold water hits my face. I quickly get away from it.
"That's how," I tell him before grabbing a cloth and drying my face.
"That was the most wonderful thing I've ever watched."
"Oh shush. What are we doing?"
"Washing your hair."
"I can do that by myself."
He holds up a huge, knotted chunk.
"Very much so."
Goodness gracious.
"What do I do?"
"Get in."
"My clothes will get wet."
"Then take them off. This isn't that hard."
This time I give him a dirty face and walk back by the bed before flopping on it. He follows.
"What are you doing?
"Giving up on life."
"Over hair?"
He rolls his eyes.
"I'm not just gonna take off my clothes or let them get wet. I have no backups."
"You have nothing to hide either."
"It's not the same."
He sighs before walking back in the smaller room. A time later, he comes back out with a drying cloth. He throws it at me before grabbing the comb and walking back in the room.
I fight the overly complicated boots till they come off. Same with the belt. Accessories don't need to be this complicated. Good thing I'm not wearing the gloves, I'd never get those off. I take off my clothes and wrap the cloth around me. Why is it small?
I walk back in the room. He looks at me as if I took forever. I did not. I walk in the shower; the water isn't freezing cold anymore. Only a little cold. He grabs the bottle and comb and walks over. I turn around. This wall is very boring.
Him rubbing the oil through my hair feels amazing but him trying to undo the knots does not. This is so strange. He doesn't want to answer anything but he's helping me. His embarrassment could be holding him back. It must be hard explaining things when he's bad at it.
"Are you not answering questions because you're scared?"
"What is there to be scared of?"
It's very hard to stand still. I could fall over right now and break my neck. He'll pity me so badly for breaking my neck in the shower, he will tell me everything. Only everything he needs to.
I don't need to know how he cleans his armpits.
"Then why?"
"To stay hot and mysterious."
He turns the weird knob handle, and the water stops after making a weird noise. Weird human contraption. He hands me another drying cloth before walking out the room with the oil and comb.
I follow him, my scalp already feeling better. He points to a spot on the bed. I sit there and he gets behind me, kneeling. He does some more things with my hair with the other bottles, and it's fixed after some time.
"Thank you."
He hums before putting things back and sitting where he was while reading the book. He throws his legs over mine while opening the book. I am in his way, but there is a perfect opportunity here-
I grab his feet and he kick me off the bed. Ow.
A/N: I love their dynamic, this was a fun chapter to write (mainly the end). Thoughts?
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