Chapter 21
We have been walking another day. Every part of me hurts, I'm starving, dehydrated and I'll turn into a raisin soon.
"How much longer?"
"Not far."
I want to lay on the ground and sleep forever- actually no, not forever. I need to get home but besides that. I also need to eat all the food in the world.
We walk forever, each step my legs wobble. I stop looking at the ground as my neck now hurts and look into the horizon. There's something- they're tall buildings! Out of all the research I've done, humans have a very certain style for all their buildings that no one else has. They make everything tall and narrow.
How does nothing fall over? It makes no sense.
Now I'm nervous. This is a whole new place with a new species, and I don't know their language.
"You know, I've done so much research about humans and they pay for things with paper and metal coins. They have so many weird things like magic doors that open by themselves and little devices that are magical. They also don't have a universal language so we're not going to know what they're saying and I'm so scared and can't stop talking. I cannot-"
"Shut up."
It works. Now, I cannot open my mouth ever again- but then I cannot eat. Oh, the pain. No, I need to eat honey.
"Technically we're both liars, but I feel like you lied a lot more than me and about much more important things. Which of the personas you created is true?"
Obviously, he lied for both but one has to be more like him. He put my acting career to shame. When there's time and before he steals my unicorns, I'll have him teach me and give me pointers. I want to make a false persona to mess with everyone too.
"Then who are you?"
He shrugs. "Nobody? Something for people to look at and call pretty."
"You're beautiful, not pretty. Was everything a lie?"
"What wasn't?"
"I do love raspberries, every spot I showed you in Ravaryn was my favorite."
"That's all?" He nods. "So, every time we stayed up talking all night was fake?"
He nods.
That hurts. I thought I had a friend there. I didn't know Luna or Darian well enough to be friends with them but mystery guy I did. We stayed up late many nights and talked about life, people, random things.
"Everything is fake?"
Why is this bothering me so much?
"Well, mister, I'll have you know something too. I made up my own character that I played too. I might not have tricked everyone, but you know nothing about me."
"Then who are you, princess?"
"Sandra from Hawaii."
"What's Hawaii?"
"My home, duh. It sounds funny."
He gives me a weird look. "Then why did you get kidnapped if you're from Hawaii? Did the king mistake you for someone else?"
"I wonder that too. I'm so famous in the far, far away and magical land of Hawaii that he must have been jealous of me and wanted my fame. There's only so much he can do with a kingdom, but Hawaii has everything."
"Sounds like him. So, Sandra, what is Hawaii like?"
"Hot and colorful."
That's all I remember from the book I read. I read about so many places and I barely remember any. I don't know where they are or which ones we're by either. Earth is too big. I then remember something so insanely important.
"You have seen me at my lowest, whoever you are. I still am the saddest I've ever been, but you've seen me laying on the bathroom floor, naked for crying out loud. Nobody gets to see that, and you helped me. You confuse me to my core, and I know nothing about you, but you've seen everything there is to see about me. Tell me at least something that isn't a lie. Something to make up for you breaking my trust."
He stays silent for an awful long time. The light gray buildings in the distance are slowly getting bigger, more clear and different colors. They're brown, red, made of brick and close to each other.
"Don't hate me- don't get mad, and for your love of honey, don't ignore me."
He stays facing forward. He has looked at me only one time today. I can't stop staring at him when I'm talking, even when I'm not. He hasn't smiled yet either or looked any less sad. He must be sleep deprived, I sure am.
He stays quiet for a short while. "I had to gain the king's trust. I had to gain your trust. Luckily for me, he is incompetent. I have no idea why mother ever married him and let him help her rule the kingdom. I needed a reason to make him let me take you away. The horror and betrayal on your face when I shot you pained me. That night unfolded flawlessly, although it was far from perfect for you.
"Once I teleported us back to the castle, I had the guards take you to the room or whatever. I told the king that you tried to run away, without telling him I told you to. I convinced him that you needed to get away and get fresh air, an escape from there for a while. I reasoned that you were atrocious at fighting and needed more practice in more climates. That obviously wasn't true, you were trying too hard to act dumb that weak.
"He wasn't convinced, probably the first time his brain started working. I told him you needed to get broken down and molded, brainwashed into helping him. You would think that it's another chance to escape and the hope in your eyes would disappear again when I would take you back. His sadistic self-agreed, I told him I'd need about a month and then it was set. Now we have a month ahead of them. Your kingdom is quite far."
"That's bloody brilliant. Goodness gracious."
He scrunches his nose. "I'm terrible at explaining things."
"Good enough. What if that was all a lie and you're going to break my hope again now?"
He shakes his head. "I have to get me a damn unicorn and you will help me. I won't let anyone touch you till you give me a unicorn."
"Then I get Callista."
After the time it took of him horribly explaining his amazing plan, we reach a house. It's much bigger than the ones in the villages. Why are they so big? The houses are spread apart with fences around them. There's a wide, black path between the houses that face each other. There are smaller, tan ones on each side of the wide, black path. In the middle of it are thin, yellow lines.
"That's a street and the beige paths are the sidewalks," I tell him as I point to it.
My curiosity is going to help us. I'm important.
"What are these buildings?"
"Houses, they're just bigger. Humans have everything bigger for some reason."
He stops walking and looks around before facing me.
"What do we do?"
"First, bathroom, then food... I don't know what else."
I start walking in a random direction, having no clue what is going on. I don't believe either of us planned for this so we're just going to wing it.
All I've been doing this whole time. I can't fall apart yet. I have to make his highness feel bad for lying to me. Me, I'm too perfect for people to lie to me. I also have to try human food.
"You know, before all of this, we didn't know the other existed or about each other's kingdoms and stuff- I hope you haven't been stalking me or something. But now we're here, in a city that neither of us know basically nothing about and either I'm going to die soon or you're going to steal my unicorns. Isn't it crazy how life works?"
He nods.
"You got very lucky."
He raises a brow at me.
"You saw me naked. Not many people get that honor, barely anyone. You also picked me up, which was the highest honor ever. How do I look?"
"I have nothing to compare you to, but ugly."
A/N: How are y'all? Hopefully this book starts getting traction soon.
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