The sky was dark outside the window of the police precinct as three young adults learned of the fate of their mom and dad
Their were mark (23)
The oldest of the three
A young man with Black as the night sky hair that
always wore a suit and carried himself very professionally and stood at 5.7
His sister Michelle (21)
Who was the second oldest of the three of them having dark red hair dyed of course
With bright red lipstick too match
And than there was mat (18)
He wore a beaten up hoodie that his dad had given him on his birthday last week
They all say there as the cops told them the story of the car crash that killed them both
While mark and Michelle sat quietly in their seats Zane was the one that broke down tears in his eyes and all
" They can't be gone they haven't even seen me graduate school" he said shaking against the wall of the room
To the cop it appeared the other two were just in shock
So he went over and hugged the young man who's father he was best friends with " I know this is hard but they are gone and things will only get harder from here tomorrow is the reading of the will "
Nicholas the cop told mat as he hugged him tightly
His back to the others but
Mat seen his brother and sister cracking slight smiles
But when he blinked their faces were back to that of shock So he had decided to pass it off as just his mind playing tricks on him
Nicholas then pulled away from the hug and patted him on the shoulder before escorting all of them out into the parking lot
Where mark and Michelle
Got inside a beautiful dark red Ford 2021 mustang mach-e
Zane having gotten the news and driven here himself got inside his crabby old Dodge neon him and his father had worked on over the past year
Even though his family was wealthy he always valued family over everything else and so he had this car
Their dad and mom were like that as
As he drove back to the estate in upstate New York he felt cold undeniably cold
Like a part of his soul have been ripped from it's housing The tears wouldn't stop falling
But after about an hour of driving He finally made it back to the albeit luxurious mansion they lived in He couldn't help but feel it had lost all its magic it's love
He parked his car in the front driveway and walked inside to find his siblings drinking the expensive and luxurious wine that his parents had stashed away for special occasions " why are you two wasting that That's been my family for generations the very first bottle our family ever made " mat said his voice weak from all his crying
" Well since we'll be running the show from now on we thought we might as well celebrate with a death of a family tradition " Michelle explained coldly
Mark nodding his head in
" Well you too can do it all by yourself I'm going to bed " mat said rushing upstairs to his old bedroom
Where he said in silence for the rest of the night barely moving an inch as he couldn't get his mind under control to even attempt to sleep all the thoughts of what could have happened if he had driven with them to that party last night
It was a party celebrating mark's promotion to CFO in The family's wine business
He had declined to ride in his parents car wanting to show off the newly finished Dodge neon he and his dad rebuilt together something he was both grateful for and sad for the same moment
As the hours passed into early morning he looked at the window and saw the light of the sun shining through his window and he knew it was time to get ready
So he very slowly crept out of bed and grabbed some of his clothes from his dresser
And went to the guest bathroom doing his morning routine getting ready to head
To the reading
Feeling no connection to his siblings at all now as they were always so ungodly cold
To him He walked right past them and went to his car starting it
Leaving a solid few minutes before them The entire ride down he hoped to get some of the money off their insurance since he knew the others would use it for selfish reasons he just wanted to save people in need and go on adventures
Throughout the world
--An hour later --
As he pulled off the highway
Towards a lawyers office
Which looked to be incomplete disarray The ones yellow and red painted building now looking much more muted
He slowly got out of the car and walked towards the door noticing his siblings pulling into the lot behind him
He rushed through the door where he was meant by the receptionist " sir Jason will be with you soon " she said somberly she was yet another family friend along with the lawyer
Mat sat on One of the hard wooden chairs in the waiting room waiting for about 15 minutes
In that time his siblings came in and sat around him
All just waiting for their time
( End of demo chapter )
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