Chapter 2
I crawled back, my hands making so much sound as I roughly hit them against the cement ground to get away from... It! 075 just stared at me as if it's two glowing eyes are staring into my soul, it's mortifying! My back soon hit the other side of the cell. My flashlight closer to me now, I noticed 075 had moved closer when I glanced at my flashlight, in panic I snatched it and shown my bright light onto it, it actually affected it! 075 covered its eyes and ran off out of the light of my flashlight, I didn't try to follow her with my light to see her. But in the darkness I saw her scramble up and easily get a piece of ceiling up and she crawled in, being fully gone once the ceiling piece was back in place. Great... It's in the ceiling! Again... But I can understand that, it's been in pitch black for so long! But then again according to the logs, all this is... Quite recent... Despite being recent or not it's eyes were now very sensitive to light. And up in the ceiling must be like it's little home by now if all this time 075 spent it's time up there. I just hope it isn't gonna be like horror games where I'll have to go up there with that thing to find something like a key to get into a room. Because fuck that! I don't wanna see what that thing has up there! What if the log is true and it has a heap of dead and limbless bodies up there?! I hated the thought of that! I silently made a small prayer this wasn't my death day as I grounded myself and slowly rose to my feet and slowly started to walk to the door of the cell, being as slow and gentle with my steps to not make the slightest sound to catch 075's attention and make it come after me again. "J-just leav-ave this place, A-Angel. It's n-not worth it." I stuttered out a whisper, trying to comfort myself with a mix of trying to convince myself I could leave without my friends forcing me back I think I failed to comfort myself, not my fault though! Any second I can die in this hell hole! I was a sitting duck, and we both knew it. It doesn't help that that thing is creepy as hell even if I didn't get a good look at it! But... She didn't kill me yet... I finally got out the cell with my slow movements, now I just have to fully get out of here! Just then, I heard scratching sounds from the ceiling and a slight growl. I knew what that was. And it wasn't a damn raccoon that managed to get in! I panicked and ran for the exit as quickly as my legs can carry me, my flashlight helplessly shining all over the place from it being swung back and forth in my arms, my breaths were quick and tears clouded my vision,"I don't wanna die!" I cried out in fear, a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek, making my cheek feel cold. I managed to get a grip of my flashlight that was hanging for dear life by the strap around my wrist, I stop for a tiny bit to catch my breath that was completely gone, I took it as a moment to look at my surroundings... Just an empty hall with decaying walls, dirty floors -with a tiny bit of dried blood- and non workin ceiling lights. Good enough for me... In the corner of my eye I saw two lights, or was it two glowing eyes? I can't tell. But I gave into my curiosity and shined my light at it. 075 was in the vent staring at me, watching me! This whole time it was watching my every movement, heard my every breath! Was it just watching and waiting for the perfect time to snatch me and eat me?! I was frozen in shock. But... Oh yeah! Sensitive to light! It's not trying to attack me! It's shielding its eyes instead of coming for me! I heard a slight quiet growl from 075, quiet or not that's creepy as fuck! I think it couldn't take in anymore because it crawled up the vent! It's already in the ceiling! And it's crawling above me! Oh god... Oh dear god... It... Went past me? I'm not complaining, but... Does it not know how to properly go place to place even after all this time? All I can hear is little pitter patters of that monstrosity trying to get away and little growls and things that sounded like... Whispers?
The sounds above soon drowned out. It left. I hope. And I'm still in the middle of a hallway with that thing who knows where! I didn't want to chance it. It could be back any minute! With all my energy I had I booked it to the door and body checked it open, the metal smashing into my body with a big bang and a cry as the rusty metal was flung open, I almost tripped and fell when the door was fully open. I managed to stand my ground but I stopped. I don't know why it's just... Part of me seriously thought it wouldn't open, another part of me is just thankful I actually have the opportunity to run free and live, but... Than there's the other part of me... That wants to investigate this place and... It... More... I tried to debate my situation here.
My mind is fucked up and needs to be sorted out... For one if the door is open now and I go back it might not be open again when I seriously need to run and escape when 075 tries to kill me. But if I just leave than maybe next time I do come back this place will be fully blocked off so I can't come back and investigate... Fuck! "Screw it!" I yelled into the dark, empty night and I slammed the door. Running through the forest without a single glance behind me
As soon as I got home I flopped into bed, not getting anything to eat, anything to drink, or checking my social media, not checking on my family. Just bed! I buried my face in my precious pillow and as soon as my blanket was around my frozen body I was lights out...
"Angel? Angel... Wake up, please. You have to. For me. For her... Please, Angel. Go back. Your friends need you. I need you. They're waiting for you, and I'm waiting... I'll be patient, but your friends aren't planning on waiting on you, so please... And remember, Angel. No more than the red, no less than purple, and under the golden symbol.... I'll be waiting..."
"Angel! Let's go! You'll be late for school!" my mom screamed at me, I groaned and glanced at the time, 7:42, my school starts at 8:10... Crap! Slept in! "Thanks, 075!" I hissed quietly to myself, it was it's fault. But of course it is my friends fault too! Oh they're so dead! And... 'no more than red, no less than purple, and under the golden symbol'... The fuck did that mean?! Whatever, it sounded important! So I snatched my black sharpie and wrote it on my arm so I won't forget. Once that was on my arm I raced the clock to get ready and get to school.
By lunchtime my friends have figured out I didn't stay the whole night at that abandoned place. We're currently all sitting together in the cafeteria, talking as we eat, the small weirdo group, me, Jackie, Ice, Jessica, John, and Troy. We all had our odd nicknames for eachother, me and Jackie called each other "Senpai", Troy is called "Edgar", Ice is called "Frosty", John is called "Dusty", and Jessica is called "Jessie" or "Jess". Our group is the kinda group you'll see acting like they just had so much weed when really just having fun as friends. And we loved it. "So you didn't stay the night, you know what that means!" John teased, his dirty blond hair a mess and most likely has dirt on it, his blue eyes fixed on his pizza pockets despite talking with the group, his cheeks a bit chubby from talking with food in his mouth, his Five Nights at Freddy's shirt dirty and faded, his jeans torn and showing his knees. John was the kinda guy that is more the playful jokester, the listener, and the one with the messy hair right after brushing it, to have dirt under his nails right after washing his hands, to have dirt on him before even going outside. "Yeah... But I don't want to!" I whined, flopping my arms around to exaggerate I seriously don't want to, I would've been fine with going back but I feel like I'll be killed before I even step through the door! Maybe if I had my friends? "Sorry, Angel, it was basically a deal! You gotta!" Jessica reminded me,"I know!" I hissed,"but can we add into the deal?" I asked,"Why not?" Ice asked more than answered, he was busy on his tablet doing something and clearly didn't want to look up from whatever he was doing, I smirked,"Than I want you guys to join me! The person to go through the whole week in the place gets a 1000 bucks from the losers, the very first person to leave has to get rotten eggs smashed on their heads, wear a dress, and run through the school park cheering 'I love senpai, yes I do, he's for me, not for you!' while people stare at you! Deal?" I offered, determination was all I felt now. Bring it 075! Everyone but Jackie agreed, I knew why, "Yes, Jackie, you can say 'she's' instead of 'he's'." I added, I forgot Jackie had a girlfriend for a moment, Jackie smiled and nodded,"Than deal. I'm in!" Great, the whole gang is in on it! Now to prep for the whole adventure...
But even with my friends joining in on it I'm still left to wonder... What was that voice, that message, in my dream? More importantly... What did it mean?
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