S1 Ch1: Meeting Moss Head
(Y/N) was walking home from school wearing his school uniform, looking at news on his phone about a recent villain attack.
(Y/N): "Man, sometimes Mt. Lady can be annoying, she's only popular cuz she's sexy. She stole Kamui Woods' thunder, he had it under control but she just HAD to show him up and everyone praises her!" *sigh*
(Y/N) was brought out of his rant to no one when he heard a distorted voice coming from a tunnel.
???: "You'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in kid!"
(Y/N): "That doesn't sound good."
(Y/N) rushes towards the tunnel to see a green fluid with eyes and a mouth wrapping around a kid with green hair, and judging by his uniform, they went to the same school. Understanding the situation, (Y/N) stretches his arm back then throws a punch towards the villain.
(Y/N): "Gum-Gum Pistol!"
The punch goes straight through the villain, doing nothing, and (Y/N) arm returns to him.
Fluid Villain: "What the? Oh, another kid wants to die? And this one has an interesting quirk. Don't even try it kid, my body's made of fluid."
(Y/N): "Huh, well in that case....."
(Y/N) coats both his arms in Haki then stretches them far back, he runs up to be right up in the villains liquid face.
(Y/N): "Gum-Gum......"
He then hurls his hands forward, and instead of his hands going through his opponent, the attack actually land against his opponent with both hands instantaneously with a double open palm strike with both Haki infused hands.
(Y/N): "Eagle Bazooka!"
The villain was surprise to see that the attack actually hit him, and that it hurt, a lot, it was like being smacked in the face with hands made of iron moving at insane speeds. The villain lost a few teeth and was thrown back and dropped the green haired kid.
Fluid Villain: "What!? How did he manage to hit me!?"
(Y/N): "Shishishishi! Not so tough now are you?"
Green Haired Kid: *weakly* "Who.....who are you? *passes out*
Fluid Villain: "You little brat! I'll kill you!"
???: "No you won't, because I am here!"
The villain turns around to see that behind him was none other than the number one hero himself, All Might not in his usual hero costume, but rather just some normal everyday clothes. The villain throws attacks at All Might only for him to dodge it effortlessly.
All Might: "Texas Smash!"
All Might's attack sent forward a powerful gust of wind that blew apart the villain. (Y/N) put his arms in an X formation to try and not get blown away himself.
All Might: "Done and done. Is everyone alright?"
(Y/N): "I'm fine, it was moss head that was attacked." *points to the knocked out green haired student* "But I just have one question for you."
All Might: "Autographs can wait until after I make sure the kid is safe."
All Might: "........Excuse me?"
All Might: "Ah, I see, you must be (M/N)'s kid.
(Y/N): "What? You know my mom?"
All Might: "Indeed! She was a great hero, but I understand why she retired, family comes first after all. You're a lot like her, you know?"
(Y/N): "Shishishishi! I get that a lot."
All Might: "You have her laugh too." *thoughts* "Weird, he's not freaking out as much as others when they meet me for the first time, in fact he's not freaking out at all, he's talking to me as if I was a regular person. He really is her son." "Well we should probably check up on our green haired friend and apprehend that villain."
(Y/N): "Oh yeah, almost forgot about them."
All Might somehow gets the liquid villain into two soda bottles he had on him, after that he autographs a notebook that he assumed belonged to the green haired kid. While he was doing this he decided to strike up a conversation with his friends kid.
All Might: "You have a very interesting quirk, just like your mother's but even she wouldn't be able to attack a villain with a quirk like this.
(Y/N): "Oh yeah, that's my dad's quirk, I can hit people I couldn't normally hit.
All Might: "That's a very useful quirk, you would make a great hero!"
(Y/N): "Well I plan to be the best!"
All Might: "Gunning for my job eh? That's quite the ambition you got there! But you need to be more careful, I'll let you off the hook for now since you're (M/N)'s kid, but if anyone else saw you using your quirk without a license you'd be in a lot of trouble."
(Y/N): "Really? Thanks!"
After All Might finishes his tasks, he bends over and starts smacking the kid's face while(Y/N) crouches down to the kid's right side, waiting for him to wake up.
All Might: "Hey, wake up, hey!"
The kid wakes up.
All Might: "Thought we lost you there!"
The kid screams and crawls backwards away from All Might, surprised to see his most beloved hero right in front of him.
(Y/N): "He seems to be ok."
All Might: "Well, looks like you're moving around alright. Sorry about that back there. I didn't mean to get you caught up in my justice-ing. Usually I pay more attention to keep bystanders safe, but it turns out this city's sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate! Hahahahahahahahaha! Anyway, you were both a big help! Thank you! I've captured the evil doer!"
All Might poses heroically with the two soda bottles.
(Y/N): "I still don't know how you got all that in there."
The green haired boy then recognizes the kid standing next to All Might as the kid who saved him.
Green Haired Kid: "Wait! You're the one who saved me right!? Who are you!? Are you an up and coming hero!? You're a lot younger looking than most heroes and it's a little weird that your hero costume is the same as my school outfit but-"
(Y/N): "I'm not a hero, I'm just a school student same as you."
Green Haired Kid: "What!? You saved me with your quirk without a license!? Why!? You could've gotten in trouble with the law and considered a villain!"
(Y/N): "So what? You needed help so I helped you, isn't that what you wanted?"
Green Haired Kid: "Well yes but still! *thoughts* "He was more concerned for my safety than his own, he sorta talks like Kacchan but he actually means well, just who the heck is he? He goes to the same school as me but I don't remember seeing him before, but how? He seems like the type of person who becomes well known without even trying."
The green haired boy then remembered that his idol is right in front of him.
Green Haired Kid: "Holy crap! All Might! I gotta get an autograph I gotta pen around here somewhere!"
The green haired kid frantically searches his person for a pen, then picks up his notebook from the ground.
Green Haired Kid: "Please sign my notebook!"
The green haired kid opens his notebook only to see that it's already been signed by All Might.
Green Haired Kid: "AH! He already did!" *frantic bowing* "Thank you so much! This'll be an heirloom! A family treasure passed down for generations to come!"
(Y/N): *sweat drop* "I think he hit his head a little too hard."
All Might just stuffs the villain bottles in his cargo pants and gives the green haired kid a thumbs up as he is still frantically bowing.
All Might: "Uh-huh! Whelp! I gotta get this guy *pats bottle* to the police so that they can take care of him! Stay out of trouble! See ya around! And young (L/N), tell your mother I said 'Hi'!"
(Y/N): "Will do!"
All Might starts stretching his legs, getting ready to heroically jump away.
Green Haired Kid: "What!? All Might has a kid!?"
Green Haired Kid: *breath of relief* "I see. Wait, you're leaving? Already?"
All Might: "Pro heroes are constantly fighting time as well as enemies! Now stand back, I'm taking off!"
But before All Might could "take off", the green haired kid grabbed his leg. All Might then jumps taking the green haired kid with him.
All Might: "Thanks for your continued support!"
(Y/N) just stays where he is a waves bye to All Might.
(Y/N): "Shishishishi! That moss head sure is a funny guy!"
(Y/N) then continues his way home.
-Mini Time Skip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) annoyed at Chibi Deku geeking out over All Might-
(Y/N): "I'm home!"
(D/N) and (M/N): "Hey!"
(Y/N): "Dad! When's dinner gonna be ready? I'm starving!"
(D/N): "You always say that! It'll be ready soon."
(Y/N): "Fine! Oh yeah Mom! All Might says hi."
(M/N): "Oh really!? So you met him! How is he?"
(Y/N): "He's seems to be doing good, he helped me take down a villain."
(Y/N): "Not really, I landed a hit then All Might showed up and took care of the rest in one attack."
(D/N): *breath of relief* "Good, you didn't actually get in a fight."
(D/N): *sweat drop* "(M/N) please calm down dinners ready."
(M/N): "Yay! Food's ready!"
(M/N) wraps her arms around (D/N) multiple times and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
(M/N): "Thanks Honey!"
(D/N): "Please just take a seat at the table."
The family then sits at the dinner table, which is just a mountain of various meats since that's the main diet of those from the Monkey Family. You see, Garp has taught (M/N) and (Y/N) at a young age that whenever you have food, eat as much as you can because you'll never know when you get to eat again, that was what they did when they had to live in the woods for weeks and had to hunt animals with their bare hands. But it became an everyday thing for them so now they always eat a shit ton of meat like your typical anime protagonist.
The (L/N) Family: "Thanks for the grub!"
The family enjoyed their meal and went to bed to get ready for whatever comes tomorrow.
((A/N): lmao for a minute I was worried that this was gonna be a short chapter but here we are, anyway I have a question for you guys: Hero names and costumes, I got nothing so I wanna see what you guys can come up with! Comment with your suggestions and I'll pick the ones I like best)
Comment on this to suggest hero costumes
Comment on this to suggest hero names
(I'll keep the suggestions open until the time comes to need costumes and names. btw if you have any questions for me go ahead and ask, I was kinda hoping to do a QnA at some point anyway but no rush. Also, this wouldn't be a MHA story without a love interest so who do you think it'll be? I already know because I'm writing it but I want to see who you think is it. Now that all that's out of the way, thank you for reading and see you next time!) 1970 Words
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