Prologue Part 2
It was once again a beautiful day in Musutafu, so once again the three soon to be heroes were playing pretend hero with each other. They all stood together staring down a group of villains. Despite being children with little to no experience in an actual fight or using their quirks in combat, they took down all the villains without breaking a sweat.
Imaginary Villain 1: "Dammit! Th-they're too strong!"
Imaginary Villain 2: "We couldn't even manage to get a single hit on them!"
Sabo: "What did you expect to happen? Did you honestly think that you all could take on the three best heroes in all of Japan and win?"
Ace: "Weak AND stupid, the worst combination."
(Y/N): "Shishishishi! That's right, remember the name (Y/N) D. (L/N) because I'm gonna be the number one hero!!!"
Ace: "Ehhh!? What makes you think you will be number one!? Do you really think that you can surpass All Might before either of us!?"
Sabo: "Yeah (Y/N), how can you be the number one hero? You're three years younger than us and can barely throw a punch!"
(Y/N): *tick mark* "Shut up you two! Just watch me! My mom says that I'm just like her, and she was the best-est hero around, even better than gramps or All Might! And gramps says that with the "D" in my name, I'll turn out to be a great hero!"
Sabo: ""D" huh? You have a "D" in your name just like Ace and his parents. Are you guys actually cousins or something?"
Ace: "I don't think so, my mom said that there are a lot of people with the name "D" as a middle name, but not all of them are related to each other and no one knows what it stands for. All that is known about "D", according to my mom, is that people with the name "D" always end up being a big deal, either by being famous heroes or infamous villains"
(Y/N): "My gramps and my mom both have the name "D". They both turned out to be great heroes and she is a big pain in the butt for dad and gramps."
Sabo: "Man, you two are already destined for greatness. I guess without a "D" I'll have to work twice as hard to catch up with you two!"
Ace: "Better make it triple, I'm not slowing down for you!"
(Y/N): "You both better make it four-ple! Because I'm gonna blast WAY ahead of both of you before you even know it!"
Ace and Sabo: "Oh you're on!
The three would be heroes then sparred together like they usually do when their parents weren't looking. Before they knew it, hours went buy for the three kids to be walking back to their parents, covered in sweat, a couple of bruises and a some dirt here and there.
(D/N): "What the hell happened to you three!? We're you attacked by a bear or something!?"
Sabo: "Don't worry about it Mr. (L/D)! We're fine!"
Ace: "We just fell down a big hill is all, neither of us are seriously hurt!"
(Y/N): "We sparred with each other!"
Ace and Sabo: "(Y/N)!"
(Y/N): "Oh! I mean....." *terrible poker face* *sweat drop* "Y-Yeah, w-we just fell down a hill, that's all."
(Y/N): *genuinely shocked* "What!? How'd you know!?"
Roger and (M/N): "Wahahahaha!/Shishishishi! Boys will be boys!"
Rouge, (D/N) and the Goas: *tick mark* "DONT ENCOURAGE THEM!!!"
Before the situation could escalate any further, the three families were interrupted by an explosion and sirens going off nearby. They all followed the source of the sound to see that the bank was being robbed by a group of criminals and a villain who what probably their boss. The villain had two giant cannons for forearms instead of hands, he occasionally shot explosive rounds into the air which went off in mid air as a form of intimidation to not mess with him. The three families watch at a safe distance while the police arrived and parked outside the bank.
Villain: "Don't come any closer! We got hostages in here!" He said before firing a warning shot towards the police, taking out a street lamp instead."
Police Officer 1: "Dammit they always have hostages!" *turns to other officer* "How much longer until a hero gets here?"
Police Officer 2: "I'm not sure, it shouldn't be too long though."
(Y/N): "Oh man I can't wait until a hero shows up! Who do you think it'll be? Maybe Death Arms, or maybe Kamui woods! Or maybe even Gramps or All Might!"
Ace: "I kinda hope it's Best Jeanist or Hawks, I never really get to see them in action. What do you think Sabo?"
No response.
Ace: "Sabo?"
Ace looks for his close friend, almost brother, but he is nowhere to be seen.
Police Officer 3: "Hey kid wait, stop!"
Attention was brought back to the bank when everyone sees Sabo running towards the bank with a thin, long lead pipe in his hands that he found in a nearby dumpster to use a weapon against the criminals.
Ace and (Y/N): "Sabo!"
The young boys run towards the bank as well, in an attempt to aid their brother in his fight against the criminals and villain. Before they got any closer, their parents grabbed them and held them in place.
(D/N) and Rouge: "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"
(Y/N): "Sabo's in there, he needs help!"
Ace: "He can't take them on by himself! But if we back him up, those assholes don't stand a chance!"
Rouge: "Ace, (Y/N) please! We know you want to be heroes but you're nowhere near ready yet! You'll just be putting yourselves in danger and will cause more trouble for the police and heroes!"
Ace and (Y/N): "But-!"
(D/N): "No buts! You two are to not leave our sight until we say otherwise, got it!?"
(Y/N) looks towards (M/N) while Ace looks towards Roger, both hoping that the other parent would support their decision to help their brother.
(M/N): "......... No (Y/N)"
(Y/N): "What?"
(M/N): "I said no, you will not be leaving our arms until the situation has calmed down, understood?"
This left (Y/N) in a state of shock and confusion because for one, he has never seen his mother act this seriously before and the look she gave him was shaking him to his very core, and two, he thought that she would understand the most, being an ex-hero after all. The only reason she quit was because (Y/N) was just born and she decided to stop hero-ing in order to look after him and become a stay-at-home mom. She loved being a hero, punching various bad guys and making new friends, so (Y/N) just doesn't understand why she isn't on his side on this.
(Y/N): "But I thought you were a hero. I thought that you wanted me to be a hero. That you would let me do this."
(M/N): "(Y/N), being a hero is a lot more than having a quirk and bravery. It requires you to make hard, split second decisions. It requires strategy and smarts. But most importantly, it requires risk. Every single hero is doing what they do by risking their lives 24/7. Any hero can be seriously injured or even die at any point. Just because it hasn't happened to me or gramps, doesn't mean it can't happen to you, and I don't want that to happen to you. So no, you can't go into that bank, you are staying right here and not moving an inch, that is final."
As (M/N) was talking, her eyes started watering. Eventually tears started to fall down her face, she has lost good people on the field and would do anything to prevent her son from meeting the same fate. Seeing his own mother cry for the first time was enough to convince (Y/N) into staying put, but that wasn't enough for him to stop worrying about his brother. He quickly ran towards his crying mother, shedding tears of his own, and hugged her tightly, she instantly hugged back.
(Y/N): "Sabo's gonna be fine right?"
(M/N): "I hope so (Y/N), I really do."
She whispered calmly into his ears, gently stroking his back, the back of his head and kissing the top of his head in an attempt to soothe her scared child. Roger looks towards his son, also gaining a serious demeanor, which was very concerning seeing as he's almost always smiling.
Roger: "She's right Ace. You are not to go any closer to that bank understood?"
Ace looked back towards (M/N), thinking about what she said. Soon he stopped resisting and looked towards the bank in anticipation. Meanwhile the Goas are talking with the police about their son, begging them to bring him back safely. Inside the bank, Sabo was staring down the villain and his four goons armed with melee weapons, seeing as their boss had an unlimited supply of explosive round, they didn't think they needed guns. With a lead pipe in his hands, Sabo was ready to knock some teeth in.
Goon 1: "Where did this kid come from?"
Goon 2: "Just some dumbass trying to play hero."
Villain: "Whatever, just put him with the other hostages."
Goon 1 walks up to Sabo to try and grab him, key word here is "try". Sabo quickly moved to the side and hit the goon in the back of the knee with the pipe making him, well, take a knee. After stunning the enemy, Sabo smashed the pipe against the back of his head, knocking him out instantly. Looks like all that playing pretend and sparring really paid off.
Goon 3: "Damn! This kid's got some moves!"
Goon 4: "Yeah, he's more dangerous than he looks. If we all gang up on him we could easily take him down and tie him up, he's clearly a fighter."
And so, the three remaining goons charged at Sabo, but once a again he proves to be too fast for them to keep up. Sabo always managed to dodge each attack and some times make the goons hit each other. Occasionally, the end of Sabo's pipe would ignite as if it was on fire for a short amount of time. One by one all the goons fell unconscious, panting heavily, he looks towards his last opponent. He knew this was gonna be a challenge.
Villain: "Wow kid, color me impressed! You really do got some moves, if taught correctly you can be a great asset to me, I might even get you some goons of your own in the future. What do you say? I could be like your fun uncle or something."
Sabo: "Wow, the cliché "Join me and we'll be unstoppable!" approach? Really?"
Villain: *shrugs* "Eh, worth a shot. Guess I'm killing a kid today."
The villain then started to open fire on Sabo. Surprisingly, he was able to dodge each shot thrown at him. When he got close enough to the villain to make a move, at the last second the villain kicked Sabo in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Sabo got back up to fight the villain again but was a little slower, this repeated until the villain stopped shooting at him, Sabo was too weak and slow to be a threat anymore and he was getting annoyed of this kid playing hero, so he wanted to give him a slow painful death while the hostages watch.
Hostage 1: "Please stop! He's just a kid!
Hostage 2: "He's already down! Just give him to us and leave him alone!"
Villain: "Shut up! I'm in charge here and unless you want to die too, keep your mouths shut!"
With Sabo defeated on the ground, the villain step on his chest while Sabo cringes in pain.
Villain: "You could've lived if you stayed out of this, but you didn't. You could've lived if you joined me, but you didn't. So now, you won't live, you'll die as an example to whoever thinks they can stop me."
The villain brings his face closer to Sabo's just to terrify him all that more. This was a mistake on his part as Sabo uses the last of his strength to punch him in the teeth as hard as he could. The villain reeled back in pain and spit out a tooth.
Villain: "Oh that's it! Your really dead now you damn brat!"
Now with an opening, Sabo used this chance to escape out the doors he entered through. The villain, having enough of this small child, puts his two cannon arms together and they combine into a bigger cannon and fires at Sabo.
Villain: "DIE!!!"
Outside, everyone was still looking at the bank in anticipation, praying that Sabo and the other hostages are safe. Then the front doors of the bank were blown off their hinges from an explosion several times more powerful then the the previous ones.
Ace and (Y/N): "SABO!!!"
Very soon afterwards, Kamui Woods shows up and runs into the bank, quickly apprehending the villain. Ace and (Y/N) run towards the bank to look for their brother.
Rouge: "Ace! No!"
(D/N): "(Y/N) get back here!"
The children didn't listen to there parents, desperate to see that their brother is safe and sound. Unfortunately, they only found his top hat that was slightly singed in various places. Later, after a thorough investigation, Sabo's body wasn't found, and after interviewing all the hostages as witnesses, have come to the conclusion that Sabo is dead.
Time Skip: One Week Later
It was just after the funeral, many great things were said about Sabo, many tears were shed. Now, Ace and (Y/N) were together by themselves to grieve over their lost brother, they were both wearing black suits and (Y/N) was sitting on the grass hugging his knees and bawling his eyes out, while Ace was standing next to him with a serious face, dry eyes and crossing his arms, looking at the sunset.
(Y/N): *hic* *sniff* "A-Ace?" *sniff*
Ace: "What?"
(Y/N): "Are.." *sniff* " Are you gonna die too?" *hic*
Ace: "Idiot!"
Ace bonks (Y/N) on the head.
(Y/N): "Owww.... what was that for?" *sniff*
Ace: "For asking dumb questions! Now listen to me (Y/N)!"
(Y/N) looks up at his now only big brother.
Ace: "I will not die! Now that Sabo's gone we need to live out our dream of becoming heroes for him, got that?"
(Y/N): *nods* "Uh-huh" *sniff* "Ace, I'm gonna get stronger. Stronger and stronger, and stronger and stronger, and stronger and stronger, and even stronger than that!"
Ace: "That strong huh?"
(Y/N): *nods* "Yeah. I'm gonna get so strong, that I can save everybody and no one will die again." *sniff* "I'm gonna be the number one hero, for Sabo!"
Ace: *smiles* "Good, he wouldn't have wanted it any other way."
Time Skip: Five Years Later
With Ace now 15 years old and (Y/N) at 12, (Y/N) is seeing Ace off as he goes off to Shiketsu High.
(Y/N): "I still don't know why you're going to Shiketsu. Isn't UA better?"
Ace: "That's debatable, but either way, I'm going to Shiketsu so that way when I come back as a pro hero, I will be surprised by how much you grew and improved as a hero!"
Ace D. Gol (15 Years Old):
((A/N): Imagine him in normal clothes, but he still has the hat and the bag)
(Y/N): "I guess that makes sense, well, good luck trying to be as good as me!"
Ace: "Hey! I'm the big brother! Aren't I supposed to be saying stuff like that!?"
(Y/N): "Shishishishi!"
Ace: "Heh. See you later (Y/N)." *holds out hand*
(Y/N): *nods* "Uh-huh. See you later." *grabs Ace's hand* *manly handshake*
After saying goodbye to everyone else, Ace gets on the train and leaves for his new life at Shiketsu, where he will learn how to be a pro hero. And, in three more years, (Y/N) will be 15 and join UA, where he will face trials of his own.
((A/N): Wow, that was a lot longer than I thought, but it's done now. The next chapter will just be a bio of (Y/N) and other new characters since I haven't done that yet. After the bio chapter, the next one will finally be the start of (Y/N)'s quest to be the number one hero! What'll happen? Who will he meet? What friends will he make? What enemies will he make? Dare he dream of Find out next time on: The Rubber Hero!! Once again feel free to give me any notes. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, and see you next time!) 2817 Words
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