Part 14: Date
The next day, the two girls arrived at the mess hall. While they were eating, two men stayed on the opposite side of the benches. It was Restes and another gardener.
"Hey girls, we learned of your adventure with the queen. Tell us more about it." Restes said. All of a sudden, the rest of the people eating nearby gathered around the two handmaidens.
"I believe you already know so what should we tell you then?" Chiriu said nonchalantly.
"We want details." One of the girls dressed as a laundry maid said.
"Details?" Nuviette asks.
"Yup, is it true that the Craiinian brothers turned into mythical beings and burned down everything in their path?" a voice from behind asks. Some of the gossipers laughed at his statement.
"And you believe that?" Chiriu's sarcastic tone raised a bit.
Suddenly, the housekeeper came into the mess hall.
"What is going on?" She shouts as she sees the crowd flocking in Nuviette and Chiriu's direction.
"We're just eating our breakfast, Ma'am," Chiriu explained when Velanne the housekeeper came into their proximity.
"Yes, Ma'am, and then they all encircled us." Nuviette elaborates.
"I get it now. Back to your seats and let the girls finish their meals. I do not want anyone late for their duties because of this commotion. Is that clear?" Velanne says.
"Yes, Ma'am." All the servants respond. Velanne left the area and back to the dining space reserved for the managerial staff.
As they all resumed eating, Restes introduces his companion to the two girls.
"Hey ladies, this is Olver," Restes says and shifts his gaze back to his companion. "This is Chiriu and Nuviette."
"Nice to meet you, ladies," Olver says.
"Likewise." Chiriu says in a monotone.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Olver. So, you're a gardener?" Nuviette says.
"Yes, I've been tending the gardens for a year now," Olver says and seems quite hesitant to talk with Nuviette. Restes turns away smiling. When Olver noticed Restes, he then rushes to continue the conversation.
"I'm guessing you're new. I haven't seen you around that much. So how is it going so far, the handmaiden-ing?"
"It's going well. I love serving the Queen and her husband." Nuviette answers.
"By any chance, would you be interested to join us later?" Restes blurts out. "I'm going out with Merema. We're having dinner at Palasir. Olver is coming but he has no one with him so would you be interested to accompany him?"
"Like a double date?" Nuviette inquires.
"Yeah, just like that." Restes smiles while lightly nudging Olver's arm with the tip of his elbow.
"Uh, okay." Nuviette's tone seemed unsure but because she agreed, Restes seemed cheerful.
"Okay then, we'll meet up here after our day shifts end. See you later, Nuviette." Restes says as he leaves with Olver.
"Ladies." Olver slightly nodded his head before trailing Restes.
"Oh my, what about you Chiriu? Maybe you can come too." Nuviette says.
"NO, that's fine. I don't want to be around Restes. I'd rather sleep anyway. Just be careful with Olver. I've seen him around and seems kind but just be cautious."
"All right, Chiriu. Thank you." Nuviette says.
They now proceed to the queen's chambers and into the service room. The screen shows new orders. Desserts. Jenom coffee. Calapra tea.
One of the handmaidens, Prelenza, prepares the hover tray. Chiriu goes to the counters and takes two platters of desserts. Each one contained a slice of dark chocolate and cream puffs. After placing them on the hover tray, she placed a small pitcher containing fruit sauce on the side.
Prelenza adds two saucers one containing Jenom coffee and the other one had Calapra Tea. Jenom coffee was almost like black coffee of planet Earth. Unlike the Earth version, it wasn't as strong in flavor but it can keep one truly awake. Calapra tea had a light taste and was best suited to be mixed with citrus flavors.
Chiriu and Nuviette were tasked to bring the tray into the queen's chambers. She and her husband were having breakfast in bed. Perhaps, they were having a short day off or vacation.
When they entered the bedroom, the canopy bed's curtains were tied up. The royal couple was there in the midst of the bed sitting upright with a large tray table in front of them. The prince consort was drinking from the goblet while the queen had just put down her knife. She was laughing at his statements before he took a sip. He continued when he placed the glass down.
"That's why I don't buy that stuff." He explains.
Both of them notice the two servants with the dessert tray.
"Hi, girls. How are you?" Elzilaura asks.
"We are fine, you're majesties. Here is your dessert." Chiriu says as she places the dessert platters on top of the tray table. Nuviette follows with the fruit sauce and places it on the tray table as well.
"Would you like us to pour the sauce?" Chiriu asks.
"No, thank you. We can manage that." Elzilaura says gleefully.
Zyric whispers in his wife's ear. "I prefer pouring that sauce on you to make you more delicious." He kisses her neck.
Elzilaura giggles. "You gave me an idea." She looks at her husband's lips while naughtily grinning but then, she shifts back to the food right in front of her. "I'll tell you later. For now, the dessert looks scrumptious."
While she tastes one of the cream puffs, Zyric turns to the two servants.
"So, how's it going, girls?" The prince consort asks.
"We are doing well, your majesties." Chiriu formally says.
"I'm going out on a date tonight, your majesties." Nuviette answers.
"Oh, so Met finally asked you out?" Zyric got excited that he temporarily put down his dessert.
"No, it's Olver the gardener." Nuviette answers.
"Why him?" Why not Methleon? I've known Mettie for so long and I can vouch for him that he is a good boy." Zyric seemed to disapprove. Elzilaura looked at her husband sternly.
"She's a big girl already. She can go out with whomever she wants." Elzilaura defends the handmaiden.
"Well, I'm just rooting for Methleon and I think they make a great couple," Zyric says as he returns to his dessert. The girls laugh at the prince consort's remarks.
"I think Methleon is seeing someone." Nuviette blurts out.
"Who?" Zyric got interested again. Elzilaura just laughs at her husband.
"We saw him with a girl," Chiriu explains.
"Is she blond?" Zyric asks.
"Well, her hair seemed golden brown," Nuviette responds.
"Yeah, I think it's golden brown. Sorry, I'm not good with color," Zyric says as he samples the cream puffs. "It's his brother's wife. His eldest brother is in the military together with his wife who is stationed here in Fliska."
Zyric knew most of Methleon's family members since all of them have served the Craiinian household too. They were two families intertwined which explains Methleon and Zyric's closeness.
All at once, Nuviette felt relieved. She couldn't understand why but it was a satisfying feeling. It made her doubt and was rethinking her date with Olver. Come to think of it, why should she even cancel her date?
"Girls, you are excused," Elzilaura commands her servants. The two girls curtsied before leaving. They could hear the couple talking about Methleon and the Craiinian servants.
Once they were back in the service room, Shenla sent them to the laundry and also to the office of the Kentavaria.
After dropping off some of the queen's clothes, the ladies went into the said office where the kentavaria and the head housekeeper were waiting.
"Well, you are both here for a commendation from the queen. You will both be honored for your display of bravery during our annual party for Teransera." The Kentavaria Pelarta says.
Nuviette felt excited. Teransera is a Fliskan Holiday similar to Thanksgiving. It dates back to the first queen when she received the crystal cross. While there will be ceremonies to honor the reigning queen, the people also visit temples and get together with families where gift-giving also takes place. Those who are in the capital would gather around the palace to join in honoring the queen.
"The queen and some members of her family will be attending our party as well. She will be handing out the awards so please be prepared. Look your best but don't outshine her majesty. Housekeeper adds.
"Proud of you both. Keep it up." Pelarta smiles at them. "For now, you may go."
"Thank you, Sir," Chiriu says.
"Thank you, Ma'am. Will go on ahead." Nuviette retorts and follows Chiriu out of the office.
The rest of the day seemed idle because the queen indeed stayed in her bedchambers resting with her husband. It seems the couple decided to take a break from their schedule and endorsed their work to their other constituents.
The couple barely had a full day of rest as they worked nonstop. It was surprising that they spent the day for relaxation. In fact, they even requested a masseuse.
Just before the massage therapist left, Nuviette and Chiriu were tasked to clean up. Their shift was almost done. The couple were lying on the bed both looking at the ceiling. They both had a more pleasant aura. Suddenly, Zyric caught sight of Nuviette.
"So, when is your date?" Zyric asks.
"Tonight, Sir." Nuviette giggles. "After this, our shift is ending and we'll head out."
"Don't stay up too late, young lady." Zyric commands.
"Prince of Craiine!" Elzilaura reprimands. "Leave her alone. She can go home anytime she wants."
Zyric was surprised. It's been a while since she called him Prince of Craiine, his old title. She does this when she is annoyed with him.
"I'm just saying it would be best if she went home early." Zyric elaborates.
The two girls just giggle at the royal couple.
"Yes, your majesty," Nuviette responds politely.
"Go on ahead, ladies. We'll be fine here." Elzilaura instructs.
The two girls curtsied once more and hurried back to the service room. At last, the shift is over. When they headed for the servant's quarters, Nuviette asks Chiriu once more.
"Are you sure it's okay with you?" Nuviette was still troubled.
"Of course. I want to go to sleep or read a book. It's been a while since I've done that. You know. I am also considering applying for a college scholarship so perhaps reading books and published works will get me into the habit of studying." Chiriu says.
"Oh, so you plan to leave?" Nuviette seemed worried.
"Not anytime soon. I'm just thinking ahead. We won't stay here forever so perhaps I could try having a college degree and work as a professional. Well, I'm undecided yet." Chiriu speaks her mind.
"All right then, I'll see you tomorrow, Chiriu." Nuviette says.
"See you tomorrow," Chiriu says. As they walked their separate ways, Chiriu bumped into Franda.
"Hey, watch where you're going, you freak," Franda tells Chiriu.
"Better a freak than a whore." Chiriu raises an eyebrow. When Franda tries to grab her shoulder, Chiriu raises her arm and brings it down heavily on Franda's arm to dislodge the latter's grip. The bully shrieks in pain while the prey walks away.
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