3. Interesting duo part1
He stood at the end of the bed and watched the sleeping Luna. Last night, he was asleep again at his desk.This morning, however, he woke up as soon as the sun came, and now, after the shower, he couldn't take his eyes away from his wife.
She slept like a toddler, on one side, cuddling the pillow, which was supposed to be his.She had turned one of her legs, which was now resting over the duvet, offering him the view of a long, well-formed thigh and no less lovely calf.....The duvet was so thin, that didn't hide anything out of his sight. She moved, murmuring something and pressing the pillow against her face.
Looking at her like that, he couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to touch her, to feel the taste of her lips. After all, he was a man, and his family had served him a wonderful kind of dish, it was normal he want's to take a bite from it, right?
His eyes fell on her face. Her classic features were beautiful, delicate, thin curved eyebrows, nose, thick pink lips that were currently pouting on something she dreamed of. She was tall for a woman, he noticed that last night in the kitchen, but not too tall, her slender body moving with grace and ease.
His thoughts go back to their conversation yesterday morning. "We take care of ours," she said. The fact that she accepted their marriage and him as part of the family only showed maturity and intellect. The truth is, he actually expected the mafia princess of the Lee's family to be a spoiled little idiot who would only make his life even more stressful with her claims.
The surprise was pleasant, but he still didn't believe it. Life had taught him not to trust anyone, the few he could trust were units and it took them a long time to prove themselves.
When his father offered to merge the kim and lee families through marriage, he didn't expect anything like that. A slight smile played on his face as his gaze returned to her thigh.
Again, he looked at her body, he would definitely taste it, but later, now his father was waiting for him.
In her example from yesterday, he left a note for her on the kitchen counter, placing a rose on top, which he pulled out of the vase in the living room and came out smiling.
Luna stretched out, rubbing eyes with the back of her hand. She rose up, sitting in the bed. She took the phone from the nightstand and looked at the hour, 9:00 a.m. She had a message from his father, an hour and a place. He was going to send four mans to accompany her. She smiled, she hadn't been out on the field in a while, it would have been fun. She wonder how her sweet husband would have reacted...
After 20 minutes, she had already taken a shower, had put on jeans and a t-shirt and went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. She paused for a moment at the cabinet door, wondering did he was asleep again there. She oped the door, but the room was empty. Where he was this early in the morning? She turned to the kitchen. On the counter she found a note and one red rose. Huh, cute.
"I have meeting with my father. We'il have guests for diner. See you soon, Namjoon" yep, so sweet.
Luna make herself a light sandwich, leave it on the table in the living room, go back to the bedroom and enter the dressing room. She pulled out a drawer and a box of pencils and went back to the kitchen. She make a cup of coffee and sit on the couch in the living room. She liked to sketch clothes when there was nothing else to do. Nice way to kill some time.
Thinking what to make for diner, especially when there will be athour people, she began to draw.
She looked at the clock, 7:00p.m. Almost time for diner, where the hell was Namjoon?
She was sitting in the living room, all ready for diner, curious who will come, friends or family? She hoped the food would be enough and they liked the table.
Her thoughts was interrupted by the door and man's laughing. She turned just to see her husband with two more mans.
They was tall almost like Namjoon, with a bride smiles. One of them was extremly charm whit big doe eyes and a bunny smile.
She stand to welcome them with a shine smile.
"Good evening" she say, catching attention on her.
"Oh, Luna, guys, that's Luna, my wife" she bow and ern same from bouth of them. "Luna, that's my friends, Kim Seokjin and Jeon Jungkook" Namjoon present them with a smile.
"Well, welcome,nice to meet you, the diner is ready, please, take a sit" she show the table with a hand, waiting for them to follow her.
They follow her taking they're places on table, but Namjoon was still standing there, expecting somthing to happend, some prank, kind of joks maybe. She can't be so calming, right? There's must be somthing.
"WOW, Joonie, your wife is a really good cooker" Seokjin just put the first bite in his mouth, smacking with sweetness.
"Namjoon, are you coming?" she asked him, surprised why he still stand in the front door.
He nodded and take his sit next to her, still watching her suspects.
He had to admit that the table looked excellent. He hav'to be thankfull for that, but just.... There is somthing that he couldn't explain, but make's him nervous. She was too nice.
They was talking, laughing, boys keep asking her questions, she answered whit a sweet smile, asking them back. And here he is, sitting quiet, watching them and thinking what's going on.
Around hour latter, when the diner was almost finish, Jin and Jungkook was already in love with his wife, he just couldn't help, but get jealous.
What she was thinking, all nice and cute, charming his friends! A fox, fucking fox! Ah, this is a game for two and he was really ready to play along with her.
"Honey, we have work to do, so we're living, don't wait for me, okey. Take a rest and thank you for the great diner" he sayd, kissing her warmth on the cheek. She was startled turning her eyes to him, with surprise-curved eyebrows. But soon enouth, to don't be seened, she hide her surprise and smile at him with the most beautiful smile he ever seen in his life.
"What the fuck" Namjoon's mind explodes.
"Don't be too late, you need rest too" she say cutely, take his hand in hers.
Ah, this woman is a pure evil, he smiled nodding his head, trying to avoide his friends eyes. Oh, they were going to make a lot of joks on him,and everything, just because of her.... She will pay for that!
The three of them stood up. Jin and Jungkook bow to her, thanking her for the food and followed Namjoon to the door. After they close the door behind , she smiled devilish, impatient to see his face latter,when she show up on his meeting.
She watched them out of the window on the living room, till her husband's car disappeared around the corner.
She run back to the bedroom, to change her dress, waiting for her own car.
Watching her outfit in the mirror, she smiled again, oh he will be tottaly surprised, when he see her there. She went out to wait for her car at the entrance door.
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