23. Surprise part 2
Namjoon sat behind his desk in their new bedroom, video chatting. He tried to concentrate, but his wife kept distracting him.
She was now approaching with a cat's gait, only on towel and drops of water glistened on her shoulders. She licked her lips defiantly, kicked a few boxes out of the desk and hid somewhere below.
He felt her hands move up his thighs toward his boxers and swallowed hard. "Sir?" the man on the other side of the video call tried to get his attention. "Yes, Mr. Andersen, i'm listening" he tried to sound calm, but his breathing quickened as Luna wrapped her hand around his cock and gently licket it along its entire length. Mr Andersen kept talking, but Namjoon wasn't listening, his eyes fixed on those of his wife, who was moving her head up and down, taking him in her mouth, or blushing softly, biting lightly.
"Send me a report" Namjoon growled and slammed the laptop shut. He wrapped his arms around Luna's shoulders and pullet her out from under the desk. She moaned and sat him up, rubbing against him. He opened the towel and cupped her breasts, sinking his teeth into one of her nipples. She arched her back as she lay on the desk, her hands gripping his hear and she rose against his mouth.
"Do you want to try somthing new" she moaned, pushing him back and turned her back on him. She put her feet on his sides, for support, and sit on his dick, shoving it in her asshole.
"Damn, witch!" he growled, squeezing her hips tightly as she rode him slowly, until she gorlt used to his size. "Hell, it's so tight" he moaned, tilting his head back. His hands moved to her breasts and she leaned against him,speeding up. She wrapped arms around his, encouraging him to squeeze harder. They could barely breath, their moans mingling and echoing in the darkness of the room.
She screamed his name and her orgasm poured down their thighs. He gripped her tightly and rose against her. His trust were quick, but gentle,reaching new points of pleasure.she grabbed the edge of the desk and began to move again as he greeted her. Her movements were almost wild and he couldn't take it anymore, feeling her tightened again.
"Finish with me, witch!" he ordered. She moaned and her body shook with the new orgasm,with another trust Namjoon emptied deep inside her.
They relaxed in the chair and he wrapped hand around his her waist, keep her from falling.
"I think everyone heard us" Namjoon smiled and kissed her neck. "We're hardly louder then Jimin and Ana" she laughed, snuggling on his chest. He laughed too and hugged her even closer.
"By the way, this was really new" he moaned, brushing a lock of hear. "You haven't given me time to catch my breath letaly" he smiled. "I know, i'm constantly aroused" she shrugged. "Just be careful at the party tomorow, not to rape me in front of the duests"he laughed jokingly." I will not, I promis " she stood up." Hey, stay! "he pullet her back." But i'm hungry! " she giggled." What? Again? " he asked in astonishment.
She nodded and stood up. She went to the bed and pullet on the pajamas she had prepared. She went back to him, kissed him and left the room, heading for the kitchen.
Namjoon shook his head with a smile. His wife had been thinking only abouth earing and sex lately. Not that he was complaining,but she wanted sex anytime, anywhere and then just went looking for food. And if it wasn't for sex or food, she change her mood fighteningly fast. Namjoon had no idea what was happening to her, but didn't dare ask. Suga tried once and she shouted at him so loudly that the boys didn't dare look her in the eyes for almost a week. The most interesting was that the girls also revolved around her, as if she needed protection. What had he gotten himself into...
Namjoon laughed as Hana pullet a lock of V's hear, declaring him for a baby and he frowned just like one,which made Jimin laugh almost hystericalky. "Don't laugh, you're the same!" said Ana, slapping him on the neck. Jin and Hobi almost fell put their seats, bursting into laughter. Suga snorted and folded his arms across his chest, shaking head.
Namjoon looked at the door. His wife searching the fridge again and she had send Jungkook for pizza. Where did all this food fit in anyway? He was already beginning to worry seriously. He had heard her vomit this morning. She was trying to hide it from him and that made his worries worse. His thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook's cheerful whistling. He went, looked around for Luna and when he didn't see her, he turned to the kitchen. "These two would eat the whole world if they could" he thought, sighing.
"Hyung!" Jungkook screamed in panic and stored into the room with Luna in his arms. Namjoon jumped like a scald, but Mari, Ana and Hana were faster. " Take her to their room!" Mari ordered. Jungkook looked at Namjoon questioningly and he nodded to him to obey and followed them.
Jungkook placed Luna carefully on the bed and backed away, steping nervously from foot to foot. The girls surrounded her like hens. He was not even allowed to approach his wife. Instead, Hana ordered him to bring his colong. He ran to the bathroom and brought her what she wanted. She brought the bottle closer to Luna's nose and she immediately turned her head in disgust.
"Here it is" Hana smiled as her friend opened her eyes, trying to push the smell liquid away from her face. "Do you want to kill me?" Luna cried and sat up in the bed.
"Shit!" Luna muttered as her gaze fell on her husband. Namjoon was slowly changing his expression and now he looked furios, to say the least.
"Will someone explain to me or get the truth out myself?" he roared, making the four women and Jungkook shrink in fear.
"Leave us" Luna said calmly and they all hurried out, unwilling to face the angry Namjoon.
He sat on the bed and looked at her expectantly. "Babe.." she began, but he interrupted her. "I want the truth, Luna. I know you're sick. I heard you throw up, now that! Just tell me, whatever it is, we'll handle it, but together!" he said farmly, taking her hands. "You heard me?" she opened wide her eyes in surprise and he nodded. "Babe, i'm fine,my blod pressure just dropped" she smiled. "And the vomiting?" he didn't give up. "You don't hav'to be sick to vomit, Namjoon" she laughed. "Don't lie to me, Luna!" he said softly, his eyes watching her face closely. "I'm not lying, i'm really fine, there's nothing to worry abouth" she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.
"Just in case, i'll cancel the party" he muttered, pressing her hard. "Don't you dare!" she almost pushed him out of bed. "This is our anniversary and I want my party!" she hissed.
Namjoon was waiting for her at the door, frowning anxiously. He didn't like the idea of celebrating when his wife wasn't well.
"WOW, honey, you look.... Wow" her voice startled him.
"I can say t
he same" he smiled and held out his hand.
"Thank you" she giggled and they walked to the hall, where their party was.
Everyone started applauding as they went up to the make shift stage to say few words. Luna waited for Namjoon to finish his greeting
and stood in front of the microphone, smiling tenderly. Only family and close friends were invited, so she could speak calmly.
"Since my husband is already thanking for your presence" she beg2"I want to thank him "he looked at her in surprise and she winked at him." It hasn't been easy for him lately, not at all" she shrugged and everyone laughed. "I know I've been awful lately, I've been yelling at you, blaming you without guilt" she waved and Hana approached, handing her a small box. Luna picked the box, turned to Namjoon and handed it to him. "This gift is my" Sorry", because, my God, it's going to get even scarier!" she finished grinning.
He looked suspiciously at the box, then at his wife." It's not a bomb, right? "he raised eyebrow and their audience laughed again." Come on, open it! "she urged and he felt the anxiety and euphoria in her voice.
He smiled, opened the lid carefully and his jaw dropped. His gaze slowly shifted to his wife, back to the box and then again back to Luna. His fingers ran tremblingly over the contents of the box.
"Luna, tell me it's not a joke, cus I'm going to strangle you, I swear!" he wishpered. "It's not" she smiled through her tears.
"Seriously? Are you sure? Absolutely sure?" his voice rose and she nodded.
He turned to their guess, wrapping his arm around her waist and proudly announced "We're going to have a baby!"
There were shouts, applause, whistles, even jokes. Their fathers greeted Namjoon with a pat on his shoulder and the boys grinned at him. The girls hugged Luna congratulationg her.
After abouth a half an hour everyone was calm and Namjoon managed to abduct his wife to a quieter place. He dragged her into the game room and close the door behind him, leaning against her. She looked at him questioningly. "Is everything alright?" she asked when she saw his serious expression. He began to approach her and she backed away until she hit the pool table and had no where to run.
"Namjoon..." she began, but he interrupted her, hissing,she paused.
Her eyes didn't separate from his, his serious expression frightened her.
"So baby?" he muttered. She swallowed hard and nodded. "And vomiting, seizures, are due to pregnancy?" he asked,she nodded again. "Why you didn't tell me?" he asked again. "I wanted it to be a surprise for our annyversary" she almost cried. "I didn't know the news will make you abgry. I thought wanted is to have kids" she said in a trembling voice, bowing her head.
He place his hands on either side of her, locking her and came so close that she could feel his breath in her ear. "Look at me, witch!" he ordered.
She looked up, her eyes full of disappointment and tears. Her heart stopped, when she saw his smile.
"Thank you, my little witch" he wishpered and hugged her, pressing his lips to hers. "You're not angry?" she said, breacking the kiss.
"I'm sorry, I was joking. That's the best gift I've ever received" he smiled. "Honestly, i was a little worried. Considering how much sex we have and you didn't get pregnant..." he grinned. "And? Since when?" he asked. "Four months" she answer. "So...?" he raised eyebrows. "Yes, somewhere between your trips" she smiled.
He hugged her again and she rested her head on his chest, listening to the calm rhythm of his heart.
Suddenly, he pullet her away.
"Wait the minute, then last four months, we..." he stumbled. "Luna, why didn't you stop me, what if I had hurt you or the baby" he run an anxious hand through his hear.
She laughed, took his hand and placed it low to her stomach. "I know you're a big deal, but there's no way you're going to hurt the baby in this way" she winked. "So it's safe and we still can..." he asked. "For now, yes" she grinned.
He stared at his hand. Her belly was still flat, but inside, his child was growing. And his heart was fillet with love for his unborn child and for the woman who carries him under her heart. Namjoon stroked her bellu thoughtfully. Their lives were full of dangers. Especially now, when he was the leader of two families. But if he had to, he'll give his life to protect them.
"I love you, witch" he bent down and kissed her. "I love you too, my king" she relied to the kiss.
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