The Secret of Nala Dragneel and going to meet the Heartifillias Pt2
Phoenix POV
I was in my room with my wife getting ready to meet our old friends. We're bring Natsu my brother's son along to meet Lucy, our old friends daughter. The reason that we can't bring our own daughter is because we have a secret that not many people know even our own daughter and Natsu know. Only myself, my brother and our wifes, we'll only tell them when they are ready. Our secret is that our daughter is a half celestial spirit and half a dragon slayer. When she was born we found out that she was gifted with another half of her that when they become stronget then anyone, they're power will double and their strength will increase. But for her to have her other half is she has to let her half die and be recreated as a key with that key you can bring both halves together and bring her back.
The reason why we dont want to tell them yet is because we want it to be the right time when she is ready to sacrifice for the people she loves then only will it work.
The reason we wont let her follow us to the Celestial Spirit Kingdom is that if she goes there she will have magic that we dont know what will do and her other half will become one with her. King Jude and Queen Layla told us then we should only let her visit and follow us once she's ready and knows because once she's ready she'll have to choose who to trust with her key.
Porlyusica POV
I watched my husband as i get ready. He was thinking about Nala not following us to visit the Celestial Spirit Kingdom. I wish we could already tell the kids about her real power and identity but she and the others aren't ready. She's been happy from the day she was born hanging out with Natsu and her friends. I hope this meeting and Natsu and Lucy will become close and then i know that once Nala's half will be born and has a key she'll trust Lucy with it.
Time skip ~~
They we're all ready to go to the Celestial Spirit Kingdom. They headed out to the front of the palace, they said their good byes to the helpers and their children that stayed behide which was Nala and Wendy. Both of them wished all of them a save journey and to come back soon. They all went into the carriage and waved good bye while disappearing in the distance. They all hoped for a safe journey and wonderful meeting with the Heartifillias.
Meanwhile in the Celestial Spirit Kingdom at the Heartifillia Palace
There in the palace room was a 7 year old Lucy Heartifillia, daughter of Jude and Layla Heartifilla, with a mum getting ready to meet the Dragneels. Layla was helping Lucy put on a pink dress that she has chose for her to wear, after Lucy put it on she asked her mum to help her with her hair. Her mum tied a small side pony tail with a blue ribbon to hold it up.
Layla POV
While I was helping my daughter to get ready to meet our old friends i couldn't help but stop thinking how my daughter and our old friend the Dragneels son will get along once they meet. But it was sad that Phoenix and Porlyusica's daughter Nala isn't allowed to come and meet Lucy because of Nala's secret but i know in the future they will cross paths and be great friends along with everyone they meet. While getting Lucy ready we talked abit of why she needed to meet the Dragneels she has been excited and scared meeting them . She's shy since her only friends in the palace are the servants, her father and I."Mummy why do we have to meet the Dragneels?" "Because honey we havent seen them in a very long time and they have a son i want you to meet" "But what if he's mean and doesnt like playing with me?" "Honey i'm sure he will likke you and both of you will get along just fine I promise" "ok mummy i will give it a try and make friends with him" "Thats a good girl honey now lets go meet daddy in the front entrance and wait for them to arrive" "ok"she said while giggling. We walked out of the room to meet my husband at the front door waiting for our friends.
Jude POV
While my wife is in my daughter's room while helping her get ready, I look outside the window thinking how could our old friends be when we meet them again. Its been years since we last saw them, we wanted our children to be the right age when they meet each other, it is sad that the daughter of Phoenix Dragneel and his wife wouldn't come and meet my daughter yet because of her secret but the time will come soon. I was already and looking at the time it was soon time to see them again. I went out of the room to be greeted by the servants in the palace, while walking to the front door to wait for the Dragneel's arrival. While standing and waiting for them i am joined with my wife and my daughter dressed in a pink dress with a blue ribbon in her hair i smile at them when they walk towards me and stand beside me, we wait for them to arrive.
Minutes later
The Dragneel's have arrive at the Heartifilla palace. There they see the huge palace from the carriage and in the carriage you will be able to see 4 smiling and very happy people sitting and one very amazed and excited boy sitting in there. Soon the carriage stops in front of palace, the 4 adults come out of the carriage and greeted and hugged after that they were standing and talking to each other outside the door while their children are hiding behide the parents. Soon their parents were going to go in and sit in the garden to continue talking but before they walked in Jude and Layla Heartifillia introduced their daughter that is trying to hide behide her parents Lucy Heartifillia to the 4 friends and Igneel and Grandine Dragneel introduced their son Natsu Dragneel to them that is also trying to hide behide his parents.
After that they make their way into the palace and to the garden with their child walking close by their parents. They reached the big garden and sat down to talk,while they were going to continue talking and catching up on whats been going on these few years, the children are still staying close by their parents still shy to say hi to each other or play and talk together. Until their parents asked them to go and play with each other at first they didn't want to but their parents promise it would be fine. When they left their parent's side, their parents talked about Nala and her secret magic. The 2 children were under a tree not far from their parents site, Lucy was playing with her toys under the tree while Natsu was still shy and hiding behide the tree.
While Lucy was playing ball alone she threw it to hard so it bounced on the tree and rolled somewhere else. She decided to go and find the ball alone since Natsu somehow fell asleep behide the tree while watching Lucy played alone. Lucy went to search the ball and receive it, when she found the ball her dress got stuck in a twig in the bush she kept on pulling to get free because it was getting dark , she kept pulling and pulling until she was free but she fell into a mud puddle and got her face and dress dirty , she started crying because she was scared of the dark and could see.
Natsu POV
I woke up to see the shy getting dark while i was laying down under the tree. I looked around and looked if that girl umm whats her name again lu no luigi no oh got it! Lucy . Hmm wonder where she is she was playing with her toys under the tree when i was watching her and then fell asleep but she's not here now when i woke up. When i got up and about to go to my parents i heard crying, i have super hearing, so i heard a girl crying and went into that direction, when i reached the place i saw Lucy crying with mud on her face and dress holding onto her ball she played with. I walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder she flinched at the touched but calmed down after that I hugged her to make her top crying. She did stop after awhile and i asked her "why are you crying?" "b-because i a-am sc-scared of the d-dark and i got mud on my face and dress and it got thorn" "h-hey its ok don't cry im here"i said while blushing abit, luckily she was rubbing her eyes so she can't see it. After that i lit my fist on fire with my magic and she stopped crying, once she stopped i told her that we should head back to the palace and our parents, we walked back with my fist still on fire and she was close to , to be honest with my fist flame as the only light source i still can see that she's pretty her blonde hair and her big round brown eyes. After walking we finally reached back to the palace, she ran to her parents and i want to mine while we walked in, our parents told us to change and then we're going to have dinner.
Lucy POV
After that boy Natsu found me crying i stopped crying. He comforted me with fire coming from his fist and saying that we'll walk back to the palace together, i think i will thank him later. While walking i realized that he was pink hair and onyx eyes he looks kinda cute. After walking we reached the palace and i ran to mummy and daddy, they told us and the guest to get ready for dinner. While mummy and I were walking towards my room mummy asked "sweety why is your face and dress covered in mud and my dress is torn?"i told her what happen and when Natsu found me she just smiled and said that she'll help clean me up for dinner. While she was helping me she just kept on smiling and humming i wonder whats got her like that.
Layla POV
I really couldn't help but smile when my baby girl was talking about what happened and when Natsu came and helped her. I was really happy and i think they'll be closer than they thing and soon. When she was dressing up i was humming while she was combing her hair she suddenly asked me "mummy why are you smiling and humming?" "oh nothing sweety just im verry happy that i get to see and catch up with my old friends and they're staying for dinner and for the night" i couldn't tell her the real reason why . After that we walked to the dinner hall to have dinner all together.
Grandine POV
I was walking to the room with my soon to get him into some nice clothes for dinner. I asked him how was his day and he told me from the time he watched Lucy playing under the tree to the time he fell asleep and he woke up to hearing Lucy crying then he found her and brought her back to the palace. While he was talking about it I could see his cheeks having abit of pink tints, i think he likes her and im thinking of what Layla was saying about both of them going to be closer sooner and going to be together. After getting Natsu into some new clothes wes started to head to the dinner hall and just kept smiling all the way.
During dinner
The Dragneels and Hearrtifillias ate their dinner and talked. Natsu and Lucy were sitting together while eating dinner , they were laughing and talking together , they were having lots of fun that they didn't know that their parents even Phoenix and Porlyusica were watching and smiling at them and laughing at how cute they are. After dinner ended they all headed to their rooms to sleep .
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