Promises and goodbyes
It was early in the morning the Dragneels were getting ready to leave the Celestial Spirit Kingdom and the Heartifillias palace. While Igneel, his wife , Phoenix and his wife were packing Natsu and Lucy were playing together. The night before after dinner they talked and before they slept Natsu told Lucy that before he leaves he will play with her and she agreed. So they woke up early together and are playing in the garden running and laughing.
Natsu POV
I woke up early in the morning to play with Luce before I leave to go home and see Nala and Wendy again. Even though I'm happy to see Nala and Wendy again, I'm sad that I'll be leaving Luce for now, oh and Luce is a nickname i gave her last night while talking to her. She has a nickname for me too but i only let her call me that because she asked me "why is my hair pink?and i kept telling her it SALMON but she kept on saying and calling me pinky. So now I'm in her garden with her playing hide and seek and tag while laughing, she's so cute when she smiles and giggles, i like seeing her happy and safe i don't know why but i feel like i have to protect her and make her smile, i don't want to see hurt or sad or with anybody else but me. After an hour or so it was time for me to leave and go home, me and Luce were really sad to leave and we could see that her parents, my parents and my aunt and uncle were sad to leave each other again but i have a feeling that we'll see each other again me and Luce.
But before I had to leave we both stood under the tree we were at yesterday and made a promise, we promised that we could never forget each other even though we don't see each other for a long time and we will find each other if we end up somewhere else and we will always be together, she gave a pendant that is shaped as a half heart and she has the other half so when we see each in another time we will show it to each other. After that I hugged Luce and said bye to Aunt Layla and Uncle Jude, while I could feel tears starting to fill my eyes while I could see Luce wiping her eyes but before I entered the carriage after Aunt Porlyusica I turned around and said "LUCE we have fun when we're together right?" "Mm YEA!" I waved and smiled my signature grin at her and said "see you soon" and with that I entered the carriage then my mum and my dad. I'll see you again Luce i promise and with that I was smiling all the way going home.
Lucy POV
I woke up early to play with Natsu, he's my first friend/best friend well his my only friend since i don't have any and i only stay in the palace. I'm sad that he has to leave and go back today he said that he's really sad to leave me here but he's happy to see his sisters at home, he told me lot about them, like Wendy is he's real sister by blood which is 5 years and Nala which is he's fathers brother daughter but he treats her like a sister, i cant wait too meet them next time. We played hide and seek and tag but most of the time we ran around the garden, i loved playing with him and will really miss him. After we played we stood under the tree and made a promise , I gave him half of the heart pendant that my mum gave it to me , she said to give it to a person that i love and someone that will take care or me and never forget me ,i know that Natsu is the one.
I went to the front door with my parents to say good bye to Aunt Grandine, Aunt Porlyusica, Uncle Igneel and Uncle Phoenix we hugged and I could see tears on everybody faces and I could feel tears coming out of my eyes. I was wiping them and I was going to hug Natsu, while hugging him i could feel the tears coming out uncontrollably, he let go off me and pulled me so that i looked at him and smiled his signature grin. I felt happy after that and hugged him again after that, i said to him that i had fun and i will always be waiting for him and i will never forget him. After that I let go i went and hugged uncle Igneel and aunt Grandine, when Natsu was half way in the carriage he turned around and said that we have fun when we're together right I was so happy when he said that because it is true. My parents and I waved at them while seeing their carriage disappear in the distance, i turned around and saw my parents crying while seeing their best friends leave and I know how they feel because my best friend left too. But I know I will see you again Natsu Dragneel.
Grandine POV
I was so sad to leave Layla and Jude. We all have talked so much and caught up, well Lucy will be getting her first celestial spirit key and I'm happy to hear that. I was looking outside the window and looking at their palace disappearing in the distance then i saw Natsu smiling abit but there were tears coming down from his eyes, i know that he missing her but he will see her in the future again. "Natsu dear are you ok?" "Mmm yea mum i know that i will see her again with Nala and Wendy" "hahah yea you will and with them. I wonder how are they doing" "they're doing great mum i know it and i think Wendy and Nala are close with the amount of time they spent together" "haha i think your right" I smile as I saw Natsu holding half of a heart pendant . I see that Lucy already trust and likes Natsu, and he does too.
Igneel POV
I look at my wife sitting next to our son smiling while looking at him. I see that Jude's daughter gave him a half a heart pendant, I'm happy that he'll find someone to love and trust other then his sisters in his life. I wonder how is Wendy and Nala doing back at the palace in the Dragon realm.
Phoenix POV
I'm happy that my brother's son is getting along with Jude's daughter beause then i know that she'll be a good owner of my daughter key when she has one. I know that my wife and my brother and his wife also agree to that. LUCY HEARTIFILLIA WILL BE THE ONE THAT OUR CHILDREN WILL TRUST AND LOVE.
At the Dragon Kingdom in the Dragneel palace
In the palace there are 2 girls playing with their servants in the palace. Nala and Wendy had the best weeks spending time together with the other servants and they also discovered a secret while both thier parents and brother were gone. The secret that they found out is the teleportation to Earthlander and also Nala's secret they promised each other that they won't tell their parents that they know about it and they wont tell anyone else.
On the day both their parents and Natsu's return to the palace both of them helped decorate the place and baked food for their return and the 2 are throwing a party for them to come home after a few weeks. They both excitedly waited for them to come back with their servants at the front door, when they saw the carriage they were jumping for joy. Once all them came out of the carriage they hugged each other and walked in surprised to see what the girls did for their return. They all ate and talked to each other telling the girls how was the visit and Natsu telling Nala and Wendy about Lucy and how nice and friendly she is . They were all happy to be back and all together but they don't know what dangers are coming their way and that they have to say goodbye to the ones they really love.
Soon the party ended in the late evening, all of them exhausted and really fully from eating all the food that the 2 girls have made. After they finished, they headed for their room to change and get ready for bed because tomorrow they have lots to do in the kingdom.
Natsu POV
I'm so full, we ate lots of food and partied alot, wow Nala and Wendy sure knows how to throw a welcome back party. I was now walking on the way back to the room with both of them, can't wait to show them the half pendant that Luce gave me but I can't but noticed that they're really close now from the time I left with our parents. We got into the room and changed into our pajamas, all 3 of us share one huge room even though that we have lots of rooms and they have their on room we still like sleeping in one makes us feel closer. After changing i showed them the pendant, "wow Natsu thats so pretty" "oniichan where's the other half?" " the other half is with Lucy remember i told you that we made a promise" "ne ne Natsu that means you have a girlfriend right?" I blushed at that question, i mean i like her no love her and i want her to be mine and protect her but im not sure, i was brought back from my taught when mum walked in to tuck us in and say good night, my 2 sisters we're giggling i wonder why.
Grandine POV
I walked into the room and i saw 2 girls giggling and lauging on the bed while Natsu was holding the pendant and blushing while in deep thought i couldn't help but giggle myself. As i was joining the girls Natsu seem to have came back from his thoughts. They quickly went into bed and got under the covers and i went and kiss their forehead and say good night to 3 of them and told them sweet dreams, they have a long day tomorrow. After I left their room I made my way to my husbands office where we would all discuss for tomorrow.
Igneel POV
I was in my office with my brother and his wife, we were talking about a letter we received while we were away. The letter said that there is a man put in jail for using to much dragon slayer magic and became a dragon himself, i just hope he doesn't plan to attack the kingdom on the dragon festival which is tomorrow and the day we have to send our children off to Earthlander.
In the dragon kingdom jail
The guards think that they can put me in jail with anti magic cuffs the only thing that they don't know is that they don't work on me and they have no idea whats going to happen tomorrow. The 2 kingdoms doesn't know what's coming for them tomorrow, I will get my revenge.
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