Day 5
(A/N hey look im alive)
Virgil POV
I woke up with a start, unaware of my surroundings before my eyes adjusted to the dark. The hard wet ground beneath me bringing back my memories from the night before. I looked behind me to see Deceit still slumped over, asleep behind the bars of his cell.
I closed my eyes, Roman and Patton still talking behind the door, muffled. I heard the door open, and, who I could only assume was Roman, closed the door and hopped into bed. I listened in for about 10 minutes before I finally heard his soft snoring. I immediately grabbed my satchel, and took my leave. I quickly opened the door, closing it and dashing for the dungeon. While running I passed by the kitchen and grabbed a couple fruits, quickly stuffing them into my bag. Once I-by some miracle- made it to the dungeons entrance, I walked down carefully, as not to make the same mistake I made earlier that day.
When I reached the bottom, I walked through the hallway. Cells making up the walls. Prisoners slept inside, some awake, but not really caring about why I was there. I squinted through the darkness, trying to find who I was looking for. Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my wrist. "What in gods name are you doing here?!" I shot my head up to face the sound to be greeted by none other than Deceit. His eye glowing through the darkness. "You shouldnt have come back." He hissed quietly. I smirk. "So from what youre telling me you dont want any food?" I pull the food out from my satchel. Deceit eyes it intently before shaking his head, and trying to continue what he was saying. "You could be killed for this, no one other than the queen or king is allo-" I stuffing a strawberry in his mouth. I laughed lightly as he swallowed it."Touche" he murmured. I laughed and yawned. Deceit cocked an eyebrow. "Youre gonna fall asleep here?"I nod, a sly smile on my face as I drift off, the last thing I hear is Deceit chuckle lightly, before I fall asleep leaned against his cells' bars.
~End of Flashback~
I looked around the dungeon. I sat there for a while, listening to the drip of the rain leaking from outside onto the mossy stone floor. "Whats your name?" He asked. I flinched, turning around quickly to see Deceit staring at me expectantly. I debated for a bit, it wasnt like he could tell why not? "Virgil, Virgil Cole." I said, Deceit, for some reason, didnt seem surprised."Im-" he started, before, I cut him off "Deceit. Your names Deceit, right?" I said, half questioning. Deceit cocked an eyebrow, amused. "So thats what theyre calling me? Well, im sorry but no. My Name is Dee. Dee Clarence." Deceit, or should I say Dee, stuck his hand out of the bars for a handshake. I hesitantly shook it, smiling a little. "Hey! Who are you?!" A voice called, I looked to find an armed guard. My smile vanished, as I looked Dee in the eyes. "Run." He said. I grabbed my satchel and sprinted down the hall, I tripped over the long gown I wore about halfway down the hall. I cursed to myself before quickly yanking the bottom half off, revealing the silk dark purple pants I wore underneath. I kept running, as I threw the heels behind me when i made it to the staircase.
I dashed up the stairs, slipping every other step but still carrying along. "Stop where you are!" the guard cried, but I continued up the stairs. Soon I saw the light from the chandelier peeking out from behind the door that had remained haphazardly swung open. I ran out of the door, quickly pulling down the latch that locked the door, trapping the guard inside. I jumped backward when I heard him pounding on the door, yelling that whoever the culprit was to open the door, and surrender. After a couple of minutes, he banging stopped, and I heard his footsteps walk down the stairs.
I let out a sigh of relief, before turning to the left, seeing a figure standing infront of me. "Miss Cole? What are you-" I pulled out my dagger from the satchel, gazing up at the person. "Stay back-! You dont.." I trailed off as I looked at the persons face. "Logan.." Logans eyes darted from my dagger, to my face. I looked, as tears began to form in his eyes.
Logan and Virgil ran around in the grass, just like they did every day. They laughed and giggled as the soft breeze tickled their faces. Virgil laid back, smiling warmly as he stared up to the sky, as the slowly setting sun made the sky darker and darker as each minute passed. Logan laid down beside Virgil. The small boy giggled. "Whatre you laughing at, Virge?" Logan asked. Virgil pointed to a cloud. "That cloud looks like a butt." Virgil managed to get out, before bursting into hysterics. The taller looked up at said cloud, laughing lightly. "I suppose it does, huh?" he looked down to the other. "Hey, V?" Logan asked. "hm?"
"You know those robber guys who always come to your parents' house and steal your money, medicine, and stuff?" Virgil nodded. "Well," Logan pulled out a small tube, pulling the cap off the reveal a small blade. It bore carvings of flowers and swirls, and had a dark purple pallet, Virgils favorite color. "I made you this! So next time those guys come to your house, you can beat em up-!" Logan beamed. Virgil stared in awe as Logan placed the cap back on the knife, and handed it to Virgil. Virgil looked between Logan, and the blade that was rested on his palm. Without skipping a beat, Virgil crashed onto Logan in a bone crushing hug. "Thank you. Ill take this everywhere with me." Virgil said quietly. Logan giggled. "Its no big deal, Virgil. Really." Logan smiled.
((haha a cliffhanger.
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