Day 4
3rd Person POV
Logan hummed quietly as he turned the page of his book, he was nearly finished and enjoyed the story so far. He rounded the corner, only to be pinned up against a wall. The strong scent of overly potent perfume making him want to gag. "Ah, Miss Diane." He said. Diane smirks. "Hey, Logie bear~" she purred. Logan cringed. "I would prefer it if you didn't call me that." Diane just laughed. "Whatever. What are you doing all alone, hot stuff?" She got closer, making sure her cleavage was right up against Logan's chest. "That book sounds pretty boring."
Logan tried to push her away, but she was strong despite her height. "Please leave. I don't want to do that with you.." he said, but she didn't seem to care. "Listen, I-" she was going to say, but was cut off by a yell. "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE." The voice roared. Logan and Diane turned to face Roman, Who glared at Diane. "Whatever. You'll regret that." She sneered, almost skipping away. "Thank you...Roman." Logan muttered. Roman smiled and pat him on the back. "It's no problem, Logan." He said as he walked away with a friendly wave.
Logan felt guilt rise in his chest. It had all happened so quickly, and he couldn't even give out a proper thank you. He opened his book up again. He knew he shouldn't treat Roman this way, but how else was he going to protect Patton?
Virgil groaned as the insensate beeping of his alarm clock, slapping his hand over it to shut it off and stretching out. Romans bed was empty, Virgil smiled as memories from the night before came back to his mind. He got dressed, and somehow did it right that time.His stomach growled, fuck he was hungry. Virgil looked to the side and found an average sized donut looking pastry. It had a note next to it. Virgil picked it up and read it. He smiled. It was from Roman. Virgil stuffed the donut in his pocket for later, and walked out the door, and into the familiar large hallway. He peered over the staircase and saw multiple girls chatting and gossiping as they were many times before. Virgil cringed and walked forward.
As Virgil continued to walk down the hallway, It seemed things had gone to normal, maybe he had gone to the village to run? Virgil smiled at the memory of the village, the adults he had grown up with were scarce and few. Virgil's smile faltered. Nearly everyone he loved had died from the illness that had spread so rapidly years before. There was still no cure, it just seemed to...vanish. He remembered his mother, laying on his parents' bed.
Virgil's mother, Martha, coughed and wheezed where she lay, pale in the face, and nearly dead. His father held her hand and kissed it, tears threatening to leave his eyes. Martha cupped his fathers face, smiling lightly. "Dolan, please. Always remember I love you, but please take care of yourself. You need to take care of Virgil for me, give him a good life. Move on, remarry and cherish your new wife well." She spoke, Dolan held her hand tighter. "No, no you aren't going to die." He said, Martha smiles warmly, as tears finally broke through on her husbands face. Martha closed her eyes, kissing her husbands forehead, Laying down, Martha took her final breath, closing her eyes. Dolan held his late wife's body, and cried. He heard the door squeak open, as Virgil, around 5-6 years old, stood in the doorway. He spoke.
Where's Mommy?"
Virgil snapped out of his trance as he hit a strange white pillar. "Shit-!" He cursed, rubbing his head. He looked up, a gate stood tall, almost like an altar. Virgil knocked on the door, no response. He heard quick shuffling from behind, then nothing. Virgil backed up, before charging back forward. He ran right into the door, it didn't budge. Virgil tubbed his now sore arm, dusting off his dress. He growled, stepping backward again, but started to fall. He felt himself tumble down what seemed to be a staircase. Virgil got the bottom with a loud thud.
Everything went black.
Virgil awoke later, groaning at the pain in his head from where he had crashed. "Where.." he muttered, before he realized exactly where he was. His heart dropped into his stomach. "..The dungeon." He muttered. Standing up, the cold, wet bricks rough against his palm. He dusted off his dress. Cells along every wall, most filled with men and women. Virgil walked down farther until he noticed a man slumped over next to his "bed", which was more of a cot. He thought he was dead for a moment before noticing the mans yellow eye pierce through him.
He was confused, the mans left eye was brown, but the other yellow..why? "Hey, are you okay, dude?" Virgil said, but was given no response. "Hey." He said, louder this time. The man gave no reply, but his eye flickered from the ground to back at him. "Can you even hear me?" Virgil felt anger and frustration rise in him as the guy rolled his eyes. He stomped over to the other prisoners cell. "Hey, do you know what's up with him?" Virgil asked, the prisoner shrugged. "No one knows much other than his charge. Brought here cuz he supposedly killed his family. Don't buy it, though. He says he was forced to lie and say he did it, so we all just call him 'Deceit'." Virgil thanked him. He was about to turn around to leave when the donut fell out of his pocket. He bent to pick it up when he saw the man, Deceit, eye it intently. "Do you.." Virgil walked over. "Do you want this?" Deceit nodded frantically. Virgil slowly put his hand through the bars to give it to him, and Deceit snatched it quickly, scarfing it down.
Virgil noticed how thin he was, for someone who looked to be about Logan's height or taller, he was extremely thin. Deceit finished. "I uh.." he began, voice raspy, almost as if he hadn't talked in years. "Thank you." Deceit said. "No problem." Virgil responded, turning on his heel and leaving. Once out he let out a sigh, before being tackled by a hysterical Roman. "V, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I WAS SO WORRIED I COULDN'T FIND YOU ANYWHERE!" He shouted, only to have Patton hug Virgil's other side. "WE WERE SO WORRIED, KIDDO!" Patton exclaimed. Virgil chuckled. "Just went out for a walk." Roman looked taken aback. "For four hours?" Virgil sweat nervously, so that's how long he'd been out. He nodded.
Roman sighed. "Alright, I guess. Lets get you back to the room." He said. "Wait, why were you and Pat together?" Virgil questioned. Roman and Patton went red. "OKAY NO NEED TO QUESTION THAT LETS GET YOU TO BED, OK? OK." Roman picked up Virgil as he and Patton ran to the latters shared bedroom. Virgil groaned. "All right! All right! I'll get an ice pack or something-" he said. Roman nodded, shutting the door. Weird.
As Roman closed the door, Patton whispered to him. "That was close, Ro." Patton said. "Yes, I know.." Roman groaned. "This is going to be harder than we thought." Patton nodded. "But as long as I'm with you, it'll be worth it." Roman said, Patton flushes at that, before laughing quietly and kissing Romans cheek. "It's almost 8. Go get ready for bed." Patton said. Roman nodded and walked in. Virgil laid passes out on the bed. Roman chuckled, and hopped into bed, not bothering to change, as he fell into a peaceful sleep.
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