Saving quick force
Don't play it until I tell you too
Adam pov*
On our way looking for quick force but there is one problem, Quick Force is with Storm. Which they are after me and my sister but we don't care, we're going to save the Monsuno.
Right now, we are at the truck that the Storm soldiers left behind and we are trying to figure at how to turn the vehicle on. Until after a few seconds later Jinja figured it out which we decided that she drives the truck while Chase and Bren sit down, me and my sister are standing which we didn't mind.
Chase look towards us in worried "hey are you two going to be ok, you two can ask us to move over if you both want to sit down" me and Angelica looked at him then shake our heads no at the same time "are you sure, you two know you would fall off if we bumped into any rock" Jinja said not looking at us, I nodded my head and said " yeah we'll be ok".
Time skipped
Bren pov*
We finally arrived at the Storm base to rescue Quick force, that is until we were caught "what are we going to do now" I said getting scared. I heard Angelica's voice "you three go try to find the Monsuno while me and Adam distract the soldiers when you successfully saved the Monsuno give us a call through this communicator which my brother manage to find and we will find our way to escaped". She passed the communicator to me, Jinja and Chase then goes back to her brother's side 'they are not actually going to get chased by Storm, right?'
They are about to leave until Chase stopped them "what if you don't made it out", both of them look at each other and turn around towards us "then leave us behind the Monsuno is more important than us" Adam said with a serious face "but what if -" until Angelica cut Jinja off "Don't worry we will be fine we've been doing this before " Chase went up to them and said "I'm coming with you even you say no I'm still coming with you" 'he is so determined ' I thought while looking at Chase. The twins sighed and nodded "good luck you two we're counting on you " Adam said before the three of them stepped out 'I hoped they are ok' I thought while watching them leave.
Adam pov*
Oncewe stepped outside, the troopers look towards us "hey where is therestroom we are waiting for an hour to go to the bath room" Chase said, I lookedtowards him with a seriously face until the troopers pointtheir guns towards us "no ok we will look for the restroom by ourselves " Chase said while we starting walkingaway " stop I said stop" and we stop waking "oh if you want tohave us, you have chase after us tag you it" Angelica said and we startrunning "HEY GET BAKC HERE"said one of the troopers 'why does shehave to be so childish but hey at least we get away' I thought whilerunning with my sister and Chase. Then I heard one of them said "GET CHASESUNO AND CAPTURED THE TWINS WE NEED THEM BOTH NOW" said the soldier, I don'tknow why they wanted us so badly but I can't focus on that now we have to keepon running to by some time for Jinja and Bren while hoping they find theMonsuno, I don't know how long we can keep on running.
(Back to Bren and Jinja)
Jinja pov*
Wefinally found Quick Force but which one of us will tame him. We playing rock,paper, scissors I know we should be doing this but hey at least we will knowwho will take Quick Force and Bren won 'great'I thought while looking at him doing his small celebration, he grabbed thecore and point the core towards Quick Force which the Monsuno start acting wild"I'm here to help you" Bren said. His having trouble, I was about toup to Bren to help him until I heard him said he said Quick force return".I watched as the Monsuno has turned into a energy and return into his core, wehave finally have quick force and we have to find chase, Angelica and Adam 'I hope their ok' I thought while runningout of the room with Bren.
(Meanwhile back to chase, Adam and Angelica)
Chase pov*
We've been running for a few minutes now and I'm losing my breathing except for the twins, they just keep on running of course they have to stop for me to catch up now we are at another room. " I got a weird feeling about this" Adam said until the door close shut locked us in "well, well, well why if it isn't Chase Suno and the Rose twins " someone said. A figure came out from its hiding place, it was Tray and out of nowhere a net coming towards the twins, luckily Adam moved out of the way in time but the net caught Angelica and drag her towards Tray.
Adam glared at Tray and said "let my sister go " his voice sounds different it is like he will murder someone 'mental note never mess with Adam when it comes with hurting his sister' I thought. Ace try to reason with me about Storm have my dad but I refuse and we start battling with our Monsunos, I have to win to get Angelica back.
Few moments later
Lock won the battle, we are about to get Angelica but Tray bring out his Monsuno now this is starting to get Adam ticked off, 'he is so determined to get her back' I thought while looking at him.
Adam pov*
I am so ticked off right now, I want my sister back right now then Tray's Monsuno did a shock wave 'damn his Monsuno is strong I hope she's ok if not well if they hurt my sister I'm going to fucking murder them' I thought while watching Chase's Monsuno Block battle Tray's Monsuno. Suddenly an Monsuno came out with Bren on its back, the Monsuno is beautiful now I want to go on its back because this Monsuno have big wings.
Quick force
Now I have enough of this shit, I want my sister back to me right now because she is the only family member I have left and I promise to protect her. I took out my core and said "Blizzard launch" I spin my core spin towards the wall and watches as the core hits the wall and came out a wolf with white fur and blue crystal at its claws and a fang sticking out from its mouth, on its back its crystals that looks like a cannon. "Chase you and Bren beat Tray and destroy this base while I get my sister " I said. Chase hesitate then nodded and ran off with Lock, Bren and Quick Force while I get my sister "Blizzard use ice cannon" Blazered freezes the troopers before they get to me, I ran over to my sister and got her out of the net, I hugged her really tight it's like I'm going to lose her.
We hugged for a few seconds until we broke off the hug, we saw Storm troopers coming our way "there is no escaped twins" Tray said, I looked at my sister and she nodded then said " I don't think so Phoenix launch" she launched her core, we both look at each other and nodded "NOW BLIZZARD/ PHOENIX USE ICE BEAM/ FIRE BALL AND AIM ABOVE US " we shouted in same time. Our Monsunos do what we said and they created a mist it's hard for them to find us " blizzard return" blizzard return to my core and I hoped onto Phoenix's back behind my sister then we flew off.
We spotted the truck and I can see Chase, Bren and Jinja in the truck talking to each other while waiting for us, Angelica looked at me with a mischievous smirked 'Oh I know what she's doing' I thought while nodding back with a smirk. She looked at them then told Phoenix to dive down towards them when we landed making a loud thud while Phoenix screech in alarm they start to scream.
Chase pov*
We were busy talking to each other while waiting for the twins, I'm started to get very worried now 'what happen they don't come back that means we have to leave them' so many questions swarm around my mind until I was bringged out of my thoughts when a Monsuno just land right in front of us with a loud thud and screech in alarm making us to scream for our lives, until I just realized that's Angelica's Monsuno that means "bwaaaa ha ha you guys are so easy to get scared ha ha ha" Angelica said in a fit of laughing while Adam chuckles and shakes his head.
The twins hopped off of Phoenix and Angelica turns around to face her Monsuno while pointing her core towards Phoenix "Phoenix return", then her Monsuno turned into an energy and returns into the core and they hopped onto the truck at the back. we are so relieved that both of them are safe, now we are going somewhere I don't know where as long as I have my friends with me.
Done hope you enjoy this and I'll see you in the next chapter see ya
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