Meeting a familiar, mysterious stranger
Chase pov
Me and my friends are in the mini bus wearing our disguises while the mini bus driver drives through the desert with other people well all my friends except the twins. Since they can't fit inside the bus they decided to follow us on Angelica's Monsuno, Pheonix. I would say they are lucky that they don't need to wear these stupid disguises, I was talking to my friends until bus driver make a sudden drift turn and we started to scream seeing the side of the mini bus coming towards the bolder.
The mini bus almost hit the bolder and the back of the bus gone off of the edge of the cliff, before the bus fall off the cliff Phoenix swoop in to lift the bus and fly a bit away from the cliff then puts the mini bus down. We get as everyone else run out of the bus screaming, once they're gone an elder man wearing a butler clothes "hello children, I have a little for you from my employer he wishes to invite you to visit him as his guest, Chase Suno" he said, "so much being incognito" Bren said while taking his disguise off. The elder men smile but his smile is sort of creepy "I should allow the good doctor the pleasure of telling you himself" after he said that a hologram appeared of a man "I was pleased that you have finally come to the lowlands my name is Dr. Emmanuel Klipse, I was a colleague of your father including the twin's parents" he said. I look at him kind of suspicious "sorry dad never mentioned you" I said, "including our parents" a familiar voice said, I look towards where the voice is from and saw the twins standing near the entrance of the bus, Adam have his arm crossed while Angelica lean against the bus door frame.
The man turn his head to look at the twins "no they won't as your father and I are not in the best terms but I was friends with your mother" he said and he looks at me "as for your father no he won't, our work is highly secret when Storm put their hands on my experiments I decided to take my research elsewhere, I tried to convince your father and the twin's parents to come with me but they refused, they thought they could do some good from the inside, they were wrong" he said while clenching his hand into a fist. I saw the look at him suspiciously, "look it's a great story, but why are you telling me this exactly?" I asked while staying close to my friends "forgive my manners we have much to discuss, I want you to join me in for some tea" he said while looking at the elder man behind him "Hargrave give him the invitation" he said ordering the man which his name is Hargrave.
The elder man nodded "it would be my pleasure Dr. Klipse" he said while the machine claw grabbed a letter from his jacket and gives the letter to me. I look at the invitation "well this is the longest telephone number I've ever seen" I said and looked at him, "but you understand my need for secrecy, it deciphers the code and don't be late, I do not tolerate" he said. Once his finish talking to us, the hologram disappeared "his menacing and have manners" Jinja said, Angelica nodded her head in agreement "yeah quite the combination" I said agreeing with her, what I didn't expect that Hargrave start to lean close to...smell me. I jumped in surprise including my friends while Angelica covers her mouth to contain her laughter, Hargrave covered his nose with a cloth while looked disgust "ugh sure his casual but not this casual no jacket, no tie and no Monsuno, I advise the young gentleman to freshen up first, now if you excuse me" he said while walking back away from us. He used his machine to cut the bus roof in a circle and fly out "what the!" I yelled in surprise and run out of the bus with the others following me and watch Hargrave using his machine to climb up on the cliff.
Angelica stand next to me with her arms crossed "well that was unexpected" she said, I nodded in agreement "sooo which category we put those two in crazy weird or down right evil?" Jinja asked, I looked at Jinja then said "I'm not sure yet". I looked forward until I heard Bren's voice and I turned my head to the side to look at him "look at the bright side at least you'll get free tea out of the deal" I walk towards Bren and side "yeah did I mention I hate tea", Bayel looked at me "all is not lost perhaps they will have coffee" he said. I put my hand on his shoulder and laugh a bit "yeah perhaps" Angelica look at me and giggled then walk towards the bus with her brother walking beside her, I started to blush then noticed my two best friends are looking at me with a smirk, I glared at them and follow the twins with the others following me.
Time skipped
Angelica pov
We arrived at the town and decided to look around "nice yes I thought the bus was very pleasant sigh all I want is a warm shower, a cold drink and a change of underwear" Bren said, I looked at him weirdly then shake my head and continue looking around. Chase look at Bren and said "yeah good luck with that be whoever name this place sanctuary city clearly didn't know what the word city meant or the word sanctuary" I nodded my head in agreement. Bren look at us and said "I've been thinking if Dr. Klipse isn't lying there should be something about him in the core tablet search for Emmanuel Klipse" he said to the tablet. A video hologram appeared from the tablet telling us about Emmanuel Klipse "his research into genetic sequence of Monsuno DNA has been invaluable, his knowledge is impressive but he is as ambitious as he is intelligent and experience has taught me the dangers of trusting officiously-" the video got cut out and Bren slowly start to get annoyed "we really have to fix this thing" he said, Bayel look at Bren and said "at least part of the man's story has been validated", Adam nod his head in agreement "I agreed with you" he said. Chase look at all of us "can we discuss it over some grub I'm starving" he said and starts looking around, I looked at Chase and shake my head 'of course he would think of food what a surprise' I thought then giggle to myself.
I noticed Chase start running and I decided to follow him with the others, once we arrive a place Chase push the doors open and some of people mostly men look at us glaring, Chase turn his head to the side to whisper towards us "I can't say for certain but I think they might have noticed us" he turn his head forward once his done whispering to us, Adam looked at me "at least I'm not wearing those clothes as a disguise" he said in a whisper. I giggled quietly and follow the other with Adam beside me, the man looks at us and said "welcome children what can I get you?" each of us sit down on the chairs, Chase decided to order first "give me a bowl" he said, Beyal, Jinja and Bren ordered the same thing, I thought for a moment and ordered the same thing including Adam.
The man nodded and slide a bowl of food to Bren but he missed then the bowl hit on the chair where someone is sitting, Bren stood up and walk towards them with a napkin "I'm so sorry it wasn't my fault that bowl came out of nowhere" he apologize while cleaning up, I'm about to stand up to help Bren clean up until I hear a voice from the stranger "don't move glasses" they said while turning their head to look at us turns out the stranger is a boy, we all stood up once we noticed he have a core "the core tech core" Bren said, Chase look at the boy "where did you get that?" he said.
I looked at the boy 'I swear I met him somewhere' I thought, the boy look at chase "you must be new to the loadings if you're gonna put your hands on someone here you better be sue you can get there but first-" he said until he got cut off by Chase "I don't think that's gonna be a problem" he said while looking at him angrily. The boy stand up and turns around to look at us "I'm going to do you and your little friends a favor and let you walk out of while you still can" he said, Jinja looks at him angrily "hey who you call me little" she said, the man doesn't look pleased and tries to calm them down "come on now you two you don't want trouble" he said, the boy glared at us "if you must know I won this thing for crazy old man he came around here a couple weeks ago battling something about the monsters in the fight of the world" he said as he takes his core out. Bren looks at Chase "Chase that sounds like your dad I mean apart from the old thing and the crazy bit oh they'll mention it here's a little street much-" he said until he got cut off by Jinja who hit him on the shoulder. I looked Adam while Adam look at me 'what about our parents' I thought and I think Adam is thinking the same thing. I noticed Jinja turns around to look at the boy "so you think you're pretty tough, don't you?" she said, the boy turn his head to look at Jinja "princess around here there's only two ways to be tough or ghost" he said, Jinja looks angry "princess?! Oh, that's it" she said and goes to punch him but he moves to the side and grabs hold of her arm then brings her arm behind her making Jinja wince in pain.
Chase takes out his core and points at him "take your hands off my friend right now" he said, the boy let's go of Jinja "fine let's settle this in a fight" he said and walks outside with Chase following him. I look at the others and decided to follow them, Chase stand in one end while the boy stands at the other end, me and the others are standing in the side lines decided to watch them battle. Every once in a while, I keep looking at the boy I could've sworn I see him somewhere before, I noticed Adam look at the boy and looks at him "he seems familiar" he said while whispering to my ear, I nodded and looked away from the boy hopping he didn't notice me looking at him.
~Time Skip after the battle~
The battle was intense but, in the end, Chase won, we didn't get a chance to know the stranger's name or where he got the core tech from because he got away right now we're running away from the town because now that everyone in the town knows about Chase, we decided to leave so we did. Right now, we're at the middle of nowhere, breathing heavily, "I don't want to be captain obvious but this is clearly a trap" Jinja said, 'I couldn't agree more' I thought agreeing what Jinja said. Chase looked at Jinja "look, if Klipse wanted us gone he could've finished us on the bus, he needs something with us, something he just can't take" he said, Adam nods his head in agreement, Beyal stepped forward and said "it is seemed our path have come here for a reason". We all looked at Bren, "Bren, are you sure this is aright place?" Chase said, Bren looked at us and looked down towards the tablet his holding "huh using the numbers on the invite" he said while crouching and starts drawing a cross on the ground by using the dirt "it is either right here precisely 3.27 pm or.." he suddenly gets up and looks behind him then points at the direction his looking "3'000 miles in that direction at exactly 4.15 in the morning in the air 5096" he said, I blinked clearly don't understand 'I think my mind is going to explode' I thought. Jinja sighed heavily while Adam shakes his head "there is clearly nothing here" Chase said until he fell through a trap door right where the cross that Bren drew, the trap door close immediately after he fell in "CHASE!"I shout out his name and run to the spot where the trap door is "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Bren shouted, I looked at him and said "Chase fell through a trapdoor right here". I point at the spot where the cross is "there is no doubt that this is Dr. Klipse's doing" Adam said while walking towards me, Jinja looked at us "what should we do?" she asked. I looked at everyone and said "for now we wait for Chase to come back so he can go see what Dr. Klipse want from us", Bren looked at me "so we just hang around here?" he asked, I nodded and looked at the trap door 'please be okay Chase' I thought with a concern and worried look.
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