The house was silent. Melanie took off her jacket hanging it up and placed her bag on the table.
"He should have been at home," she turned to Enzo and remarked with anxiety.
"It's okay. He'll be fine," he tried to reassure her.
"Damon, are you at home?" Melanie called cautiously ascending the stairs looking around for him.
The silence was shattered by the sound of broken glass. She hurried over to his room deeply concerned because he hadn't replied yet. Enzo followed close behind.
"Damon open the door or else I'll come in myself," she yelled but got no reply.
She opened the door and saw the room was empty but shattered nevertheless. She cautiously and fearfully creaked open the bathroom door.
She saw him sitting on the floor with his head in his hands surrounded by shards of glass. His knuckles were oozing blood. He had shattered the mirror.
She rushed towards him dropping down to her knees, "Damon what have you done?"
Enzo stood by the door simply watching his old friend in torment while Melanie was trying to calm him down.
"What's the matter? Why are you sitting like this?"
He looked up at her with pained eyes, "I left Enzo to die. He trusted me with his life and I betrayed him."
His words had a deep effect on Enzo.
She whispered, "no Enzo's not dead, got it? He's alive. He didn't die, okay?"
He mumbled, "don't lie to me Mel. I saw him burn. I left him. The selfish jerk that I am!"
She placed a reassuring hand on his cheek and turned his face so that he was looking straight in her eyes, "Enzo's alive and he's here."
He spoke, "not true."
At that, Enzo came inside and pulled Damon to his feet by grabbing his arm, "didn't know you'd crack so easily, mate."
He was startled hearing his voice and was more flabbergasted to see his friend standing in front of him. Alive and safe. "Enzo...?" Damon couldn't believe his eyes.
Enzo smirked at him, "what, did you think that I'd die that easy? Wrong. I still have a lot of years on my bucket. Besides I haven't enjoyed freedom for long so why not now?"
The next moment both of them were pulled into a tight brotherly embrace. "I'm back, Damon," Enzo spoke as he pulled apart, "and there's no need to fret now. I forgive you. And we'll just start like friends again."
He had been speechless but finally the words formed, "thank God."
He gave him a playful shove, "look at all this mess you've created, Damon. Dangerous in anger still, are you?"
Damon spoke, "I'll clear up afterwards."
Melanie cleared her throat, "and I hope you guys didn't forget that I'm here too. Literally blinking tears away at such an emotional reunion."
Damon looked at her and spoke, "but its way past your bedtime, Melanie."
Both him and Enzo walked out the room.
"And where are you going?" Melanie asked.
"Ah well you had your hangout. Now its time for me to have mine," Damon replied.
Sure enough, seeing Enzo had relieved him. A lot of stress had lifted off his chest. He looked like he was healing. All the old wounds were healing up and she knew Damon would be a lot better now. Because Enzo had returned. He had got his friend back.
She watched them joking around and laughing like old buddies silently smiling to herself. She knew that everything would be better now and hoped for Damon to get normal soon.
Who knows perhaps that way he could be persuaded into letting Stefan back in their lives? Thinking about Stefan always made her sad. But she hoped to see him again.
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