The last exam had been taken and all the students came out to the school grounds throwing their hats in the air and cheering. Melanie was the last to come out of the Examination Hall and was still analysing the question paper in her head when her friends surrounded her.
"Hey Mel loosen up," Mackenzie spoke as she twirled her around, "exams are over and it's time to relax. Chill!"
Melanie smiled at her over enthusiastic friend, "okay Kenny."
She was indeed a bubbly girl who loved to party and have fun, "look, me and the girls are planning to hang out at the Mall. And no you can't make any excuses. Seriously. We'll go shopping and have coffee. You know what today we're free! Now after a few months we'll be joining High School and I really think we should celebrate."
She nodded, "fine I'm not making any excuses. But first I have to check if I can really join you guys tonight or not. I've been busy at home lately."
One of her friends, Lindsey, remarked, "oh come on Mel when was the last time you went out on a picnic or just for fun?"
She shrugged, "uh... The beach perhaps? Two months ago."
Kenny spoke, "but you went with your brother. And now we want you to hang out with us not with him. He'll be perfectly fine without you for some time."
Despite herself Melanie laughed, "yeah I know but I still have to inform him."
Taking out her phone she dialed Damon's number. After a few rings he finally picked up, "you okay, Mel?"
She replied, "absolutely. And hello to you too Damon."
She heard him laugh but something in his laugh was disturbing as if he was hiding something.
She asked, "so how you doing?"
He replied, "pretty great actually. Walking on the sunshine."
She glanced over at Kenny and mouthed, "I'll be back in a sec." Then she retreated to a corner so she could hear him clearly, "Damon tell me the truth; what's wrong?"
After a minute's pause he sighed, "you didn't call me just to ask how I was feeling, right? Because I'm really busy now and would appreciate if you get to the point."
She spoke, "well then, my friends are planning a hangout."
"Not at my house," he replied.
"Of course. We're going to the Mall and I called to let you know that I could get late tonight so you shouldn't worry," she finished.
He spoke, "good. Have fun."
She was still not satisfied, "Damon are you sure..."
But he interrupted her, "Melanie I'll be fine, okay?"
He had hung up so she reluctantly put her phone back in the bag slightly worried about him. Joining her friends she said, "I'm in. So which Mall are we going to?" Kenny and the girls cheered as they headed out from the school.
Despite herself, Melanie had a lot of fun. After shopping they decided to go to Starbucks since the weather was chilly and obviously no one could deny a Starbucks latte. They had given their order and were waiting.
Melanie wasn't concentrating fully on their chatter instead her mind was wandering towards Damon. She took out her phone and saw the text Damon had sent about two hours ago but she hadn't noticed due to the hustle bustle in the Mall:
"Sorry if I was harsh on the phone. I've been busy with the Sheriff and its tiring. Nothing to worry about though. You have fun with your friends and don't get any late than ten. Use the spare key when you get home.
Love you."
Seeing the text relieved her. The coffee had arrived and they all finished theirs standing up to leave. Melanie went to pay on the counter.
She had paid the money and was about to join her friends when she heard the man behind her speak, "Arianna is that you?"
Startled and shocked at the name she turned around and was face to face with a man having jet black hair and dark brown eyes.
"I'm sorry but who are you?" she asked.
He was taken aback when he saw her striking blue eyes, "no I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else."
However the fact that he had called her Arianna was prying on her mind, "I'm Melanie by the way."
He gladly shook her offered hand, "Lorenzo."
His name struck her like a blow; Lorenzo as in the Augustine Vampire? The one who was burnt when Damon escaped?
He had noticed how her face had paled, "hey are you okay?"
She shook her head, "yeah I'm fine. Would you mind if I ask whether you know anything about Augustine or not?"
His eyes widened too, "of course I know. And I suppose we do need to talk right now."
She nodded, "well I think so too. Why don't you find a seat and I'll just be back?" She went to her friends and told them that she had some unfinished business to attend to so they should leave without her.
While she had gone, Lorenzo found a table and sat down waiting for her to return. He was no doubt startled to see her eyes. It was proof enough that the hybrid child of which Damon had told him in imprisonment was not killed instead was now standing right in front of him.
She took her seat across from him, "so you're Lorenzo St. John the Augustine Vampire, right?"
He nodded back, "and you must be the hybrid daughter of Arianna and Damon."
At those words instead if giving an affirmative reply, she asked, "how can you be so sure?"
He smiled slightly, "because its so obvious. Every single feature you have is exactly like Arianna's. All except the eyes. You have Damon's eyes."
She nodded, "yeah right. Can I question you about some things? I mean if you aren't busy elsewhere?"
He spoke, "of course you can. And in return you'll have to answer some of mine."
She nodded, "deal."
He leaned back in his chair still observing the similarities in the girl and Damon.
"How did you escape? I heard you were burnt in the fire," she began with her first question.
"I was rescued by some scientists who only wanted to plague me further," he replied, "so I didn't spare them and took my chance to escape."
She asked, "and you've kept in hiding ever since?"
He spoke, "yes I have. Now its your turn. How do you know such a lot about me and the Augustine? You people were supposed to forget everything, right? Damon should have started a happy life with Arianna after leaving me there to die, right?"
She shot him a straight clear look, "there wasn't any happy ending for us either. I wasn't even meant to be born in the first place. To this day, Damon holds himself responsible for leaving you behind. He torments himself because of the guilt he feels. He didn't start any sort of life with Arianna because he told her to leave him and get rid of the unborn child so that she could start her own life afresh."
He seemed confused, "but where is Arianna now? And how did you make it even when Damon told her to kill you?"
She sighed, "it's a long story."
He spoke, "I have time. You can tell me."
She shook her head, "Arianna's no more. She died when I was two or three years old."
It shocked him, "what?"
Even though Enzo felt bad that Damon had betrayed him still he had sympathy for Arianna. She was a good friend to him.
Melanie told him everything; from the beginning to the end. He listened patiently and with every passing moment he felt it was pointless to stay angry at Damon for so long.
"Now I just want to ask you one last question," she spoke, "do you still hate Damon for not freeing you?"
Enzo let out a sad sigh, "I did hate him, to be honest. But not now. After all that you've told me it is clear that Damon had no other option back then."
She sighed in relief, "thank God. You know what, he still laments the loss of his friend. He hasn't forgiven himself yet. And I would be much obliged if you would lessen his pain by meeting him and telling him that you're alive, that he hasn't lost his friend."
He spoke, "so you want me to meet him?"
She added, "and be friends again."
He nodded, "well then let's do it."
She glanced at her watch realizing that she was a little late.
"I can give you a ride," Enzo kindly offered and she agreed.
On the way she directed him and soon they reached home. Unlocking the door by her key she let him in the living room.
"I'll see if Damon's upstairs. He's supposed to be at home by now. Its gonna be a great surprise for him," she told him, "and Enzo whatever you do just don't tell him that you know about me being the hybrid child."
He raised an eyebrow, "why? Doesn't he know by now?"
She shrugged, "he just does not want to believe it."
He nodded, "okay, I'll keep that in mind."
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