Double Trouble
Melanie was sitting exhaustedly on the couch. It was a weekend and she had intended to relax fully after such a long and tiring school week. She was watching her favorite TV show and had placed her feet on the coffee table as per her usual habit.
This was one of the traits which she had unknowingly inherited from Damon such as a strangely accurate sense of humor, constant sarcasm and high rate of emotional sensitivity. Both father and daughter were exactly alike in many respects.
She was soon bored of staring at the screen aimlessly as her mind was occupied elsewhere. Before she could switch it off, the doorbell rang so she stood up.
"Next time you leave me alone in the house and any of your visitors come," she muttered under her breath, "I swear it won't be good for both of you."
Damon and Stefan were not at home. Nowadays they had both begun to spend most of their time outside much to her annoyance. The bell rang again.
"Be patient I'm coming," she called expecting to see either of the Salvatores and by the way the bell was being rung impatiently she guessed it was Damon.
She opened the door but seeing who was outside she tried to shut it again but the person stuck her foot in the door forcing it open, "and hello to you too, Miss I-don't-wanna-see-you."
Melanie was a bit shocked, "Elena...?"
The brunette shook her head, "nope. Guess again."
Realization struck her hard. "Katherine," she hissed through gritted teeth.
Katherine smirked, "correct. The one and only."
She had straightened her curly hair making her look more like Elena than ever but the mischievous glint in her eyes gave her away.
"Nice disguise," Melanie remarked still fuming in anger.
Katherine tried to enter but she blocked her path, "and who said I was gonna let you in? You're not invited here. Now get lost."
Katherine laughed mockingly, "oh really? I don't think so." She dilated her pupils trying to compel her, "its rude to keep guests waiting at the door. Be a good girl, sweety, and invite me in."
Melanie blinked twice to clear her vision then spoke, "wait let me think... No, you look twice better outside. I'm not gonna change my mind. You can't cross this boundary."
She looked at her in shock as if not being able to believe that she wasn't compelled, "but... But you're not wearing vervain?"
This time Melanie smirked, "I can't be compelled easily. That Melanie you remember who used to be your little compelled dummy is long gone. You messed up with my mind a lot. But I'm not gonna let you do it anymore. Though it worked in my favor. I'm immune to compulsion now."
She slammed the door shut on her face but she resisted, "trust me, Mel, we need to talk."
She spoke, "you need to talk? But I don't. Now goodbye and you're not worthy of my trust."
She locked the door and flopped back on the couch. "Crazy woman," she muttered.
Soon enough there was a bang and the door broke open. Katherine sauntered inside much to Melanie's shock. "I was being civil before, dearie. But I suppose a little drama is always necessary while dealing with you."
Melanie stood up defiantly grabbing the nearest thing in hand which happened to be a book in order to throw it at her face.
"Aw, come on," Katherine coaxed, "I promise I'll go away after you hear me out."
That was strange, Melanie thought. "Fine. Shoot. But just five seconds and after that you'll get lost from here."
Katherine nodded, "accepted. I need to tell you about that nightmare you had a few days ago."
Melanie raised an eyebrow skeptically.
She resumed, "I gave that nightmare to you. All the dreams you've had in the past that signify something were projected by me. And you were right that these dreams are a warning to you."
Melanie rolled her eyes, "wow. Excellent. Now stay the hell out of my mind and thank you very much for making me see horrible things. I'm so grateful to you. And by the way you can leave. And if ever you try to manipulate my dreams things are gonna get messier for you."
Katherine grabbed her hand to stop her, "I'm not finished yet. For once I'm actually trying to help you. The way you saw Elena in that dream will be proved true to you someday soon."
Melanie sighed wearily, "I don't care. And I'm better off without your help."
She stopped her again, "I'm proposing a deal, Melanie. I know you are not so fond of Elena and don't want her near either of the Salvatores. I can help you put an end to her if only you accept my offer. I know someone who wants a Petrova doppelganger and I want to give up Elena as a bargain. There's a whole history associated with the Sun and Moon curse which can be broken with the help of a moonstone and the sacrifice of a doppelganger. I want you to help me with it. And then I won't bother you again. You have my word for it."
Melanie shook her head, "I'm not a maniac like you to go killing people just because they piss me off. If that was the way I'd finish you first. And don't forget that I don't like Elena because of you. Still I'm not gonna hurt her. On second thoughts, I'd rather that person whoever he is sacrifice you instead of Elena."
Katherine shrugged, "oh he can't. I'm a vampire, Elena's a human. Klaus needs a human doppelganger."
Melanie's eyes widened, "Santa Klaus? As in Elijah's psychotic brother?"
Katherine smiled, "oh wow you still remember Elijah. And yet you said nothing about him to the Salvatores. Bugs me why you did that."
Melanie asked, "why are you always stalking me?"
She shrugged, "its a hobby, my dear."
She shook her head, "Elijah was nice to me. I said what I had to because I needed a cover story. That time, I was scared of you, scared that you'd kill me like that girl. And don't you remember that you messed up such a lot with my mind that I lapsed into negativity to a dangerous extent?He's loads better than you or Klaus for that instance. And you can forget about me helping you."
She nodded, "so be it. Though I'm sure you'll regret declining my so generous offer."
Melanie walked off to Stefan's room, shut the door and locked it, "you and your oh so generous offers may go to hell for all I care."
The last words that reached Melanie were, " I'm going. But I want you to know that I promised Arianna to at least warn you of the danger if not protect you myself. I've not been an ideal guardian but I have kept my word. I always warn you and that's what I'm doing now. The rest depends on you."
Melanie sighed as if worn out of her chatter. She mused silently to herself, "99% of the danger in my life is solely due to your existence."
When Damon and Stefan returned they were shocked to see the door open and slightly wrecked. "Melanie?" Concern dashed through Damon's features and he rushed up to her room, "Mel where are you?"
Melanie unlocked Stefan's room and came out, "its okay Damon I'm in here."
Stefan who was searching the basement came up all of a sudden, "Mel are you okay?"
She only nodded in reply. Damon came up too and sighed in relief when he saw her safe and sound. However she was in an awfully crappy mood.
Damon asked, "what happened to the door?"
She mumbled, "I was angry so I smashed it."
Stefan asked kindly, "did something happen?"
She smiled sarcastically, "no not at all. Everything is so sickeningly perfect."
He glanced over at Damon who was still eying the door with an expression that meant: "now that was antique. Don't know how much it would cost to fix it." Seeing Stefan's reproving glance he straightened, "uh well I know both of us must be guilty of some crime but it would be loads easier if you tell us our charge instead of being so terribly ironic."
She narrowed her eyes, "if both of you ever dare to leave me alone in the house for so long I swear the consequences will not be quite favorable."
Damon understood at once, "and I'm guessing someone visited you today while we were absent."
She replied, "yes of course. And you know I'm not so comfortable in dealing with visitors."
His brow furrowed in a thoughtful expression, "who was it?"
She replied, "a crazy woman decided to pay a visit and anger me to the verge of killing her."
Damon raised an eyebrow, "Elena or Katherine?"
She mumbled, "who do you think? Elena wouldn't possibly smash the door to come inside now, would she?"
Stefan shook his head, "Katherine was in this house, that means that she's been invited in. What are we gonna do?"
Damon smirked, "move."
Melanie rolled her eyes, "not so funny, Damon. You're not being much of a genius today."
Stefan leaned back quite exhausted, "I wonder why she is here to trouble us again."
Melanie replied, "because its her hobby. She asked me to team up with her in order to set Elena off track."
Damon looked a bit alarmed, "and what did you say?"
She shrugged, "you know I would rather eat my eyeballs than team up with her." He nodded relieved. "Honestly? you think I would go to any lengths just to get rid of Elena?" Melanie asked as if genuinely curious about that.
He spoke immediately, "it's not like that. I just... Anyhow what did she say about the way she would choose to get rid of Elena?"
She glanced straight in his eyes, "nice try changing the topic. But well I'd tell you all the same. Doesn't concern me as much as it does to the Salvatores. She was saying something about the Sun and Moon curse, a Petrova doppelganger sacrifice, a moonstone and that freaky Santa Klaus."
Stefan raised an eyebrow, "Santa Claus?"
Damon shook his head, "she means Niklaus Mikaelson the Original hybrid not the old man with a white beard."
Stefan was surprised, "how do you know Klaus?"
Melanie shrugged, "oh please, everyone knows Klaus. The real life Voldemort with dimples."
He was still not convinced, "and you've met him?"
She looked a bit thoughtful, "Well... Yes. Once."
Damon spoke, "and you never told me about that!"
She smirked, "uh excuse me? You never told me that you met Stefan before we came to Mystic Falls and that it ended up in a fight either."
He nodded, "well then. You're being mean."
She shook her head, "not as mean as you."
Stefan spoke, "would you two stop arguing for a second?"
Melanie sealed her lips and Damon laughed. "Fine, we'll be quiet Steffy," he replied trying to retain his laughter.
"Do you guys even know what that means?" Stefan was pacing the room in his worry, "its double trouble for all of us. If Katherine said something about Klaus and the moonstone that means only one thing; he's coming to Mystic Falls and that places Elena in a lot of danger. Katherine has been on the run from Klaus for more than five hundred years and if he's coming to town and Katherine's involved that means she's going to bargain Elena for her own life. Damn it!"
Damon rolled his eyes, "the Sun and Moon curse... Well you know what, there's only one thing which this town attracts and that one thing is danger. Supernatural danger. And here I thought we had had enough of vampires, witches, werewolves and doppelgangers. To top off that list is Klaus himself."
Melanie sighed wearily, "I wonder when our lives are gonna be normal."
Stefan mumbled, "and I think that's an impossibility."
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