Chapter 4: Past, Fear, and Kovo
A few days later...
"So, you come here every year?" I ask.
"Yep. Ever since middle school. I like bringing my friends along so I thought you could join us, Hugo." Logan says.
"It's fun." Kelvin says.
I nod, smiling as I make another batch of food for them to distribute.
"We're so glad to have you here at the soup kitchen. Your help does so much here. And Hugo, you're a wonderful cook and your food is providing so much more nutrition for them."
"Thank you, Ms. Tracy. I learned a lot about vegetarian meals that are very healthy. I thought it'd be good to supplement the soup." I say, slicing veggies up and stirring a pot of soup.
Ms. Tracy, the soup kitchen director, smiles at me as Kelvin and Logan bring more trays out. The tables are full of people trying to enjoy a meal out of the cold. Soon, all the food is given out so Logan plays his guitar to soothe and entertain them as they eat. Then the door slams open, and Marilyn marches in.
"LOOOOOGAAAN!" She shouts, fists clenched and trembling.
Sloane and Flora follow behind her.
"So sorry about this! She has been worried about Logan!" Flora says, pushing her hood down.
"You gave no indication that you were here or going to be here." Sloane comments.
"Whoops! Sorry! I was sure that I told Dad and he said that he'd tell you!" Logan says.
"He didn't! Ugh! I'm having a talk with BOTH of you about communication when we get home!" She snaps.
"Okay..." He says.
"Is this normal?" I ask Kelvin as he hides in the kitchen while I clean the knives.
I've never heard nor seen Marilyn so angry before.
"Umm, yeah. She's very protective of her brother and anyone close to her really. She practically raised him. Trust me, she was tough on me at first to make sure that I was a good friend to Logan before she kind of took me in like family." He replies.
I smile wider.
"You both sound lucky to have her as family." I say.
"Yea, just try not to get her worried because then she gets mad and you won't like it when she's mad." He says.
I nod.
After a few minutes, I glance out to see Marilyn hugging her brother, sighing with relief and apologizing for her shouting. She didn't mean any harm.
That's a good family right there. Protective with good intentions and shows affection or care...understanding. Willing to talk things through too. I wish my uncle and aunt could learn from her with the kindness part. All they seem to focus on is the threats or warnings and wanting to protect me...Sure, it's good intentions but must they really put only the fear for my life into me without even the slightest hint of affectionate comfort? To talk things through instead of snapping at me for "mistakes"? Telling me to shut out everyone and everything that I believe in and hide anything they don't deem "normal" or fear the wrath of the dangerous world? Is that really all they can do to help me? To scare me and sweep any connection to the "problem" under the rug, including my own family? Sometimes I don't get my uncle and aunt...And seeing my friends only makes me question things more...The differences only make me wonder more...
I shake my head and then Flora walks in as I dry the tools.
"Oh! Kelvin! Hugo! You're here too?" She says.
We nod.
"We wanted to help with Logan." Kelvin says.
"I just wanted to help along with them. I didn't know at first what they were doing." I say.
"Were you cooking? It smells good!" She says.
"Yep. He has been cooking meals for everyone." He says.
"Well, are you hungry now? I know a good place nearby and I think you three should get something for all your work helping out! On me!" She says.
"Sure!" Kelvin says.
Soon we're walking through the streets together, reaching a diner that sits the six of us together. I sit across from Marilyn beside Kelvin who is across from Flora and Sloane is across from Logan beside her sister. We give our orders and then start chatting.
"So, Hugo? How'd you learn to cook so much and so well?" Flora asks.
"It was kind of part of adapting when my uncle and aunt took me in. They love barbecue or meat in general and I...don't. I was raised with a mostly plant-based vegetarian diet and have a poultry allergy so learning how to cook my own meals became an important skill to have in my new home." I explain.
"What? But wouldn't they help provide you food?" She asks.
"My aunt didn't really care what I could or couldn't eat. Asking her for lunch got me a chicken on my plate and trouble if I refused. And...she wasn't the best cook. My uncle would provide vegetables and pay for my medicine in case of a reaction, but he was often too busy to cook. But he did get me a lot of cookbooks and ingredients! He would always taste test what I made and was very supportive!" I say with a smile.
"Do you have your medicine with you now? Your EpiPen? My aunt used one for her seafood allergy." She asks worriedly.
I nod, patting my bag.
"I always carry it with me!" I say.
"That's good. What's your favorite thing to cook?" Sloane asks.
"Don't tell my uncle but I love cooking a family recipe my mom always made me. She's usually given it whenever I was sick or scared and it always made me feel better, though technically it would be considered a baked good. I don't know what it's called though, just Mom's specialty." I say, smiling wider.
"Where is your mom?" Sloane asks.
I frown and she quickly seems to catch on.
"I....honestly don't know. I remember her clearly but one day I was just sent from her to my uncle. I don't know why and he won't talk about her....He doesn't like anything that reminds him of her either...My aunt claims to have never met her...I just want to see her again someday." I say.
"We can relate. Our dad never talks about Mom either. Just have pictures of her in the house." Logan says as Marilyn nods.
"I want to learn more about her and have been trying to learn on my own." She admits.
"I never met my birth parents but I was adopted by some really nice people that I'd consider family. They really try to provide for me even if they won't tell me about my birth parents if they know anything." Kelvin says.
"Well, at least you have someone who can relate or understand that. Hugo, how do you and Kelvin feel about the high school? Have you adjusted well?" Sloane asks.
We both nod.
"I like it much better than homeschooling despite being a bit confused and needing Raiden to tutor me. Math has changed from what my uncle taught and he isn't much help complaining about it when I look for his help." I say.
And it's nice to learn more than just FEAR EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING in this world. Hide who you are and trust nobody.
"Pfft, I know that feeling." Marilyn says.
"MATH IS MATH!" Logan snaps before chuckling.
"I think all of our parents have had at least one of those moments with our homework." Flora says.
Our food arrives and we start eating together, laughing and joking around. I listen to them and smile, just happy to be in their company.
"Wait, so Raiden actually tutors you on what's taught in school? No rants or theories?" Sloane asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"He loves going to the library to read about legends that he's obsessed with. Especially the rare ones about centaurs or a tribe of them called Maplesobs or something. He spends hours there, reading and coming up with theories only to rant about to any of us." She says.
I feel my body tense up and my breath gets caught in my throat hearing that. Are there actual legends about my culture and home? That name sounds too close or a mistaken name for my home's community. Raiden's researching it with theories too? What if he finds something that identifies me as one or it gets exposed? How will he react? Will he still be my friend or will he and everyone else leave and reject me? Or worse?
"Tell me about it. He got Rosie in on it and she won't stop debating between his theories and her theories. She even showed me some ancient art of them." Marilyn says.
Her too? Do I have to worry about them learning the truth about me now? Honestly, I'm more worried about the anxious mess Raiden is. He'd probably snap or think that I'm a threat sooner than Rosaline would. She is very kind and welcoming to anyone from what I see.
"You okay, buddy?" Logan asks.
I snap out of my thoughts and sigh.
"Oh! Sorry! I got lost in my thoughts. That's pretty cool mythology." I say.
Then I get the sense that I'm being watched. I glance around, seeing someone hidden under a hood glancing in through a window. As soon as I spot them, they run off.
"So, what's the current topic?" I ask after spacing out.
"Halloween ideas and plans!" Flora says eagerly.
"What's Halloween?" I ask.
"It's a great day on the 31st where we can dress up in costumes as anything we want and go through streets to get candy! It could be any costume, real or fantasy! It's awesome!" Flora says.
"How about you join us? We usually go together as a group." Logan says.
"Sure! It sounds like fun!" I say.
Maybe I could even be myself....No. That would be too risky even with the excuse of a costume.
We walk out to head home and I smile a bit, eager for that day. Yet I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched. Over the next few days, we talked about our plans further and I put together my own costume: a gnome. But then the day comes, landing on a Saturday. Everything looked right, antlers grew. I don't know why but I just woke up to find them extending to the ceiling as I was brushing my teeth. Luckily my aunt and uncle were out running errands or else I would definitely be in trouble....again....I did everything that would usually work but they wouldn't shrink away. And unlike the last few times, they grew too much to be hidden under my hair. I glance at my costume prepared and sigh, trying to put it on carefully. Maybe I could just watch a movie and wear this to understand this Halloween thing...
Then there is a knock at the front door and I glance at the clock, seeing that it's the time that I agreed to meet them. Marc said he would come over to walk me to Flora's house, where they usually start from.
"You ready to go, Hugo? It's me, Marc!" He shouts.
I open the door slightly, peeking out to see him smiling at me in a superhero costume. His gaze scans me and he grins wider.
"Woah! Nice costume, dude! Love the antlers!" He says.
I grin, seeing my solution. Guess I have to take this risk. Nobody will question my antlers tonight anyway. Though, oddly, they won't go away...Usually, that means......
"Do you have your bag?" He asks, taking me out of my thoughts.
I nod, grabbing my candy bag and heading out with him after locking things up. We walk away to meet our friends and they each look great in their costumes. Of course, my antlers were frequently commented on but I brushed it off with excuses that would make my uncle proud. He has trained me well...I didn't let any of them touch my antlers though, as much as they tried. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I walked with them from house to house, gripping my bag tightly. Everything around me seems to blur, making me instantly regret my decision to go out like this. So exposed. My family would kill me for this! Their words only echo louder in my head with all their warnings. How they would all turn on me if they found out, how they'd reject beloved friends...Or worse, how they would try to hurt me and rip my antlers from my head by force or other ways of harm before leaving me without care...Just the thoughts made my heart pound faster and made me sick to my stomach.
But then I got angry with myself. This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't be acting like this. I shouldn't be this mistrusting or threatened by my friends. I shouldn't be seconds from falling apart when we're having fun after they were nice enough to invite me to join them in their tradition...Or should I? Is this what my uncle and aunt expect of me? Is this truly the correct way to order to be safe? Do they truly wish for me to live like this? But what if they're right? What if...?
I jump back seeing a hand reach for me, thinking that it was going to hurt my antlers for a split second before I realized what I did. I feel a hand gently wrap around my back and I glance to see Marc worriedly holding me.
"Are you okay, Hugo? You've been out of it for five streets now and looking like my brother. Even my brother got concerned that you were not feeling right." He asks.
I feel two hands grab mine, seeing Marilyn gently holding them.
"Hugo, you're shaking! What's wrong? Is it too much? We can take a break if you'd like!" She says.
I didn't even realize that my hands were shaking. I shakily nodded, seeing the rest of the group had continued to knock at more doors.
"You could've told us! You didn't have to force yourself if you weren't up for it! I know just the spot to rest!" She says.
"HEY GUYS! WE ARE TAKING A BREAK!" Marc shouts, running after them.
Marilyn leads me away to a park where there are some picnic tables. She sits with me at one and I sigh, shaking my head.
"I'm sorry...." I say.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Hugo. Tell us next time that you're not feeling well." She says.
"Okay..." I sigh, glancing at her.
She's a good friend...She really cares....But would it still be true if she knew what I was hiding?
"Hugo...Have you ever been hit before?" She asks.
"No...Why?" I reply.
"When we reached for you, you jumped back and flinched when we touched you. Usually, that's a sign that someone has been hurt before...To the point where they instinctively brace to be hurt again..." She says.
No...But I was taught to fear getting hurt so I guess it has the same effect.
"I'm fine, really. I was just...Out of it." I lie, forcing a smile to show her.
"Hugo? Is that you?" I hear a familiar voice say.
I glance over and feel my jaw hang open in shock at who was approaching me. His long brown curls of hair, limestone skin with a darker strip of almond skin around his eyes, and bronze freckles...His bright, piercing blue eyes and brown, furry ears popped off of his head with a tail swaying behind him.
How is HE here?!
"Kovo! It's been so long! What brings you here?"I ask, getting up as he quickly comes over to hug me.
He hugs me tighter with a big smile, pulling me away quickly.
"I've been looking for you ever since I stopped getting mail from your family! Where have you been? Why did you go?" He asks.
"Who is this, Hugo?" Marc asks.
"I think it's an old friend of his." Marilyn says.
I glance over, seeing them sitting at the table with both curious and concerned glances aimed at us.
"Who are those humans?" He whispers.
"My friends...Listen, I don't know why I was moved from home. I just woke up with my uncle after that ceremony and I've been here since..They don't know what I am and my uncle forbids me from revealing it. Our kind are just misunderstood legends in their books and if my uncle learns that we were exposed, I'd never get out of the house and he'd probably send you away. So please, don't tell them anything." I whisper to him, feeling my body tremble.
"But your antlers-"
"They think it's a costume. It's part of their Halloween tradition. They probably think the same about your traits. careful." I say.
"What happened to you? You're shaking and look like you're going to cry!"
"M-My uncle a-and au-aunt--"
"What did they do to break you?"
"They drilled it in my head that I'm doomed if anyone finds out about me...That I'll get hurt...But they love me and only want the best for me...For me to be safe." I say softly, my voice shaking.
"No, they are trying to hide you among them. They are trying to erase and break you at this point! They just don't want you to embrace what's different from them! Humans are kind to us! You know it better than I! Don't you recall the guild?"
I nod.
"They aren't helping you, Hugo. This isn't healthy at all. They shouldn't be raising you to fear for your life like this. They can't make you human and they can't erase that part of you. They're just trying to mold you into what they think is right since they are comfortable with it. And if it is out of loving intentions, then they're doing a shitty job at it. And I intend to talk with them before they ruin you." He tells me.
"I just found you again, Hugo. I'm not losing you just because your uncle and aunt want to play house and pretend to have their own human child. Because you're not their child, and they can't reverse our culture and everything our community, our families, did. Your parents wouldn't have wanted that. They wouldn't have wanted them to do this to you and see you like this." He tells me.
I smile, nodding.
"It has been so long since I've heard my parents even get mentioned...." I mumble.
"I'm going to kill them." He growls.
"No, don't. They're still family." I say.
He sighs, nodding.
"Hey, Hugo! Who is that guy?" Marc shouts.
"Is that the boy Cedar chased?" Kovo asks.
"You spoke with Cedar?" I ask.
He nods.
"How about I meet your new friends? I might be hanging around for a bit." He says.
I nod, walking him to the table as the tables fill with my friends who curiously watch us as they trade candy.
"Friends, this is Kovo. He was my childhood friend before I lived with Uncle Leo and Aunt Clara. Haven't seen him since my 8th birthday.." I say.
"Hey! He has freckles too like yours! Just darker! Cool costume, dude!" Marc says.
"That's Marcellus, my best friend. His brother is the blonde back there named Raiden. Raiden's my friend and tutor. Beside Raiden is Flora and her sister Sloane is the one with purple highlights. Kelvin is the one with blue hair and beside him is Rosaline who is trading candy with Logan, the boy with the guitar. And this is Marilyn, my friend and she was my guide when I started school." I say.
"Hey, it's nice to meet you all. Sorry for suddenly dropping in but I couldn't believe that I found Hugo again!" Kovo says.
"It's fine. You're welcome to join us!" Marc says.
Kovo smiles and we sit together at the table, sorting through candy and trading chocolate around. He grips my hand firmly with a grin, squeezing it gently. I smile back at him.
It's amazing the relief that washes over me with him here. Knowing that he's here, understands and supports me. That I don't have to least, not with him. But that I'm not alone. I feel secure....and sane again...I'm not crazy or weak for not meeting my uncle and aunt's expectations...For wanting to be like my parents instead...
But where does that leave me? If I can't be human, am I really connected to my home and family? Do I return home and shame them by acting human as I was raised in my absence? Where do I fit?
I shake my head, taking the time to just enjoy today with my security...
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