Chapter 13: Checking Friends & Secrets
A few days later...
"Later this evening, we will have a new guitarist playing! A mister Logan Seamore!"The speakers declare
"Hugo, are you sure about this?"Logan asks
"Yeah! I recommended you with your skills, and they listened!"I say
"Congrats, buddy! You've been saying that you want to share your guitar music!"Marc says, walking by with some orders.
"What's he doing here?"He asks quietly
"I helped him get a job here to help support him."I reply
"Why did you help me get this opportunity?"He asks
"Why not? You're my friend, and you have the skills for it!"I say
"So you aren't upset that I snitched on you?"He asks
"What's a snitch? You're my talented friend, and you said that you want to do small shows, so this is your chance!"I say
"But I caused you to have that tense meeting with my dad..."He says
"You did? How?"I ask
"I thought you were trying to make a move on my sister at the dance...Which upset my dad."He says
Huh? Make a move on Marilyn? Ooh...But she's just my friend, right? She is doing me a huge favor by helping me and keeping my secret. She is a very good friend. I don't need to make a move on my friend.
"....Oooh! Nah, I like Marilyn as a friend. She's the best! It was just a misunderstanding though and it's in the past. It's fine."I say
"Really?"He says
"Yeah!"I say
"Heh...You're the best, Hugo."He says
"But don't be surprised if I return the favor."I say
"Huh?"He says
"Mar calls it putting you in the hot seat. Don't be surprised if I get you in the same position that you put me in someday."I say
He sighs, nodding.
My shift finishes a little later, so I go across the street to the store and check the gardening aisles. I am curious to see what plants and supplies I can get to feed the nearby animals. Oh! Or make a farm in my backyard! Within minutes I bought some new supplies and marched my way home.
"Someone seems to be in a good mood."Uncle Leo says
"What has you so happy?"Aunt Clara asks
"Just another good shift and a nice day seeing my friends."I reply
"Ah, out with the friends again?"She asks
"Just two of them today."I reply
"Out of how many?"He asks
"Hmmm..."I say, having to actually think for a moment.
They watch as I start counting on my fingers and thinking the names over in my head. I see them look at each other and frown before I can even answer.
Uh oh...
"We want to meet them. ASAP."Uncle Leo says
"Okay, can I go sort stuff before this starts?"I say
They nod and I walk away to sort my bags in my room. Knowing them, it's going to be tough. They're going to tear into my friends and try to see the worst of them. Why else would they drill the fear of others into me? They don't trust anyone. They're going to try to find every reason for me not to trust my friends. Was Marilyn this concerned when his dad invited me over?
I walk back out and cross my arms.
"When should I arrange to hangout with them?"I ask
"Who said that a group was coming? We want to meet them individually."Uncle Leo says
Of course, you do...
"Who first?"I ask
"How about that girl you like? What is her name? Mariroe?"Aunt Clara asks
"Marilyn. Marilyn Seamore. If they come over, you better learn their names."I say
"He has a point. We don't want to be rude."Uncle Leo says, nodding.
"Okay, just go call her."She says, shooing me away
I head back to my room and sigh, shaking my head. I wait a little bit, reading my books before deciding to call her. After a few rings, she answers.
"Heeey, Marilyn? Remember how you were worried about dinner with your dad? Well, now you can see how my family compares. They want to meet you."I say, hoping she won't be upset and nervously laughing
"Oh...Hmm...Can I bring my brother?"She says, sounding more surprised than anything.
"Is this asked for revenge or some other reason?"I ask
"Well, yes, but also since if I came alone both he and my dad would get suspicious."She replies
Hmm, good point. I just told him that I was not making a move on her and next, I introduced her to my family alone. That wouldn't look right at all and I don't need Mr. Seamore suspicious of me again. Oh, why did it have to be the one person that knows my secret that they name to meet first? The Guild member no less?
"True. One moment."I say, lowering the phone
I open the door and see my aunt leaning against the wall beside the kitchen, waiting. She was typing away on her phone with a grin.
"Hey AUNTIE! Can I bring her brother here too?"I ask
"Are you Bi?"She asks, rolling her eyes.
"No!"I say
Why is that the first thing she asks?
"But don't you like her?"She asks
"We aren't having this debate again! Can he come or not?"I ask
"Oh so now I have to cook for two weird boys?"She snaps
"Uncle?"I say, shaking my head.
"*Sigh* Yes, he can come. Clara, why must you make things so difficult?"He says
"It was your idea to put him in public school, Leo. You made it difficult. Or just taking him in at all was your idea."She says
"He is MY NEPHEW. My sister's son! How dare you suggest that I don't take him in!"He snaps
An argument breaks out within minutes. I shut the door, lifting the phone up again.
"*sigh* Yes, he can come. I think you just heard a piece of what you're walking into...Also, don't wear your necklace. My uncle will recognize the crest easily and kick you out within seconds."I warn her.
"Got it. See you around seven?"She says
"Sure. I'll come get you both."I say
She hangs up and I cook a few recipes for dinner. I see Uncle Leo watching me carefully.
"Do either of them know?"
"Know that they're invited? Yes, they're coming in two hours. I'm going to go pick them up and walk them over here."I say, playing dumb.
"I was thinking of driving over to get them while you help your aunt cook."He says
"Nah, I know how you hate driving if you don't need to. It's a short walk anyway."I say
In reality I knew that he was just going to take the chance to intimidate them when I'm not around. I don't want him to scare them off.
"They think you're human, right?"He asks
"Why wouldn't they?"I ask, using his training against him.
When you don't want to answer, respond with a question.
He narrows his eyes at me.
"It better stay that way. Don't want outsiders exposing you."He says
I nod. Then after setting dinner up, I go to bring them to my home. I take my time walking them over.
"I'm sorry in advance for what's about to happen."I say
"It's okay."She says with a grin.
Her hand gently brushes mine.
We walk inside and I lead them right to the table, dishing out food to them. Aunt Clara sits beside Marilyn and Uncle Leo sits beside Logan, making sure that I can't sit with them at our small table. In fact, I got a small folding chair at the end that my aunt pulled out to provide enough seating for everyone. Then the questions spill out. My uncle went after Logan with the craziest questions possible while my aunt picked away at Marilyn. Logan squirms, seeming uncomfortable. Marilyn smiles though, seeming just fine. She ignores most of my aunt's questions and brushes others off with vague answers. Then she aims it at me.
"Don't you find him odd though? You're telling me that you don't find him annoying? Look at his white freckles! Or that messy hair! And those freakish big eyes!"She says
"Clara!"Uncle Leo snaps
"What? I just want to know what makes these two fine students such as them decide to spend time around him!"She says
Logan and Marilyn glance over at me, frowning.
"Well, can you stop? He's a very good friend to us and very sweet. He doesn't deserve those insulting comments."Logan says
"There is nothing odd about him. All due respect, but is this really what you make him live with? Constant insulting criticism from his own family?"Marilyn states
"Oh come on. You have to admit that it's a bit of fun. Let me have my fun!"She says
"Does this face look like someone having fun? Did you really just invite us over to meet us, interrogate us, and ridicule him?"She asks
"AHEM! Anyway, enough of that! Let's get to know you some more!"Uncle Leo says
"Nah, I'd like to hear more about who Hugo is living with. Also, Hugo, this is delicious."Marilyn says, smiling at me.
"I'm glad that you enjoy it."I say
Marilyn and Logan both shift their seats beside me and smile. Marilyn even reaches under the table to hold my hand, smiling at me. I smile back, finding comfort with them closer to me. The rest of the meal was quiet, and I walked them home, apologizing again.
"It's fine, buddy. It's just upsetting that you live with that."Logan says
"Yeah, Hugo. It's fine."Marilyn says.
I sigh, relieved that I didn't lose them because of that mess. They go inside and I walk home. I find the door to my aunt and uncle's bedroom locked with the lights off.
Guess they went to sleep...
I find out the next morning from Aunt Clara that they're"too busy" to meet my other friends. And by that I mean she left a note on the fridge after she and Uncle Leo left for some "errands".
So instead, I take a chance to tell Kovo the update regarding our friends. I find him in the town's garden area of the park.
"Hey, Kovo."
"Hugo! How ya doing?"He says
"I think I need to tell you something."I say, sitting on a bench.
He sits beside me.
"What's up?"
"Ya know Marilyn, right?"I say, fiddling with my fingers
"Yeah, she's cool. I'm glad you've had her as a guide or someone having your back. Her brother's music reminds me of the music back home. She has even guided me on some things up here like karaoke and texting, though I do seem to confuse her when referring to our traditions without thinking. I compared karaoke to the melidida ritual and she looked so confused...Your whole friend group is cool."He tells me
"Well...She kind of...knows my secret."I say
"WHAT? How? I thought your uncle forbade it! You told me not to say anything!"
"Her mother was in the guild...Her dad put her mom's stuff in the attic..."I say
"Is that why we sensed something from the attic at that karaoke thing?"
"Yep. We probably sensed the enchantments on it. She found her mom's stuff in the attic like the headscarf you probably see her wearing...Those things were left behind for her...A set of guild's armor turned into a necklace with the crest. It's probably enchanted and it recognized her as a guild member, indicating umm...members to protect. It told her I'm a Maplesoul but she knows a Hoodoosoul is nearby. I already reassured her that Maplesouls get along with Hoodoosouls but I'm leaving it up to you to reveal yourself to her."I explain
"Does she know anything about our traditions? Our people?"
"She has had questions. Her mom isn't exactly around, her father is busy working and not exactly open to talking about her mom. I've been giving answers like the antler ceremony, the significance of deer, and anything that she asks about. She even asks how I handle things at home and it's...nice, to talk to her about our people and have some pride in it instead of being told by my aunt to hide with shame...I even wore my modest attire for the dance you missed and she learned about our traditions while she taught me constellations."I explain
"Where is her mom? I'm sure she could help provide some answers."He asks
"She passed shortly after Logan was born. He never met her and her stuff is in the attic..."
"She died with honor and surrounded by love just like a real guild member should...But how did a guild member get out here and have a family without a trace back to our home?"
"I....don't know. But I'm not going to push it. She is keeping my secret and I'm trying to stay off her brother's radar. But they're not the only friends to keep an eye on. Her best friend Rosaline and Marc's brother read up on the little information that libraries have for the legends about our people. And they don't exactly hold back with their theories."I tell him, nervously laughing.
"How do you know?"
"Marilyn and I go to meetings in the library with them. The books were about myths and legends but still...They even had the guild's crest drawn on a page. It made me remember some things...My mother's name is Calla, Kovo. I never knew that before...I saw the guild's crest on armor as a member spoke to my uncle...My father was the one who sent me here...What if her mom was the one that left me here and she never got back into hiding?"
He stares at me in shock, then sighs.
"Sounds like we're all going to be a very close group of friends."
I nod.
"What do we do?"
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