Chapter 11: The Winter Dance
It wasn't long after that until the Winter Dance rolled around in December, the last school event before the holiday break. Logan, Kelvin, Rosie, and I spent time making our outfits to save money and be a bit creative. We didn't want to bother our parents anyway. We arrive at the school-selected location and I find our friends waiting to be let in. I walk over with Kelvin and Logan, smiling at them. The next few minutes were spent taking pictures and admiring each other's outfits before being let in. I get us a table and lose sight of Hugo in the crowds of classmates coming in. Which is shocking given how unique his outfit is, standing out easily.
Marc walks over with Raiden, noticeably without his usual dyed hair. It's combed down and back to its natural blonde. Then the rest of the guys followed, Hugo specifically looking amazed as he looked around.
"Ooo! Kelvin, your outfit looks great! The blues look great together!"Flora says
"Thanks, Flora..."Kelvin says, nervously brushing the black hair covering his face.
"Uuhh, Marc? Are you doing ok? I almost didn't recognize you without those flames."Logan says
"Perfectly fine, Logan."Marc replies
"You sure? You always dye your-"
"Yes. I'm fine. Stop asking."Marc cuts him off
He's definitely tense...
"Anyone know where the refreshments are?"Raiden asks
"This is where schools do parties?"Hugo asks, looking around in awe.
"Yeah...Why are you looking at it as if seeing a castle? It's nothing fancy..."Raiden says
"It's different from what I knew as the setting for celebrations, that's all!"Hugo says
"But it's nothing special."Raiden says
Hugo ignores him, continuing to look around in awe at our surroundings.
"Just let him enjoy the party, Raiden."Marc says
I smile, seeing Hugo smile at Marc for a moment. They certainly are good buddies. He certainly seems to balance Marc's energy out and help him be less impulsive. Marc also seems more protective of him, looking out for him at every opportunity he gets and matching Hugo's curiosity. They certainly have a good connection and Marc finally has someone who can stick around, handling his bursts of energy and well, his highly extroverted personality. Most people get tired of it and leave but it seems like Hugo's the patient friend fit for the role. He probably is excited to have Marc as his best friend too. And luckily things work out between Marc and Kovo since they seem to get along well. It would've been upsetting to see his two best friends conflicted with each other.
Speaking of Kovo, where is he? I don't see him anywhere.
"Hey, Hugo. Was Kovo able to make it?"I ask
"Nah, he said that he was busy with something."Hugo says
Kelvin and Logan go to explore the room while Hugo walks over to me. He glances at us and smiles wider.
"You each look great! You look as great as Artemis, Sloane! I like the purple, Flora! Green looks good on you, Rosaline, and blue looks good on you, Marilyn!"He says
Why am I not surprised that he knows about Artemis? He probably knows any nature-related deity in our books. Demeter, Artemis, Persephone, etc.
I glance at Rosaline and grin, knowing why she picked the colors for her dress. It's her way of making her statement and expressing herself.
"Thanks, Hugo."Sloane says
"Thanks, Rosa made it for me."Flora says
"Which I was pleased to do! I like how they came out. Your outfit looks nice, too! The little cloak with spots matches your freckles! It's pretty cute!"Rosaline says
"Thanks! I'll go grab some drinks."He says, heading away.
Sloane smiles, starting to giggle.
"He certainly seems to have his eyes set on someone.~"She says, glancing at me.
I shake my head, taking a seat.
"Not this again, Sloane."I say
The three of them head off to do their own things, checking out the place as well. Raiden sighs as he sets a cup of water down.
"Try not to cause trouble, Marc. This is our last night before winter break."Raiden says
"Okay..."Marc sighs, wandering away
Logan sits at our table with his drink, strumming his guitar to the music and trying to learn the notes fitting each one. Unsurprisingly it only takes a few minutes for Sloane to sit across from him. She rests her head in her hand, intently listening as nearby tables of other girls do the same. I shake my head, seeing how his fans have surrounded us for his music. He seems to have the talent of catching attention with his guitar. I glance at Sloane and grin.
"Someone certainly has their eyes set, huh?"I say teasingly
She catches on quickly and rolls her eyes, sipping her drink and trying to tear her gaze away to prove me wrong. I glance over to the dance floor, seeing Flora dancing away with Rosaline happily and Kelvin returns to the table with some food to start with. I get up, quickly getting drinks for the table. Then I glance around, seeing that Hugo is nowhere around. Not even at the drinks table that he said he was going to. Is this too much? Could he be having issues with his antlers again? This space is pretty crowded with a lot of watching eyes...
"What's wrong, Mar?"Sloane asks
"I just have to chat with Hugo...He's nowhere around though"I say
"Oooh, well I'm sure you'll find him when those flowers bloom.~"She says with a wink
I roll my eyes.
"They already have briefly but that's another story."I say, sitting down.
I reach into my pocket, yes I made my dress with pockets, to pull out the headscarf Mom made me. I smile, squeezing it gently before tucking it away again.
"Excuse me..."A voice says behind me
I turn around in my seat, seeing a boy standing behind me with a nervous grin. His hair is a dark black with a silky silverfish blue dyed into it. He has faded blue eyes and dark skin with pale red marks on his nose and cheek. He wears a button-up shirt with black pants and shoes.
"Do you mind if I offer to dance?"He asks
"Who are you?"I ask
"Caleb. I hear that you're Marilyn and we seem to share the same gym class. Do you mind dancing?"He asks, extending his hand.
"Sure. I don't see why not."I say, taking his hand.
He leads me away to the dance floor and tries to dance with me. He tries to do so while keeping my hand in his. I glance at him curiously as he tries to slow things down.
"So...Caleb, huh?"I say
"Yes, Marilyn. That's me."He says
"Aren't you a junior?"I ask
"And?"He replies
"Haven't seen you before, that's all."I say with a shrug
"I recently moved here, that's all."He says, slipping a hand behind me
"Ah, ok."I say as he guides me through a waltz.
"I had to pause a special quest of mine. But I'll never give up on it."He tells me proudly
"Is that so?"I ask, glancing up at him.
What exactly does he mean by quest?
"Yes, I must find the most precious soul that had once connected to me. I must find them again and show them the love that I never had the chance to give."He says
He certainly talks like someone on a noble quest.
"How long have you been searching?"I ask
"At least three years, but I won't give up. They're still out there, I know it."He says
I don't see any flowers on him and frown. He was once connected to someone precious to him...The flowers often connect people to their "precious soulmate"...Is he looking for his soulmate after the flowers fell off? Where is this going?
"And why are you telling me this?"I ask
"Because I've seen you, Marilyn. And we're a lot alike. We're dedicated to our loved ones and would do anything for the little brothers we adore to be safe and happy. Certainly, you can understand the meaning of my mission. My classmates have bad relations with their younger siblings so they call me crazy for my dedication."He says
Oh, he's trying to find his brother! Wow, that is dedication though!
"I...I see...Yes, I can understand."I say as the song ends.
"Thank you. Well, the song ended, and thus ended our dance. I hope to have the pleasant chance to speak with you again, Marilyn. Hopefully with more progress. Until then!"He says with a bow before swiftly leaving my sight.
"Ooooo! Mar had her first dance!"Flora says
"WHAT?"Logan snaps
I glance over, seeing him glance around and stop his guitar playing. He frowns, setting his guitar aside and marching past me, cutting his way through the crowd as he towers over everyone. I glance over to Flora and she looks shocked while Rosa shakes her head with a smile.
"Great job, Flora. You set him off on a search."She chuckles
"You know how close he is to Maril. Now he's going into Brother Mode."She says
Then Raiden approaches me nervously.
"Have you seen Marc anywhere?"He asks
"No, not since you gave him that warning. Is everything okay between you two? That seemed pretty sudden to come from you."I say
"He's been acting odd lately. He hasn't been home as much or contacted me as much. A lot quieter and it isn't good when he is quiet. That usually means that something is wrong. He comes and goes frequently and has been falling behind in classes yet never answers me when I try to help tutor him to get him back on track. It's frustrating to deal with and I'm concerned about him. If the teachers complain to our parents then it will only cause more trouble for him...Well, more trouble than he has already caused."He tells me
"Well, maybe we should check outside. Maybe he went to get some fresh air."I say
He nods, following me out of the room to the lobby of the venue. We glance out an open window, hearing Marc's voice near the door to an outdoor staircase and railing. I see Marc with Hugo leaning on the railing with cups in their hands.
"So, my parents hate my guts. Well, more than usual. They've been scolding me more about being a real man, a good son, just something more than what I'm already doing. And they're more demanding, saying that they're ashamed of me."He sighs
"What for?"Hugo asks
"They noticed that I stopped dying my hair to do better in interviews and caught on to my new routine with work. I have two jobs now and they're mad that I don't give them my paychecks since I have my bosses hand it to me so that I can take it directly to the bank to cash in. I made sure to use a bank that they don't go to. They hate that I'm working and angrier that I'm saving money."He says
"He has jobs? Plural? Since when?"Raiden whispers, looking at me in shock.
"But wouldn't they be proud of you? You're being very mature and independent to put such hard work into this and to accomplish a lot already."Hugo asks
"They don't want me to be independent. It gives me the freedom to support myself without their influence. They're the kind of parents who feel that the kids owe everything including existence to them. They made me so I owe all that I achieved to them in their eyes so my ability to support myself without them, make something of myself, is a threat to them. My father wants me to be a real man and accomplish big things, but only what he considers big manly things. They just want to toy with me, bending me into what a good child ideally is instead of who I am. It's frustrating to even consider them parents...."He explains
Oh...So that's what they can relate to...They can be honest with each other instead of the happy faces they show us. I can imagine Hugo's frustrations with his family pushing him to act human when he isn't.
"Hmmm...They don't sound like good parents. Good parents are loving."Hugo says
"With my jobs and bank account, I get the chance of an escape. It will take time to build but it's a start and that's what scares them. That I will escape their control and they won't be able to live through me again. I lost the desire to please them by now and just want to make my brother proud. The son they neglect yet deserves all of the recognition and freedom. College is his escape and I'm getting him there. There's no way I'm leaving him there to be targeted and have his dream used like blackmail over his head. I will never leave him in that hell."Marc explains
"I see..."Hugo says
"I know our family, including me, has been nothing but trouble for him so I don't want to hold him back. I want to lift him up instead. He's the only family that I have left as I see it. Perhaps he will finally escape this horrible household. I don't care how angry they get at me. I will do what is right for Raiden, even if he doesn't realize it. He's mad at me for falling behind in classes but I don't care. The money that I get for him is worth it. He's worth it. I want him to be free from our piece of shit home and be himself before he has a breakdown or becomes an anxious mess forever. I don't want to lose him to their madness. I'll be happy living our own lives together. I just want to give an escape."Marc tells him, sighing and taking another long sip.
"You're very dedicated and clearly have a big plan. That takes a lot and Raiden's lucky to have you looking out for him. But if things at home ever become too much, you and Raiden are welcome at my home. The door is always open. I'm sure that something could be figured out."Hugo says
Hugo, what are you doing? If he takes it up, then you'll get exposed! Raiden will certainly catch on. But...I guess that's just Hugo. Always caring for others...Even if it puts him at risk. Maybe he can trust his best friend? Then again, it is Marc....
I glance over at Raiden as they continue talking and venting to each other, multiple details from Hugo hinting at his struggles at home with his own identity. He admitted a lot to Marc without directly saying his secret. Just admitting the stress of feeling stuck between what his family wants him to be and what he wants to be, which is really three different directions. Marc reassures him as Hugo returns the favor in an attempt to reassure him of his issues. I see Raiden shaking with tears in his eyes.
"I....didn't know any of that...So that's where he has been...Why he's been acting odd...I was so focused on keeping him out of trouble to protect him from our parents that I didn't know he had this plan or felt this way..."He says quietly.
He walks away, his head low. Kelvin walks over, pushing the door open a few minutes later.
"Hey Marc?"He says
"Your brother is looking for you."He says
Marc runs past me with Kelvin and I wait a few minutes before going out to join Hugo who was left by himself.
"Hey, Hugo. You doing okay?"I ask
He clearly forces a smile, nodding.
"The noise just became too much for me."He says
"So what brings you away from the party?"He asks
"I wanted to check on you to make sure that you're okay. Didn't see you at the party and wasn't sure if it was too much for you or something. Or if you had trouble with your antlers again. But you chose a good spot to stay now."I say, glancing up
"Really? Why?"He asks
"Look up, it's a great spot for stars to be seen."I say
We stargaze quietly for a few minutes together. Then he glances at me.
"You look beautiful, Marilyn."He says
"Thank you. Would it be a bad assumption to say that your outfit is also something related to your origins or culture?"I say
"You'd be correct! My culture is very modest and simple as much as I can remember. We love nature and each other above all else and don't want any harm done. So we don't take more than we need from each other or the earth. My outfit is what would be considered formal clothing for boys my age and is only to be worn on special occasions. Is it....weird?"He explains
"You look great. It's certainly unique compared to the suits they wear. It isn't weird at all. It's your culture."I say
He smiles, thanking me and leaning on me as we stargaze together.
"It feels nice to be open with you...My aunt and uncle find it weird."He says
"I can understand that..."I say
I point out some constellations and he names a few he was taught when he was little. Then the door slams open and I turn to see a very unnaturally angry Logan standing there.
"Mar, they won't back off! People keep bugging me about dances with you, even asking me to play slow dance songs on guitar. Hell no! Wait...What's going on here?"He says
"Marilyn showed me what constellations are around here!"Hugo says
"Right..."He says, glancing between us before backing out and shutting the door.
"What do you think that was about?"Hugo asks
"My brother can get very protective. And slow dance songs are considered romantic."I say
"Oh..."He says
"It doesn't help things either with the fact that I look like my mom...The mom he had never met. She passed nearly two years after he was born so I think that makes him more protective of me."I sigh
"I see...And your dad isn't around much either, right?"He asks
"Yeah, and it clearly has an impact on him. He has come to expect our dad not to be around or interested in him. Heck, he works when he is home and cancels frequently on plans. The only time my dad reaches out is on holidays or to check on us. He works hard to support us and protect us, but we both feel his absence at home. The absence doesn't help Logan either, so he seems protective of me. I'm the only family that he really knows and is there for me so he gets really protective at times because I don't think he wants to lose me....Or maybe he is just returning the favor for me protecting him from his growing fan club. Especially since Sloane posted his guitar playing last year and he hasn't been left alone since." I explain
"Yeah, I can see that being the case...Do you think we should head back?"He asks
I nod, walking back in with him and enjoying a meal with our friends. I smile, seeing Logan strumming away again. He smiles at me, tucking his phone away as it buzzes rapidly. I see each of our friends enjoying themselves and smile wider seeing Raiden happily talking with Marc. Seems like they're doing better again. This is a good party.
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