Prologue (Moon 0)
A white cat with patches of tabby stripes bobbed in the water, claws frantically scratching at the wooden boards, climbing and looking across the rough waves, the water of the area typically unforgiving and cruel. Especially to those ill equipped. A cacophony of terrified yowls rang out in the chaos of the waves and the boat, and everything else. Many of the cats were from a Clan before this whole... situation.
She was just a warrior her whole life, before she'd been caught. Nothing could have prepared her and her groupmates for the traps set all over their territory. The pale green eyes looked out as she was carried by the waves right onto the shoreline. Agaveiris watched the scene, it was like the dark forest itself was punishing her, forcing her to watch her worst nightmares.
A small brown kit hacked and coughed, being thrown through the waves like a mossball being tossed around between friends. "Milkweedkit!" A dark ginger tom, lean and large padded through the harsh waves that dared to try and drag his son and he hissed, catching the kitten's scruff in his maw. His heart burned when he saw a brown she-cat fall beneath the waves. Brownie, the kits mother, she had never been a strong swimmer. The tom slouched wearily when he got to shore, dropping the kit on the sandy beach with tear filled eyes.
"Agaveiris." He looked to the younger warrior and cracked a smile. "What do we do?" A white tail flicked, and she hummed in thought, watching more warriors emerge from the wreckage and make their way to the sandy bank of the ocean. The mostly white she-cat watched as seven more bodies pulled themselves to shore, and she was relieved to see that there were some cats left. Agaveiris looked at the group of weakened cats and sighed slowly. "We check our wounded, then maybe, just maybe... we can start to find a way to call this place a home." Agaveiris's voice was gravelly with the amount of saltwater she had taken in but put that aside in favor of asking around to each cat. Some were former clanmates, others were victims of circumstance just from being on the ship. The she-cat was shaking from the cold and shook her head, humming softly and looking at the group.
"Well? Everyone let's just keep going up the shore." her tail tip flicked, calling everyone to follow. She had to find her cats a new home. If it was the last thing StarClan allowed her to do, she had to help these cats. She caught sight of a brown pelt in the crowd who was struggling, the cats pelt was thick and logged with water. She sighed and walked to the cat. "Come here, you can lean on me..." Agaveiris didn't even know this cats name, but she wouldn't need to if she wanted to help the cat. Sights of the beach were interesting- to say the least, but she kept a tunnel vision of sorts until she found an abandoned shipwreck. This was an appropriate place for the group to rest.
One last burst of energy raked over her body and she found herself able to easily climb up the bow of the ship with a nimble sort of grace. "Survivors of the wreck, former kittypets, former clan cats... We need to move forward, our old Clan is gone, but we are still strong. We will forge a new Clan, and we will be stronger for it. Our new name, is NimbleClan..." The white tabby she-cat had been trying to stay awake, fainting from the stress and obvious overexertion that today had caused her. She saw sand, and heard names, but that was all as she fell into a slumber, so deep she felt as though she'd never wake up.
As the she-cat slept, she could feel everything and nothing all at once, blinking slowly as she found herself walking among silverpelt. StarClan was here? But they were so far from Clan territory. She couldn't believe it. A single cat was sitting, almost like she had been expecting Agaveiris's presence.
"Greetings, Agaveiris." The elderly she cat purred warmly and watched in surprise when Agaveiris pulled back. "You are meeting me here tonight, I'm sure you have an idea as to why... tonight you meet me, but the cats under your care will all come to join me at their time." The starry furred cat's blue and hazel eyes twinkled with mirth and a mother's love. "My name is Fluffstripe, use this gift to lead your Clan with tireless energy..." She moved forward and pressed her old and greyed muzzle to Agaveiris's forehead. After this point, the living cat scrunched up as the first life hit her like a wave crashing against her. She felt cold as spirits formed at the edge of the clearing, engulfing her as the rest of her lives clashed into her.
"We grant you your remaining eight lives!" Each voice was like a tidal wave as it collapsed into her ears. "Use them well, with our blessing..."
Agaveiris- no, she heard voices ringing in her ears and gasped softly, heartbeat pounding in her ears along with the echo of her new name. Agavestar, that was her name from this heartbeat onwards. The she-cat slowly moved to her paws, feeling much more energetic than before. She bounded up the boat before anyone could stop her, giving a wide grin. "I've been granted my nine lives... Today marks a new era, of hope and love! Of strength, tonight marks the beginning of this Clan, our name is NimbleClan." Her pale green eyes scanned over the crowd but she was confident in every word. She smiled softly, looking at the cats below. "On that same note, Tansyshade, you were the oldest and most experienced cat of our Clan, the warrior code states that a deputy should be picked before moonhigh, though it's a little late..." she chuckled nervously. "I say these words before the stars so that our warrior ancestors may hear and approve my choice. Tansyshade, you will be the first deputy of NimbleClan..." The she-cat beckoned the black tabby forward, the older silently walking up to her in surprise, sighing when Agavestar had to reach up to touch her forehead with her nose.
This camp will become a home. I just know it. Tansyshade thought to herself as she carefully descended the Highest Bow.
Tansyshade was leading a patrol the very next day, with her newly named apprentice, Mossypaw. She was hoping that this patrol would give her the chance to show her skills and knowledge to the young upstart. "Alright, Mossypaw... Since today is your first official day of being an apprentice, I thought we should work on fighting techniques! In order to do that, charge at me."
The other black cat looked quizzically up at her mentor. "What? You... want me to attack you?" Her voice was soft and confused, but she had a small fire in her eyes. "Alright." The she-cat charged for her mentor, stunned when the other ducked under her swipe. "What? Why'd you duck?"
Tansyshade's eyes were filled with humor and a smile graced her features. "The point of today's lesson, Mossypaw. We will be learning to out-maneuver our opponents." She said with a warm purr and a soft 'mrrp' of laughter. "Now come on, this will be easy. I bet you'll manage to have this down by sunhigh." She saw the fire in her apprentices' eyes and grinned. "Now attack me again, I'll show you how to properly dodge, we'll do this until your movements are like water."
When Mossypaw got back to camp, her paws dragged with exhaustion. She could barely focus as the next patrol weaved around her. But she looked up at Tansyshade feeling her chest swell with pride when the senior cat nodded at her with approval. She heard her mentor spout praise to her but she couldn't care for the words the other was saying, just knowing that she had done her best.
The camp was bustling with energy as the cats tried to find things to do to occupy themselves before and after patrols. Mottledpatch was trying to bond with the youngest cat in the Clan, this being Milkweedkit, Swifttrot's son. "Here, Milkweedkit, catch this?" She scooped up a small piece of moss and formed it into a ball, batting it to the young kitten, who rolled his eyes and sighed a bit, unenthusiastically batting it back to her. He was looking for a chance to run off and maybe escape this dusty camp for a while. That would be more fun than whatever this was. The kit actually started to enjoy the game at some point while playing, and his tail dropped like a rock when Mottledpatch had to leave to go on patrol. Fortunately, he could go and bug his Dad- or not... His ears pinned back when he saw his Dad leave to.
Agavestar had wanted to do a small, three cat patrol, deciding to take Mottledpatch and Swifttrot along. She figured it'd be a great chance to get a proper look at the border, and at any surrounding Clans. She was trying to be quiet, eyes piercing across the sand and seeing a jungle at the edge of the territory. "Come on, Mottledpatch, lets check this out!" She said with a wide grin and a loud chirp. On the other side of the border the trio noticed a similar patrol, who scented them immediately.
A small grey she-cat was on her side of the border, purring warmly to her three companions. She raised her tail and head in alarm, scenting other cats, distinctly not of CurlClan. Two apprentices were receiving a lecture about the importance of borders when they caught sight of the new leader and her two companions. The entire patrol stood, locking eyes with the newly established Clan.
Mottledpatch thought the staring would go on forever until they received a nod from the small gray one. Okay, not getting names... I guess that's okay? She thought to herself as the patrol continued along their border, nothing else eventful happening.
Agavestar gave a nod and a grin to the other patrol, steering her own on their way. Needless to say, she could tell that perhaps, these might be good allies in the future.
Blueclaw was currently creating a stir in the warriors' den, some herbs she'd managed to salvage from closer by camp were being utilized. It had only been a few days since the formation of the Clan, and she had heard cats sputtering and coughing. She had wanted to believe it was nothing serious but had panicked herself into checking in on Every. Single. Cat. and others were getting annoyed by it to say the least. "Stay still, Tansyshade..." She hummed worriedly, watching the deputy growl slightly and she shrank in on herself. "I'm sorry... I just want to make sure everyone's okay." She responded in a small voice.
"Then go and focus on someone else." Tansyshade hissed, narrowing her eyes as she watched the medicine cat scamper off. 'Too soft... come treat me when you grow a spine, mouseheart.' she thought bitterly to herself, she didn't particularly like the medicine cat by any means, as the she cat had been the one that had gotten the whole lot trapped, then on that boat, then crashed in the water and now living on this beach.
Blueclaw hummed softly, perking up when three warriors offered to escort her out further into the territory to look for herbs. Whether they be ones she was familiar with or new ones that she hadn't used before. "Of course, Velvetbrook. Let's go..." She looked at the white and light brown she cat and gave a gentle grin, noticing a grey tabby, Fringefern, and a cream and black tabby- Ebonyflash.
She took the time to soak in the sunshine that warmed her golden fur was refreshing to say the least. Her soft blue eyes also managed to search for tansy. She hoped it wouldn't be too difficult to find at least. It was supposedly an easy herb to sniff out. That's what her mentor who had stayed in her home Clan had always said.
"So... Have we found any yet?" Fringefern wasn't too convinced on the medicine cat, nor the herbs of the area. The other cats of the patrol stopped in their tracks to stare at Blueclaw.
"Oh! Uhm..." Golden paws fidgeted as she sniffed around the area. "Actually... my memory isn't too fresh on what tansy looked like... I'm sorry." she murmured gently, then repeated what she said a little louder when asked by Ebonyflash. "I don't want any cat to get sick because I gave them the wrong herb." she elaborated further, trying to hide the shame she felt, staring at her paws all the way back to camp.
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