Julie finished eating and went to the library with Moony, because he decided he didn't want to help with a prank since he had a lot of homework to do. The two of them sat down and started on one of the essays they had to do.
Juliette looked at Moony sideways, as he was scrunching up his face while writing a sentence, looking up in his book every so many seconds. He seemed very focused on his book, and Julie thought it looked kind of cute.
After a while of sitting in silence Julie could hear familiar voices approach. "Oy!" It was Olive, and the others, "Twin sis!" she yelled, as she approached them. Julie looked up and saw Prongs and Padfoot, who gave Julie a small smile. "How's the homework going? We wanted to prepare a prank on Snivellus but we couldn't think of anything so we ended up sitting under the birch tree next to the Black Lake. Then we just came up here." She stated, and Julie nodded.
"Well we've been doing some homework which was pretty okay. But haven't we got Herbology now?" Julie asked, and Olive nodded. They left the library, together with the others, and started making way to the greenhouses. There, they met up with Peter and Lily, who was talking to Snivellus. The group entered and waited for Professor Sprout to start the class.
After Julie's classes had ended she had to go to Professor McGonagall. As she entered the classroom she was already feeling slightly awkward, because she didn't really like the professor, since she was very intimidating. Next thing she knew, she was making homework while Professor McGonagall was grading some tests. It was very quiet, until the professor broke the silence. "So, Miss Julie Capesby, I saw you with Mr Lupin today. Are you-"
Julie's head nearly snapped from her neck as she looked up to the professor. Julie raised a brow. Does the professor not see that it is basically forbidden to ask that question? She answered immediately. "No. No no no. We're friends, nothing more. Why do you ask?" she asked, and as soon as she said she started to doubt herself. He had looked very cute when he was working on his essay. She told herself, then immediately shook her head.
"Oh, no, just wondering. You know, Miss Julie Capesby, we, too, as teachers, like to keep track of what you youngsters are up to." She said with a smirk.
Julie pulled that face one pulls when they're like 'ew embarassing', which is basically a frown, eye-widening, and pulling your head back. "Well, Remus and I aren't more than friends. I can tell you that." She said, before continuing with her homework.
McGonagall however was fairly curious. "And your sister and Mr Black? They've been around each other a lot for an awfully long time." She said.
Julie tried hard not to laugh. The Professor was actually curious about all that? "Well, I wouldn't know. I didn't know Sirius before this year. I mean Olive's told me about him, but that's about it." Julie answered.
Luckily, the professor didn't ask any further questions. After Julie had finished her detention she packed her stuff and went down to the Great Hall to get some dinner. The others were already there, and Julie joined them quickly. "Messieurs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs: Mesdemoiselles Olive, Lily," she greeted. Olive rolled her eyes.
"Haven't I told you several times to leave that French in France?" She said, slightly annoyed.
Julie merely chuckled. "You did tell me. I just didn't listen." She said, and then focused on her food.
Olive turned to Sirius, who was sitting next to her again. "So, Padfoot, how can we prank You-Know-Who?"
Sirius frowned. "You wanna prank old Voldy? I don't know if you'd wanna do that, Olive, I feel like he wouldn't be very supportive." He said jokingly.
Olive rolled her eyes at him. "You know what I mean." She said.
Sirius nodded, "Yeah, yeah, Snivellus. So, what did you have in mind?" He asked.
"I don't know, maybe we should ask Julie. She's good at vile pranks."
Julie, who wasn't really paying attention while eating her dinner suddenly stopped chewing and jerked her head towards her twin sister across from her. "Don't you dare, Olive." She hissed.
But it was too late, because even though Olive didn't reveal what exactly it was Julie had done, the others now knew it involved a prank. Prongs was the first to react. "Vile pranks? What kind? Did you guys use to have another sister or something?" He said, and Julie shook her head.
"No, it wasn't that bad." Julie said, when Padfoot said something.
"But if you don't tell us, we'll assume the worst." He said.
Julie shook her head. "I'm not telling you! Just cut me some slack."
Lily then piped up. "Exactly! What we do in our lives is none of your business!" She exclaimed.
"Alright Evans, I won't ask anymore questions." Prongs said, and before he could add something Lily interjected.
"Only of you go out with me!" She mimicked Prongs' voice. "Just shut up, okay? You're annoying, rude, mean, and you bully my best friend! You've got to stop acting childish and stupid or I'll never even think about just not swearing at you every day!" She exclaimed.
Prongs threw his hands up in defence. "Hey, Evans, chill out." He said, "You know we don't mean it that way. The whole Snivellus thing is just some jokey banter." He said, and Sirius nodded.
Julie disagreed. "Hm, I don't think that's how I'd describe it. I'd say you do bully him, but so long as you don't let it get out of hand I feel like it's sort of okay. Not supporting, but hey, he's a Slytherin. I didn't expect any better of you guys." Julie said, and with that she took a bite of an apple that sat on a plate.
Hi guys!
I know I'm the worst but I was busy this week and especially yesterday and today. I'll update a long chapter next time but now (22:25) I'm really tired and I just want to sleep a bit. I know, it's early for loads to go to sleep at like half past ten but I don't care.
Who is Juliette's Romeo?
See y'all next week!
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