I felt devastated.
My worst possible nightmare happened. I got an unmated pregnancy.
For years, I've avoided sexual activities of that nature exactly for fear this might happen. And it did. Still, that motherfucker didn't breathe a single word to me.
Not even to ask me what I would do, keep it or not. Nothing.
I'm so mad at him that all the feelings I thought I was over kept bubbling up to the surface, making me angry at him all over again. But mostly just hurt. This hurt me a lot.
I had the most uncomfortable conversation with my parents, who freaked out about it. This is exactly why they spent so much time warning me against [penetrative] sex.
And here I thought I had it all figured out. If only...
I'm so thankful my mom got a doctor to come to our house and give me the necessary medicine. I never thought I'd have to go through an abortion - nor did I think I'd have an unmated pregnancy - but the idea of being linked to that prick Tristan irked me the most.
Forget about the personal consequences for me which include possibly being rejected by my mate for being pregnant by another guy. Even without that, I still couldn't bring myself to carry Tristan's baby.
Even if Goddess forbids Evan was barren and couldn't have a child, I still could never deliver Tristan's offspring. He's someone I want to never lay my eyes on after high school is over.
Someone I will be glad to put it behind me, like so many fuckers who were mean to me or bullied me for being gay. Of course, most of them are humans who I hope to never see again, but not all werewolves are as evolved as they should be.
Truth is it only got better for me once Ben came out too.
Sure, he got a lot of hell for it. His life was miserable right after coming out and it only became tolerable because of his brother. He was Ben's true champion.
You have to keep in mind: a couple of years ago both him and me were two scrawny teens with not a muscle in sight. Sure, we may be stronger than humans. But we're not superman. We can't take on multiple bullies and we're discouraged from fighting humans at school.
Anyway, back to my ill-fated pregnancy, I was glad to get rid of it. For sure.
If anything, it gave me zero remorse over it. None whatsoever.
"Are you alright?" - Ben asked me during the morning before classes started some time after I went through the procedure.
"I have to be. I just never thought he would have the gull to avoid talking to me about it. Not even asking me if I wanted to keep it or not. He sent Evan to do his dirty business." - I complained, referencing the fact that Evan indeed talked to me once he found out I was pregnant with his mate's child.
I never expected him to want me to keep it, that's not the issue. But he could at least talk to me about it. It's his child I was carrying, for fuck's sake.
"Hang in there, my friend. He doesn't deserve any consideration on your part. He's not even worth the brain space he's occupying on yours right now." - Ben consoled me, dreadfully.
"You're absolutely right. He doesn't. I can't believe I wasted so many tears on him." - I muttered under my breath, sulking.
The evening of the day I hit Tristan.
"Did you get the mind link from Alpha Livingstone?" - Mom questioned me over dinner. Both my parents were startled by this.
"Yeah, I did." - I replied, mortified.
"Who was he referring to? Who broke the law at school?" - She grilled me, baffled at the news.
"I punched Tristan today at school." - I admitted, nervously. I haven't said anything to them because I didn't think it would escalate this bad. And Principal Carrera gave me detention instead of suspension.
"What?!" - Dad shouted at me, revolted.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Alexander?" - He shouted in a feral tone.
"He questioned the paternity of his child. I lost it, okay?" - I explain myself, embarrassed.
"Why did you even talk to him? I thought he was ignoring you." - Mom raised an eyebrow in suspicion.
"I didn't! He came talking to me. I have no idea why!" - I cried out, defensively.
"You know who his mate is, right? You know how powerful the Wilkins are? This isn't going away, Alexander! They are going to force Alpha Livingstone to expel you from the pack and we can't even argue in your defense!" - Dad cried out, desperately worried for me.
Both my parents are devastated over this. It's not a joke. Expulsion is a serious business and to a teen werewolf like me, it's a fate worse than death.
"Oh my Goddess, why? Why did you hit Evan's mate? Out of all the people..." - Mom reprimanded me.
The day Evan sent the email apologizing for the frivolous action against me.
I arrived home and my mom hugged me. My dad hadn't returned from work yet.
"I don't know what happened and I don't care. I'm just glad to put this ugly business behind us." - She told me with a satisfied smile.
"Me too, mom. You don't know how relieved I am. If I were expelled from the pack, I'd die." - I admitted with a crippling fear that took over me since yesterday.
"Don't ever say that, Lex. You're my precious boy. I'll fight for you till my dying breath." - She hugged me tightly and I felt the love. I love my mom.
During dinner, dad was looking relieved this business was resolved.
"I don't know what happened, but I'm glad Evan took it back. His family is not one I'd like to face off against. Especially in court." - Dad breathed out a sigh of relief. Truth is not everyone can be bought. Certainly not a judge and a prosecutor with prestigious reputations.
"Tell me about it. I know I dodged a bullet. I never meant to hit Tristan, but when he said he couldn't have known whose child it was, I completely lost it." - I admitted, painstakingly.
Both my parents got wide-eyed at me.
"Make better choices, son." - Dad advised me, not wanting to dwell on the uncomfortable issue.
"I will, dad. I promise. No more boys until mated." - I stated, embarrassed.
"Do you know what changed his mind?" - Mom asked, curiously.
"Oh apparently Tristan freaked out this morning when Evan came to pick him up at the pack house. He shouted at him saying that he didn't want to pursue charges against me and that if dad fires his father over this, he'd never forgive him." - I told my parents the hot tea.
Both of them went... wow.
"Honestly, I didn't even remember Joe was Tristan's father. It never even occurred to me. But I'm glad it occurred to him. Maybe if you were expelled, who knows?" - Dad said almost nonchalantly.
"Well, I'm glad we can all put this behind us. Trust me, I'll never exchange words with Tristan ever again. Not that I sought him out in the first place. But lesson learned." - I stated, feeling relieved.
"Good for you, son. You are way better than that rogue." - Dad said and I could do without the prejudice.
"Dad, it's not about him being a rogue. Both Alistair and Christian are wonderful kids who are just as worthy as any of us. Tristan is the rotten egg." - I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"If you say so. I'm glad you can't be mated to either of them." - Dad smirked. Honestly, I'm gagging in disgust but I don't want to pick a fight with him right now.
Though technically I could be mated to Christian, I don't think it's in the cards for me. And honestly as hot as he is - and he definitely is - I wouldn't want to do that to Lisa, who is a dear friend of mine.
Plus, I like more muscles on my men if possible. No shade, Chris. You're so adorable.
Thursday, the day after Alistair's surgery. Ben had just returned from the hospital and we're catching up before the afternoon classes start.
"He did what?!' - I shouted at Ben who's telling me about his mate's prank.
"He fucking pretended he didn't know who I was, like he had amnesia." - Ben told me, fuming.
"You gotta be kidding me!" - I revolted, baffled.
At this, Chris, Elodie, Lisa, Tristan, Evan, Lena and a bunch of other students all laughed at him.
"No, I'm not. That son of a bitch!" - Ben raged.
"I'm glad he found time to scare the living crap out of you, even with the life threatening surgery." - I snickered.
"Rest assured my friend, revenge is a dish best served cold." - Ben spoke in an ominous tone.
"Hi, Lena. Can I ask you out on a date on Saturday? I know next week it's spring break, but I would like to see you if I can." - Chris approached his mate, humbly.
"Of course, I'd be delighted. But I'm going to Teddy's spring bash. Don't you want to come with me?" - She responded, smiling wide.
"I do, yeah. I love Teddy's party. But can we go on a date before it?" - He insisted and she agreed.
"Sure. I'll pick you up in the early afternoon at your house then." - She smiled at him contently.
"I can't believe I waited four years to be invited to Teddy's pool party and now I can't go because my date had brain surgery!" - Ben sulked, getting unwanted attention.
"I'm sorry for never inviting you before. I was afraid people would find out I had a crush on you." - Teddy said, blushing. Roger gulped from the second hand embarrassment.
"It's fine, Teddy. You're an angel. But I don't forgive you for not saying you had a crush on me sooner. So much time wasted when we could be doing other things." - Ben said, literally surprising the hell out of people.
We're all looking at the scene baffled.
"How come he broke Teddy's heart and still gets invited to his parties?" - Tristan sulked, next to Evan. Ben fulminated him with a death stare that would make lesser men cower in their seats. Needless to say, neither of them were invited to (any of) Teddy's party (ies).
"That's because I'm a man and I had the balls to sit down with Teddy and explain the situation to him and why we couldn't be together anymore. Not unlike certain people who abandon partners like they're trash to be discarded." - Ben jabbed at him, causing the entire classroom to go on a whisper frenzy.
Man, the look on Tristan's face was fucking priceless. I'd take a picture, but I don't want any trash on my phone. Evan was utterly gobsmacked.
"Thanks for inviting me by the way, Teddy. I can't wait to see the boys in bathing suits." - I winked at him, who laughed out loud.
"I know you bought speedos for the nomads, but we're wearing shorts instead." - He winked back at me, playfully.
"Wait, so I can't wear the bathing suit he bought me to Teddy's party? I don't have any other." - Chris got wide-eyed at this.
"You can, Chris. It's fine. I'm just messing with him." - Teddy reassured him in a light tone.
"I'll buy you a new bathing suit for you to wear, Chris. I don't want anyone thirstying on my man." - Lena interjected, boldly.
"I don't think it's the bathing suit that's gonna make a difference, Lena. There will be plenty of eyes on him regardless. Trust me, I've seen him naked." - I provoked her.
"Bitch, I know karate!" - She threatened me. I laughed. Chris was mortified.
It's Saturday, late afternoon. I arrive at Teddy's house to see plenty of teenagers enjoying the spring. The pool was open and the temperature was warm.
Like the good host he is, Teddy sees and greets me.
"Welcome, Lex. You can change in the bathroom, if you want. There are drinks in the kitchen, help yourself." - He told me with a polite smile, then returned to his friends.
I grabbed a beer and walked around the place, trying to find friendly faces. I wish Ben was here, though I'd probably be his third wheel now.
"Is this the broken hearts club?" - I joked, seeing Lisa alone with her thoughts on a corner of the large house. She had a beverage on hand.
"Maybe. But at least you don't need to see the one who broke your heart being happy here." - She replied in a snarky tone.
"I'm sure you'll be snatched away in no time, Lisa. You're stunning." - I complimented her. She really is.
"Thanks, Lex. But my birthday is in June, not like yours who is later this month." - She rolled her eyes.
"It feels like forever, honestly. I'm so lonely after you know who." - I confessed, vulnerably.
We hugged each other for a moment and consoled ourselves in friendship.
After a few beers in, I changed into a bathing suit and went to check out the hot shirtless footballers.
After all, just because I'm on a diet it doesn't mean I can't look at the buffet.
I see Chris having fun with Lena by his side. He's looking good shirtless, but that's not exactly surprising.
Lisa was right, after all. As lonely as I feel, it's less worse because HE is not here. At least, I get to have fun.
Though I'm mostly over him at this point, it's good to sit back and relax in this environment. But I really miss my bitch, not gonna lie.
A few minutes later...
"Are you okay? I thought you'd be flirting your way into the football team by now." - Teddy approached me with a concerned frown.
"I'm on a cleanse. No men until you know what." - I replied in a sour tone.
Teddy got the hint immediately.
"I get it. At least your birthday is close. Mine is in May." - He empathized, sitting next to me.
"Hang in there, Teddy. I'm sure you'll do great." - I grinned at him.
"You too, Lex." - He encouraged me.
Teddy was on the verge of giving me a supportive hug when it happened. My eyes glowed for a moment.
"Stop. Don't come near me. I'm in heat." - I warned him, terrified.
"Oh my Goddess!" - He gasped.
"I need to see if anyone can drive me home. I can't stay here any longer or an accident can happen." - I stated, dreadfully.
"I'd drive you, but I can't leave the party right now." - He said, feeling remorse.
"It's fine. It's better if you back away from me. My pheromones are going to mess you up." - I warned him. I have no intention of having a Lena / Christian situation, though neither of us are taken - as far I'm concerned.
Teddy fearfully walked away from where I was.
"Good luck. If you need anything, link me up." - He offered, gently.
I'd ask Lisa, but I'm pretty sure she's white girl wasted by now.
I mind linked Ben, asking him to pick me up urgently.
He told me he'd get here in ten minutes.
I make my way towards the exit, dodging any physical contact whatsoever. Though it's nearly harmless with humans. The werewolves are the real dangerous ones for me.
Fortunately, everyone is rather busy to pay me any attention.
When I'm near the door, I stop by where Lisa is to say goodbye.
"I need to go home. Ben is picking me up. I'm in heat." - I told her in a low tone.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Have a safe trip then." - She wished me well.
Ben arrived and was met by another familiar face outside of Teddy's house.
He greeted Zach and his sister while they made their way inside, also explaining he just came in to pick up a friend.
"Zach, your eyes!" - Lisa M. shouted, gobsmacked at her brother's glowing eyes.
Ben, Lisa B. and I are all gobsmacked at this revelation. What the hell!
Except his are not the only eyes glowing at the moment.😳
"MATE!" - Zach declared in a deep, husky voice.
A|N: I wonder who Zach's mate is...
All will be revealed in the next chapter.
OFF: I just watched I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY in the movies. What a story. What a voice.
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