The A Team.
This is one hella long chapter, so brace yourself. And yes, before you ask, Liam is in this chapter. Enjoy. ;)
The news of Anna's death spreads like wildfire throughout the whole town.
No matter where I turn or went, someone is always talking about it. They don't seem to really care if I'm listening or not.
I mean, it's no secret that Anna and I were good friends. They weren't oblivious to that fact, but for whatever reason, they didn't seem to care if them talking about Anna would cause me pain.
Which it did.
But I didn't run away from those feelings like I thought I would. I guess I just realized that by running away from my emotions, I was doing more bad then I was doing good. I had to face the fact that Anna was gone in order to move on.
So, that's why when the funeral happened, I went. I went and I offered whatever words of comfort I could up with to Mr & Mrs. S. They seemed grateful and surprised when I showed up. Almost as if they expected me to ditch out on Anna's funeral.
I guess a lot of people suspected I would. Everyone was pretty shocked that I had decided to go rather then running away, like I did when my mother died.
I had opened up at the funeral. I said a few words before they buried her, though my speech was nothing significant, Mr & Mrs. S still smiled and said thank you. It made me feel good in a sense. Because for once in my life, I felt like I was finally doing something right. And I wasn't doing to make others happy, I was doing it because I wanted to be happy.
At the end of the day, after the funeral was done, I felt better. And as I went to sleep that night, no nightmares of sort plagued me.
Though as the days passed, I had my moments of weakness and perhaps vulnerability, and I let those moments happen, no matter how much I loathed it. Because I knew if I didn't, the thought of Anna's death being my fault would ultimately loom in my mind. I was sure I would drive myself crazy if I held those emotions in, so I let them out.
Just when I was alone, of course. I hadn't taken that big of a step and actully turned to someone in my moments of desperation.
I dealt with them solely alone and it was good enough for me, honestly. No matter how much my mind screamed at me to really just turn to Liam.
I still hadn't seen him. And I was beginning to worry more then ever. I had tried going to his cabin and seeing if he was there, but he wasn't. He never was.
And in result, only concern filled me. Because normally by now Liam would have popped up randomly like he always does, but he hasn't. Though I think I've made that point clear by now.
Nonetheless, I carry on as if it's nothing. Attending school and painting like crazy. The week flew by and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Especially when Ms. J delivered some news that Friday.
"Guess what, Ronnie, guess what!" She came skipping into the art room, clapping her hands together and grinning like a mad man. Or well, mad woman.
"Why not skip the guessing part and just tell me what's up?" I suggest as I glance back at my painting, just slightly distracted by her sudden enthusiasm.
"There's no fun in that," She states with a small laugh. "Come on, guess."
"Okay," I nod and turn to face her, giving her my full attention. "Well, first off, does it have to do with me?"
"Of course, why else would I be here?"
"Because you work here?" I shrug and drop my paintbrush onto the desk next to me while shimming off my apron that is covered with paint.
"Yes, but it's four o'clock in the afternoon," She says, "I could be at home right now. Watching TV. But I'm not. I'm here. Isn't that weird?"
"I don't know. Maybe you wanted-" I begin to say, but she cuts me off, clearly because she's becoming rather impatient.
"You know what, forget it! I'll just tell what happened!" She declares, that same creepy grin slithering back onto her lips. "So there I was, just sitting at home, watching Desperate Housewives and then, I got a call."
I raise an eyebrow at the dramatic tone of her voice, but nonetheless, I nod for her to continue. "And?"
"The man who runs the Young Artist exhibit called," She says slowly. And immediately so, she sparks my curiosity. "A visitor at the museum was asking about your painting," She pauses, probably for dramatic effect. "Turns out, he works at some big art college in New York. He wants to talk to you about attending the school, Ronnie."
My eyes widen in shock as she begins to squeal in excitment and embraces me suddenly. "Isn't that amazing, Ronnie?"
I nod, speechless as I grip her back tightly. Finally, I manage to comment, "Yeah. It is. Amazing, I mean," I utter out. "Absolutely amazing."
It all happens really quick. That Sunday, I get to meet the dude that was at the museum and took interest in my painting and me. It turns out his name is Bill Carter, AKA, Mr. Carter. He works at the Academy of Arts in New York, as Dean of admission.
We had met at the small coffee shop in town and immediatly, he begin to dive into what the whole school was about. He explained about the courses and the teachers themselves. He even went as far as to show me paintings from other students attending the school. They were all beyond amazing and the whole time he spoke to me, I couldn't help but wonder what some big time Dean who ran an art school in New York was doing talking to me.
A not-so-simple girl who lived in a really small town - as cliche as it sounded - and how my painting had caught his eye while there were so many other amazing paintings at the Young Artist Exhibit. Of course, while he was speaking, I couldn't help but blurt that out.
"Why me?" I ask suddenly, rudely cutting him off. Immediatly, Mr. Carter's features twist into one of confusion.
"Excuse me? I don't quite understand what you're asking."
"I mean, why me? Why did you pick to speak to me about the college when there were so many other amazing paintings at the exhibit? Honestly, I don't even think I would be able to pay for the school. It's amazing, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't be able to afford it." I explain awkwardly.
A grim smile slips onto Mr. Carter's lips. "Because your painting stuck out to me, Ronnie. Your painting was raw and emotional and just down right incredible. You're so young and bright, and I would hate to think that you do not realize that." He says strongly, "As for the money situation, I've reviewed your grades for your other courses. You have relatively good grades and could potentially graduate a year earlier if you wanted," He comments. "The only class I notice problem with is math. But if you are willing to raise that grade and work hard for the rest of the year, we are willing to offer you a scholarship."
I nearly choke at the word scholorship. Scholarship? Is he serious?
"Are you serious? A scholarship? Oh my god, am I dreaming?" I mutter stupidly. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"No, you aren't, Ms. Mars. We will offer you a dorm, of course, at the expense of a having to deal with a room mate and all the tuition paid. Though you would have to deal with your own living expenses. Such as food and so soon and so forth."
"That's awesome," I breath with a giddy smile on my face. "Seriosuly, Mr. Carter, I could kiss you! I won't, but I could. Basically, I'm saying thanks."
He smiles, collecting the papers he has scattered all around the table and shuffling them before slipping them into his briefcase. "You're welcome. But don't rush to answer, you have until the end of the school year to reply to my offer. Hopefully, next year, I will be seeing you at the Academy of Arts, Ms. Mars."
"You will, Mr. Carter." I say, "Again, thanks."
He smiles and places a generous tip on the table for the waitress. He sends me one last fleeting glance as he exits the coffee shop and then he's gone. I begin squealing immediately after, earning a few looks from other customers, but I don't care.
Just like Mr. Carter, I leave a tip on the table and bounce out of the coffee shop, laughing softly to myself in amazment while tucking my hands into my hoodie.
I walk without realizing where I'm going. The whole time I do, a huge smile is plastered on my face. It's because I can't believe what's just happened. A scholarship. To an actual art school in New York.
I let out another soft laugh as I cross the street, fixing my grey beanie and focusing my eyes on the ground.
Once I lap around another block, I finally draw my eyes away from the ground and to the people around me. It isn't long after that I discover a familiar face among the sea of people that surround me.
Though the girl is turned away from me, I still notice something off about her. And how it feels like I've seen her before.
She isn't facing me, so I can't really examine her. But from what I can make out, she's small and has pin straight long brown hair. Nearly black hair.
She stands stiff, staring up at a boy with curly red hair and big blue eyes, who grins goofy down at the small girl.
Though that smile is wiped off his face once he glances up and realizes I'm staring.
Immediately following, he nudges the small girl and she turns slowly and comes to face me. And that's when I recognize her.
It's that girl from the woods! The one I bumped into!
And just like that night, she still sports that angry scowl as she narrows her dark brown eyes at me. Quickly, she whips around, her hair spinning around her as she whispers something to the boy and then she's off.
Something comes over me and before I can help it, I begin to walk after her, fighting my way through the crowd and trying to keep my eyes trained on the small girl.
I lose her several times as I follow her down the road. She's agile, ducking into shops momentarily before reappearing back into my line of sight.
I trail after her for a good five minutes. Then, suddenly, she turns again, heading into an alley.
And that's when I stop. Mainly because I question if it's really a good idea to follow a mysterious girl into a dark alley.
Yeah, definitely not a good idea. But, I'm too stupid to listen to the common sense that is screaming at me to turn away.
Because this girl, whoever she is, has to know something about Liam. She had been running from his direction that night. And even if she didn't know who he was, I was still curious about who she was and what she doing in Portland. And why she reeked of the Purgatory.
I mean, last time I checked, the Purgatory didn't even accept girl members. Maybe only to abuse them or such, but the thing is, this girl didn't look like she had been abused. She had no bruises and overall no evidence of being tortured by them in anyway.
Besides, I was just too curious to turn away from finding out who this chick is.
So I turn into the alley.
At first, I don't see anything. Nothing but the ladder that leads to the top of the building and the stray garabage cans pressed up against the brick wall.
I peer around, my eyebrows furrowing as I glance behind me and forward, but the small girl is nowhere in sight. Nor is that boy with the red hair and blue eyes.
Where did she go? I think, puzzled.
There was no way she could have escaped. At the end of the alley, there was only a brick wall. But perhaps she had clambered over that when she noticed I was following her. What a waste of time.
With a huff, I spin around, ready to walk off when suddenly a fist comes swinging at me.
Just like in the movies, it all happens in slow motion. And for a minute or two, I'm frozen in shock as I watch the fist slowly coming towards my face. Then my reflexes finally kick in and I'm ducking, though the fist skims the top of my head.
And before I can really comprehend what just happened, another fist is flying at me. Again, I quickly dodge, thanking God for my quick werewolf reflexes.
I jump back and manage to get a glimpse of the maniac with flying fists. Turns out, it's the girl with the pin straight hair and nearly black eyes.
For once, she doesn't have a scowl on her face, but a determined look as she swings at me again. I block again, quicker then the other times and I can tell she's surprised that she hasn't landed a hit on me.
Where I lack in strength, I obviously prevail in speed.
But it isn't long that she's got me backed up against the brick wall, still going all mad Rocky on me.
And I have no where to duck but down. So when she swings at me for what feels like the millionth time, she ends up hitting the brick wall and with wide eyes, I watch as a crack forms in the wall.
And though there is no evident damage done to her hand, she still grips it tightly, hissing under her breath. "Son of a bitch. Jeremy, just grab her already!"
Before I can comprehend what's happening, I'm grabbed and thrusted up against the same wall the girl had just punched. An arm is pressed to my throat as well as a knife being pointed at me.
I look up, immediatly recognizing that this was the boy the Rocky chick was talking to just minutes ago.
Instead of wearing a scowl or a glare like his partner in crime is, he simply grins down at me. "Well, that was easy," He drawls tauntingly to the small girl that stands beside him. "I think you're losing your touch, Stella."
"Oh shut up," She snarls at him, still clutching her fist. "If you would have given me back my knife, I could have had her pinned much easier."
"Excuses, excuses," The redhead teases. 'Stella' rolls her eyes at him and then her eyes flicker to me.
I want to shrink away from her heated gaze. Mainly because something about this girl gives me the creeps, and the ominous glint in her eyes do no better to calm me down.
She cocks her head to the side, her dark eyes scanning my face before a look of realizition flashes across her face. "You're that girl," She states simply and quite blandly.
The boy's face immediately contorts into confusion. "You know her?"
Her cold eyes slither away from me to meet his gaze. "Something like that," She answers. "Why were you following me?"
I know that this question is directed at me, but I can't seem to spit out the answer, so I just dumbly keep staring at her.
After a minute or two of uncomfortable silence, I feel the point of the knife dig into the skin of my throat. Helplessly, my eyes flicker to the boy who watches me expectantly. "Well?"
I swallow roughly, "I'm not answering any questions until you get that knife away from me."
"Why? Does it make you nervous?" Stella taunts, a glimmer of sadism in her eyes. "You know, we could just get this over with quickly. Kill you and dump your body somewhere."
"I won't be much use to you if I'm dead, don't you think?" I remark smartly. The redhead scuffs, though.
"You're not much use to us right now and you're alive," He says. To emphasis Stella's previous point, the knife digs into my skin further more, this time, drawing blood. And that's when my heartbeat picks up.
I knew this was a bad idea! My conscious screams at me, you never follow some creepy girl down an alley way unless you want to get killed!
I squirm under the boys grip, now eagerly desperate to escape. But he won't budge and the knife continues to be dug deeper into my throat. And before I can stop myself, I blurt, "Liam won't be happy with you if you kill me!"
That immediately stops the boys action.
He retracts the knife away from me, his blue eyes widening, along with the girl who now stares at me in confusion. "You know Liam?"
So she does know Liam, I think, but how does Liam know her?
"Yes," I utter out. "Are you guys hunting him or something?"
"Are you?" The boy counters.
I shake my head, "No. I know him. He's a... good friend of mine."
The girl - AKA Stella - let's out a dry laugh. "Bullshit," She says, "Liam doesn't have any 'good' friends. He'll only keep you around if you're any convenience to him. So, tell me, how do you really know him?"
I press my lips together, my eyes focusing on the ground as I contemplate lying or telling the truth. Then a thought strikes me. How do the both of them know Liam, anyway?
"First, I want to know how you know him." I state. They both exchange a look at one another. Stella is the one to speak first.
"As long as you tell us who you are. And don't even think about lying, because telling the truth could potentially let us spare your life."
I roll my eyes, "Oh, what are you gonna do to me? Punch a wall again?" I mock, "You couldn't even land a hit on me, last time I checked. What makes you think you'll be able to the second time around?"
The girl snarls and attempts to throw herself at me, but the boy quickly pushes her back. "Ladies, ladies," The boy drawls slowly, "As much as I love a good cat fight," He pauses to add, "Seriously cat fights are hot," Then continues on seriously."But I cannot let you kill each other. Mainly because we both need answers from one another."
Stella growls at him, obviously annoyed, but nonetheless she stops reaching to get me and instead crosses her arms over her chest. She chooses not to say anything after that. And that leaves the redhead to deal with me.
"I'll start off with introductions," He announces. "I'm Jeremy Caverly. And this is Stella Prescott." He motions towards the small girl beside him. "And we know Liam because we have history with him, I guess," He explains, "We keeps tabs on him as well as on each other. We noticed he went missing a few days ago and we have no clue on where he went. Ever since, we've been trying to locate him. It isn't like him to be away for this long."
I study his expression and search for any indication that he might be lying, but he isn't. He's telling the truth and I can tell by the glint in his big blue eyes. And even though this boy - Jeremy - has given me limited information, it's still enough to please my curiosity. For now, at least. So I nod hesitantly, deciding not to press on about how he mentioned they have 'history'.
Last time I checked, Liam had never mentioned anything about these two nut cases. I didn't even think Liam had friends. They obviosuly had to be friends if Stella and Jeremy were willing to go looking for him. I just wondered how they all connected to one another. And why Stella still reeked of the Purgatory.
I want to ask, but I figure now is not the best time. And they obviously want answers from me. And now that they've given me the truth, I am willing to answer their previous question.
"Ronnie," I blurt suddenly. A look of confusion crosses Jeremy's expression, while Stella's only morphs into horror.
Jeremy opens his mouth to say something, but Stella beats him to it. "Wait, don't tell me-" She cuts herself off, pausing for a minute as she examines the ground intensely. Then her dark eyes flicker back up at me. "Are you her?"
It's only now that I've realized Jeremy has released me. I push myself away from the wall with a stiff nod. "If you mean Ronnie Mars, then yes, that's me."
Her eyebrows nearly shot up into her hairline. "Oh my god, no way, no way," She whispers breathlessly, "You're real!"
"I like to think so, yeah," I mutter. "Why is this a shock?"
"Because we thought all that gibberish about Liam finding his mate was bull," Jeremy answers, "But it's real. And let me just say, he is one lucky basterd. Because you are one fine ass b-"
Stella cuts him off by shoving him, "Jeremy, shut up!" She commands, "You're Ronnie! That means you know where he is, don't you?"
"Not really," I reply timidly. It immediately brings a frown to Stella's features. "I mean, he didn't mention anything to me before he left. I kinda figured you would know where he is, that's why I followed you into this alley."
I montion to the dump around me with a meek shrug. Stella groans, running a hand through her hair. "Don't you guys have mate-telepathy or something like that?"
"Yeah, but it isn't really working right now. Probably because he's too far away and he hasn't marked me yet, so the connection isn't as strong as it should be, I suppose." I say. And it's true. I had tried connecting Liam through our weird mind-link thingy for the past few days, but nothing had happened. And I figured it was because Liam just wasn't listening to me or that the connection was too weak to reach him if he was far away.
"Well this is great," Stella mutters.
"Yeah," Jeremy nods. "If only Liam would have left behind his map, then-" He begins, but I quickly cut him off at the mere mention of the word 'map'.
"His map?"
"Yeah, his map." Jeremy repeats. "It's one he keeps of all the Purgatory locations and such. He usually circles off where he's going next or whatever. He's like an animal. Migrating from one place to another."
I ignore his weird analogy and instead focus on the fact that he brought up the mention of a map. A map.
What did a map have to do with any of this? Was Liam freaking Dora The Explorer or something? Why did he have a freaking map? This is-
Oh my god. The map!
It suddenly dawns on me that I know what Jeremy is talking about. Liam's map. The same one I saw him working on when I was healing from the Purgatory gang bang or whatever. I had even asked him about it and why he had it.
I remembered seeing all the red X's on it and everything. And the only circle that really stood out to me was... Riverwood.
No way. Could Liam have actually went to Riverwood? I mean, he had asked me about it and everything. And I knew Liam was crazily hell bent on killing Purgatory members off, but was he that insane to actually travel to Riverwood?
Riverwood was/is commonly known as a popular hang out for the Purgatory pack members. And the place only screamed trouble. And honestly, the more that I thought about, the more I realized that Liam, no doubt, had went to Riverwood.
He is that crazy and stupid. I knew Liam would stop at nothing to take down the Purgatory and even if it meant putting himself in danger, he didn't care. That idiot.
"I know where he is," I declare after a long string of silence. Their attention immediately shoots right back to me.
"What? You do?" Jeremy questions in astonishment, "Where is he?"
"I'll tell you on two conditions," I state. Stella groans, again.
"Of course you wouldn't just tell us," She says. "What do you want?"
"Two things only," I say simply. "Number one; I'm kind of going to need you break into a house for me. But don't worry, it's my old house. Just collect the clothes from the closet and dresser and that's it."
"And tell me why we are going to break into your old house? Why not get it yourself?" Stella asks, quirking a brow at me.
"I got into a... fight, with my pack." I say, "I can't go back unless I want to get killed. And I don't want to get killed. So I need you to get in and get out as quickly as you can without getting caught."
"Wait, are you from Alpha Beckett's pack?" Jeremy inquires.
"I was from his pack, yeah."
"How can you not tell, Jeremy?" Stella rolls her eyes at him. "She reeks of them."
I scuff, "I take offense to that, you know."
"Good," She sneers. "Fine. We'll break into your house or whatever as long as you tell us where Liam is."
"Good," I mock, "Now for my second condition-" I begin to say, but Jeremy cuts me off. I guess it's payback for cutting him off before.
"I think I know where this is going," He concludes.
I raise a brow at him, "Oh, do you?"
"Yeah," He nods and then gives Stella a push. "Go, Stella. I don't want you to see me do this. I'm doing this for Liam." He turns away from the confused girl, sucking in a sharp breath. He faces me slowly, then he purses his lips. "Okay, let's do this."
He begins to lean closer to me and my eyes widen at his actions. "Uh, what do you think you're doing?" I press my finger to his cheek, pushing his face away from me. Jeremy appears dumbfounded.
"Oh, so it isn't going in that direction? I don't have to offer my body to you for information?"
"What? No." I shake my head at with furrowed brows. "I was just gonna say that you guys have to take me with you to go find Liam."
"Oh," Jeremy mumbles dumbly. He starts to rock on heels shortly after, "Well, this is awkward now."
Stella let's out a dry laugh, "I swear, Caverly, you get dumber and dumber each day." She shakes her head at him, her hair swaying from side to side with that one simple motion.
"It's just what happens normally in books or movies, so I just assumed-" Once again, I cut Jeremy off.
"Look, do you agree to my conditions or not?" I say, folding my arms over my chest.
Stella looks to Jeremy momentarily. He stares back at her and then nods, obviously giving Stella his approval.
She twists her body towards me, nodding stiffly. "We agree."
It isn't long after that I find myself cramped in the back seat of a white van - presumably Jeremy's - with a duffel bag of my clothes squashed up against my side along with Jeremy who has fallen asleep after an hour of driving.
Stella is the one driving, though she should probably be focusing on the road, she seems lost in her thoughts. It's obvious when she begins to swerve and if it weren't for my constant screeching, I'm sure we would have crashed by now.
How do I get myself into these kind of predicaments? I question silently as I peer down at the sleeping ginger next to me. He snores, really loudly, along with grunting and mumbling and the occasional kick or two that is, of course, directed at me.
And I can't get away from him, because there is no where else to go. I can't get in the trunk since it's full with all their suitcases and Stella won't let me sit in the passenger seat without hissing at me. So I'm forced to remain in the back.
To pass the time, I go through my clothes in my duffel bag. While I'm doing this, I come to realize why Anna was always bickering at me. It's because all that my wardrobe consists of is: Tang tops, hoodies, plaid shirts, beanies, jeans, and combat boots.
God, I feel like such a hipster.
I sigh and toss the bag aside when I can no longer take shuffling through my clothes. Instead, I focus my attention on annoying Stella with my loud huffs of annoyance and occasionally kicking the back of her chair. But can you blame me? Being stuck in a van with two people you barely know drives you insane.
"Can you stop that?" Stella asks irritably, her eyes meeting mine in the rear view mirror. I flash a sweet smile at her.
"I can," I drawl. "But I won't." I kick the back of her chair again, humming along with the song on the radio.
Stella rolls her dark eyes at me, but doesn't reply. We sit in silence for another thirty minutes, with the occasional grunt or moan from Jeremy. Stella let's out a dry laugh when Jeremy kicks me again.
"I swear, I will strangle you if you kick me again," I mutter as I glare down at Jeremy. He seems to hear me, since his eyes flicker open and a tired smile appears on his lips.
"My bad," He mumbles and pushes himself up into a sitting position with a yawn. "What time is it?"
"Quarter till five," Stella replies with a smirk. "Did you have a nice nap?"
"I slept like a baby," He says with a nod.
"Yeah, really." I mumble sarcastically and I rub at my throbbing thigh. "Thanks for kicking me, too. I think I have a few bruises."
"Not my fault you're so fragile," He comments, giving my thigh a rough pat. "You have to get some meat on you. I swear, it felt like I was kicking a rock. Then I realized I was just hitting your bone."
I roll my eyes at him, did that even make sense?
He hops into the passenger seat, causing Stella to hiss at him. Jeremy merely laughs. "Are you a snake or something?"
"Or maybe she's just Volderment's daughter and she's cursing you off in snake language." I chim. It causes Jeremy to laugh harder.
"Now that you've mentioned that, Ronnie, I do see some resemblances between Voldy and Stella." Jeremy replies teasingly. "They're both grumpy and evil. Stella's nose is relatively flat and I have noticed she's been losing hair lately. Baldness does run in the Dark Lord's family, you know?"
Stella sneers at him. "If I'm Voldermort, then you're that annoying ginger kid."
"Ron Weasly?" I offer and Stella nods. Jeremy fakes a look of hurt.
"You're just jealous of my amazing ginger way," He says.
"Liam can be Harry Potter," I say suddenly. "You know, with the scar he has on his forehead and stuff."
"Very true," Jeremy nods. "And who are you going to be?" He asks, twisting in his seat to face me.
"I'll be Hermione, duh."
"Oh," Jeremy waggles his brows at me. "That means you and me end up together in the end."
"Never mind, I'll be Hagrid." I correct quickly.
"I think that's a perfect choice for you, Ronnie," Stella admires with a smirk on her face. "Both of you are freakishly tall and you did live in a shack."
I scoff, "A midget is freakishly tall compared to you."
Jeremy let's out a snort as he laughs. "Oh, burn!"
"Shut up, both of you!" Stella snaps. And that's the end of our conversation. Or, well, argument.
Night falls as we continue on driving. And it's evident that we're nearing Riverwood when we see bright flashes of lights in the distance and loud music. Once we get closer, we get a glimpse of a warehouse with raging Purgatory members as well as humans who are getting drunk out of their mind. Stella turns to glance at me, raising a brow. "Riverwood is a warehouse?"
"Guess so," I answer. And we all silently slither out of the van, Stella carrying three hoodies with her. Immediately so, I get a whiff of the foul odor that only belongs to the Purgatory. "Man, this place reeks of Purgatory." I comment with a hint of disgust in my tone. Stella nods.
She tosses me a hoodie, as well as one to Jeremy. She shrugs on her own hoodie and hides away her hair. "You might want to put that on," She says, gesturing to the black hoodie in my hands. "I'm not on good terms with the Purgatory right now and I want to avoid being spotted."
"Well it looks like you and I have something in common, then," I tug the jacket over my head and pull up the hood, though I don't tuck my braid away. "I'm not on best terms with them either."
Stella smirks at me, but doesn't question what I mean. Jeremy simply smiles. "Well, aren't you two rebels."
"Stay together. Especially you, Ronnie. Don't stray away from me, okay?" Stella ignores Jeremy's previous comment and gives me a pointed look, obviously trying to get her point across. I meekly agree with a nod.
We begin our short two minute walk until we near the warehouse entrance, where a tall and quite buff man stands. Though he doesn't stink of the Purgatory, nor is he a werewolf from what I can tell.
We stop in front of him as he analyzes all three of us, then he asks, "You're not from a gang or something, are you?"
Jeremy shakes his head, "No, lad. I can promise you that we aren't in some gang."
"Alright then," He nods and opens the door of the warehouse, "Head on in and enjoy your night."
Jeremy beams at us, "Thanks, macho man. Enjoy your night too."
I roll my eyes at Jeremy but follow behind him nonetheless as we enter the building. I feel quite claustrophobic once the man shuts the door, leaving us in a pitch black hallway that booms with music and a few stray couples that lean against the wall, attacking each other faces with frantic kisses.
Stella makes a sound of disgust while Jeremy let's out a whoop and grabs mine and Stella's hand, draging us down the hall and into where the main partying is happening.
I find that the hallway leads to the heart of the warehouse. The room is huge, filled with people and lights and an open bar with an assortment of drink I've never seen.
People are grinding on each other like animals in heat and sweating bullets from the intense heat of the strobe lights that flash all different types of colors. Red, blue, purple, pink. You name it.
I watch with wide eyes as one girl chugs down a whole bottle of vodka before ripping her shirt off, leaving her clad in a bright pink bra. Immediately following, all the guys around her cheer and shout degrading remarks, though the girl doesn't seem to mind. She only giggles and then throws herself onto the first guy she sees. They disappear into the sea of people after that.
I shake my head and look to Jeremy and Stella, who are also shocked about what's occuring before our eyes. Or well, Stella's shocked. Jeremy's just grinning like a mad man and staring after any girl that walks by.
"Where do you think Liam is?" I shout the question as loudly as I can over the roar of music. Stella's eyes dart away from the crowd to me.
"I guess we'll just have to spread out and look around. There's no way we can stick together with this huge crowd," She calls back over the music. And just after she says this, Jeremy shoots off into the crowd. Stella shakes her head, but doesn't comment on it. She only says, "Meet me back here in fifteen minutes. Stay safe."
I nod and wish her luck. And just like that, Stella disappears into the cluster of people and I'm alone.
I remain calm and scan the area for a golden brown haired and green eyed boy, but of course, I don't spot him and I know just like Stella and Jeremy, I'm going to have to journey into the crowd.
I dive into the cluster of sweaty and drunk teenagers, pushing my way through and shoving away at the hands that reach out to grab me and perhaps coax me to dance with them.
Once I get through what appeared to be a never ending crowd, I discover another stray hallway. Though, somehow, this hallway is presumably darker then the other and to my surprise, once I begin to travel down the hall, there are no couples making out over here.
As I get deeper and deeper into the hallway, I begin to notice how the music behind me becomes duller and all I can hear is the sound of my footsteps and soft murmurs that come from down the hall.
I cock my head to the side once I catch sight of a sheer pink curtain and beads that dangle from the ceiling. Through the thin fabric, I see a group of men a few stray woman that cater to them. They chatter softly with the occasional chuckle, but that's it.
I frown and look to my side, realizing that there is more to this hall then just this one room. I take one last glance at the room before me and then decide to keep on traveling down the hall, since it's obvious Liam wasn't in that room.
I continue on for a good minute till I finally reach the end of the hall. But the only thing at the end of the hall is a mere grey door. Without much though, I push the door open, being greeted with fresh air.
So this must lead to back of the warehouse, I think matter-of-factly as I take in the sight of a few girls and boys sitting around a bonfire. They all hold some alcoholic drink in their hand and they occasionally pour some into the fire, watching as the fire grows and licks the sky. They laugh each time and I wonder momentarily of why this is so entertaining to them.
Nonetheless, I walk away from them and soon spot another large cluster of people. Only this time, their circling around what appears to be a... cage?
A fighting cage, I guess. I try to recall where I've seen this before but I end up blank. Till I remember my dad talking to me about UFC. What's that thing the UFC fighters fight in?
The Octagon! That's what my dad called the cage they'd fight in. And well, it seems I listen to my dad without even realizing it.
I walk closer to the Octagon and the people surrounding it, who hoot and holler and throw insults at the people who are fighting in the cage. Or, well, the animals who are fighting in the cage.
I get a look closer of who's in the Octagon once I fight my way through the crowd, catching a glimpse of a grey and black wolf who circle around each other, snarling and swatting their paws at one another.
It isn't long after that the grey wolf takes charge and hops onto the black one, sinking it's large canine's into the others throat.
The people around me go insane, yelling with excitement and pushing to get closer to watch the fight. Ultimately, I'm thrusted up against the cage and in order to steady myself, I loop my fingers through the metal fence part of the Octagon.
I soon realize that this isn't a simple fight or anything, this is a fight to the death.
That's made obvious when the grey wolf behead's the black wolf.
Everyone around me screams and starts chanting for the grey wolf, who takes a lap around the cage, obviously drinking in it's victory.
Man, the Purgatory are sick mofo's, I think as I watch the cage door fling open and not a second later does a man emerge with a microphone and a sadistic smile plastered on his features.
"Again, the winner is Rex!" The man yells, giving the grey wolf a rough pat on the back. "Are you read y for the next contestant, Rex?"
'Rex' howls, an obvious yes, I guess.
"Good!" The man chimes back and his grin widens as his eyes scan over the crowd. "Cause now we'll be picking one of you from the crowd to battle Rex!"
Instead of the crowd becoming scared or sickened at the idea, they merely begin to scream possibly louder while trying to convince the man to pick them. The sadistic man laughs and begins to walk around the cage, just like 'Rex' had been doing a few minutes ago.
He peers into the crowd, pursing his lips. He pretends to pick someone but then quickly kills their hopes once he shakes his head and decides he doesn't want them.
It's only when he gets to my section of the crowd that my heartbeat picks up and my eyes grow wide beneath the hood that covers my face.
I release my grip on the cage and turn, ready to escape the crowd when I feel a tug on my jacket, dragging me back to the cage.
My back slams into the cage and I twist my head around to get a look at the person who grabbed me, only to come face to face with the sadistic announcer.
"You!" He says excitedly. "You'll battle Rex!"
Of course he'd pick me, I think, I have the worst luck in the world!
"What? No, I'll pass, really," I begin to protest, but the man isn't having it. And neither is the crowd.
Hands grab me and push me towards the cage door, despite my struggling and objections.
And once I stand before the cage door, the man grabs a hold of my wrist and throws me into the cage along with the grey wolf.
He yanks down my hood and instead of being surprised that I'm a girl, he simply laughs. "This is going to interesting!" He declares into the microphone and then says directly to me, "You should probably shift once that cage door closes, just letting ya know."
And then he's off and slamming the cage door, along with locking it. I watch him in horror and throw myself against the cage door, desperatly trying to peel it open. "I don't want to fight!" I yell in fear, "Let me out!"
The man shakes his head and winks, "No can do, sweat heart," he turns to the crowd and thrusts his arm outwards. "Let the fight begin!"
The crowd, just like before, begins to hoot and holler and throw insults. Just this time, this is all directed at me.
I turn away slowly from the cage door, seeing that the grey wolf is already in front of me, his lip pulled over his teeth in an angry growl.
I put my hands up, signaling surrender. "Look, Rex, I don't want to fight. Let's be f-" I'm cut off when he suddenly charges forward me.
Now running solely on fear, I jump out of the way and onto the cage as I begin to scale up to the top. Though I realize that at the top of the cage, there's barbed wire.
I guess I'm not the only one that's thought about escaping, I think dreadfully as I peer down at the grey wolf that begins to throw itself against the cage side, snapping it's teeth at me.
Oh god, oh god, I begin to think frantically, I don't want to die. Why does this have to be the second time I am almost die today? I don't want to die! I don't want to die!
"Stella!" I yell over the loud roar of people, "Jeremy!"
"Your little friends can't help you!" One person calls from the crowd tauntingly. And just as he says this, the grey wolf snags my ankle and I can feel it's teeth sink into my flesh.
I let out a scream and with my free foot, I slam my boot into's it's face as hard as I can, though it only causes the wolf to release me momentarily, it's enough time for me to scale across the cage to the other side.
I grip onto the cage with one of my hands, while I wrap my other hand around my bleeding ankle.
The grey wolf is below me again, though this time he begins to leap up to get me and I can feel how much force he's putting into his jumps, since the cage begins to shake.
"Holy shit!" I cuss, kicking out my leg again to hit the wolf down. I land a hit to it's eye, which only causes the wolf to get even angrier. "Leave me alone, you crazy dog!"
Rex growls, swatting his paw at me. This time, he gets my thigh. I cry out once his sharp talons meet my thigh. He leaves three diagnol cuts in my leg, shredding not only my skin but somewhat of my jeans, leaving my upper thigh bare and exposing the deep cuts to the cold air.
"Fuck my life," I hiss under my breath as the warm blood begins to roll down my leg and the pain sinks in.
And somehow, over the roar of the crowd and the growls of the wolf below me, I hear something. Something that sounds like a scream of my name.
I look in the direction of the voice, though I'm met with only the stares of the crowd that are still screaming for the grey wolf to kill me.
"Ronnie!" The voice screams again. "Ronnie!"
And now that's I've heard the voice clearer, I recognize who it is immediately. Because no other person could make shivers ripple down my spine just by saying my name. It's Liam. And there's no doubt in my mind about it.
"Liam!" I call back, my eyes searching the crowd and that's when I catch sight of him. Along with Stella and Jeremy.
They stand by the cage door, Liam prying the lock open while Jeremy shouts at the announcer dude who is shoving them back and trying to prevent them from opening the cage door.
To shut him up, Stella throws a punch. Immediately following, the man is down for the count.
The microphone clatters with the floor, causing a ear-deafening echo. The people in the crowd cover theirs eyes, letting out a cry at the sound.
All I do is stare at my three hero's as they barge open the cage door, catching the attention of the grey wolf who whips around and snarls at Liam, Jeremy, and Stella.
"I'll take this fucker on," Stella declares, a grin slipping onto her lips. "I haven't had a good fight in a while."
"I'll take him, too," Jeremy says, "Go get Ronnie, Liam."
Liam doesn't protest. Though he does help Stella and Jeremy by throwing the grey wolf across the freaking cage.
Jeremey and Stella shift, gallaping after the grey wolf. It isn't long that I hear the disgusting sound of flesh being ripped from the grey wolf's body.
I shut my eyes in order to not see Stella and Jeremy killing the damn wolf.
I only peek my eyes open when I feel the cage shake and I see that Liam is clambering up to me. He stops beside me, holding out his hand to me. I take it and Liam drags me towards him, softly commanding, "Wrap your legs around me."
I do what he says and ignore the pain as I wrap my legs around Liam's waist, as well as circling my arms around his neck.
He climbs down slowly until we reach the ground and once we do, he wraps his arms around my back and shouts to Stella and Jeremy. "Come on guys, we have to go!"
Jeremey and Stella whine, but quickly shift back. Again, I close my eyes in order to avoid seeing the remains of the grey wolf.
I keep my eyes closed the whole entire time Liam runs. I simply press my nose into his neck and inhale his addicting scent. I ignore the pain shooting up my leg and grip as tightly onto Liam as I can, as if I'm afraid he'll disappear. And I guess I am pretty scared he will disappear.
We reach the van shortly and immediatly so, Liam flings open the door and lays me down in the back seat, while Stella and Jeremy hop in the front. "Drive, bitch, drive!" Jeremy commands and I soon feel the car lurch forward. If it weren't for Liam holding me, I'm sure I would have went flying towards the windshield.
Liam detaches himself from me momentairly, ripping a piece of his shirt and then typing it around my leg. "What are you doing?" I ask sluggishly, suddenly feeling lightheaded.
"Trying to stop the bleeding," Liam answers in a raspy voice. Which is incredibly sexy, I might say.
Why are you thinking his voice is sexy at a time like this? A part of me screams, but I ignore it, keeping my eyes trained on Liam's concentrated face. "He cut you really deep, but you'll live." Liam declares as he ties the piece of his shirt around below my wound. "Do you have water bottle or something in here, Jeremy?"
"Maybe," I hear Jeremy faint reply and then I hear him shuffling around the car before he says, "Yes! Found a water bottle!"
He tosses it to Liam, who catches it effortlessly. He tears off the cap and then pours the water on my found.
I whimper, despite the previous urge to choke down the cry. "Liam, that hurts."
"I know, princess, I know." He murmurs, leaning up and pressing a kiss to my sweaty forehead. "Just close your eyes. We'll be back in Portland shortly, don't worry."
I listen to him. Well, for the most part anyway. I listen to him about the part of closing my eyes. But I still worry. Not for me, but for what awaits us back at home.
Please welcome to new characters to the story, Jeremy Caverly and Stella Prescott! Woohoo! :P
Caleb Landry Jones will play Jeremy and Hallie Steinfeld will play Stella. Pictures will be posted soon.
And yes, I know Liam was in this chapter for a short amount of time, but don't fret children. He will be in the next chapter completely. This chapter was just getting to long and I didn't want to overwhelm you. The next chapter should be up soon. As in, ASAP. Seeing as just as I post this, I will start working on the next chapter and I plan to have that up by tonight as well. I promise.
Hope you enjoyed!
Until next time,
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