Chapter 10
Nearly all the civilians had been evacuated, or were waiting at the docks. The very air burned Steve's lungs, sweat dripped into his eyes. He had to grab his last team member and get her to the quin jet, then find the nearest AC vent and collapse next to it.
There, at the base of the volcano, Steve picked out a shape. That had to be Kai. There was no way any other sane person was going to be that close to the volcano. As Steve sprinted closer the heat increased, until he was certain that had his boots not been built to stand any terrain, they would have melted into the ground.
Steve glanced up again, only to see Kai topple to the ground.
He was at her side in seconds, pulling her off the near burning stone of the ground. Steve let out a slight gasp of shock when he saw Kai's face. Thick jagged lines, like veins filled with black paint ran out from her hairline, bleeding down into her eyes. Blood ran from her nose, as well as both eyes, as though she'd been crying tears of blood. His first instinct was to try and wake her, check her pulse, make sure her breathing was steady. But the ground was still insanely hot, he couldn't do that here.
Scooping Kai up off the ground, cradling her against his chest, Steve turned on his heel and took off jogging away from the mountain. There was nothing more for them to do here; now his only job was to make sure all of his team was safe. That included Kai, whether or not she considered herself a part of the team.
"Steve, I'm picking up your location. Be prepared to jump on the jet," Tony's voice crackled over the comms.
"Tony you have to have a med kit prepped, somethings wrong with Kai."
"Got it."
Seconds later the quin jet pulled up next to him, hovering just above the ground. Steve tightened his grip on Kai, launching himself into the jet; nearly slamming against the opposite wall. The door slammed closed and the jet took off, shooting into the air.
Gently, Steve lowered Kai to the ground, taking a few seconds to get a better look at her face. The black lines had receeded from her eyes, but still clung at the edges of her hairline. The streaks of blood around her eyes had already started to dry; blood was still dripping from her nose.
Steve scooted away from Kai as Clint knelt down next to her, checking her pulse.
"Pulse is Normal. Everything is normal," Clint muttered, scratching his head. "Apart from the blood. Maybe it's some mage thing."
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