Chapter 1: Meeting a Fan
Mettaton POV: This was Mettaton's first live show since monsters had left the Underground. Though, Mettaton had done this many times it was his first live show that monsters and humans had bought tickets for, which was something that made him quite nervous."Focus Mettaton', Mettaton thought to himself." This is not that different from the Underground." After that thought he felt a lot less nervous but was still slightly nervous. " H-hey, Mettaton?", said Alphys, causing Mettaton to jump. "Y-your show s-starts in t-ten minutes.", Alphys informed him. "O-oh thanks, Alphys", he said feeling nervous again. "I sure hope this goes well...", Mettaton thought.
( time skip brought to you by Frisk)
Mettaton's live show went a lot better than he had hoped. So much so in fact, he was really excited when the host of the show said that everyone could talk to Mettaton after the show to ask questions and such. An employee lead him to where everyone could talk to him. Mettaton thanked the employee and waited for humans and monsters to come inside. Though, after around twenty minutes of waiting, Mettaton started to become quite bored, that is until a tall, lanky skeleton came into the room looking quite nervous when he spotted Mettaton. "O-oh hello, M-Mettaton...", said the mysterious skeleton, nervously. "Oh hello, darling," Mettaton said brightly. At being called "darling" the skeleton seemed to blush. "Did you need something?", asked Mettaton, for the obviously blushing skeleton hadn't said anything. "O-oh, ah, w-wel I'm a-actually a r-really big fan of y-your show a-and I wanted to ask a f-few questions", the skeleton said. "Oh! Well I'd be happy to answer your questions!", exclaimed Mettaton. After a few questions from the skeleton, their talk had turned into a conversation. "So, what's your name, darling?", Mettaton asked the skeleton. "Oh! I'm sorry! My name is-", the skeleton started but was interrupted by his phone ringing. "Oh that must be my brother! I'm sorry, but I have to go now!", he said. Not soon after he said that, humans and monsters alike started coming into the room to talk to Mettaton. Soon after, the mysterious skeleton had disappeared into the crowd. "What a nice skeleton.", Mettaton thought as he was talking to a fan. "Wonder what his name was."
( time skip brought to you by Flowey)
A couple of days later Mettaton was visiting Alphys. Not surprisingly Undyne was there watching anime with Alphys. "I have no idea how this is so entertaining ", thought Mettaton as he was leaning against the couch that Alphys and Undyne were sitting on. Soon though, Mettaton found himself drifting off to sleep as he was really bored and completely uninterested in the anime show that Undyne and Alphys made him watch. Mettaton thought to himself,"Might as well relax now, seeing as I'll probably be trailed by fans once I leave." It felt like he had just fallen asleep when... BANG! Causing Mettaton to wake up startled. He turned to see that Undyne and Alphys were laughing uncontrollably with what appeared to be two metal trash can lids on the ground close to where minutes before, Undyne had been calmly sitting. "Really, did you really have to do that?", said Mettaton, slightly annoyed. "I should have expected this", Mettaton thought. After the two had calmed down, Undyne said,"Well yeah, it was the only way we could've told you something important!" "Oh, well what did you two want to tell me?", said Mettaton, suddenly interested. "W-well", said Alphys. "U-Undyne and I h-have decided t-to officially s-start dating." At first, Mettaton didn't quite process what she had said. When he did he said, "Oh congratulations to the both of you! So, who asked who, hmm?" The two of them looked at each other for a second when Alphys said "U-Undyne did.", blushing slightly when she did. "Not very surprising,but, oh well at least they finally decided to start dating.", Mettaton thought. Then he noticed that Undyne was looking at him, as if she was waiting for him to answer something. "Oh sorry, could you repeat that?", Mettaton said. "I said, now that we've started dating we'll probably be seeing more of Papyrus and Sans," said Undyne. "In fact, they should be here in a few minutes.", Undyne finished. "Who-?", before Mettaton had time to finish his question, there was a loud knock on the metal door of the lab.
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