Day 5/Part 2
The closer I got, the more I didn't like what I saw.
The woman looked to be in her fifties. Her raven dyed hair streaked with grey here and there. Smile lines were prominent but she wasn't smiling now. Her faded, sky-blue eyes looked angry.
Harry continued packing his bag and only once he finished he turned to the woman. His bruises had completely faded as he glanced suspiciously at the woman.
I stopped a few feet away from the three of them and watched.
"That's me." He answered. I hadn't realized it (probably because he had spoken to me a few times) but Harry's voice had become taboo around school. Almost as mythical as a unicorn or pixie.
The woman wheeled on him, her anger barely hidden. Her paws latched on his disheveled clothes, balling.
"Murderer!" She screeched, shaking him. "You killed my son! You deserve to be in a cell!"
The hallway was quiet. Sometime during the commotion my friends had gathered behind me. Poor Alice looked on, confused and slightly afraid. I can only imagine what a first day this must be.
Harry looked down at the woman too, his face betraying no emotion besides being shaken. It was a weird sight since he was considerably taller than the woman yet he stood still.
"Why are you quiet? Got nothing to say, killer!" She screamed. A security guard and Mr Victor rushed to see what was happening, grabbing the woman and detaching her from Harry.
"You deserve to rot in hell, Malakai! I'll make sure of it. You didn't give my boy a choice and I won't give you one!" She exclaimed before shrugging off Mr Victor and the guard and storming away.
Then it clicked. The bodies being taken out of their home that night. Three deaths, I remembered. The Wight killer, Jacob called him. She must've been a mother to one of the thieves that died the Saturday before.
Everyone watched the woman disappear. Once she had disappeared, everyone watched Harry. I admit I was one of them.
Not even a minute later, the sound of breaking glass and a car's alarm fills every molecule in the air. The small crowd that gathered rushed forward to see what had happened.
The woman had just reached her car, got in and sped away. Harry's lime green Focus had its front windshield smashed. It's alarm blaring was still the only sound heard for miles.
The crowd parted as Harry made his way to his car. He stared at it for a good minute and then, gingerly reaching out, touched his hood. He slowly folded over till he was crouching, balancing on his toes.
Mr Victor suddenly stepped in front of the crowd and yelled for us to disappear. Hesitantly the small crowd thinned until it was just Cass, Alice, London and I left.
Mr Victor stared at me, a sympathetic look on his face. Sirens wailed and three police cruisers pulled up. Four officers and Chief Naomi got out.
The officers walked around the car and spoke with everybody except for Harry and I, probably compiling a police report. Chief Naomi walked up to Harry, bent over and whispered something in his ear.
After a while, he got up and walked to her cruiser.
"Harry." I called out but what does one say in such a situation? He turned and for a minute it looked as if he would snap at me like he did Jessica.
He took one more emotionless look at his car, got into the passenger seat and rode off with Chief Naomi.
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