High Five
Harnell appeared at Connie's door with a stack of clothes.
"I've put together some clothes for you. And I'll gather more later. You can keep them. Or I can change them if they don't fit, or you'd like other colors."
"Don't tell me I can have a choice about something," Connie grumbled.
"Rennish said you were upset. We were busy last night. I left signs on the board for you, but I guess you can't read them." She shrugged.
Connie took the pile from Harnell. She had seen the notations. They looked like a mash up of quasi-Chinese characters and a higher math equation. Apparently, the pictogram writing Arden talked about.
"No, I couldn't read it. Something I need to learn. And your sign language."
"Much better here than Earthside. Anyone in all of Dahria can understand. Difficult to travel if you don't know them."
Connie needed to ponder that but in the moment what she wanted most was to get outside, "I'd like to take a shower or a bath. If that's possible. And then you'll show me this farm?"
Harnell took her through a doorway next to the entrance hall door. The pie-shaped space was divided between a front dressing area and a back shower-bathing area. Harnell explained that the water was warmed by underground thermal heating and showed Connie how the back wall slid open revealing a garden area that terraced part way up the promontory.
Connie stood under the shower for a long time hoping her troubles would wash down the drain along with her general grubbiness. She toweled off with a piece of thick cloth from a stack in the dressing area and studied the clothes Harnell brought. They were not markedly different than Earthside, but simpler, looser, made from soft but sturdy fabric. Everything fit perfectly.
The warm shower and comfortable, clean clothes definitely improved her spirits. She found a comb and stood in front of a full-length mirror to comb out her tangled hair. The pants were oatmeal colored and the top, a rich lavender, contrasted nicely with her dark hair and brightened her skin tone. Connie smiled at her reflection. She looked nice!
"You did a good job." She told Harnell who almost allowed herself to look pleased.
"I like to make clothes."
"You made these?"
"That's what I was doing last night."
"Well then, all is forgiven. Almost." Connie tried sounding jokey but from Harnell's expression, it didn't come off that way. "Hokay, I think I'm ready for the farm."
"Um, your hair? I left some slots by the shower for you to use."
"Come here," Harnell led Connie in front of the mirror in the shower room and picked up several short, curvy wire pieces sitting by the comb. She quickly created a low bun out of Connie's hair. "You don't want your hair flying all over."
"That's amazing. It looks relaxed but feels like it's firmly held in place. Can you teach me how to do that?"
Harnell shrugged.
They walked a short distance outside to the large shed. Connie turned around and looked back at Octo and realized most of the pie-shaped spaces had small patio/garden areas extending off of their rooms, unlike hers that was closed off and where they could keep her locked in overnight.
The wide doors on the large shed were open. No rain today. Inside stood a number of bicycle-type vehicles – two-, three-, four-wheels and more with a variety of seating, pedalling, and cargo arrangements. Fanik had one of them in pieces in a workshop area. He nodded when they walked in, but no smile.
Harnell took Connie to an adult-sized tricycle with fat tires. It had a colorful top covering for both rider and the generous carrying basket in back. "Take this 1-3 when you go to Joyund. That way you can bring back produce for us and the Squares. If it's raining hard, you can roll down the sides. Or just wait it out."
"It's so cute. 1-3? One person, three wheels?"
Harnell nodded, "I'll take a 1-2 and show you the way to Joyund. You'll spend the day there. Find me or Fanik when you get back. No wandering around. Rennish told you."
"I understand. My presence is awkward. I'll come straight back here. Once Peter is well, we'll leave and get out of your hair." Connie gazed around the shed. "These bikes look amazing. You've done wonders with our Earthside bicycle."
Harnell and Fanik gave Connie a withering look. Fanik growled, "Typical Earthside. Dahria invented bicycles."
"Oh, um, right, so it was Dahrians visiting Earthside who introduced bicycles there. How silly of me to assume the opposite." Connie tried to regroup. "These are wonderful. The colors and shapes. And everything so shiny and new looking. Do you take care of them, Fanik?"
He glared at her, "We are all expected to take care of them. You too."
"Of course, I mean, I'll do whatever you want. Just let me know. I haven't had a bike in years. You'll have to show me what you want me to do."
Harnell brought up a rare grin, "I'll show you when you get back today. Fanik has a way of complicating simple things. He's a genius with mechanics. You saw the rain dance gardens in the Squares? He made those."
Connie and Harnell wheeled the vehicles out of the shed.
Connie paused and drew in a deep breath. "I can't get over how wonderful the air seems here. Something about the smell and the feel. I can't put my finger on what it is, but it's like my lungs are doing a happy dance."
Harnell urged Connie along, showing her how the gearing worked on the 1-3. It took Connie a few minutes to get the hang of it. They peddled over the bridge, Harnell directing them to the left, away from the village. She reminded Connie that she was only to go to Joyund Farm and not speak to anyone she met on the way. A friendly nod, no more.
As they made their way along the smooth roadway, Connie relaxed into taking in the lush greenery and river views and the spectacular sound of bird song all around. After about 30 minutes, Harnell led them down a driveway. Situated on the property was a many-windowed small house, a variety of out-buildings and three large greenhouses.
A very pregnant, robust-looking young woman was sitting in front of one of the greenhouses speaking with a little boy, around four-years old. She greeted them with a big, warm smile. Connie was relieved. Everyone she'd met in Dahria, so far, had been less than welcoming.
"Hello, Connie. Quill and I – Tessa," she pointed to herself. "Happy you help us."
Tessa threw her arms around Harnell and spoke something to her in the local dialect. Harnell responded, also with a big smile. Connie was glad to see that Harnell could look happy if she wanted.
Tessa kept her arm draped around Harnell, "My friend. Like sister. My travel English – speak not good, listen better. Okay?"
Connie nodded and smiled, "Okay." She looked down at Quill, who was staring at her intently. Connie put her hand up to high five the little boy. She showed him how to meet her hand with his and said, "High five!"
He looked up at her curiously. Connie dropped her hand and repeated her high five hand and words.
Quill met her hand and quietly, echoed, "High five." Everyone laughed.
Harnell climbed on her 1-2, returning to her cool face for Connie, "See you at the Octo. Remember. No wandering." And rode off.
Tessa took in the change in Harnell's expression and turned to Connie, shaking her head, "Harnell, no my Harnell. You okay?"
Quill held up his hand, "High five."
Connie met it, "High five, Quill."
Tessa took Connie's arm and led her into the greenhouse. Before they started working, she brought Connie a large smock to cover her clothes and asked her, "Harnell make?"
"Yes. They're wonderful. I feel beautiful in her clothes. She's very talented."
Tessa smiled and patted Connie's arm. She led her to a section of the greenhouse devoted to leafy plants – spinach, shard, various lettuces, and varieties unfamiliar to Connie. Between a sort of show and tell, using her halting travel English, Tessa explained to Connie what she wanted her to do and how that kept a steady flow of leafy plants ready to harvest.
She left Connie alone until mid-morning when Quill came and said, "Come!" He paused and put his hand up, "High five." Connie high-fived and followed him to a corner of the greenhouse where Tessa sat at a small table with tea and grainy cookies. Though they could only manage a stilted conversation, Connie basked in the friendly company.
Tessa walked back to the leafy plants with Connie, watched her work for a few minutes, and turned on her high wattage smile, "Good work. Fast. Good gardener. Good Connie." Then she patted her arm and left her alone again.
Lunchtime, Quill came again with 'Come' and 'High five.'
"I'll have to teach you something else!" Connie winked at him.
After they finished lunch, Connie asked Quill to tell her the name of a few things.
"We'll do five things everyday," she said. Wiggling the fingers on her hand.
Quill and Tessa gave her their words for hair, shoes, hands, mouth, and ears. Connie asked for the hand signals too. Too late, she realized Tessa would wonder why she wouldn't know the hand signs if they were supposed to be universal on Dahria.
After lunch, Quill left in a 7-5, pedalled by a teenager, with three children Quill's age on the seats. Mid-afternoon, a man and dog appeared. He put his hands on Tessa's pregnancy and spoke down to it, causing a giggled response from Tessa. He matched her happy, hearty demeanor.
He turned, bowed slightly to Connie and placed his hand on his chest, "Brome."
"My love," Tessa smiled up at Brome. "Little travel English." She put her hand down to pet the dog,"Rowie, smart dog."
Connie responded by saying and hand-signaling the five words she'd learned, pointing to what they designated. Creating a round of laughter from Tessa and Brome.
Brome led the women outside to show them the sheep he brought in from the field. Tessa explained they would be sheared soon. Then she took Connie around the greenhouse gathering the boxes of produce for Connie to take back to the Squares.
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