Chapter I: How it is now
A.N. That's all is pre-PP, but Danny was taken after TUE. Bla-bla. Also, screw heavy angst, I've done and will make enough of it. This is a sweet revenge story. Let us have some fun punishing the bastards.
Third person POV
Many interesting things happened in the town of Amity Park since the disappearance of Danny Phantom, the local menace and hero, depending on who you ask. A policeman would tell you that if he was so good, why didn't he stop the usual crimes, concentrating only on other ghosts? He would miss the part where the ghost boy was also a high school student, for the reason of obliviousness. He barely had the time already. If you were to ask some little kid, he of course would be excited to tell you about the heroic shenanigans of the vigilante. He would miss the moment of the onslaught, for the very same reason. To summarise, since the beginning the enigmatic spectre was a very ambiguous person. But what everyone could agree on was: there certainly were more troubles with his absence, and not of the ghostly kind.
People started to form different theories about it. Some thought he wanted some rest or simply got sick of mistreatment and the never ending hunt, some thought that the hero finally passed away, which was probably even good for him. Certain people had own nasty ideas nobody here wills to listen. Sadly, no one cared or even thought so much about Fenton, the one who was that very person. They just heard the explanation 'a ghost kidnapped him' and that was, apparently, enough for the crowd to accept. And nobody noticed how little the parents of a probably murdered child were. It was surreal.
Ghost activity fell down, what made some wisecracks believe that the ghost attacks were caused by ghost boy himself. Indeed, they could have been coming to Amity to merely challenge the boy for what he claimed as his domain without even consulting the mortals. Now it was about two fights per day on average, when in the past there were six minimum, all fought by the same teen. GIW, the Ghost Investigation Ward, still were idiots who couldn't catch a single ghost without proper assistance. And they wouldn't be able to if it wasn't for two new members in their organisation with a far better field experience. Agent S and Agent T proved to be valuable because of their experience. It was left unspoken that they fought alongside Phantom once upon a time.
However, now it was different from the eyes of those that were rarely consulted. Now the unlucky ghost will never see their world again. If nothing fortunate happened, that is. There had been a nagging problem for a long while. Sometimes breakouts took place in the facilities. They were well organized, each planned differently and masterfully. Nobody could pinpoint where the next strike would be done and each time it was a massive, nasty surprise. All the GIW could do is wait for kingpin to show up, torture the ghosts with demands to tell them of what was going on behind the veil separating two worlds. With the showcases of loyalty and unswerving hope in the one who led them, nothing would come out of it. And that's what irritated the leadership of the organisation and their governmental sponsors as well. With no achievements to speak and be particularly proud of, they were under threat of stripped budgets.
At the meantime lives of Samantha (Sam) Manson and Tucker Foley became much better, if the school popularity could account for anything down the morbid line of questionable life choices. They gained respect and status because of their newest occupation. The two aforementioned ghost hunters of the GIW squadron, albeit their payments did come in enclosed letters. Of course, certain quarterback and latina girl still thought that they are not slightly as good as Phantom. It's not like hunters cared about what those two thought about them. If anything, that statement only added more oil into the fire. Phantom alone did more job than he had even disclosed to his friends back in the time. And he also could do something far worse than that. One particular adventure showed just what lurked bellow the innocent exterior. Something dark and malevolent, waiting to be fuelled. And better cut off the weed before it could spread and kill all.
The Fentons, admittedly, had a tough time. Mostly because Jazz gained hatred towards her parents for what they had done. Ever since the moment Danny was gone, she had tried to free him from the terrible fate he was subjugated to, but, sadly, without any success. Jazz almost came to the breaking point when her parents told her that in his attempt to escape Danny was vaporized without a trace. But she was all the more happy when he showed up to tell her that he was alive (in his own unique way) and now was going to live in the Ghost Zone. Only a couple of times did they meet personally, for the dangers their meetings carried were too great. It was mostly by phone. She even was in two minds about going through that damn portal and settling in the world of the dead, but Danny managed to discourage her from such rash decision. Besides, he did have some plans for her.
Now it was just another day in Casper High, a building of bricks laid down in the most unimaginative square pattern, where Mr.Lancer's class got bored out of their minds, like usual. The tedium was almost tangible, and that was one magical property Lancer's voice carried. Little did they know at the moment that lady fate was about to show everyone its ugly mug. One minute before the bell rang, the teacher began his announcement:
"Well, since you all are hardly entertained by the topic, I might as well break everything to you now. Before you will go I have an announcement to make. Our class is going to the field trip."
The students began to to cheer, despite the past questionable experiences, until they heard the very end of sentence:
"To the Ghost Zone."
Quiet. The dropped pin amidst such silence would be akin to a rock concert in terms of being heard. Then, the hell was unleashed.
"Moby Dick! Be quiet, people!" Lancer's words immediately shut people up "Yes, we are going to the Ghost Zone. Principal was assured that you will be safe and nothing is going to happen. be honest, I am not completely sure about this myself. Is that right, Ms. Manson, Mr. Foley?"
"Yea, Mr.Lancer, it will go smoothly," Tucker responded and was lightly elbowed by his goth girlfriend, who muttered something sounding like 'You just jinxed us', "We've taken all security measures. It won't be any more dangerous than a simple safari. In and out, just one day. We've got the lands charted. It will be enlightening to know more about the creatures that attack us daily. You know, shed some light, because enlight..."
"It's got to be the worst joke of yours, Foley," The blonde jock said, making more people laugh.
Tucker and Sam were hardly identifiable as couple. Not because of a supposed lack of chemistry, mind you. The dark skinned geek in the most ostentatious clothes imaginable, and a goth purple-eyed beauty of her own kind just didn't seem like a probable mixture. And when you were to consider how opposite these two were, the confusion was even bigger.
"Well, then. Students, before you leave, pick up your permission form from teacher's desk."
At lunch the couple encountered one acquaintance of theirs. A girl named Valerie was in the ghost-hunting business for far longer than them, but the people in the school or the city were yet to know that this Afroamerican teen was the human who got the closest to killing Phantom in a fair fight. It was no small feat, and that's why the GIW tolerated her popping in unannounced and fighting the ghosts she wanted as long as the prize was theirs. Getting back on tracks, the 'Red Huntress' sat near the two in the cafeteria.
"I'm not sure it's a good idea, guys, that's what I can tell you right off the bat," said Valerie.
"Why so?" asked Tuck eating the today's mystery meat with a tiny note of a rodent.
"It's just that. While we can fight back, we will need to protect others as well. And I'm not sure about the odds of us saving all."
"Don't worry so much, Val, it's gonna be alright," added Sam with smile, "All are packed in one spot, it shouldn't be hard."
"You think we will find Danny?" asked Valerie in a hopeful tone. Immediately the smiles vanished.
"Val, Danny is dead."
"I know, I know. But I just want to be sure, you know. Not that I expect to find his corpse drifting around, it would be nasty. What about you? You are his best friends. Shouldn't you be eager to find him?"
"The air castles often end up being destroyed," Sam mumbled, "I won't take the chances and hope for nothing."
"I see," Valerie lowered her gaze, "Maybe you are right. I'll just end up being disappointed in the end. But I'll still hope somewhere in the heart...Was it hard for you when it all started? You weren't yourself back then."
Sam didn't meet her look either, "Yes. It was harder than you think it was. We...did have a thing or two. But that's just the thing, you have to let go at some point and see what really matters."
Valerie couldn't help but think how much had changed in the past year. Because it wasn't like this back then. They were good friends in the past. When... Danny was around. It seemed so surreal how one ever-smiling, goofy boy with hair beyond any subjugation could keep them all so strongly together. Every time she brought this topic to her accomplices, they tended to act not like themselves. At first Valerie thought that that's because they lost a close friend, but now... Now she felt like they aren't telling her something. But maybe she was overthinking.
Unlike Sam and Tucker, Valerie didn't go around shouting 'I am the Red Huntress', as was mentioned above. She always held those buffoons in white in an extremely low regard. And she had reasons for that. Heck, the whole town as well. Yes, Phantom also did some property damage, but at least he was able to catch a rogue ghost in the end all by himself and with less casualties. The GIW were violent beyond what their skill allowed, which made them even more pathetic.
Phantom. The person who ruined her life. He and his stupid dog. That's why she started her career as huntress. To take revenge for what he had done. And now he was gone as well. She should have been happy but somehow she wasn't . Maybe because Valerie wanted to end the ghost boy by herself. She was curious about what happened with ghosts after they faded away, seeing that they were already dead. But she felt like she was missing something, something important. But she wasn't the one to give up easily, no, she would get to the bottom of it.
Meanwhile, the Ghost Zone was leading its existence as usual. The endless abyss of green, black and purple colors, swirling around in a seamless, endless motion, that's how the ghosts' home world looked like. Most people here preferred to be left alone, living behind different floating doors. Some ghosts lived on their own floating chunks of ground, leaving them to do whatever they wanted on it. There were also big communities of ghosts. They lived in their own societies, with own laws and leaders. Those realms usually did not interact with each other without need. Then, there was the biggest project of many eons.
To built a city of the size most enormous was no small feat. One that would take decades to accomplish even with the extended limits of the spectres. For now it was a humble town of thousands, but it was to expand to house millions of willing. The layout of absolute symmetry and the ringed layout was achieved with the ground that allowed for long, flat foundations. Yet, the founder of the City of Eidolon, the Ghost King himself, was already proud of his achievement. He solved so many problems with this project. To create something as the first act on the throne was a solid message to all about what the unlikely ruler was striving for. In the very middle of the city was the Royal Palace. Ironic disposition, because this is the exact same place where the previous king's keep used to be. Now the giant red medieval castle was only in the bitter memories. The mix of black and white was made perfectly for the overlord of the realm. Whilst looking at it one would immediately understand who resided here. Some architecture decisions were taken from many royal residences around the human world, as the architects residing here used to built those.
Despite not so modern outer view, on the inside Palace was filled with technologies, equipped by the brightest minds the world had to offer. The guarding sistems that gave Fort Nox run for its nonexistent money and making the guards essentially a decoration, for instance. There was also a lab at the lowest floor with its own Portal. However this one was unique. It would not just punch a hole in the fabric of space, but also would get you wherever you want at that world. This ability had proved to be extremely useful. There were also living quarters, dining room, library and many other rooms without any purpose. However, now Daniel Phantom, High King of ghosts, Count of Aragon, Lord of the Infinite Realms was not in his posh homestead.
He was present in an establishment in one of the city districts. There was something interesting about the spectral royalty. Unlike human leaders, they had nothing to be afraid of, being immensely powerful in their own right. So, a casual stroll through the streets was not of any concern. However, shall he go into a shady place, the people would be curious, if not concerned. That wasn't the case, however. They would understand their king, who was still a teen, to indulge in the things adolescents usually liked as long as he did not forget his duties. Even if it was a club, for it was of a good quality, mostly devoid of antisocial elements.
The named teen went downstairs under the blaring sounds of rock tunes. Phantom had changed very much during the last year. Upon finally hitting his growth spurt, he got quite a few inches taller. The grown snow-white hair were tied in low ponytail, which, strangely, gained fiery aspect. To think that that was initially his laziness to cut them that allowed for such appearance. The left part of his face had healed from the inflicted injuries during the escape, with his eyes being able to see again, but there was still a plentitude of tiny scar lines. After going through the creepy puberty Danny's canines sharpened, and his voice became low baritone. Needless to say that this change was both loved and hated.
Wearing a simple selection of clothes, with the T-shirt and jeans, he was still the figure of note. You rarely saw a ghost with skin colour of a normal human. With a cheeky grin he cheerfully greeted many familiar people in this lovely joint that had become his favourite. That made up about ten people before he even stepped off the staircase. Everyone knew the boy, and he was loved in this place. And the eccentric, public person was only happy to bask in the rays of public attention.
Asking for the usual treat in the bar over the loud noises, he sat on the bar stool, looking directly at the stage.
Danny's POV
Not many people could be in the same situation as I was. I am talking about the position where I could shout in front of everyone: "Hey, that girl y'all are fanning over is my girlfriend!" But there was little need, everyone around knew about us by now.
I knew that Ember noticed me, she kept giving me those very meaningful glances, without being sidetracked from the performance. I just sat there and watched. I had an evening all to myself, like a diligent student I did everything beforehand to free some time now, three hoorays for the one who finally got around to begin doing so. And, after gulping down the cocktail in two goes I suddenly realised that I was going down a very dark path. I was underage and drank it all like there was no tomorrow. Oh, well. The only thing it affected was my constantly healing liver. So I could afford more.
After the little concert was over, I saw Ember making a straight beeline for me with her ever-present smirk. Heavens know how we got into position we share. Maybe because we both were ostracised in our fragile age back in the day. And, you know what they say, two lonelinesses found each other. I didn't initially want to socialise with someone I considered enemies, albeit with whom I had a set of rules we all followed. It was a noble rivalry in a way. Batman could never hope that his close people would not be killed by crime lords, I could expect my enemies to honour this, as well as the secret of my persona, known all across the Ghost Zone. Maybe this noblesse is what made us call a full-time truce. And allowed me to get close to some of them. Nowadays that blue-haired, fiery girl was everything I needed or could dream of. Despite presumptions claims, it was not the crown atop of my head that made her stick close. After all, she had tried to kill me before, and we both are glad she didn't.
"Took you long enough, dipstick," she said, hopping on the stool next to me and spinning around.
"Had some business to take care of. You know I fly fast, but not enough."
"Heh. Fine, you are forgiven. If you offer a drink to your lady."
I couldn't resist a snort. The barman had already learned all of the gestures I made him, so he got down to business immediately. How funny it was, nobody even questioned me on the propriety of this binge. The ghosts were odd beings, but I liked them all the more.
"You have a new T-shirt," Em told me offhandedly, her green eyes staring right at me. "Dead inside?"
I glanced at my shirt and the words printed on it. "What? I like it."
"You are going to be the death of me with these endless puns."
"Look who is talking," I chuckled, clasping the hands and spinning to face her. Only then did I notice something.
"What's that?"
Maybe I shouldn't have been so straightforward. But she understood what I meant — that scratch on her pale hand.
"Oh, this..." She sighed, "You are a good administrator, Dipstick, but some things are impossible to come by. A possession here, an evasion there. I needed to bye a couple of things without which my little enterprise in this place will plummet into the Pit."
"Name them. You don't have to go there..."
"Neither should you," she put her warm palm on mine. I rarely felt anything but the chill I've grown accustomed to.
"This scratch is the tiniest thing, Em. You are lucky to have made it back here."
"You yourself made it pretty damn clear," she muttered, "And what I do is my business. You are not my Mom, Danny. In and out, twenty minutes, no more. The GIW won't be able to make it this quick, only...oh."
My look must have told her that I was listening none of it. I told myself that going out of the way to hunt those particular humans was wrong with the entire world on my shoulders and no certainty of success. Would I do this if I got the chance? Hell yes. I am far stronger than I used to be, and with the only advantage they had over me the last time was now gone. Tucker and friends since kindergarten. I pulled out the former from the dirt, literally, when we first met. I was the one to befriend the lonely girl in ugly pink dress. If I had known, I would have dumped them then and there, nevermind remaining lonely myself. "Fear is the most terrible emotion, for it holds the biggest power of them all" father said, and the Time Lord himself is never wrong. Shaking off this stuff, I got back to the conversation.
"You know what?" Ember smiled, "Maybe we both should unwind after a busy day. Certain someone must be a handful to watch over."
I chuckled, I admit. But she was right. It's been a year. Few have been granted a chance of such quick mental recovery. And I had to use it.
Drinking was a minor thing when alcohol could not make you drunk. A blessing and a curse. The ensuing rave party was just as amazing as them all. A good company is what always makes it so. The music to make your ears bleed from volume, a cute girl being awfully close to you and smothering...what else could a teen with hormone filled mind want? I've got power, ability and a beautiful lover atop of that. After a couple of hours during which I engaged in...many things save for outright inappropriate. And they were silly to the extreme. Being dared to play drinking checkers, for instance. It's going to feel embarrassing later.
"You did well today, dipstick. Don't worry, the best was kept for dessert," Ember smiled mischievously, holding onto my hand at the entrance of the posh looking multi-storey house, where the bar was located.
"And that will be?" I already knew the answer. I just wanted to hear her say this to keep myself stimulated. But when we prepared for one long and deep kiss, my phone rang. Never had I wanted to crush it more than at this moment. I didn't like being interrupted from doing something. Nevertheless I picked it up after a sigh.
"What is it, Skulker?" I asked, sounding obviously annoyed.
"Whelp, we have an emergency," the merc now under my employ explained, "And it is a very deep shit you would love to know."
"Of what kind that it makes you so giddy?"
"You'd better hear it for yourself. I know, boss, it is late, and unlike us you need to sleep. But your sister insists."
I could only sigh, "I'm going."
Flames above, of all moments for it to happen. Ember just gave a sad, but understanding smile and said:
"It's okay, Danny, we will continue when you will return. Tomorrow at the same time, same place?"
"I will try my hardest," I smirked as usual, before flying off.
That's why I loved her. She could act like a punk, like a delinquent, but she had a soft heart beneath it all. Although...I knew that she wanted to burn down some people just as much as I did.
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