We zoom on blagoj aicraft carrier where he akagi and kaga along with zuikaku and ayami are eating food and drinking drinks from fruits from the federation which was delicious for the shipgirls along with duke of york eating as well it felt good for her to hit her former allies and stabbed them in the back
Blagoj:cheeres to us for our attack on azur lane
akagi kaga zuikaku ayami and duke of york:cheeres
Akagi:so how goes the war in europe blagoj
Blagoj:well its going well our forces with the ironblood and sardegianian empire have all of europe under our controll except the norther parlament which is why we are keeping our guard up
Kaga:true on that so whats the next plan of your agenda
Blagoj:its simple my dear kaga while the azur lane are recoviring from the attack our main goal is to target the shipgirls led by hornet which will be trying to reach the base the question is who do we send to fight them
zuikaku:my seniors i belive me and my sister shoukaku could be some help to target enteprise sister
Blagoj:that could work hoever take several shipgirls if its possible capture them so i can force them to join our side
zuikaku:that could work ill take ayami and one of the ironblood shipgirls
prinze eugen:oh hello there blagoj sorry im late
Blagoj:good you are here eugen you along with nimi are going to help the fifth division in order to attack the shipgirls which are commanded by hornet knocked them down and i will send transport helicopters to take them so they can be brokedn to serve the federation
prinze eugen:ok come on z 23 we got worked to yes
z23 or nimi:jawohl lets go as they left we zoom in the nearby islands where the shipgirls led by hornet are rushing to reach the base in order to find out that the crimson axis and the federation of americans joined forces and lead the attack on the base
But before they can reach the base they are attacked by the south american federation navy air force along with the sakura empire and ironblood being there
zuikaku:this is zuikaku to blagoj we got them cornered permission to engage and to capture them
Blagoj:granted your riggins along with the ironblood are equiped with tear gas to knocked them down once they are done i will send the transport helicopters
zuikaku:copy that as the shipgirls of the azur lane were knocked down with tear gas the federation helicopters arrived taking the azur lane shipgirls to the federation in order to be broken at the same time
Enterprsie arrived too late and she defeated the sakura empire ironblood and the federation managed
to injure the royal navy and the crimson axis and federation of americans escaped and returned back to the sakura empire with their mission being a completed sucseded and the azur lane suffered another deafeat
meanwhile in europe the ironblood and sardegian empire with the help of the federation managed to capture africa and the middile east
At the sametime Blagoj was smilling an evil smile as hornet and the shipgirls were taken to be tortured and broken to serve the federation and the crimson axis with several shipgirls under his control blagoj and
logan will sucseeded in their mission meanwhile logan is assigned to help the federation commanderse in
europe to invade the northern parlament so the most experience federation commander was sent to keep the eagle union from recapturing their terrotories back from the federation of americans
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