Chapter 5
At Big Hero 6 HQ. "Now, since some of our greatest villains escaped from prison, we have to find out who escaped," Hiro explained. "Basemax, can you show who escaped?" "Showing recent escaped villains." Basemax said, then show villains that escape from prison. "Oh boy," Casey said. "Looks like one of them is that El Fuego dude." "Yeah, I remember him." Hiro said, remembering the time that El Fuego make fun of Baymax. "Unrelaited note," Honeylemon said, changing the subject. "I'm actually wondering who those two new hero's are." Both Brenda, Miles, Bonnie, Megan, and mane 7 looked at each other.
A couple of weeks ago, after the gradution of SFIT, at the inside of HQ . "You guy's sure I have to tell Miles and Bonnie about this?" Brenda asked Megan and the mane 7, while being concerned about telling the couple. "You have to," Sunset Shimmer said, as she and Fluttershy placed their hands on Brenda's shoulder. "They'll find out sooner or later." "Beside, your only tell Miles and Bonnie, your not even tell Hiro, right?" Megan reminded Brenda. Brenda taped her chin, "Hmm, that's true. If I tell Hiro, he'll freak out." "True, it freak me out." Sci-fi Twilight added. Then Miles and Bonnie. "Hi, guys." Bonnie told her friends, as she and her boyfriend walked to the table. "Hey, Miles, Hey, Bonnie." Rainbowdash told the couple. "So what you guys want to tell us?" Miles asked. "Yeah, Megan told us through the commucter that it's something important." Bonnie said. Brenda rubbed her shoulder, only to be nudge by Pinkie Pie, she sighed, "Miles, Bonnie, do you guys remembered Hiro's big brother Tadashi?" The couple nodded their heads. "Okay, I'm going to show you two something and promised me you two won't freaked out." Brenda told them. "We promised." The couple said. Brenda then closed her eyes and Tadashi came out of Brenda's body, which almost freaked the couple out. "I said not to freak out." Brenda told them. "We didn't," Miles said. "We were just a little shocked." "Huh, I thought they'll freaked out?" Tadashi asked, with a smug look. Brenda punched Tadashi shoulder, with a smile, "Really?!" "What?! I was just saying, they would've freaked out liked Megan and the mane 7 did." Tadashi said. Brenda shook her head, while smiling. "How long did you know, Brenda?" Miles asked Brenda. "And how is Tadashi physically in our world?" Bonnie asked. "One, I know about this ever since Callaghan arrested and after Hiro's first day at SFIT," Brenda answered. "And two, Tadashi is not technically physically in our world. His sorta half sprite and half human." "Oh, sorta like our friend Danny Fenton." Miles said. "Well, yes." Brenda said. "And you guys know about this?" Bonnie asked Megan and the mane 7. "Yes!!!" Pinkie Pie said. "Well, Megan was the first one to find out." Fluttershy added. "Really?!" Miles said, as he and Bonnie looked at Megan. "Yep, I the great sleuth Megan was the first one to found out about this." Megan said, while being dramatic. "Do you have to be dramatic?" Applejack asked Megan. "I'm just putting in the mood." Megan said. "True." Rarity said. "That's not even the best part," Brenda told the couple, as she looked at Tadashi. "Show them." Tadashi nodded, he then lift his right hand and summon a small flame at a palm of his hand. "Woah, you can summon fire?" Bonnie asked Tadashi, while she and her boyfriend are amazed. "Yes, I can." Tadashi answered, as he unsummon the flame. "How did you do that?" Miles asked. "Well, remembered Danny's ghost powers?" Brenda told them. "Yes." Miles said. "Well, unlike Danny's got the powers from the ghost portal," Brenda explained. "Tadashi got his fire powers from the fire from that night." "Wow!" The couple said. "Yep, you two have to promised me to not tell our friends about this, especially Hiro, I'm not sure Hiro is ready to see his brother yet." "No worries," Bonnie said. "We won't tell anyone about this." "You have our word." Miles said. "Thanks guys." Brenda said. Then Megan's phone rings and answered it, "Hello?" "Hey Megan." Chief Cruz said, through the phone. "Hey dad, what's going on?" Megan asked her dad. "Oh, just extra work at the station, ever since Trina's robot resistance, lot's of criminals and villains escaped, so I'm might be a little bit late tonight," Chief Cruz explained. "And probably Hiro and his team might also worked over time too." "Okay dad, love you, bye." Megan said, as she hang up her phone. "Was that your father, Megan?" Fluttershy asked Megan. "Yes, he's working tonight," Megan answered. "Ever since Trina's robot resistance, lots of criminals and villains escaped." "By the looks of it, the police and our friends are going to be busy this summer." Bonnie said. "Yes, it's does." Brenda added. "It's to bad there ain't any new superhero's to help out." Rainbowdash said. Then Tadashi got an idea, "Rainbowdash, your a genius!" "I am?" Rainbowdash asked. "There will be new superhero's to help out," Tadashi explained. "And I'm going to be that superhero." Everyone except Brenda were shocked. "What?!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "Your crazy, you know your brother will see you?" Fluttershy told Tadashi. "I know, that's why I'm going to wear a costume, so I won't be recognized." Tadashi said. "Oh, I always wanted to design a superhero costume!" Rarity said, as she clapped her hands. "Really Rarity!?" Sci-fi Twilight said, as she facepamled her face. "Brenda, surely you have to say in this?" Sunset Shimmer asked Brenda. Everyone looked at Brenda and Brenda answered, "I actually agreed with Tadashi." "What?!" Miles said. "Come on guys," Brenda said. "There more crimes then ever. We need all the help we get." "Well, now that you mentioned it, we do need all the help we can get." Applejack said. "Great, but I need your help, Brenda?" Tadashi asked Brenda. "Really, why?" Brenda asked Tadashi. "Cause, your the best friend I know. Beside you have your magical neckleaced to help." Tadashi explained. Brenda thinks about it and answered, "Well, alright I'm in." "Great, all you need a costume." Rarity told Brenda. "No need," Brenda said, as she put on a purple watch and pressed the button and a her costume appeared on her. "I actually made this costume long ago." "Oh, I love this costume, Brenda." Bonnie told Brenda, while everyone looked at Brenda's costume. "Yeah, it's suites you." Tadashi comments. "Thanks, Tadashi." Brenda said. "Now, I'll make Tadashi costume." Rarity volunteered. "All you two need is a name." Miles told Brenda and Tadashi. "Hmm, I got it," Fluttershy said, having a idea. "How about Creativegirl and Sunfire." "Huh, Creativegirl and Sunfire, I like it." Brenda said. "Yeah, me too." Tadashi said. "So, here's to our two new hero's, Creativegirl and Sunfire." Megan told everyone. Everyone cheered, as a new beginning of Creativegirl and Sunfire.
"So, who else escaped?" April asked. "I'm not sure exactly?" Hiro answered. "I do have got one question," Bloger said. "Whatever happened to Krei and his workers, during the whole robot resistance?" "Appreantly Trina tricked them on a buissened trip to Good luck alley." Brenda explained. "Geez, how stupied is that Krei dude?" Raph asked. "Very stupied." Loretta answered. "And you called me stupied." Mikey told his brothers. Brenda shook her head in laughter.
Meanwhile, at the outside of SFIT. "We're here, so now what?" a man asked. Then a big a guy walked up only to revealed to be Yama. "Now we'll break in and steal that item for that buyer." Yama explained, with a grinned on his face. At a tree near by, a young woman is looking at Yama and his goons and revealed to be Momakasa the master chef and thief. "Hmm, this might be inserted," Momakasa told herself. "But, I must let my good friend know about this." She then ran off unnoticed.
Outside of the HQ, Brenda is on the Phone talking to Steven Universe. "So Steven, did you and Connie settled into the placed?" Brenda asked Steven. "Yeah, we did," Steven answered through the phone. "I talked to the gems before you called to let them know I'm doing fine and we even decided to put up a warp pad near by our place so they can visit." "That's sounds great, maybe me and my friends can come visit you guys soon." Brenda told Steven. "Sounds great." Steven said. "Oh, and Steven, if you want to propos to Connie wait for the right time to do it." Brenda told Steven. "Uhh, how did you know?" Steven asked Brenda. "I was there when it happened. Besides, I know about weddings and you need to have a right time to do it." Brenda explained. "Haha, your right. Well got to go." Steven said. "Yeah, I got to go now too. Let's chat again soon and tell Connie I'd said hi." Brenda told Steven. "Will do. Bye Brenda." Steven told Brenda. "See you soon, Steven." Brenda said, as she hangs up the phone. "Who are you chatting on the phone, Brenda?" Hiro asked Brenda, as he and Baymax walked up to her. "Ohh, just chatting with Steven." Brenda answered. "Steven Universe?" Hiro asked. Brenda nodded. "How's he and Connie doing?" Hiro asked Brenda. "Their doing great," Brenda answered. "They just settled in at their place." "Sounds like they're already settled in." Hiro said. "Having a closed relationship can help in an emotional event." Baymax said. "Thanks, uhh, Baymax." Brenda told Baymax, while remembering what happened to Steven. Then Hiro's phone started to ring and Hiro answered it, "Hello, oh hi Professor Granville." "Mr. Hamada, I got some sorta note saying that I have to call you to tell you that Yama is breaking into the school." Granville told Hiro, through the phone. "Really?! When did you get the letter?" Hiro asked Granville. "Just about a minute ago." Granville answered. "Huh, well thanks Granville." Hiro said. "Anytime, Mr. Hamada." Granville said. Hiro hangs up the phone, "Let's get others and get to the school." "Let me guess trouble." Brenda told Hiro. "Yeah, Yama is at the school." Hiro said. "Again." Brenda said. "Yep, Granville told me that a note telling her to call me and tell me that." Hiro explained. "Huh, who leave a note to Granville at the right time?" Brenda asked. Hiro shrugged, "Who knows, let's get the others." "Oh, uhh, I forgot I promise your Aunt to help her at the café today." Brenda quickly said. "Uhh, okay. I'll call you, if we're in any trouble." Hiro told Brenda. "Okay." Brenda said. Hiro grabbed Baymax arm and ran in, Brenda looked around and ran off to a corner of a building. Brenda then closed her eyes and Tadashi came out of her body, "Tadashi, we got a problem." "I know, remember I'm in your body." Tadashi explained. "Right," Brenda said, blushed in emabrassed. "You ready for this?" "Oh, you bet." Tadashi answered. Then Tadashi got on his armour and Brenda put on her watch and pressed the button and put on her costume and became Sunfire and Creativegirl. "Let's get going." Creativegirl said, as Sunfire pulled her to his waist and she grabbed hold to him and Sunfire flies off with Creativegirls at his waist to SFIT.
(Hope you all like this chapter and next chapter will continued where it left off. Hope the scene of how Tadashi and Brenda became the superhero's and a little scene of Brenda chatting with Steven Universe and of course it takes placed after Steven Universe Future finally. Also the picture of Tadashi Sunfire armour belongs to Silly Chicken and Brenda Creativegirl costume belongs to me. Peace out)
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