chapter 3
The next day, in the early morning, at the Cruz house, a young girl the same age as Hiro ran down the stairs, "Hey dad, I'm heading out!" "Where are you going, this early in the morning, Megan?" chief Cruz asked his daughter. "Remember, I promise Brenda to help her with a very special project this morning." Megan told her father. Chief Cruz struch his head, "Huh, I must have forgot about that, just be careful out there, ever since Trina's robot resistance, some crimes got higher." "I'll be careful dad," Megan said, as she open the front door and headed out the door. "Bye dad." "Bye Megan." chief Cruz told his daughter.
Outside of Big Hero 6 HQ, Brenda, Miles, and Bonnie are waiting for Megan. "Here I am guys." Megan told the three, as she ran to them. "Just in time Megan," Brenda said, as she type on the keypads and open the doors and the four went inside. "And Miles coming down here early before any of our friends comes down here for the meeting is pure genius." "Yeah, thought you and Tadashi do some training in early morning, can help Tadashi control his fire power." Miles said, as they enter the training room. "And don't forget us training Megan some self defense." Bonnie reminded her boyfriend. "I hate to lie to Hiro and my dad about this," Megan said, as she put on suite that Hiro made for her during Trina's robot resistance. "But I have to learn how to fight to defend myself." Brenda then stood in the middle of the room. "Ready?" Miles asked Brenda. "Ready." Brenda said. She closed her eyes and Tadashi came out of Brenda body. "Thanks, so are we ready to train?" Tadashi asked Brenda, as he already in his armour. Brenda then put on her watch and pressed the button and got on her Creativegirl costume, "Oh, you know it." "Then let's get started." Megan said.
Meanwhile at the Lucky Cat Cafe, the team are having breakfast, expect for Baymax and M.E.R.C. "Say guys have you seen Brenda this morning?" Hiro asked his friends. "Hmm, no we haven't." Leo told Hiro. "Do you guys still thinking about what happened last night?" Ash asked his friends, as he and Pikachu both eating an apple. "Yeah, I wonder who's Sunfire and Creativegirl?" Wasbia said. "And how strange that they appeared out of nowhere." Sunset Shimmer said, even though she and her friends know the truth, as she eat some eggs. "Well, we do have an entire summer," Hiro explained. "And ever since Trina's robot resistance, there have been more crime's in the city." "My scanner indicate that there are 50% of villians escape from jail during the resistance." Baymax said. "Yeah, don't remind me." Serena said.
Back at the training room, at BH6 HQ. "Brenda, heads up to your right." Tadashi told Brenda, as he fire some fire bombs at some disc. Brenda saw a disc on her right and used her paint brush and knocked it out, "Thanks Tadashi." "Anytime." Tadashi said. Meanwhile, Miles and Bonnie sparing with Megan. "Now remember Megan, to blocked your enemies you have to relied on their weakness." Miles told Megan. Both Miles and Bonnie then tried to hit Megan, but Megan dodge them and she nerve-struck at the couples neck, making them drop to the ground. "Ugh, let me guess," Bonnie said, while she groans in pain. "Either Leo, Fluttershy, or Brenda taught you that?" "Yep," Megan said. "Also, you two are cute together." Miles and Bonnie looked at each and smiled whiled blushing. "Well, I think that's enough training for one day," Brenda said, as she pressed her watch and she got back into her normal cloths. Her cell phone ring. She got it out her cell phone and answered it. "Hello, oh hey Hiro. Yeah, uhh, me, Miles, Bonnie, and Megan are already at HQ. Oh, you and the rest of the team are coming here in 10 minutes. Sure see you soon, bye." Brenda then hangs up her phone, "That's Hiro, he told me, that he and our friends are coming here in about 10 minutes." "Sounds like I have to get going," Tadashi said, as he turned to Brenda and smiled. "Until there's more crimes." "We'll be ready for them." Brenda smirked, Tadashi then disappeared into Brenda's body. "Uhh, can you guys, oh I don't know. HELP US UP!!!" Miles yelled. "Oh, haha, right," Megan said, as she helped Miles up. "Hey Brenda a little help please." "On it," Brenda said, as she helped Bonnie up. "By the way Megan, the move I taught you worked well." "Wait, you taught Megan that move?!" Bonnie asked in shocked. Both Brenda and Megan laughed, as they carry the couples out of the room.
(Hope you all like this chapter, if you wanted me to included your OC's in my story just let me know down at the comments. Till then peace out)
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